Had a baby! It's a girl! Holy Crap, Having ANOTHER kid. Game auctions and PS3 auction


9 (100%)
So we're having a baby in July (yay!) That means my infamous game room becomes a not quite as cool, but still pretty damn cool baby room!

Here are my auctions. A few collectible sealed Resident Evil games up and many cheaper games now listed. Many more things will be added. I try to add a couple new things every day. Thanks for looking.

Edit 12-4-10

Umm...yeah, so we found out my wife is pregnant. AGAIN. Yup, 4 months after giving birth, she is pregnant again. Needless to say, we are both freaking out quite a bit. I am still selling most (now probably all) of my games and have listed the secondary PS3 system we bought when she was on maternity leave the first time so she could watch blu rays and stream Netflix in the living room while she cared for Evie. Now we need the money more than a second PS3. Here's a direct link to the PS3 auction.

Anyway, new baby is due sometime in August 2011. Holy crap.


Wow. Long time since I updated.

Here is our daughter, Evangeline (Evie) she is now 16 weeks old:


Everything is going good. I am now a SAHD (stay at home dad, yeah), but I am also working at my old job and another job nights and weekends. Money is still tight though, but overall my wife and I are doing great! It is so much work taking care of a baby, but it is very rewarding and she means everything to my wife and I.

The ebay auctions are still going strong. I have 132 things listed currently and still have about 300-400 more things to go through and sell.

Please check them out and thanks in advance for any purchases you may make. I ship very fast!

Disregard my one negative. A kid I sold NBA 2k10 gave it to me because there apparently is a bug in the game since they took down the 2k10 servers that freezes the game when it automatically tries to log into them when you first start up the game. He claimed I sold him a defective copy and left me a negative without even contacting me and declined to do a revision of the feedback.

I then linked him to numerous articles about the bug (that I knew nothing about until after I sold the game, otherwise I would have never sold it) and he then apologized, but it was too late because only one feedback revision request per transaction is allowed and he declined it. Oh well. 11 years of 100% perfect feedback down the drain.

EDIT 5-20-10- Long time between edits. So we got married in April! We have been together for 10 years, but never got hitched. We are now. The baby is doing great. She is 32 weeks on Saturday. The game room is now completely merged with the master bedroom and the old game room is painted and has a crib in it now! Still not 100% on a name (i Know, we are indecisive). Auctions are still going strong!

Edit 3-19-10 - I think it moved. So my girlfriend is starting to feel the baby moving around in there. She'll be 23 weeks on Sunday. Everything is going great so far! Evangeline seems to be the front runner in the name department, but we haven't discussed it in awhile. I like it, but fear it sounds too much like evangelist. So we'll see.

In auction news, everything is going great. Up to $2100 in the baby fund after fees and shipping. Sold around a 100 things.

Edit 2-20 Pay no attention to the Limited Edition Bioshock game Buy it now listing. I know it's way overpriced. I don't really want to sell it, and I clearly know no one is dumb enough to pay $300 for it. But it is ebay, some people are dumb, and Bioshock 2 just came out and some people are dumb. So even though I don't want to sell it, I'll totally sell it for $300. I did the same thing with Mass Effect 1 Limited set used a couple weeks ago when Mass Effect 2 came out. At the time, they were ending at $99-$120, I threw mine up for $170 BIN and it sold in 3 days. Now a bunch are going for $150ish. So never underestimate people on ebay.

Edit 2-11
Bioshock no reserve art book and Big Daddy figure now up! and about 220 total games listed. About 100 or so more to list.

Also, I need suggestions for girls names. It's harder than you think to find a name that is not going to scar my girl for the rest of her life. If you suggest a name and we end up naming our child that, the first person what suggested it will win something that I have yet to determine. Probably a game of some sort. Probably not a new or expensive one, but still. It might matter, but probably not, she is part Italian and I am a mix of stuff, mainly Irish I guess. We would like the name to have a cool meaning but also a kind of normal-ness to it. (example-Astrid cool meaning, weird sounding. We would like to stay away from that.)

Edit- 2-3
We found out last week it's going to be a girl! Suddenly collecting video games seems so unimportant now. We are both really excited. She is about 17 weeks along and everything is going so well. We weren't expecting to find out the sex until the 20 week ultrasound, but the doc was able to tell when we went in for the genetics testing and ultrasound last week.

Thanks for those who have looked at, bought or told someone about my auctions. I've saved after bills this month, ebay fees, shipping and so on close to $1000 for the baby fund and really only sold 40 or so of the 300-400 games I have to sell. There's about 170 things up right now and many more will be added in the coming weeks.

EDIT 2-2
- I will admit $169 for an open copy of Mass Effect 1 Limited Edition is just crazy expensive and completely nutty on my part. Way higher than any other auctions out there. I just put it up on a whim, not at all really wanting to sell it or expecting to sell it for that much. But it did, for that much. So I am inviting everyone to suck it who made fun of my prices.

EDIT 1-20-
Many more outrageously overpriced (yet strangely consistent with completed auctions that sold and under other sellers for the same condition item), nutty items added the last couple days (to help make my fake attempt at raising money for my future child seem more realistic). A lot more used stuff up.

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some stuff ending today. At the rate things are selling, my unborn baby will be 30 by the time everything is sold. While I'm talking to myself, I might as well ask, what is the deal with all the low balls on ebay. It's been years since I sold stuff on there, so this Best Offer stuff is all new to me. I have people offering me $40 for my game that I have BIN for $159 and other sellers are selling for $200. Really? Another one offered me $5 for a $40 item. Another one I don't even have Best Offer on, yet I get asked can I make the game $40. I listed it at $59. Only two other sellers had it listed and they were all at around $70. I mean really. It's insulting.
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I hate to be so brutally honest, but your prices are absolutely nutty. Unless this is just a fake attempt to sell the stuff so your wife thinks you at least tried, I think you drastically need to rethink your pricing structure.
[quote name='Valanthos']I hate to be so brutally honest, but your prices are absolutely nutty. Unless this is just a fake attempt to sell the stuff so your wife thinks you at least tried, I think you drastically need to rethink your pricing structure.[/QUOTE]

Do searches for all the stuff I am selling in the same condition. I am the lowest one on everything. Sometime by more than $40 like on the mario dance game I have for $159, the next closest seller is at $199. All the stuff I have listed is sealed. Yeah an open Tales of the Abyss game sells for like $35, a sealed one sells for and has sold for in the last 30 days for $80. Mine is at $69. The games with soundtracks I have best offers on because no one else is selling those on ebay and there is no reference other than Amazon, which is inflated. I don't expect to get $89 for Atelier Iris w/soundtrack, which is why I have best offers. I don't see how that's nutty. But thanks for looking.

All that being said, I am now going through and lowering the prices on most everything.
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That sucks, such a nice collection. You have a little more than I do (games-wise, not consoles) but I plan to hold onto it as long as possible since I do go back to enjoy older games.

You have to remember people go to Ebay for deals, not so you can make huge profits. Many times Ebay prices are inflated so just because an item is listed at $100 doesn't mean it's going to sell. Like the guy above said, we hate to be honest but most people aren't looking for sealed games, they can buy those titles for a quarter of the price at GS.
Your best bet would be to search completed listings on Ebay for sealed copies of the games you have and see what they sold for.


The only one for Kuon sealed didn't sell at $77.

I'd say put OBO on your listings as well, so you can get some hits on the games. All in all, I wish you the best of luck, knowing it must kill you to get rid of the games. Here's to the best for you and your soon to be bigger family!
I lowered all my prices to what I think are good for both me and a buyer who is interested in a game in the condition I have it. I realize not everyone wants a sealed game, I'm not trying to sell these to a non collector who just wants to play it.

To use Tales of the Abyss as an example again, It would be dumb for them to buy a $70 copy of a game they can get used for $35. But I'm also not going to sell my sealed copy for $35 when completed auctions have it around $68-$85 and current sellers have it at $99 (I have it at $69 BIN and it was at $72 when I got called nutty) just because people want a super deal (and in most cases they will turn around and flip the game and list it on ebay for $99)
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[quote name='Vulgarism']Your best bet would be to search completed listings on Ebay for sealed copies of the games you have and see what they sold for.


The only one for Kuon sealed didn't sell at $77.

I'd say put OBO on your listings as well, so you can get some hits on the games. All in all, I wish you the best of luck, knowing it must kill you to get rid of the games. Here's to the best for you and your soon to be bigger family![/QUOTE]

I usually try do that. I had Kuon at $69 OBO which I though was fair, but I guess that was nutty. I lowered it to $59.
You can try Amazon too. I have found as of late much less ache selling through there. The fees roughly come out the same if you use BIN on ebay anyway and a lot of things sell for higher on Amazon.

EDIT: Like with Tales of the Abyss as an example. The cheapest new copy is $90. The cheapest used is still over $45 and that's a disc only. If you put a new, sealed copy for $70 on there I'll bet it would sell pretty quick.
[quote name='scsg75']I lowered all my prices to what I think are good for both me and a buyer who is interested in a game in the condition I have it. I realize not everyone wants a sealed game, I'm not trying to sell these to a non collector who just wants to play it.

To use Tales of the Abyss as an example again, It would be dumb for them to buy a $70 copy of a game they can get used for $35. But I'm also not going to sell my sealed copy for $35 when completed auctions have it around $68-$85 and current sellers have it at $99 (I have it at $69 BIN and it was at $72 when I got called nutty) just because people want a super deal (and in most cases they will turn around and flip the game and list it on ebay for $99)[/QUOTE]

It's tough to find collectors willing to buy. I collect games myself but I play everything (no sense in buying them if I can't enjoy them ya know?) so I won't pay premium prices. Those people come around much less frequently unless you have a highly sought game. Then with everyone cutting back on spending it's just going to be difficult overall.
Congrats on the new addition to your household (and goodbye awesome gameroom!) I'm sure the baby's room will look sweet too :D

I'll check out your auctions but here's a girls name I like: Claire
Congratulations on your new baby girl! :D As for a name, how about Naomi? It actually has meanings in two different languages.

Japanese: Honest and beautiful

Hebrew: Pleasantness

And good luck on your eBay auctions. ;)
my wife and i are done having babys so ill throw two girl names in the hat... girl #3 was to be named TigerLilly and #4 Sparrow. i know there are out-there names but my name (jose) is so common and i hate it i gave my kids unique names.
The name usually depends on the last name (but really not the place to give out your last name).
How about Anayla
Thanks guys, lots of good names so far. The problem we're having is we need to both like the name. I like a lot of names she hates and she hates a lot of the names I like. But so far, the contenders are Madeline and (not mentioned) Megan. Madeline doesn't have a cool meaning, so that's a hang up. Megan means "pearl" and that's kind of stupid. So they're are on the list, which has 3 names on it, those two and her pick "Haven", which I am meh about.
I like the name Sarah, so much so that my wife and I named our girl with it.

Good luck with your listing. I sold a lot of games and stuff over the past couple weeks on ebay.

Have you considered making auction listing with BIN? Your FVF would be less under the current price structure. Just a thought, good luck with your new addition to your family.

Oh yeah, I like your room set up. Will that be your daughters room? If so, don't worry. You will never miss it once you have your little bundle of joy!
Valerie is a good name, set her up for victory right from the start.
Congrats! Coming up with a name is truly difficult. As for some suggestions, here are a few with meanings in parentheses.

Adelina (noble, kind)
Elena (shining light)
Darcie (dark)
Saoirse (prounounced SEER-sha, means freedom or liberty)
Alana (darling child)
Ciara/Kiara (pronounced kee-ah-ra. this one is interesting because in Irish it means "dark," while its closest counterpart in Italian, Chiara, pronounced just the same, means "light")

Hate'em all or love'em all, there's nothing wrong with more choices, right?
I really think that Zelda is a beautiful name for a girl. If you and/or your significant other like the games, then that's even better. I'm guessing by your massive collection that you might have thought of this name , lol. :p
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Congrats! I really like Naomi (?), Alessandra (?), & Candace (Clarity).

Oh and by the way, badass Gaming Room, if my room wasn't so small It's very close to what I'd do with my walls. :rofl:
Mara Jade (there's a guy who named his girl this while I was in high school; wife didn't know it was a Star Wars character)

I'll accept my prize at your earliest convenience.
I was thinking something along the lines that would make sure that she's slotted into a wapanese role for the rest of her life. Sakura, maybe?
[quote name='Pirate331']Mara Jade (there's a guy who named his girl this while I was in high school; wife didn't know it was a Star Wars character)

I'll accept my prize at your earliest convenience.[/QUOTE]

I think I could pull this off. She has no idea about more obscure Star Wars stuff, especially the comics or books. I was going to try to get Luke if it was a boy, Leia if a girl but she put the foot down on my awesome plan. Naming this child would be so much easier if it were just me, but giving birth would be a bitch.
My daughters are Kaylee & Keira. Kylee is a name I like as well. My whole family has names that start with either K's or C's. It was a little difficult, but we pulled it off after a lot of debate.
Annaleigh(Not Anna Leigh...like some redneck says it) Pronounced "Aunalee" or Awnalee....you get what I am saying right? Cool auctions btw.
got them at Circuit City when they were still open. Target used to sell them too, but they've changed the design of them last time I looked and they are clear and different colors now and hold 20 DVDs. The ones I have are 14 capacity DVD plastic trays that can be hung an the wall.
bread's done