Guitar Hero 3 DLC and Wiiware Stored on SD Card??


Well I'm new to CAG forums, but I'm lovin CAG!! :D

But you guys are informed Wii people, which is really nice.

Anyways seeing how Japanese Wii's are getting wiiware games really soon. My guess is that SD card will be the storage method since it keeps in line with keeping the wii's "sleekness" and also it's cheap for a 1,2 gig sd card. Plus i wouldn't mind having an sd card for wiiware games to play off and a sd card for rock band dlc and gh dlc.

I also should "crosses fingers" get my Guitar Hero 3 replacement disc here sometime this week. So, some monday in march Nintendo and Activision will announce dlc for guitar hero 3 and it will run off the sd card. That's a lot of wii's owners should be happy.

Why do I write this? Well endless ocean plays mp3's and the gh 3 dlc can't be that difficult to run the extra tracks off and whatever extra data it takes. As well as wiiware titles too.

Also the first quater is the end of march so there's only four monday's left in march to do this or again nintendo and actvision missed the date which will make me sad :cry:

I just wanted to see what you cager's think. I'm sure this has been discussed before but this may be a nice month for the wii with sd card/external card support! And brawl too!
Nintendo has said that they don't think storage issues are real. They have not said a thing about loading/saving data directly to the SD card. They think Wiiware will work via a compressed download conduit, where you'll download part of the game, load it into system memory RAM, play it, and then it gets deleted when you don't need it anymore.

Which is kind of like if someone needed a knife to cut a steak, and they had a knife right there with them, but they opted for the plastic spork instead because they like to say the word "spork" over and over.

This has been debated endless times - the dead horse is actually long gone.
Yea i figured this topic been beat like a deadhorse.

It's maybe now is a good time to talk about it since, it maybe isn't that far off.
We're basically 1.5 years into the life of the Wii. The only - only - chance left of it coming to pass is with Rock Band, and even then, no one thinks it is actually going to happen.

We can debate and wish for it all we want. It's not happening. Unless Rock Band sells 10 million copies and generates 10 million people complaining about it, it's not going to happen.

So there's very little reason to talk about it any longer, despite how much sense it makes because of x and y.
Considering I just bought Guitar Hero III for the PS2 instead of the Wii, I'm sure the announcement for DLC will come sometime tomorrow- probably just after I open the package.
Haha!! I'm laughing with you! I'm giving till the end of march for actvision and varicious visions(the company that ported wii/ps2 version) for dlc and if not i'm getting the ps 3 version. ;)

I wrote actvision an e-mail just to see what they say. But after 4 months how long is it taking nintendo and actvision?? It's both of the damn companies! :lol:

I mean ninty's former PR person Perrian Kaplan with her fridge anagoly about external storage and i listened to the retronuats podcast where a wiiware developer told the 1up editors that they couldn't believe she said that! :applause:

Ah patenice is a beast, well with video games at least.

Well here's hoping something happens this month, the last month of the First Quarter.
[quote name='rocky435']Haha!! I'm laughing with you! I'm giving till the end of march for actvision and varicious visions(the company that ported wii/ps2 version) for dlc [/QUOTE]


So will they or won't they? I can't afford RB or have people over enough to make it worth it. Please please bring the DLC!
They have to be, at least, considering the storage issue for DLC. It's not like Nintendo to NOT consider all ways to milk their userbase for more money.
bread's done