Halo 3 Class Action Suit?

My 360 has been acting up. Freezing, major framerate drops, etc. Not sure if it's b/c of Halo 3 or the 360 itself...probably both.
all i have to say is it happend to me. I'm about to join this suit. My xbox red lighted 3 days after halo 3 came out. I waited a month to get one back and now i play.
My 360 red ringed when playing Halo 3, but I don't think the game did it.

I think a game red ringing a console is just a myth that online cry babies created so they had a little somethin' extra to bitch about.
This is so stupid, and seems to happen anytime a big game comes out on the 360. I remember people claiming that Dead Rising bricked their system too. It's even more stupid since theirs no way to prove that a certain game was the cause.
No, his console didn't brick. He's claiming it causes consoles to "crash, freeze and lock up". Halo 3 has never frozen on me, the worst I have experienced is a lot of online lag occasionally.

The lawsuit is absolute rubbish. Anyone can file a suit, I don't know why this is getting the attention it is.
I swear that GoW bricked my system...It worked fine until i brought tha game home.

I popped it in got through the menus and once the first intro started it froze and red ringed
i don't get that people don't realize that 360's are going to break, regardless of what game you're playing. and whatever game you happen to be playing at the time, and especially if you've only started it recently, your initial reaction is "hey, this game just bricked my 360!" and if it happens during a big release, naturally there's going to be a large group of people who find each other and negatively reinforce everyone's gut reaction. it happened to me too (many months before halo 3), i did the math, realized what happened, and got over it.

on a side note, i was more than pleased with the repair process and my console has been going strong ever since.
I'm pretty sure every 360 owner that has had a system get the RRod could blame a title on the problem. Hell my game got the RRoD the first time playing Spider-Man 3. Was it the game that did it? fuck no and if you think so your're an idiot and should stop gaming right now. If a system is going to fail it is only a matter of time and just because you were playing a certain title doesn't mean it is the cause. Just another way the idiots of the world are wasting tax dollars.
Hell my 360 REFUSES to play Halo 3. It will play any other game fine, but Halo 3, if I try to load campaign or multiplayer, it completely locks my 360 and I hear this weird grinding noise from my 360. No red ring yet. I can't exchange it to Microcenter until it Red Rings since it plays everything else fine. It's been a month since I haven't played Halo 3. It's not so bad since I beat the game prior to this happening but my friends have freaking ranked up since I have been locked out of halo 3. I did do a disc exchange with Microsoft since it was scratched up when I got it but the new disc has the same problems.

[quote name='PyroGamer']No, his console didn't brick. He's claiming it causes consoles to "crash, freeze and lock up". Halo 3 has never frozen on me, the worst I have experienced is a lot of online lag occasionally.

The lawsuit is absolute rubbish. Anyone can file a suit, I don't know why this is getting the attention it is.[/QUOTE]

Probably due to the negative publicity the design flaw that causes the RRoD in the first place. If that wasn't there, this wouldn't even get page 13 news. But MS is reacting to it with "extended" warranties, and redesigns... so this is no doubt going to get publicity as well...

And, no matter what the console... if _any_ game I purchased happened to be the last one to kill it off permanently, I'd be more that a little pissed. It's not like he was trying to make a cuisinart out of it or something... ;) No, that's not to say his suit has merit... it's just a pathetic thing to think about in general....

This suit will get as far as the others regarding this console have gotten... a toss-out here, a settlement there... happens all the time. Apple gets sued, Microsoft gets sued... Sony got sued and probably will sooner or later (there's always someone looking for a buck...)

Trouble is, with all the frivolous suits, the real ones get lost in the shuffle... the ones that really matter...
I guess this guy either didn't hear about or didn't join the RRoD class action lawsuit in time so he decided to forge his own path. I can't blame him for being upset that his 360 died but this is clearly a frivolous attempt to get paid.
[quote name='daphatty']I guess this guy either didn't hear about or didn't join the RRoD class action lawsuit in time so he decided to forge his own path. I can't blame him for being upset that his 360 died but this is clearly a frivolous attempt to get paid.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing is, the only people who get rich on class-action lawsuits are the lawyers. :) Guess that's why they love to file them, I suppose.

If, by some miracle of bizarro world, he did come away with a victory... the most he'd get would be a coupon for 1/2 off an oil change or something ludicrous like that. ;)
The only theory to specific games rrod a 360 that I have ever felt was reasonable was from Tycho at PA. Basically majority of people have a system that will break down, but they never play it. A new title comes out, they start using the 360 again and it breaks down. Expains why rrod stories come out every time a hot title is released.
maybe I dont understand the american legal system, but 5 million dollars? how much did he pay for his 360, 400$? I guess there was a lot of emotional scarring or something.
[quote name='dave17']maybe I dont understand the american legal system, but 5 million dollars? how much did he pay for his 360, 400$? I guess there was a lot of emotional scarring or something.[/quote]

Class action suits are intended to provide for groups of people that experience the same problem, so the 5 mil would be devided among the plaintiffs.

Either way, the lawsuit is misguided, since we all know that 360s are faulty to begin with and a bad game has nothing to do with it.
People need to realize that... it's not a game that's causing problems but the system itself which is a piece of shit (reliability wise).

Halo 3 froze up on us a few times... but so did half the 360 games we've played on the 360. And then there's Oblivion, which won't even run for some reason.
I dont think it should be a class action lawsuit on the game itself, to me if anything people should file a class action for the big number of RROD
fine print: nobody told him Halo 3 can ONLY be played on the Halo SE 360!? In fact, all the Halo special accessories are required; or it'll lock up for sure. The Master Chief helmet must also remain within 5 feet of the console and player at all times. Player must rub helmet between levels to dissipate static electricity and bad karma as well.
I find it highly hilarious how when I scroll though FM2's car list too fast or too slow it freezes but if I do the same in Juiced 2 it's light speed and has never crashed.

Shows you the level of programing... but I ain't gonna start a class action suit for it.
This guy needs to be stoned in the streets. What a moron. Litigitious peices of fuck are costing Americans billions ever year. fuck this guy!
[quote name='paddlefoot']The only theory to specific games rrod a 360 that I have ever felt was reasonable was from Tycho at PA. Basically majority of people have a system that will break down, but they never play it. A new title comes out, they start using the 360 again and it breaks down. Expains why rrod stories come out every time a hot title is released.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. It's not as if 360s are being played at constant rates at all hours. When a big game comes out, a larger number of people are using them, especially for longer periods of time; putting a greater number of systems at risk for RROD.

Simply put, these spikes aren't going to happen when your system is shut off, and if it's more likely to be used around the release of a popular title, bam...there's your phenomenon.

It's also the reason that nobody ever accused "Cabela's Hillbilly Shootin' Game #15" of causing the RROD. We hear about DR, GoW, Guitar Hero, Halo...it's no coincidence that it's always top-selling titles.
this is the first I've heard of this. I played halo 3 on my 360, and luckily (i guess) had no problems afterwards.
I have an LCD readout for fan speed & Temperature for the GPU & CPU.

Halo3 does run hot sometimes @ 61 deg C but so does Shadowrun and some other game at times.

COD4 runs at a nice low 54 deg C.

The XBOX 360 has heat & GPU issues. Blame the xbox not the game.

So keep it cool and put a fan on it. (Not a Nyko fan)
bread's done