Guild Wars $20 @, Factions $20/Nightfall $25 @ ZipZoomfly w/free shipping.


67 (100%)
I dunno how long it's been at this price, but it seems to be at least $30 everywhere else, so it's not a bad deal. If you're looking to getting into MMORPGs, why not start with one without monthly fees?

You'll need a $5 filler for free shipping, but I'm pretty sure this is the Game of the Year edition, as Amazon isn't likely to carry old stock.

ZipZoomfly also has Factions and Nightfall in-stock for $20 and $25 with free shipping (thanks to JGouldie!)
This is a GREAT GAME! I recommend buying it for those that haven't gotten it.

I would only recommend playing it if you have a friend or two to play with. Very fun, no grind at all. I love this game, I've played since launch date.
This is a really good game. It isn't as time-consuming as WoW. You can play this for 20-30 minutes and accomplish something. I have been playing it since its original release (on and off), and still haven't become bored with it. I definitely recommend it when it only cost $20.
It is a gorgeous, GORGEOUS game, with some of the most creative fantasy art design in gaming history, but I just couldn't get into it. There's a lot here, but nothing that went up my alley. You definitely need a friend or three to get into this. If you play as a loner or try to join a pick-up clan or something, it ain't gonna work.

Of course, I'm not an MMO dude, so if you can MMO it up better than I, GO FOR IT without a second thought.
[quote name='qlos']Received mine yesterday. (GOTY Edition)[/quote]

same here

i received mine saturday and mine was the GOTY edition too

i ordered my copy w/ the disgaea book to get the free shipping

the disgaea book is really awesome too if anyones wondering about getting it
I hated how you had to start relying on other people after going over the wall. It was a cool game that I would love to play if it weren't for that.
[quote name='Apossum']I hated how you had to start relying on other people after going over the wall. It was a cool game that I would love to play if it weren't for that.[/quote]

Yeah...i just realized this as well. I'll probably guilt my friend(s) into playing with me, but i might just install NWN (1) and have some fun with that.
Couple of Qs for a computer n00b:

1) how much GB does this take up when fully installed.

2) my laptop can "kinda" (non-crowded areas are fine) handle WoW, could it handle Guild Wars? I don't care how ugly it would look, as long as there isn't constant slowdown.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Couple of Qs for a computer n00b:

1) how much GB does this take up when fully installed.

2) my laptop can "kinda" (non-crowded areas are fine) handle WoW, could it handle Guild Wars? I don't care how ugly it would look, as long as there isn't constant slowdown.[/QUOTE]

1.) 3.79 GB

2.) My laptop runs it fine and it's nowhere near sate of the art. 2.0 ghz, radeon 9700, 2gb ram
[quote name='Apossum']I hated how you had to start relying on other people after going over the wall. It was a cool game that I would love to play if it weren't for that.[/QUOTE]

What is "the wall" and why do you need to rely on people only after crossing it?

If you could explain it to me (I've never played the game), I would appreciate it.

The game scales to your system pretty well. It still looks great on my laptop with lowly intergrated video (geforce 6150). I haven't played for a couple of months, but whats special about the GOY Edition?
[quote name='Valkryst']What is "the wall" and why do you need to rely on people only after crossing it?

If you could explain it to me (I've never played the game), I would appreciate it.


There are to types of gameplay in Guild Wars. Player vs. Player where you compete against other players (arena based) and Player vs. Environment.

The main storyline is moved forward thru Player vs. Environment gamepley. The early part of the game is basically a tutorial which can be accomplished without any help, but to get past the Wall (basically a big stone wall) you need to recruit another player. After that you'll need to work together with up to 6-8 other players to complete missions in the game. There are also CPU controlled characters which can take the place of of actual players, but they aren't as good as a real person and it would be hard to finish the storyline using just them.
[quote name='Valkryst']What is "the wall" and why do you need to rely on people only after crossing it?

If you could explain it to me (I've never played the game), I would appreciate it.


It's just that, a wall. It's just a point in time that partying becomes more essential. That's it. It's not like the game mechanics change, you just need to start partying more, rather than going solo. It's a landmark in the game.
A good chunk of this game is meant to be played cooperatively. There are always guilds recruiting people and the better ones are very helpful to new players. And yes, it is quite possible to finish the game using just the CPU controlled henchman if you choose to.
So it isnt really that hard to find these needed "friends"? It wasnt THAT hard to make friends in Diablo 2 if i remember correctly. Are there enough new players popping to join you or you them?
anyone want to add each other as friends? Maybe get a CAG guild or at least a party going now and then.

Just ordered it yesterday should get it later this week.
I've played this game since back when it was still new. I wouldn't mind starting a new guild and inviting some fellow CAGs. (it costs money in the game to recruit people and do stuff for the guild such as buy capes) This might be my incentive to start playing again since I haven't played in a few months.
[quote name='Valkryst']anyone want to add each other as friends? Maybe get a CAG guild or at least a party going now and then.

Just ordered it yesterday should get it later this week.[/quote]
I have all 3 Guild Wars games and love them all. This is a great buy for 20$, Most of the quests in the game are things you can do solo, but when it comes to missions most of the time you need to get some people with you to do it. The best thing about GW is the fact of no monthly fee! I dont care how much better people think WoW or other MMOs are free online is a plus.(I have WoW, canceled sub on it about 4 months ago)
Excellent price at $20. If someone does form a CAG guild, let me know. I'm not likely to disband my own (one man) guild, but I'll help you guys out. You can leave a PM here if you'd like some assistance in the'll have to let me know your char name.

GOTY edition content as listed on

Guild Wars Game Of The Year Edition (One Million Edition in Europe)
  • 2 game CDs
  • The Guild Wars Manuscripts - Book 1 and Book 2: 150 pages of information
  • Install Card: Instructions on installing the game
  • Quick Reference Card: Full color keyboard layout and key mapping
  • Game Activation 'Card' (actually a foldout soft-paper pamphlet) containing your Access Key
  • 14 day Trial Keys for Guild Wars, Lineage II, City of Villains, City of Heroes, and Auto Assault
  • Play and See advertisement for the trial games plus Tabula Rasa and the 'Shop NC' merchandise store.
    • Note: The Guild Wars trial will last for a period of 14 consecutive days or 10 hours of gameplay, whichever is reached first. The others are for a full 14 days.
Bonus Items

The Bonus items are seven weapons customized to your characters. These include:
  1. Tiger's Roar (Elementalist Focus Item)
  2. Poisonous Nevermore Flatbow (Ranger Bow)
  3. Sundering Rhino's Charge (Warrior Hammer)
  4. Serrated Shield (Warrior Shield)
  5. Wolf's Favor (Monk Focus Item)
  6. Luminescent Scepter (Mesmer Wand)
  7. Insightful Soul Shrieker (Necromancer Staff)
  • Note: These are the names they have In-Game, click on them for more more information and In-Game pictures. The items will not appear automatically in your inventory or Xunlai account. You must use the /bonus command to acquire the weapons. The command can be used on every character you create to acquire a set of bonus items customized for that character.
Caution: Leaving one of these items in storage with a Xunlai Agent will cause it to be unavailable to characters created after that time. This can be fixed by removing the item from storage before making the new character. However removing the item from storage after making the new character will -NOT- make it available to that new character.
Note: Factions characters made after merging a game of the year account will start with the bonus items.
Note: Your heroes can use these items if they are customized for the character controlling the hero.
I've been playing since 1yr before the original release and have all 3 chapters (Collector's Edition, all of them ;)). Let me know if anyone wants any help.

As an aside, they've just released info on GW Eye of the North, a true expansion for GW, and GW2, which should go into open beta in the second half of 2008. You can read the press release here.

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with ArenaNet or NCSoft. I don't work for either in any capacity. I think the proper term is 'fanboy'.
I have been playing Guild Wars for the past year-and-a-half, and it is one of the best online gaming experiences. You can quite easily play this game on your own, especially with Nightfall and the new Heroes, but it is a lot of fun with or against other people. For $20, you cannot possibly go wrong.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']So it isnt really that hard to find these needed "friends"? It wasnt THAT hard to make friends in Diablo 2 if i remember correctly. Are there enough new players popping to join you or you them?[/QUOTE]

Yea, if you need to find real players to party with, there are always people looking, whether it's new players or 2 year vets. Some of the more obscure areas are a bit sparsely populated, but that's where NPC's, your Guild, and friends list comes in. :)

As far as the WoW comparisons, there's no need to. They are different games with a very different type of gameplay.
Some people like WoW, some like GW. In my experience, there's not much overlap between the two at all...they're two distinct groups. I myself have had little to no interest in WoW. I got close to installing a demo to try it out at one point, but couldn't get motivated. I can think of only one friend who actually plays WoW regularly right now.

Since GW Prophecies released, I've spent approximately $240 on the game (3 Collector's Editions + 2 character slots). I don't wait for CAG-level deals for these games, I buy them at release, full price. Guess that comes to $10/mo or so over the past 2 years, if I want to try to compare monthly prices against WoW...except I can keep playing for free until the servers shut down without paying another cent.

And based on the amount of time I've spent playing the game, I'd say it was well worth the cost. :)

What with the announcement of GW2, I'm starting to save money for the computer upgrade I'm assuming I'll need. Time to retire the 1GHz/768MB/GeForce4Ti4200, I guess. :cry:

Eye of the North and GW2 will be purchased at release. ;)

[quote name='kitsune23']As far as the WoW comparisons, there's no need to. They are different games with a very different type of gameplay.[/quote]
For people who say WoW is for people who like gameplay and GW is for people who like graphics, that's just not true. I've played both for a good amount of time and I just plainly like GW's gameplay better. The better graphics are just a bonus. I don't play WoW anymore due it just not being fun.
I actually bought GW with a couple friends, our schedules didn't really work out, but we played together a bunch. The thing that I didn't like was that the gameplay was so fast that a hardcore gamer could finish the game and run out of things to do. I could level a char to max in 1 day and just grind the pvp points. I havn't played in a while so I forgot all the game terms, but it became a grind of boss npc's, money, and semi fun pvp.

And again, cause I know a couple people mentioned this, WoW and GW are completely different games. As someone who played WoW like a career in a end-game guild, GW isn't really much of an MMO in comparison to all its' MMO predecessors.

Anyway, is 19.99 cheap? I could've swore I paid that price for my copy, retail..but then again I did say its been a while.
Lol. WoW for gameplay? I don't know how anyone thinks grinding 60 levels of a tutorial is good gameplay. I wanted to like it, but man was it dull. Only thing that I enjoyed was the fact that going out of town wasn't an instance.

If you enjoy being in a party and working with others then GW is for you. I spent so much time on the campaign, but then there's also the PvP adversary mode where you can spend countless amount of hours fighting real players and honing your skills for the higher competition such as GvG battles.
does anyone know where i can get nightfall cheap i have the faction and the 1st one need night fall but looking for it cheap
[quote name='cmello4life']thanks..everyone is telling me that nightfall is the best out of all three do you people agree?[/QUOTE]

yes. NF has the highest population. You'll have trouble passing some of the missions in the previous campaign due to a lack of players.
[quote name='diablofreak']i want to get in on this but have no friends to play with (most friends are console gamers, XBL for them)[/quote] Actually, I have no local friends who play GW. They'd really like to, but they all own Macs. Most of the friends I play GW with I met through GW and they're spread out all over the globe.

I'm sure you'd find more than a few people on this forum who'd be willing to play with you. Of course, time zones could be an issue...

Let us know if you decide to go for it and we'll see you online. ;)
Order shipped out today with free shipping... Can't wait to get into the game.

Is it true that I need Factions to play an assassin? I really want to use that class, could I just get Nightfall and play an assassin or is the class only available to Faction buyers?
I just created a new guild for CAG. Please leave a post or pm me with your Guild Wars character name so I can invite you. This can help you people out that have no friends that play the game.
[quote name='Valkryst']Is it true that I need Factions to play an assassin? I really want to use that class, could I just get Nightfall and play an assassin or is the class only available to Faction buyers?[/quote] The assassin and ritualist classes are only available to Factions owners.

The dervish and paragon classes are only available to Nightfall owners.

The other six classes...elementalist, monk, mesmer, necromancer, ranger, and warrior...are known as the core classes and are available in all chapters.
Here's their rating on Short summary, 5.36/10 over last 6 months (322 reviews), 8.44/10 since first rating (9640 reviews total).

In a previous life, they were known as Googlegear.
[quote name='cmello4life']thanks very much has anyone ever used this company before never heard of them[/QUOTE]

My friend used to swear by them before he converted to newegg, but he really liked their layout and their shipping options.

I've never had or heard about problems receiving items, if that's what you mean.

Thanks JGouldie for those links. I'll probably get Factions, and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to wait on Nightfall.
bread's done