Guitar Hero III @ RedOctane Free Shipping and Extras X360, Wii, PS3, & PS2


RedOctane's store has Guitar Hero 3 pre-order bundles up with free shipping:
[quote name=''][FONT=arial, helvetica]*Pre-Order Terms and Conditions
We will ship out your order as early as possible so you will be one of the first to receive this product. Your credit card will be authorized. However we will not charge your credit card until the item is shipped...
[/FONT] [/quote]

[quote name='Pookymeister']Hold the presses - code: Vgmusic = 10% off[/quote]
vgmusic code DEAD

:360: Elite Bundle $109.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:360: Extreme Bundle - $99.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:wii: Elite Bundle $99.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:wii: Extreme Bundle - 89.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:ps3: Elite Bundle $109.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:ps3: Extreme Bundle - $99.99 +Tax(if applicable) w/Free Shipping

:ps2: Extreme Bundle - $89.99 +Tax(If Applicable) w/Free Shipping

:ps2: Extreme 2P Bundle- $149.98 +Tax(If Applicable) w/Free Shipping

The regular priced bundle labeled 'extreme' includes the following free bonuses:

Custom 2" Guitar Strap
Dual Gig Bag
Key Ring

For an extra 10$ you can get the 'elite' bundles which includes the above items as well as:

Guitar Hero T-Shirt
Guitar Faceplate

I pre-ordered Guitar Hero 2 for the 360 from them, and even though the free shipping is ground, they shipped it early so it arrived on the street date.

Hope this helps someone, the freebies are pretty decent.

**I did a search for this on deals forum and couldn't find it posted, if it has please lock this post.

(LinkinPrime Edit: Added direct links to all versions)
I'm waiting on a response from RO about switching the t-shirt to a L and verifying it is a GHIII t-shirt (notice that, on the order confirmation, it says a GHII shirt, or at least it did on Friday).

I'll try to get the shipping knocked off after that. :D
[quote name='Pookymeister']i sent an email right after ordering as well - but havent gotten any response back about getting shipping removed[/quote]
Ditto, still waiting on them to e-mail me back since last week, but they're taking their sweet time. Eitherway $5 off wouldn't hurt an already awesome deal.
I emailed right after ordering last week, just now got a response that they're waiting my shipping. $89.99 out the door for the Wii Elite, I like it.
I got a reply saying simple "There is free ahipping on orders $100 and up". Needless to say, I replied saying if that's the case it's a terrible idea to show free shipping on a $99.99 item.
[quote name='Pookymeister']"Hi, this page here says free shipping and i didn't get it. Please fix my order, thanks"[/quote]Pretty much. When the $89.99 item says "Free Shipping" they can't really give you the "$100 and over gives you free shipping!" response.
[quote name='guyver2077']glad i just went for the elite bundle.. 98.99 and had no probs[/quote]Didn't matter. The Wii Elite before coupon was $99.99, and it didn't get free shipping.
Just sent an email, with screencap, and asked them to fix it instead of asking if you can fix it. I figured I wouldn't say "you've fixed it for other people" unless they give me another stupid reply.
Just got my e-mail today for free shipping as well. Hooray! 10% Off, no tax and free shipping, one friggin awesome deal.
in for the elite wii bundle... although i reserved this at gamecrazy i will probably just pick it up the day of release and then return this one to gamecrazy so that i may play it on the 1st day
[quote name='Nintendokid54']in for the elite wii bundle... although i reserved this at gamecrazy i will probably just pick it up the day of release and then return this one to gamecrazy so that i may play it on the 1st day[/quote]

You should receive it on release day from RedOctane. I did for GH2 on both the PS2 and 360.
I emailed them last night about the free shipping, and I got a response today saying they will take the shipping cost off. Guess I got lucky with such a quick response based off what I read on here.
[quote name='2&2']You should receive it on release day from RedOctane. I did for GH2 on both the PS2 and 360.[/quote]
But...comes out on a Sunday...
Has anyone heard if the PS3 guitar will work for the older Guitar Hero games? It'd be really nice if I could go back and play the PS2 Guitar Hero games with the PS3 guitar!
[quote name='Basky']Has anyone heard if the PS3 guitar will work for the older Guitar Hero games? It'd be really nice if I could go back and play the PS2 Guitar Hero games with the PS3 guitar![/quote]

I would be surprised if it didn't. It would be very stupid for them not to.
I e-mailed them saying a "bunch of my friends" ordered the same bundle as I did with free shipping and 10%, but when I tried to a couple of hours later it wouldn't work. They just replied with "Sorry, only promotional codes may be used at the time of ordering."

It was worth a shot. :lol:
[quote name='Basky']Has anyone heard if the PS3 guitar will work for the older Guitar Hero games? It'd be really nice if I could go back and play the PS2 Guitar Hero games with the PS3 guitar![/QUOTE]

I started a thread about this a while back (here: ), and someone said that the GH3 controllers will be "partially compatible" with the older games. That makes NO sense to can a controller be PARTIALLY compatible? :shock:

There's a rumor that the Rock Band controller will be backwards compatible though.
[quote name='Gameboy415']I started a thread about this a while back (here: ), and someone said that the GH3 controllers will be "partially compatible" with the older games. That makes NO sense to can a controller be PARTIALLY compatible? :shock:

There's a rumor that the Rock Band controller will be backwards compatible though.[/QUOTE]

It will suck missing out on a great deal, but I think I'm going to wait until both are out so we can have confirmation of what games work with what guitars. I have a sneaking suspicion that not every guitar will be compatible with every game. I want to make sure I get the one that does the most for my buck, because I don't want multiple guitars laying around, nor do I want to spend the extra scratch on them.
Not when the wireless one from Rock Band is only sold separately. Too rich for my blood to own both. I'm a CAG, baby. :lol: I'd rather fork over the dough for one wireless guitar and game and just buy the other game.
[quote name='Gameboy415']I started a thread about this a while back (here: ), and someone said that the GH3 controllers will be "partially compatible" with the older games. That makes NO sense to can a controller be PARTIALLY compatible? :shock:.[/quote]

I may be wrong, but I think it has something to do with Star Power. i.e. Guitar Hero I is 100% compat, but 2 and 80's you have to press a button to initiate your starpower. And/or I also heard things about hammer-ons and pull-offs not working. Anyway, I got the PS3 version to also play the first one. I didnt get into GH until 2 came out for the 360.
For any interested parties, online play has been reconfirmed for the Wii version, DLC is pending however.

"There will, in fact, be Online gameplay for the Wii when Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock launches in late October," said RedOctane's Jordan Dodge. "However, there will not be Downloadable content available on the Wii at launch. That, we are still working with Nintendo on."
Well I bit on this. Seems like a good deal and word is they get it to you close enough to release even with free shipping.

I'm still angry that it only works with AAs and no battery packs. wtf?
[quote name='botticus']Nah, today. Europe Time. dd/mm/yyyy[/quote]

Oh, my bad.

Interesting, then, since it was just recently reported that the Wii would not be online out of the box. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Rocko']Oh, my bad.

Interesting, then, since it was just recently reported that the Wii would not be online out of the box. :whistle2:k[/quote]Yeah, it's addressed at the bottom of the interview from the weekend (linked on that page):

Pro-G: What systems will gamers be able to venture online with? Anything planned for the Wii?

KH: There is online for the PS3 and Xbox 360. There won't be online initially for the Wii, but we are working with Nintendo to see how we can get those features in.

Update: It seems some wires were crossed over the online functionality of the Wii game. A RedOctane representative contacted us to clear up the issue.

"There will, in fact, be Online gameplay for the Wii when Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock launches in late October. However, there will not be Downloadable content available on the Wii at launch. That, we are still working with Nintendo on."
The guy may have been thinking of DLC when making those comments.
Hm, didn't realize they were addressing the free shipping mess up with the bundles. I emailed them today about my order--here's hoping...

/crosses fingers >_
Finally received my email for the free shipping ordeal from Rockstar. I must have reached the same "by the book" or "I don't want to really do any more work/research than I have to" employee that someone else got earlier because they responded with a "Free shipping on orders over $100" response. I even included a screen cap the first time.
Ah well, I just sent them another email fighting for that $4.99 and included the same screen cap in hopes that it reaches a more "enthusiastic" employee.
Here's hoping. Either way it's still a great deal with the 10% off.
Whoo, got my shipping waived! For those curious what I said (since it isn't working for a few of you):

[quote name='me']Hi,

I placed on an order for the Xbox 360 GHIII elite bundle on Friday, September
31st, and did not receive the free shipping advertised right under the item on
the front page of your store.

My order number was #####.

Thank you.[/quote]

Now if they would only answer me about that t-shirt.
Wow. Just wow.

I got another fucking "Free shipping on $100 or more" reply from RedOctane, so I sent them this.

Maybe you don't understand. On your main page for Guitar Hero Three, you are advertising free shipping for a $99.99 product. That is not $100. I do not appreciate these generic responses that don't seem to deal with my issue or even address it whatsoever. I ordered the product that costs less than $100, and is advertised as shipping for free, and did not receive my free shipping. If this is a mistake on your website, then I suggest you remove the free shipping note on the $99.99 product. I know of other people who ordered the exact same product as I did, got charged shipping as I have, sent an email just as I have, and got their shipping waived. I don't understand why I am being treated differently.

What idiots. This better generate results.
a few days back i put in my order for the 360 elite bundle (i hope red octane is reliable as you guys say) with the 10% off coupon. i didn't get free shipping tho. i sent an email and they said the shipping fee was waived, but didn't show me any proof. so i asked them for an order number or how i could see that i wasn't being charged for shipping. so they sent me an email with my order and it came to a total of 107.16 i think. not bad.
[quote name='Rocko']Wow. Just wow.

I got another fucking "Free shipping on $100 or more" reply from RedOctane, so I sent them this.

What idiots. This better generate results.[/QUOTE]

If you really want to stick it to them, mention that the normal Wii bundle at 89.99 also has the free shipping pic...

What version did you order? As far as I can tell, all of the GHIII bundles advertise free shipping under the item pic. HOWEVER, and it may not have been this way last Thurs/Fri when you and I ordered, all the items under $100, including the 99.99 Wii elite bundle, mention in the product listing that you get the free shipping with a coupon code. Only the 360 and PS3 elite bundles do not include that coupon code in the product description, nor even mention ANYTHING about it after clicking on the item.
[quote name='Callandor']If you really want to stick it to them, mention that the normal Wii bundle at 89.99 also has the free shipping pic...

What version did you order? As far as I can tell, all of the GHIII bundles advertise free shipping under the item pic. HOWEVER, and it may not have been this way last Thurs/Fri when you and I ordered, all the items under $100, including the 99.99 Wii elite bundle, mention in the product listing that you get the free shipping with a coupon code. Only the 360 and PS3 elite bundles do not include that coupon code in the product description, nor even mention ANYTHING about it after clicking on the item.[/quote]

Wii elite ($100 bundle). The free shipping code wasn't active when I ordered (day this was posted) but the vgmusic code was. I still got a good deal, but people who ordered the same time as I did got their shipping waived, which is why I have an issue with it.
[quote name='Brymo']Wonder how I got lucky with free ship AND promotion code.[/quote]
Odds are your order was over $100.
[quote name='Rocko']Odds are your order was over $100.[/quote]
total for me was 98.

I got the elite, then used the code.
Ugh, got the same canned denial response. Of course I have to try again, as some people getting it waived and others not is just lame.

Hopefully they'll escalate my request to someone who actually cares about their customers instead the mindless drone who's spouting off policy rather than legitimately trying to help us.
[quote name='gunm']Ugh, got the same canned denial response. Of course I have to try again, as some people getting it waived and others not is just lame.

Hopefully they'll escalate my request to someone who actually cares about their customers instead the mindless drone who's spouting off policy rather than legitimately trying to help us.[/QUOTE]

lol... you mean trying to SAVE YOU a couple of bucks.
[quote name='mAdMaLuDaWg']lol... you mean trying to SAVE YOU a couple of bucks.[/quote]

Uh yeah, me and all the other people posting in this thread who didn't get free shipping despite the issues on their site. But of course you didn't read the thread and just singled me out for complaining.

Thanks for your idiotic comment, though. We really need more non-contributing 'tards on this board like you. :roll:

Back OT, no response on the second email. I'll chalk it up as a loss, but I wish Red Octane's CS would be more consistent. It's not like everyone who made an order with the free shipping gaff sent an email, so it wouldn't have killed them to just honor any requests that came through.
bread's done