Guitar Hero 4 priced, new touch-sensitive guitar


5 (100%)

That Xbox marketing survey just keeps on giving: a slide on Guitar Hero 4 presents a $180 pricetag for now-gen consoles, $170 for PS2 including all instruments. Just the software? They're asking $60 for 360 and PS3 versions, and $50 for their lower-def cousins. A handful of artists are also name-dropped – Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, System of a Down, Ozzy Osbourne, Interpol, Muse ... "and dozens more" – but what we're really interested in is this bit about an "all new wireless guitar controller with the first-ever touch-sensitive neck slide." We snuck a peek at the brandless guitar in the game's trailer and, though touch-sensiitive reads to us like "no buttons" – a claim that's as worrisome as it is intriguing – it certainly appears to have buttons in the pic above. So maybe just something below the buttons then, y'know, for solos and whatnot?

Of course, pricing information is always subject to change (read: let's wait to see what Rock Band 2 costs) and this survey doesn't include the game's "World Tour" subtitle so we're not entirely sold on the veracity of this information. Again, all eyes towards E3 where all will be revealed (we assume).

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We gotta wait to see how harmonix responds in rock band 2 but this is sounding pretty cool. Although everyone needs to get ready to buy all new plastic fucking instruments to crowd up your room. Hendrix, doors, system of a down? ABOUT fuckING TIME
Anyone else sick of these damn music games? I never was a fan of the Guitar Hero series, and now I think that they're just taking it too far.

Of course, most people seem to enjoy it, so whatever.
I'm pretty much done with the series...especially if my GH3 controller won't work. I don't like having plastic junk crowding my room, and I'm not playing the games much anymore as is.
Supposedly the GH3 guitars work fine, they just don't have the "touch-sensitive" neck for solos. I guess this will be the best way to get a second guitar. And everything else.
Provided that the GH3 work, I'll pick up a disc-only copy depending on the strength of the setlist. Other than that, unless something utterly amazing and mind-blowing appears, I'm putting a moratorium on my purchase of any more plastic instruments for this gen. I've got the whole RB set, and 2 GH3 guitars, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm set for this generation. Next round of systems... *maybe* then I'll buy new instruments.
I refuse to buy anymore Rock Band/Guitar Hero until someone makes peripherals that are compatible with all current and past iterations of both series. I know some third party controllers have tried but can't get all iterations working. So until it's done, I'll find something else to do with my time.

On a side note, touch sensitive sounds cool, but I'll remain skeptical til I see it in action (on a fast song, not some crappy one note every 5 seconds track).
GH3 was a disappointment. Rock Band is the standard now. I'm curious about rock band 2, but screw GH4. i don't have any faith in Activision being able to do download content right.
[quote name='Rozz']Anyone else sick of these damn music games? I never was a fan of the Guitar Hero series, and now I think that they're just taking it too far.

Of course, most people seem to enjoy it, so whatever.[/QUOTE]

I never liked Guitar Hero. I prefer Konami's music games, Pop N Music, Beatmania, Guitar Freaks, Drummania, Keyboradmania, Para Para Paradise rather than Guitar Hero and Rockband.
If I buy the game I will get a used copy so I don't support activision. If they want my money they need to allow their guitars to be used with rockband.
Rock band 2 and GH 4 with big bundles can only mean one thing, rejoicing cheapasses bc these are going to hit clearances when they realize people aren't interested in buying multiple complete sets of instruments.

I liked GH 1 and 2 sufficiently that I'll be happy to buy one of these big bundles when they get cheap.
I wish there was someway to convince gamers to skip this game to stick it to activision for their "tony hawking" of this game. I know it wont happen though :( People are going to say "SCREW THEM MAN!!!" than you'll see them playing it on Live. I for one will definitely not be buying this fucking game.
I'm done buying any more plastic instruments. If it doesn't work with what we already own forget it.
I hate to echo, but If I can't use my Rock Band instruments, or even the neat wireless Guitar Hero 3 guitar, I won't be getting this game. I will not buy another plastic musical instrument.
bread's done