H: Wii Bundle, Wii Controler Bundle, W: 360 Goodies!

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Thursday afternoon bump!

An interesting develop has occurred over at Goozex for me. Weeks ago, a trader mistakenly said he was shipping a game to me that, unknown to him, he did not have. The game's point value went up slightly, and if the trader had not done this, I would have received it at the previous price. So, following advice from moderators, I made him an offer: Ask the staff to refund the extra points along with the price, and let's change your negative into a cancellation, as it should have been in the first place. We both happily agreed. The trader's communication was above the average that I speak to in trading venues. We spoke respectively towards one another and with a level of professionalism that I prefer all of my transactions to bear.

However, after our dispute time was up....nothing we worked towards happened. I got my original points back, and he's still stuck with the negative. After advice from moderators and fellow members to work towards a compromise, it resultied in nothing but wasted time and effort. To me, that's like two arguing children in a classroom being told to get along, they find a way to do so, and after announcing peace has been achieved, the teacher says, "I don't care! Forget it!" Yes, I've been there before too.

The morale of this story is? Well, there's a couple. The first one, obviously, is visually check before stating you are sending a game. Also, it doesn't matter what resolution people want at Goozex. The staff will apparently still do what they want. They really need to look at their dispute practices a bit more thoroughly.
Friday afternoon bump!

I went ahead and cleared the rest of my Goozex points out. I am not done with the service, but I am a bit wiser about their policies concerning when people make mistakes. Also, I had a promising deal set up over at TradeGamesNow, but the other person seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. That, or they went on vacation. So, if I don't hear back from them soon, I'll have a couple of more controllers added to the Have List.
Saturday afternoon bump!

Most people love Saturdays. I have yet to find a reason to like them. You know why? It's the yard work day around here. Instead of enjoying a bike ride at the park or going out with friends, I'm stuck swatting mosquitoes and ducking bees while mowing and clearing debris in my yard. It also doesn't help that our gas line is off due to a corroded leak in the line, so there's no hot water. Believe me, you would think that isn't a problem, but deep water lines equals freezing water. It's only good for the first few seconds.
Monday morning bump!

I need to stop procrastinating with my laundry duties. You know when there's a few clothes you have that you need an excuse to wear, since they are embarrassing to wear in public? I'm wearing those now.
Tuesday evening bump!

The artwork was sold to a local collector, so I'm happy that someone will take it off of my hands and appreciate it.
Wednesday afternoon bump!

I decided to toss the ol' Wii up there. Also, I'm waiting on a local seller who has Transformers: War for Cybertron. Hopefully this evening, I can feed my inner child some slagging goodness!
Thursday morning bump!

The local seller seems to have a busy social calender, so I will have to wait until at least Friday, before I get my hands on Transformers: War for Cybertron. Waiting is painful.
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