GS: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Xbox) in stock

[quote name='N3UROP0D']The Xbox version doesn't seem that desirable to me.

-PSN/XBLA: Would be cheaper, maybe have online or other features
-Dreamcast: Also cheaper, and most people agree it's the best version
-PS2: At least it's rare enough to be very collectible.

Also, for what it's worth, I don't think digital re-releases would (or should) have much impact on the value of physical copies. I'm pretty sure hardcore collectors aren't really concerned with that sort of thing.[/QUOTE]

Not if the digital copy have online play.
[quote name='Raymond']Not if the digital copy have online play.[/quote]

Yeah, despite popular belief, many people are buying this game at outrageous prices to PLAY it, not collect it. I guess they have an aversion to the Dreamcast. If it becomes available as DLC, people no longer have to resort to eBay to get their fix on next gen consoles.
Capcom does in fact still have the rights to this part of the Marvel universe, so a re-release is entirely possible.
I'm a regular at SRK and have played at Evo a couple of times, and I can say for sure that no one in the know has really confirmed in any way that the game is coming to DLC, and that a DLC version will be used at this year's Evo.

That said, Capcom has been very coy about it of late, and recently acknowledged the demand for the game, so I wouldn't bet against them trying to work something out with Marvel behind the scenes right now.
But as it stands right NOW, they have ZERO rights to anything Marvel related. They might well be working out a deal as we speak, but the Marvel license is out of their hands as far as we know currently.

In any case, even if it is available as DLC, you can be sure it will be a straight port - no roster updates, no HD upgrades, and very unlikely to have any gameplay balances.
saw a copy at gamestop at my local mall a few weeks ago and had a 79.99 price tag on it. thought that was crazy for a used game even as good as that one
[quote name='kazunori']In any case, even if it is available as DLC, you can be sure it will be a straight port - no roster updates, no HD upgrades, and very unlikely to have any gameplay balances.[/quote]

I disagree - they seem committed to the HD treatment model moving ahead. While MvC2 may be speculative at this point, their success with SF2THDR should mean good things for all of us in future releases.
[quote name='fatboyjam']I disagree - they seem committed to the HD treatment model moving ahead. While MvC2 may be speculative at this point, their success with SF2THDR should mean good things for all of us in future releases.[/quote]

SSF2T had 17 characters, and it took them a couple of years to redraw all their sprites in HD.
Even if they merely upscaled the current sprites of MvC2 to HD (unlikely anyway; it's hardly worth the effort) rather than redrawing them completely like they did with SSF2T, it would take them quite a while with 56 characters in the cast.

Well, that's my take anyway. :)
[quote name='Bojizzle']Capcom does in fact still have the rights to this part of the Marvel universe...[/QUOTE] * Citation needed
[quote name='kazunori']SSF2T had 17 characters, and it took them a couple of years to redraw all their sprites in HD.
Even if they merely upscaled the current sprites of MvC2 to HD (unlikely anyway; it's hardly worth the effort) rather than redrawing them completely like they did with SSF2T, it would take them quite a while with 56 characters in the cast.

Well, that's my take anyway. :)[/quote]

That's a really good take. :) In that case, a port with some online play would be good enough news.

#1. MVC2 does not run properly on the Xbox 360 emulation there are tons of Glitches.

#2. If you MUST have it wait for a 30% used Xbox games coupon from Gamestop

#3. Get it from GameFLY or local FYE or local LIbrary they do carry older videogames like this.

#4. The DLC PSN Xbox LIVE Arcade Version will most likely be an Emulated Port NOT an HD REMIX like SF2HD.

#5. Expect CAPCOM to repeat what they did with Street Fighter. First a direct aracde port, then a HD REMIX, then a full fledge game. like Street Fighter 4.

If you MUST MUST Play Marvel vs. Capcom 2

get the PS2 Version its cheaper and more plentifull and runs better.

or buy a Xbox 1 and play it on that they are like $20 bucks for the system.

OR if you have a PS3 Install LInux and get the ROM. Also for PSP.

Or better yet. do what I do, Get the ROM for PC and use a 360 Controller with PC adapter it works

paid about 4 bucls during Circuit City's closing

YouTube is your Friend

its not MUGEN its the actual ROM from the Aracde if you have a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU it will run perfectly I have it on my Laptop. Ahah I just saved you $60 you're Welcome kids.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It's always nice to hear from the peanut gallery.

Another brilliant post that makes a difference for CAG :applause:
[quote name='Hacker Snacker']get the PS2 Version its cheaper and more plentifull and runs better.[/quote]

The PS2 version is more expensive, actually. At GameStop, it's $80, and it consistently will go for more than the Xbox version on eBay, Amazon, etc.

[quote name='oasisboy']Another brilliant post that makes a difference for CAG :applause:[/quote]

Yep. Just like...well...most of your posts. Considering mine actually have useful information it, as well, though, they are nothing like the crappy posts I generally see from you, which are basically confined to "this isn't a deal."
I've been temp banned before for "encouraging piracy" like the above poster. Might want to watch it with that stuff, the mods here really are not down with that kind of "useful info" being distributed here (nor is anyone going to be thankful for or impressed with your l33+ sk1llz).
When the ESRB re-rated MvsC2 for Ps3, XB360 back in the fall I sold my copy for the XBox. I got $50 in credit plus an extra 20% for pre-ordering a game. I never shop at GS but hell why not? I also liek the above PC ROM idea and 360 controller. With my new upcoming laptop purchase, and having an HDMI output this will look pretty damn sweet on my 52" Sharp LCD
[quote name='Dissolve']There is no doubt in my mind that MvsC2 for PSN/XBLA will be $20.[/QUOTE]
Other minds doubt that pricing
Other minds doubt its existence. :p

Yeah, I had heard that Capcom couldn't even redistribute this because Activision owns the rights to Marvel games until 2016 or something. This is also what supposedly prevented them from making a 3rd game.
[quote name='urge26']game has all but been confirmed at gaf, save you money for this summer.....[/quote]

Not doubting you or anything; I'm genuinely asking - do you have a link to a posting on NeoGAF that confirms the title?

Cause as far as I know, NeoGAF was just where that ESRB sighting first surfaced, and it rumbled on from there. Since that, the only mention I have come across about MvC2 is one of Capcom's VPs acknowledging the demand for a HD version of the game, but at the same time, he also confirmed there was nothing on that horizon.
[quote name='kazunori']Not doubting you or anything; I'm genuinely asking - do you have a link to a posting on NeoGAF that confirms the title?

Cause as far as I know, NeoGAF was just where that ESRB sighting first surfaced, and it rumbled on from there. Since that, the only mention I have come across about MvC2 is one of Capcom's VPs acknowledging the demand for a HD version of the game, but at the same time, he also confirmed there was nothing on that horizon.[/quote]

That's pretty much all I have seen, too. Everytime a MvC2 topic gets posted, everyone will tell you it's "all but confirmed," but as far as I can tell, they are going off rumors that started months and months ago. I would also like to see a recent link that actually sheds further light on it.
I really wonder whether I should part with my sealed copy of this game for the PS2--any thoughts as to whether the value for a sealed copy will take a hit?
[quote name='wampa8jedi']I really wonder whether I should part with my sealed copy of this game for the PS2--any thoughts as to whether the value for a sealed copy will take a hit?[/quote]
I'd hold off until it's confirmed. This rumor seems to come around every year (from MVC2, Bust a Groove and others) but maybe this year will be it. Either way, a sealed copy of this will not drop it much (unless the XBLA/PSN has online capabilities). And even if it does, you will always find a Collector who wants to own a sealed copy of it. Some people love to actually have something "physical" in their hands.
[quote name='Space Cowboy YGI']Either way, a sealed copy of this will not drop it much (unless the XBLA/PSN has online capabilities). [/quote]

Yeah, I doubt a sealed copy will drop in value much, if at all. The fact that someone wants to buy a sealed copy means he wants to own it as a collector, and not to play it at all (which he easily could do by paying for the XBLA/PSN version).
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']

Considering mine actually have useful information it, as well, though, they are nothing like the crappy posts I generally see from you, which are basically confined to "this isn't a deal."[/quote]

Sometimes your "useful" information would be considered "fanboy" information.
[quote name='Hacker Snacker']FYI.

If you MUST MUST Play Marvel vs. Capcom 2

get the PS2 Version its cheaper and more plentifull and runs better.


The PS2 copy is more expensive than the Xbox version. Just a couple of glances at a few Ebay auctions should be enough evidence also it retailed at 80 dollars used at Gamestop last year. Seriously, if you are going play a version of MVC2, i would pick the Dreamcast version. It's 10X better than the PS2 version.
[quote name='oasisboy']Sometimes your "useful" information would be considered "fanboy" information.[/quote] That, considering I clearly own a 360 and a PS3 and had an N64 and GameCube the last two generations. Thanks for playing, though. I suppose "fanboy" is the word people like you throw around on gaming sites when they have nothing better to say.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44'] That, considering I clearly own a 360 and a PS3 and had a GameCube last gen. Thanks for playing, though. I suppose "fanboy" is the word people throw around when they have nothing better to say.[/quote]

I dont want to make this thread close like the PS3 Target thread but, yes my comments made sense.

I called you fanboy because some comments from that occasion just seemed to be from a fanboy. You were very strong about how the PS3 is a good value because it has blu-ray, wireless internet, etc. Yet I told you that not everyone needs those things to play videogames. Your arguments seem to me like you will defend this console no matter what anyone says.

I also own a 360 and a PS3 so you dont get a medal for having both consoles :roll:. I will leave this back and forth alone because I dont want to get in trouble :lol:
As another poster pointed out, the Xbox version has been in a stock a lot. Now, if the PS2 version came in stock and stayed that way for awhile, I would say you might have something.
I am particularly glad I still have my PS2 and my PS2 copy of this game is like new condition from way back when in 2004 I think it was. I take good care of my stuff.

I prefer to own my physical media, its my property.

Buying it on PSN or XBLA basically means your renting it. Or until someone decides your rights have ended. Yes I have read the small fine print.

Unless the PSN XBLA Re-Release is an HD REMIX I will pass.

No need to spend $20 buying something I already have. I also have it on PC. Works fine on both.

I doubt it will be an HD REMIX

Have to see what GAF says.

But the XBOX version is super crappy.

At least my PS2 Version looks great in 480p via Component cables from Sony.

Funny after all these years my PS2 is still going strong now thats a console.
[quote name='Hacker Snacker']

its not MUGEN its the actual ROM from the Aracde if you have a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU it will run perfectly I have it on my Laptop. Ahah I just saved you $60 you're Welcome kids.[/QUOTE]

Wait. HOLD ON.

STEALING games is cheaper than buying them!?! :shock:


*sigh* Can we EVER have a thread that DOESN'T bring up pirated versions of the game in question??
[quote name='Bojizzle']I should specify that if they do an HD remix for MVC2 (like they discussed here: Then it could potentially cost up to $40. At the very least it would cost $20. Hell, if they charge $20 for that shitty Watchmen game, why not charge $40 if people are willing to pay?

Don't sell your copy yet though, as it's still just a rumor. However, the ESRB did rate it for PS3 and 360 a few months ago.[/quote]

This game will absolutely not be $40 as DLC. $10 or $15 seems most likely given the SFII pricing. They simply wouldn't charge $40 for a port, or even a remake, of an ancient fighting game that (while awesome) had a smaller following than SFII. If there's going to be a $40 game on Xbox Live it'll be an original property like War Hawk on PS3, not a remake like this. I realize we're both speculating here but $40 just seems completely beyond the realm of possibility for a title like this.

Now if you're saying you'd be willing to PAY up to $40, that's a whole different story and I certainly can't argue with you there ...
As for pirating this game, I'm all for it. There is no way in blue-perfect-hell that I would pay $80 for a PS2 or XBOX game . . . sorry . . nope, I mean common, are we back to the days when N64 cartridges were $80??? I thought that with the revolution of CD and DVD based games, that prices were supposed to drop. Now I know, there's going to be rare games that every one will covet . . . but why should they not have the opportunity to play it? I mean, just because some sweaty freak beat me to the punch in getting the hard copy, doesn't mean that I shouldn't try and see if I might like it. Hell, I might even pick it up later on. But, I personally already have a copy of MvC2 (Bought it for $40) and love it, but there is no way that I would ever justify paying $40 for a XBLA game or a PSN game . . . . unless it came with a candy coated unicorn, smothered in bacon . . . then we could talk.
[quote name='Bojizzle']You mean $10 minimum. A game like this will sell for at least $15, probably $20 on XBLA/PSN. If they make any updates it'll go as high as $40 I suspect.[/quote]


No really. 40 Bucks?

15 tops.
[quote name='Captainzabu']As for pirating this game, I'm all for it. There is no way in blue-perfect-hell that I would pay $80 for a PS2 or XBOX game . . . sorry . . nope, I mean common, are we back to the days when N64 cartridges were $80??? I thought that with the revolution of CD and DVD based games, that prices were supposed to drop. Now I know, there's going to be rare games that every one will covet . . . but why should they not have the opportunity to play it? I mean, just because some sweaty freak beat me to the punch in getting the hard copy, doesn't mean that I shouldn't try and see if I might like it. [/QUOTE] I feel like I'm entitled to free things, too.
I wasn't really saying that you should pirate everything. My point was that ROM's are nice because they help you to be sure if the game is a wise investment . . . at least that's the way I look at it.
[quote name='Captainzabu']My point was that ROM's are nice because they help you to be sure if the game is a wise investment . . . at least that's the way I look at it.[/quote]

Well that's cool and all.. but you're surely in the minority with regards to how you view ROMs then.
bread's done