Guitar Hero: Metallica (360/PS3) $48 w/free shipping at Newegg & Amazon


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Guitar Hero: Metallica (360/PS3) $47.99
Guitar Hero: Metallica (360/PS3) $47.99
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$30 and I'll bite. These games aren't worth MSRP anymore (or anything close to it). Taking what would function as DLC then putting it on a disc just so you can doublefuck the consumer.
[quote name='dcswirl']Dying to get this but I'm poor at the moment.[/quote]

I hear ya man.... I was rocking out to Metallica in the car and once I came accross this deal, I could not resist!
[quote name='crunchb3rry']$30 and I'll bite. These games aren't worth MSRP anymore (or anything close to it). Taking what would function as DLC then putting it on a disc just so you can doublefuck the consumer.[/quote]

Thats how I feel, they arent worth that much at all. But I have always told myself that if they made a Metallica or Guns and Roses guitar hero, then I would get it asap.
i cant believe they made a metallica guitar hero, i am very tempted. if only i didnt loose my damn job, wtf. this is gay when is the economy going to take a swing in the other direction so that i can start buying video games again..!??? Damnit
[quote name='wide18receiver']Thats how I feel, they arent worth that much at all. But I have always told myself that if they made a Metallica or Guns and Roses guitar hero, then I would get it asap.[/quote]

Thanks for the info. I definitely want to buy the game, but it's matter of how long I'm willing to hold out in order for the price to drop. This may just be as cheap as we'll see it for the near future, so I'm very tempted. $39.99 would make it an automatic buy.
As big of a Metallica fan as I am, I'm actually going to wait until it drops to around 20.

Mainly because I'm not going to pay over $30 for less than 50 songs. Not to mention, the Guitar Hero games are still lacking (the graphics still look cheesy and they love to over-chart songs). Hell, I'm sure if Rock Band made the game, it would have included nearly Metallica's entire library plus the other bands songs (and I'm sure they would have included Cliff and Jason as unlockable characters)
Wow great price. Will also wait til its $20 like DarkZion. Should be a month or two wait. If the price of all other GH games didnt plummet so quickly I would definitely bite on this price.
I think I'm with everyone else on this one. Not a bad price but I think I'll wait until it goes down too.

After just picking up GH: Aerosmith at Target for $10 it's hard to spend almost five times that much on another GH game knowing it will be cheaper soon.
[quote name='DarkZion']Hell, I'm sure if Rock Band made the game, it would have included nearly Metallica's entire library plus the other bands songs (and I'm sure they would have included Cliff and Jason as unlockable characters)[/QUOTE]
I think I can definitely say no. That was actually kind of sensitive thing with the guys in Metallica. We asked them about that and they never said no. They just went, “Ehhh.” They didn’t want to make [current bassist] Rob Trujillo feel like he wasn’t as important a part of the band as he is. So there’s no Cliff Burton in the game, but there’s Cliff Burton in spirit. You get to play his basslines. We talk about him in the Metalli-facts [trivia] as well. - the game's lead designer Alan Flores

same thing can be applied to Jason

as for the disc. Price drop a bit more and im all over it, i'll take a disc with 49 songs for $40 or under. but $48 for 49 songs is a good deal if u dig the lineup. If they had put em in DLC i probably wouldnt even bother
I think $60 is asking way too much for any game. $48 is still a bit unreasonable for a music game that I'll probably play for a while and then maybe break out again with some friends later down the line, but being not so great at Rock Band/Guitar Hero as it is, I'm not in the mood to spend $48 to fail constantly on incredibly difficult songs, no matter how fun they are to play.

I'll wait until I can get this used for around $30 at GameStop. I'll probably wind up trading it in to them eventually so I might as well try to minimize the loss I'm going to incur.
[quote name='Papa Neorev']I think I can definitely say no. That was actually kind of sensitive thing with the guys in Metallica. We asked them about that and they never said no. They just went, “Ehhh.” They didn’t want to make [current bassist] Rob Trujillo feel like he wasn’t as important a part of the band as he is. So there’s no Cliff Burton in the game, but there’s Cliff Burton in spirit. You get to play his basslines. We talk about him in the Metalli-facts [trivia] as well. - the game's lead designer Alan Flores

same thing can be applied to Jason

as for the disc. Price drop a bit more and im all over it, i'll take a disc with 49 songs for $40 or under. but $48 for 49 songs is a good deal if u dig the lineup. If they had put em in DLC i probably wouldnt even bother[/quote]

I completely agree about cliff. I think it would be a sensitive issue about him seeing as how he passed away. Newsted on the other hand... I never was a fan of him so I don't care.

I'll wait on this until it drops more. Despite being a huge metallica fan, Guitar hero games drop like a rock (see gh: aerosmith).
I'm not surprised by the price drop. I have zero people playing the game on my friend list this last week. I think a lot of people have reached their limit on fake guitar games.

I have not reached that limit yet. I spent a bazillion hours playing the Metallica game this last week. :)
Man, Halo Wars last month, Legends of Wrestlemania last week and now this. No point in buying games at launch anymore, they'll drop in 2-3 weeks.

I'm with Hoffer, I'm playing this game like crazy. Don't regret paying full price at all. Uh, especially because I had $30 in gift cards to use on it.
[quote name='dcswirl']Dying to get this but I'm poor at the moment.
Same here man, I might have to borrow money from someone so I don't miss this sweet deal.
[quote name='Hoffer']I spent a bazillion hours playing the Metallica game this last week. :)[/QUOTE]

I rented it and it took me less than 2 hours to unlock all the songs and play the ones I liked.
I agree - there will be more of a price drop in the future, so I better just stick with my backlog of games and pick this one up when it hits the $20-$30 range. Without a major holiday coming up, this one should have another price drop in 1-2 months time. While I think the current price drop is good for those who obsess over Metallica and have to absolutely play it now, I suggest the rest of us sit this one out. Amazon, thanks, but no thanks...
This game is only played by using the GH metallica disc right? ie no code to download and incorporate into larger guitar hero game (unlike rock band ac dc which allowed you to import into RB1 and 2) If that is the case I am happy to wait.

And on a note about Metallica I am not to thrilled to support the greedy sobs. I was a huge fan back in the early days and they supported their fans until they got big and than Lars et al got greedy. They seem to forget how so much of there fan based happened by word of mouth versus radio play. Heck they even released a vhs tape with nothing but fan footage of their shows. I am all for the artists getting paid but Metallica seemed to forget where they came from.
Actually got this day one from gamefly for like $40 with my 10% and 5$ off coupon!!! But this is a good deal.

The game itself is great IMO, much better than Aerosmith and the riffs are more fun to play.
[quote name='kklems']This game is only played by using the GH metallica disc right? ie no code to download and incorporate into larger guitar hero game (unlike rock band ac dc which allowed you to import into RB1 and 2) If that is the case I am happy to wait.

And on a note about Metallica I am not to thrilled to support the greedy sobs. I was a huge fan back in the early days and they supported their fans until they got big and than Lars et al got greedy. They seem to forget how so much of there fan based happened by word of mouth versus radio play. Heck they even released a vhs tape with nothing but fan footage of their shows. I am all for the artists getting paid but Metallica seemed to forget where they came from.[/quote]
I'm currently renting this game. As a Guitar Hero-turned-Rock Band player, as a Metallica fan, and as a Thrash/Heavy Metal fan in general, I'll answer both questions...

1) No codes are provided with whatever. The only thing you'll gain from World Tour is the Death Magnetic DLC. Activision never made their DLC backwards compatible since GH2 on the 360. For Rock Band, it was psudo-revolutionary to take nearly all the content from one game and make it compatible with the future game.

2) I can agree with you on the Greedy thing, however if you actually played it, there is a lot of work done with this game, a lot of effort put into it. The character animations are some of the best in any music game. "Metallifacts" provides interesting details about many songs/albums/musicians I didn't know much about. 99% of the setlist is all Heavy Metal. There's plenty of videos (over a dozen bootlegs, behind-the-scene vids, etc.), a much easier progression of career mode, and easy achievements.

I don't wanna sound like a sadistic fanboy, but at least give this a rent if you're a fan of guitar hero and heavy metal.
Personally, I've been following Harmonix as far as goes the Guitar Hero into Rock Band. I found Guitar Hero 3/WT pretty much cash-ins on the Franchise, and although Metallica is more of the same, sadly I'm a big fan of the game and paid full price for it... yesterday haha (good things come to those who wait right?).

Anywho, I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, I wouldn't say it's worth anymore than $40 to your average Guitar Hero fan.

That said, the drum tracks are really fun, even if it is on a Rock Band kit.
My sister picked this game up, and I'd have to admit they did a good job with the motion capture aspects of the band itself, at least that is how I feel about it. I'm going to wait for either my sister to get sick of the game and let me borrow it for an extended period of time or just pick it up for under $30 myself.
I am enjoying the game quite a bit. I would like to have seen more tracks from Kill Em All, Master of Puppets And Justice for All. It would have been nice to see more props given to Cliff and Jason. The game sounds crazy awesome in surround sound except when I sing.
[quote name='LTM360']Personally, I've been following Harmonix as far as goes the Guitar Hero into Rock Band. I found Guitar Hero 3/WT pretty much cash-ins on the Franchise, and although Metallica is more of the same, sadly I'm a big fan of the game and paid full price for it... yesterday haha (good things come to those who wait right?).[/quote]
I'll agree that GH: Metallica is a cash-in, but at least the entire presentation is far superior to that of GH: Aerosmith.

Also to those who have followed the GH franchise since Day 1, haven't you ever dreamed of a GH: Metallica or GH: Heavy Metal Edition? While the song quanity is underwhelming, the song quality + presentation certainly advances things.
[quote name='Hoffer']I'm not surprised by the price drop. I have zero people playing the game on my friend list this last week. I think a lot of people have reached their limit on fake guitar games.

I have not reached that limit yet. I spent a bazillion hours playing the Metallica game this last week. :)[/quote]

For the most part, I agree.... I think the Aerosmith GH ruined it. Why would they make that the first solo band game??? Who "rocks out" to Aerosmith?? They are a good band, but no one gets pumped up or excited to hear/play Aerosmith. That was the GH that made me lose some interest... but Metallica will hopefully revive the GH in me!!
[quote name='hypertails02']I'll agree that GH: Metallica is a cash-in, but at least the entire presentation is far superior to that of GH: Aerosmith.

Also to those who have followed the GH franchise since Day 1, haven't you ever dreamed of a GH: Metallica or GH: Heavy Metal Edition? While the song quanity is underwhelming, the song quality + presentation certainly advances things.[/quote]

I AGREE 100%!!
Thanks, took the order from Amazon!

I've been thinking of getting this ever since i missed the preorder at Gamestop, i'm a Guitar Hero freak and was going to just buy it at the $3 off Amazon has had up. I decided to hold out until tomorrow, when i was going to see if any ads had it lower...this is beyond perfect.

I won the game thanks to a competition my favorite radio station was holding. So far, I love it. I just wish Cyanide was in it...they want waaaayyyy too much $$$ for the Death Magnetic DLC.
I just bought this game full price, and I'm not even disappointed about it being on sale now. I'm loving the game.

Probably going to buy the Death Magnetic DLC sometime in the next month as well.
This is another one that I'm going to wait on until it's $30 or less. I love most of Metallica's music but most of the other songs aren't that good to me. Now if they release an ALL metal GH with a good variety of bands, I would definitely drop $60 on it.
[quote name='sephiroth61787']I won the game thanks to a competition my favorite radio station was holding. So far, I love it. I just wish Cyanide was in it...they want waaaayyyy too much $$$ for the Death Magnetic DLC.[/quote]

ROCK 105.3 ???????
bread's done