Guitar Hero III Wii vs PS2

[quote name='1SwtDeception']I think I confused myself. So what is it about the PS2 GHIII and the Wii GHIII that makes it different?

They both have
online play? (or only does the Wii does? I thought PS2 has that capability to play online with others from what I get on the Red Octane site).

downloadables? (From the topic it seems like PS2 downloadables are just the previous versions of the game? The same goes with the Wii? Or can one of them be customized?)

wireless guitars? (I think it just says that on the Red Octane site..)

And are there any other differences?[/QUOTE]

Really not much difference.

Wii has some Wiimote suppot. But I'm not sure that will add anything. They likely will just use it's sensors (it snaps into the guitar) for the star power tilting rather than putting sensors into the guitar. And it MAY have DLC down the line, while the PS2 version will not. Both come with wireless guitars.

PS2 you can buy GH1 and GH2 to get a bunch more songs that may or may not be available to buy at inflated prices (see the 360 GH2) if the Wii ever gets DLC.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Really not much difference.

Wii has some Wiimote suppot. But I'm not sure that will add anything. They likely will just use it's sensors (it snaps into the guitar) for the star power tilting rather than putting sensors into the guitar. And it MAY have DLC down the line, while the PS2 version will not. Both come with wireless guitars.

PS2 you can buy GH1 and GH2 to get a bunch more songs that may or may not be available to buy at inflated prices (see the 360 GH2) if the Wii ever gets DLC.[/QUOTE]

Oh mmm.. maybe I should preorder the Wii version then.. and damn my grammar is crap.

Thanks for answering my question.
[quote name='1SwtDeception']I think I confused myself. So what is it about the PS2 GHIII and the Wii GHIII that makes it different?

They both have
online play? (or only does the Wii does? I thought PS2 has that capability to play online with others from what I get on the Red Octane site).

downloadables? (From the topic it seems like PS2 downloadables are just the previous versions of the game? The same goes with the Wii? Or can one of them be customized?)

wireless guitars? (I think it just says that on the Red Octane site..)

And are there any other differences?[/quote]

Only the Nintendo Wii Version has online, the PS2 Version will not have online capability.

According to an interview video on Gametrailers, the Nintendo Wii version WILL NOT have DLC :(. The PS2 Version does not have online, but owning a ps2 gives you access to the previous games.

Both versions will have wireless guitars, but the Wii version uses the Wiimote for rumble and external sound effects.

Arrrgh, I'm so wishy washy on this subject. I was going to go PS2, then Wii, then I found out Guitar Hero II is on sale at Toys R Us so back to PS2 again but now it's sold out... so I guess I'm going back to Wii?
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Especially with those with HDTVs since you'll avoid lag by having the game in 720p instead of 480p. Luckily a non issue as on my Sony LDC RPTV the lag comes out to 0MS in the calibration tests in GHII on the PS2 running at 480p.[/quote]

480p gives you a lag and 720 doesn't? wtf?

btw, instead of just getting more songs, why *not* practice and get really good at the ones you have on hard and expert, instead of bagging out at medium? :roll:
[quote name='DrMoze']480p gives you a lag and 720 doesn't? wtf?

btw, instead of just getting more songs, why *not* practice and get really good at the ones you have on hard and expert, instead of bagging out at medium? :roll:[/QUOTE]

On my TV I don't get lag at 480p nor 720p, but yes, most 720p TVs do get lag with 480p material. A 720p TV displays everything in 720p (technically 768p) and lags in introduced from upscaling the 480p to 720p. For whatever reason, my SONY LCD RPTV doesn't come up with any lag in 480p according to the GHII lag test. I do get some lag if its not set to progressive scan though (480i).

As for the other, you play the game how you like, and I'll play it how I like. I'm still working on 5 starring medium occasionally. When/if I get that done I'll give hard a more serious try. But I've never been one to 100% any games, usually just see the credits roll and move on to the next.

As such, I'm just not that into practicing the game. Plus it inspired me to learn real guitar (taking a class now) so that's taking up my daily "practice" time.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
As such, I'm just not that into practicing the game. Plus it inspired me to learn real guitar (taking a class now) so that's taking up my daily "practice" time.[/quote]

Well, that rocks, no argument there! :hot: :) I'm just starting to learn bass, but ordered GHIII for the Wii, which may help with some finger strengthening f nothing else.

BTW, for those interested, the RedOctane pre-order deal for GHIII is up again. (Free shipping, plus bonus strap, keychain and guitar bag--$90 shipped for the Wii.)
Ok, so I think I'm going to go with the Wii Version. But a few things. I'm torn from preordering online with Red Octane or with Gamestop. Red Octane, I know I'd get the extra free stuff, but then there is a chance that it would not come on street date and because I live in an apartment, I might have to wait even longer since they may not leave it in the lobby if I'm not in class or something. On the other hand, Gamestop = no extra goodies, but instant gratification.

Also, does anyone know if they will be selling the Wii Shell separately? And if so, how much? The guy at Gamestop said there was no data in the computer yet... he suggested I buy two bundles and sell back one of the games... nice try jerk.

But if there is no clue on the extra guitar, maybe I should go PS2 seeing that extra guitars are out there on the market already?
[quote name='Zeeman']
Also, does anyone know if they will be selling the Wii Shell separately? And if so, how much? The guy at Gamestop said there was no data in the computer yet... he suggested I buy two bundles and sell back one of the games... nice try jerk.

But if there is no clue on the extra guitar, maybe I should go PS2 seeing that extra guitars are out there on the market already?[/quote]Guess I was smart reading this thread first. I was going to ask a similar question. People have apparently been submitting tips to GoNintendo that a standalone guitar for the Wii is available on some online retailer sites (which would therefore imply that it should be available in B&M stores when the game is released). But can anyone point me to one of these online sites? None of the major store sites have a listing.
Some more food for though for anyone still on the fence....Target has an exclusive bundle of the PS2 version that comes with two guitars for $89.99 (same price as the Wii bundle with 1 guitar).

That combined with ability to buy game only discs of GHI, GHII and The 80s is worth pondering when deciding which way to go.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Some more food for though for anyone still on the fence....Target has an exclusive bundle of the PS2 version that comes with two guitars for $89.99 (same price as the Wii bundle with 1 guitar).

That combined with ability to buy game only discs of GHI, GHII and The 80s is worth pondering when deciding which way to go.[/QUOTE]

The deal at Target though is for two wired controllers but the Wii version just like the PS3 and Xbox 360 comes with a wireless controller. To get a wireless controller on PS2 it would cost you an extra 60 bucks outside of the cost of the game.

Remember though that they are coming out with GHI & GHII Dual Pack on the PS2 if you haven't played them already for $59.99 later on in the week.

If you don't care about wireless controllers you might as well get the PS2 version because graphics wise they will be about the same plus you can go back and play all of the Guitar Heroes on it, too.
I have a similar dilemma. Instead of making a nearly identical thread, I thought I would post in here. I have recently bought a Wii and PS3. But I have GHII for the 360 (2 copies) because my old roommate had a 360 and I really wanted to play GH. So now I have these two copies of GHII collecting dust, which is fine since I will likely get a 360 someday. But I think Wii and PS3 will be my main machines even then. So my problem is I really wanted the Wii version of Guitar Hero III. But I also want Rock Band. Would it be better to buy it for PS3 so I would have two PS3 guitars? I heard there may be compatibility issues between the PS3 guitars though. What are the plusses and minuses of the Wii and PS3 versions? I really want to get it this weekend if possible (since I haven't been able to find DDR:HP at TRU yet and I need to get my games exchanged soon).

Not really interested in being wired down by the PS2 controllers plugged into my PS3 either, BTW.
If we don't get DLC on the Wii version and the game sells well enough, I imagine we'll see some kind of "Guitar Hero Classics" disc come out with some of the best of GH1, 2 and 80's. I mean, it'd basically be free money for Activision.
[quote name='UncleBob']If we don't get DLC on the Wii version and the game sells well enough, I imagine we'll see some kind of "Guitar Hero Classics" disc come out with some of the best of GH1, 2 and 80's. I mean, it'd basically be free money for Activision.[/quote]
Yeah, and if they weren't stupid expensive, I'd buy 'em. Hell, even if they are stupid expensive, I'm sure they'd sell.
So has anyone grabbed this yet? How's the controller? I'm going to get it this afternoon and want to hear some impressions.
[quote name='darthbudge']Is there any DLC planned for the Wii?[/QUOTE]

Developers have said little about it. Basically just that it's not available at launch, but may be down the road.

But it's unlikely if there isn't a Wii harddrive, or at least a firmware update to allow games to use the SD card slot directly.
The controller is nice. It really has some heft to it, unlike the previous cheap-o plastic ones that weighed about two ounces.
[quote name='UncleBob']The controller is nice. It really has some heft to it, unlike the previous cheap-o plastic ones that weighed about two ounces.[/quote]
Sweet, now do I feel like driving to Circuit City and getting the free stand then taking back my RedOctane pre-order...
So does anyone have any reasons I should get the PS3 version over the Wii. If I knew the guitars worked with Rock Band I would, but I don't think they do.
This is in the Wii version's manual, I assume it's in the others as well.


If there's any way for them to stop you from using the guitar with RockBand, I think they will. ;)
[quote name='UncleBob']This is in the Wii version's manual, I assume it's in the others as well.


If there's any way for them to stop you from using the guitar with RockBand, I think they will. ;)[/quote]My roommate used one of my guitars for the 360 to play Aegis Wing (because he is retarded or something). I don't think he got arrested. So I think you're good to go on this one.


I was at TRU last night and it was just before closing so I tried to get the guy in the RZone to sell me GHIII for Wii early. No dice. That's fine. I ask if they will be available in the morning. He says they will be.

So I go to TRU at open this morning. There are no Wii versions on the shelf. The same guy is working. I ask where the Wii copies are. He says, "We only are selling the Wii version to people with reserve tickets." Then he had the audacity to try and sellme on the 360 version, saying how much better it is anyway. I tell him I don't have a 360 and tell him the pluses of the Wii version over the others. He just gets this angry look on his face and walks away. I can't believe he told me last night I would be able to get it and then I wasn't, then he tried to sell me something I didn't want nor did I even have the means to play it. I wanted to go Manhunt 2 on the guy and take pliers to his nads. So I just kicked over the magazine rack and threw glitter at him as I ran out the door. Which reminds me, I need to pick up more glitter...
I was at TRU last night and it was just before closing so I tried to get the guy in the RZone to sell me GHIII for Wii early. No dice. That's fine. I ask if they will be available in the morning. He says they will be.

So I go to TRU at open this morning. There are no Wii versions on the shelf. The same guy is working. I ask where the Wii copies are. He says, "We only are selling the Wii version to people with reserve tickets." Then he had the audacity to try and sellme on the 360 version, saying how much better it is anyway. I tell him I don't have a 360 and tell him the pluses of the Wii version over the others. He just gets this angry look on his face and walks away. I can't believe he told me last night I would be able to get it and then I wasn't, then he tried to sell me something I didn't want nor did I even have the means to play it. I wanted to go Manhunt 2 on the guy and take pliers to his nads. So I just kicked over the magazine rack and threw glitter at him as I ran out the door. Which reminds me, I need to pick up more glitter...
I just got it. There was nothing cooler than when you had to play Kiss as an encore. The graphics are way bad, but that's not like that matters. I've been missing a lot of notes that I swear I"m hitting. I hope it's me and not the game.
[quote name='munch'] I've been missing a lot of notes that I swear I"m hitting. I hope it's me and not the game.[/QUOTE]

Are you playing on an HDTV? And if so are you playing in 480p and using the lag calibration adjustment in the game? If not that would cause problems.
Picked up the Wii version this morning just after 12:01am. We're having a great time...and yeah, the controller is much better made than previous verisons.
I'm really enjoying this version of the game. As mentioned previously, the guitar feels very nice, good weight to it. Interestingly, when I inserted the disc in the Wii, I couldn't launch the game! There was no GH3 icon in the game channel. It just said "Wii". I had to turn on the 2nd wiimote to get the pointer on the screen and then I had to do a system update. After that... perfection!
Very much enjoying it so far, first time I've ever touched the game. At least I don't suck terribly, as the first song on easy I was able to get 84%. Wrapped up the first set getting in the mid-90s.

I do like the bad note sound from the Wiimote, and the vibration is evident, but not intrusive. And once I figured out that the analog stick should be used while holding the guitar in playing form, it was a little easier to navigate the Wii menu.
Well, I figured out my problem with the game. As I noted earlier I was getting a bunch of bum notes. Like, a lot. I'd get a long note and it would stop playing right after I hit it.

Turns out the problem is that the strum bar is way looser than the one for the PS2. I was strumming down and it was registering as two hits. I have to change my style to hit the notes. I think I'm going to contact Red Octane. It really messes me up.
I have a problem.

I bought the Wii version, opened it in my car and threw the box out at Circuit City. I get home and play for several hours. Its awesome etc etc.

My mom comes home and tells me she just bought it for me for Christmas for PS2 with two wired controllers (honestly it doesn't matter to me wired or not).

Do I trade in my Wii guitar hero and wait until christmas (my friends have GH3 so it wouldn't be too bad) or do i ask my mom to return it for an extra guitar/ wiimote, again for christmas?
[quote name='eraser813']I'm really enjoying this version of the game. As mentioned previously, the guitar feels very nice, good weight to it. Interestingly, when I inserted the disc in the Wii, I couldn't launch the game! There was no GH3 icon in the game channel. It just said "Wii". I had to turn on the 2nd wiimote to get the pointer on the screen and then I had to do a system update. After that... perfection![/quote]Yeah. I had to do a system update before I could load up MP3 last week. And I got a Wii after MP3 came out.
I hate this game. It's like a fake custom hackjob version of Guitar Hero. The character models are worse than the ones in Guitar Hero 1.
[quote name='Zen Davis']I hate this game. It's like a fake custom hackjob version of Guitar Hero. The character models are worse than the ones in Guitar Hero 1.[/QUOTE]

I know. I mean, graphics in a game like this don't mean anything; buy my god did you see the drummer? It's horrible. It becomes distracting.
[quote name='eraser813']Has anyone played online with the Wii version? Are friends codes in effect?[/quote]Of course they are, we love them. I haven't played online yet, just linked my account up to the community page.

[quote name='munch']I know. I mean, graphics in a game like this don't mean anything; buy my god did you see the drummer? It's horrible. It becomes distracting.[/quote]I don't even understand how someone can look at the graphics to comment on them, outside of the ten seconds before and after a song.

Anyone else have their vision affected by the scrolling notes? It's kind of amusing. Every time I sit down at my computer after a song, the text kinda dances in front of my eyes for a few seconds.
[quote name='botticus']Of course they are, we love them. I haven't played online yet, just linked my account up to the community page.

I don't even understand how someone can look at the graphics to comment on them, outside of the ten seconds before and after a song.

Anyone else have their vision affected by the scrolling notes? It's kind of amusing. Every time I sit down at my computer after a song, the text kinda dances in front of my eyes for a few seconds.[/QUOTE]

I'm playing on Medium right now and it's really easy, so I can see all of it. If you haven't taken the time to look at the graphics you should. They're disgusting. I wonder what they're like for the other consoles. I don't remember the old PS2 versions being this bad.
[quote name='munch']I'm playing on Medium right now and it's really easy, so I can see all of it. If you haven't taken the time to look at the graphics you should. They're disgusting. I wonder what they're like for the other consoles. I don't remember the old PS2 versions being this bad.[/quote]I want to laugh, but then you might tell me you're serious. :whistle2:(


Is there a CAG tour group set up anywhere? Seems like there should be if there isn't one.
[quote name='botticus']I want to laugh, but then you might tell me you're serious. :whistle2:(


Is there a CAG tour group set up anywhere? Seems like there should be if there isn't one.[/QUOTE]

I'm dead serious. Medium is easy and the game is butt ugly.
The controls aren't as tight as Guitar Hero 1 and 2. The graphics are worse artistically than Guitar Hero 1. The animations are horrible. The lighting is crap. I'm pseudo-happy with the track list but Harmonix is definitely missed. This is Guitar Hero in name only as far as I'm concerned.

[quote name='botticus']I don't even understand how someone can look at the graphics to comment on them, outside of the ten seconds before and after a song.

Anyone else have their vision affected by the scrolling notes? It's kind of amusing. Every time I sit down at my computer after a song, the text kinda dances in front of my eyes for a few seconds.[/quote]

I'm not great but when you get decent enough you can keep start to keep track of the notes and what's happening on the screen. The front man looks like the biggest douchebag in the world. The drummer only has arm animations that go up and down in one straight motion. If this were a band I was in, I would quit.

Also the chart notes are terrible. If you guys have a 360 I would tell you to skip and wait for Rock Band.
The graphics were probably done with the PS3 and 360 in mind, and then reduced to work on "lesser" consoles.

Just a guess of course.
[quote name='Zen Davis'] If you guys have a 360 I would tell you to skip and wait for Rock Band.[/QUOTE]

Is the 360 version as bad in these regards? Is is it just that the Wii port was half assed? What about the PS2 version?

Any one played those versions and can offer their input? Seems like there's less complaints in the 360 thread.

I'd been debating whether to just get it for the PS2, or to sell the PS2 and pick up the 360 version and/or wait for Rock Band.
I guess I should be happy this is my first GH then, I think it's pretty sweet.

Only complaints I've heard re: the 360 version is the guitar. But then until the last few posts I hadn't heard any complaints about the Wii graphics either, other than not being 360/PS3 graphics. GAF seems a happier bunch about the games in general.

From the thousand-post GAF thread, it's generally:
360: broken guitars
PS3: lag/no friend matching for online
Wii: the usual?
[quote name='TheYellowDart']My friend code-287877506119[/quote]Where do they have the friend code? I'll have to dig mine up tonight.
[quote name='botticus']I guess I should be happy this is my first GH then, I think it's pretty sweet.

Yeah, I'm just interested to hear more about how it compares to the first two, rather than the platform specific stuff as I had concerns about it being as good with the new developer.

Oh well, I should skip GH/Rock Band until 2008 anyway as I have a big backlog and more pressing stuff like Mario and Mass Effect coming soon anyway.
bread's done