Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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By Steam page, I'm assuming you mean the greenlight page? It was probably the best game in the bundle.. yeah the art style is really flawed in the PC version but everything else about it is supposed to be really good, similar quality as the anime.
Yeah, I mean Greenlight page. To be fair, art style is a major part of what I assume is a Visual Novel game. It just looks really bad.
How about desura keys for revenge of the bitch?
Unlikely at the moment based on a past conversation, but of course the more inquiry there is the more I can tell that to the dev!

Okay well that's good to know. Just be aware that a lot of these developers are easily confused by the whole key distribution process to put it mildly. Lately Groupees has not always been the best about coordinating with them either in my experience but if you say you'll do it then I don't have a reason to doubt that and that's good news.

We do our best to help devs wherever we can. Again, things come up, but I have no reason at this time to doubt we'll be able to make this work with this group of devs.

Unlikely at the moment based on a past conversation, but of course the more inquiry there is the more I can tell that to the dev!
Well for several of us here Mark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch is the main draw but the lack of Desura key and not being on Greenlight kind of kills the interest.

Is there a reason why he hasn't listed it on Greenlight? That seems curious to me. A LOT of games are getting in lately including plenty that look less interesting than Mark Leung to put it mildly. Plus the attention from a bundle would surely help to get some votes.

But for those of us who tend to collect a large number of games Desura is a default backup to Steam when we can't get a game on Steam for whatever reason. I normally just buy games and bundles with games that give Steam or Desura keys because it's just much easier to manage having my games collected in as few places as possible.

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Well, I guess since the ShinyLoot guy came here to back up his site I'll buy the bundle. I respect it when a rep takes the time to come to a forum like this and gives us some info.

Well, I guess since the ShinyLoot guy came here to back up his site I'll buy the bundle. I respect it when a rep takes the time to come to a forum like this and gives us some info.
Although I am holding to the no Desura, no Greenlight for Mark Leung as a sticking point, I agree that it's nice to have a representative here. It makes me feel more assured that they are invested in the community and will be involved and responsive when problems arise.

Groupees just likes to hang out in their own chat room. Then if there are problems with Greenlight games providing keys like a developer is confused or starts complaining about money and refusing to give keys and you write to Groupees support they're like an Indian call center. Very polite and tell you what you want to hear but ultimately no help whatsoever in resolving the problem.

Huh.  I guess I did buy the Doujin Bundle.  Funny, I distinctly remember deciding NOT to buy that one.

I think my wallet has been buying bundles without my consent.

Oh well, free key.

Has anyone else had past issues with getting (any) steam keys from greenlit games added to their account? Recently I've had to start emailing Groupees support to get keys added to my bundle page. It's usually quick(ish), but it's annoying that I should have to start doing it all of a sudden.

Has anyone else had past issues with getting (any) steam keys from greenlit games added to their account? Recently I've had to start emailing Groupees support to get keys added to my bundle page. It's usually quick(ish), but it's annoying that I should have to start doing it all of a sudden.
It has happened to me two times. The most recent one was with Diehard Dungeon, which I had to email them to get resolved. The other time was many months ago. It isn't a common problem for me but it has happened to me as well.

Spirited Heart Desura keys have also now been retro added to those who bought the Winter Wolves Bundle.
I'm still mad that you forge friendships and relationships with everyone in that game, then it throws ads in your face saying "BUY THIS REALLY EXPENSIVE EXPANSION PACK TO UNLOCK ALL RELATIONSHIPS" on the menu. And the game is called "Spirited Hearts Deluxe"...

And of course they're the lesbian relationships. Could that cash grab be any more obvious?

There are 346 people "playing" Vanguard Princess right now according to the Steam store page.

The store page also has a free DLC, the Director's Cut...

"Vanguard Princess Director's Cut features uncensored DLC demanded by longtime Vanguard Princess fans. Play Vanguard Princess is it was originally intended. Recommended for mature audiences."
They're certainly overblowing the maturity level there. The only difference is that in the English version (without the DLC) when your character is jumping through the air and whatnot the frames that show panties are cut short. In the original Japanese version (and what I'd assume the DLC adds) they aren't. That's the only difference I'm aware of.

I've had the Japanese version (which was originally a free game; only the English version costs money) installed for awhile now and I can't say there's any content that ever needed "censoring".

I read as far as: "Stonerid is an unusual and really difficult 2D platformer" and closed the tab.
Same exact reaction here.

Unlikely at the moment based on a past conversation, but of course the more inquiry there is the more I can tell that to the dev!

We do our best to help devs wherever we can. Again, things come up, but I have no reason at this time to doubt we'll be able to make this work with this group of devs.
Well consider this another "inquiry". Desura is the gold standard of gaming clients right behind Steam (and Origin, if you aren't a complainer). I probably won't be buying this bundle if the game is ON Desura yet Desura keys aren't provided. That rubs me the wrong way.

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The lesbian romances are slightly better written and generally slightly less nonsensical than the straight ones. They also feature significantly better art.
I don't really care that much, but having a freaking advertisement to buy DLC on the menu of a game with "Deluxe" on the end is just bullshit.

I was just telling Idi this in IM but I think the keys they gave Groupees redeemed as the full version with lesbians. AFAIK there is only one version of the game on Desura which was his excuse for not giving the keys in the first place, but I guess he caved after some, ahem, encourage. :p

Anyway TL;DR the keys added to Groupees have lesbians. I think.

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I don't really care that much, but having a freaking advertisement to buy DLC on the menu of a game with "Deluxe" on the end is just bullshit.
I don't disagree. Frankly, I'd just recommend against buying Spirited Hearts in general--it's probably the worst Winter Wolves game that I've played.

Well, except maybe Loren, but I'm not sure that counts, I only played the demo.

Unlikely at the moment based on a past conversation, but of course the more inquiry there is the more I can tell that to the dev!
Add me to the list. The $2 tier would be a no-brainer for me if a Desura key were included. Go bug 'em again about it.

While on the subject, how about Desura keys for Soulcaster I & II?
Unlikely at the moment based on a past conversation, but of course the more inquiry there is the more I can tell that to the dev!

We do our best to help devs wherever we can. Again, things come up, but I have no reason at this time to doubt we'll be able to make this work with this group of devs.
+1 to the inquiry list. Would definitely buy the bundle with a Desura key.

Also, is there any update on when you'll be getting more Steam keys for Children of the Nile Complete? The game's page just says coming soon, and I'm still missing that from when I activated my key from the original Shinyloot bundle.

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A platformer called stoner blah blah blah....just that name alone make me not want it. I'm passing on shinyloot 2 for now, and Scandanavia....I really need that bonus game to be good, since pretty meh on it overall.

So it it still probable that the Scandinavia bundle mystery game is Legends of Aethereus.  This question is of course for all of you who can read bundle runner minds and/or see the future.  I'm trying to decide if I want to buy the current Blink Bundle and skip this one.

I welcome all predictions but will hold you accountable so be correct please.

So it it still probable that the Scandinavia bundle mystery game is Legends of Aethereus.
No, it's not. They already said it won't be in this bundle, but it'll be in the next Build a Bundle on March 14th. It's listed under the announcements:

"We were asked by Three Gates to remove their game, Legends of Aethereus, from this bundle due to legal pressure. We have, and we apologize for any inconvenience, but Legends of Aethereus will be appearing in our Build a Bundle starting March 14."

If that's the only game you want from the Blink bundle.. then wait for the Groupees Build a Bundle.

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No, it's not. They already said it won't be in this bundle, but it'll be in the next Build a Bundle on March 14th. It's listed under the announcements:

"We were asked by Three Gates to remove their game, Legends of Aethereus, from this bundle due to legal pressure. We have, and we apologize for any inconvenience, but Legends of Aethereus will be appearing in our Build a Bundle starting March 14."
Well who reads those?

Pffft. Didn't scroll down far enough to see that so thanks for pointing it out. I'm disappointed that you didn't correctly predict the future without assistance though.

Edited to add - I have LRS and Vox so I might still get this one. I'm primarily interested in King Arthur's Gold.

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So it it still probable that the Scandinavia bundle mystery game is Legends of Aethereus. This question is of course for all of you who can read bundle runner minds and/or see the future. I'm trying to decide if I want to buy the current Blink Bundle and skip this one.

I welcome all predictions but will hold you accountable so be correct please.
Little Racers

Edit nvm... just go ahead and invalidate my post...

Well your prediction could still be correct but wouldn't make me happy. Or maybe it would since I own it and that gives me a better reason to skip the bundle.
To me it was the staple game... and a good top-down racer (a lot of the them are flawed). After receiving a copy of LRS from a friend, my interest in the rest of the bundle waned. (I really require a staple game or two that interests me.)

bread's done