Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

Can anyone point me to somewhere that sums up what happened in the first 2?

I know I should play them, but I'm not interested. I have a 360 and for this, I want to play 360 games, and I'm also lazy, with enough games to tie me up ;)

Thanks in advance all.
Aliens invade, Aliens try to activate big death rings, Master Chief stops them, Master Chief kicks their ass.

That is pretty much it, but I would still play the first two.
I've played all three and I have no idea what the actual story was except master chief kills alot and the aliens don't like him except for one of the aliens who is now Master Chiefs BFF.
[quote name='Daywalker']Melee's in Halo 2 were A LOT worse in my opinion. They would miss like crazy and EVERY single time you pressed the melee button, you were taking a risk(you had no idea how far you were gonna lunge or EVEN if you were gonna have a lunge at all which caused millions of missed melees). I know that the person with more health is given an open door to retaliate and pretty much win every melee battle in Halo 3, but i'm pretty sure this is easier to fix?[/quote]

I never felt it was unpredictable in halo 2. I always knew when I would lunge and how far it would happen. What was great was that if you lunged and you didn't stay on the enemy, you COULD miss them and give the enemy and opportunity to retaliate which could lead to something more interesting. In halo 3 it's like the crosshair tracks the person and gurantees the melee and the sheer importance of the melee overrides everything else and both people will be meleeing no matter what.
[quote name='M1C13']All they are saying is that a hit like anything else takes your health down without the consideration of timing at all. So if I have lower health and get hit may lose all my health and die if I have more health then the person hitting me and don't die then hit back they will die.[/QUOTE]

No no no no no. You're not getting it. The melee does not take away the full amount of health possible for the player who has more health, even if the other technically swung first and the hit would have killed the guy with more health.

[quote name='M1C13']Your first statement doesn't make sense, if both people are hit it takes the same amount of health for both and if one persons health is low he dies, it doesn't take more health from one and less from the other that is the problem if it actually came down to timing.[/QUOTE]

Except for the fact that in Halo 3, "at the same time" actually means "both within a certain timing window". Even if both impacts occur at the same time, the one with more health wins.

[quote name='M1C13']And your second statement doesn't make sense either if the melee takes 18% and both people had less than that then yes the first person hit would die. Thats the way it works by how much health someone has.[/QUOTE]

Umm....do you even know what the change was, cause it seems like you have no idea. Let me repeat myself. again:

If both people swing "at the same time", the person with more health gets the kill and lives even if the impact from the other player would have killed him.

[quote name='M1C13']And keeping track of your health and taking cover when you need to is skill that is why they reward you for killing sprees, because you can stay alive. There isn't much skill in running up to someone and hoping you hit them first because the first to hit gets the kill, that would be ridiculous because if I have 100% health and you don't I would hope it doesn't come down to timing.[/QUOTE]

And avoiding getting shot as you're running up to swing and learning to use the melee effectively are not aspects of an overal Halo 3 skill set, right? Oh wait, of course they are.

[quote name='M1C13']EDIT: I'm sure if it wasn't the melee system it would be something else. everyone has there reason for not getting a kill or losing.[/QUOTE]

Ah, the "I have nothing else to add, so you suck" argument. Good job.
There actualy was a decent story going through one two and part of the way through three but they dropped the ball big time at the end of three
Melee being the 3rd most used "weapon" in a game with tons of cool guns has really turned me off. Maybe it is COD4 superior multiplayer...either way I just can't get back into this game.
Honestly the story and campaign in general on halo sucks big time. I personally don't like multiplayer either, but one in a few. If your looking for an epic campain get COD4
[quote name='homeland']I've played all three and I have no idea what the actual story was except master chief kills alot and the aliens don't like him except for one of the aliens who is now Master Chiefs BFF.[/quote]

IDK, my BFF Arbitor?
Go play the games, you stupid bastard.

Halo: Combat Evolved has a fantastic story. Halo 2's story was half-decent but not fleshed out well, Halo 3 was... meh.

[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']Honestly the story and campaign in general on halo sucks big time. I personally don't like multiplayer either, but one in a few. If your looking for an epic campain get COD4[/QUOTE]
So you can replace "master chief kills alot and the aliens don't like him except for one of the aliens who is now Master Chiefs BFF" with "Soap kills alot and the russians and arabs don't like him except for one Russian
who saves him in the end
and you play other people
and they all die or something in scripted sequences
and then there's a bunch of people who have nuclear weapons or something and they're from some country but they never tell you what country but it doesn't really matter because you can tell they're middle eastern and everyone from the middle east is a terrorist of course so it's really all just generic and then you
go back in time all of the sudden
to take a sniper shot even though
you already know you're going to miss and just blow off
his arm or something. And then after the credits you're on a plane or something... and everyone's
alive again
for some reason."
[quote name='PyroGamer']Go play the games, you stupid bastard.

Halo: Combat Evolved has a fantastic story. Halo 2's story was half-decent but not fleshed out well, Halo 3 was... meh.

So you can replace "master chief kills alot and the aliens don't like him except for one of the aliens who is now Master Chiefs BFF" with "Soap kills alot and the russians and arabs don't like him except for one Russian
who saves him in the end
and you play other people
and they all die or something in scripted sequences
and then there's a bunch of people who have nuclear weapons or something and they're from some country but they never tell you what country but it doesn't really matter because you can tell they're middle eastern and everyone from the middle east is a terrorist of course so it's really all just generic and then you
go back in time all of the sudden
to take a sniper shot even though
you already know you're going to miss and just blow off
his arm or something. And then after the credits you're on a plane or something... and everyone's
alive again
for some reason."[/quote]

Omg that was freaking hilarious. Seriously I lol'd
The stuff they have on wikipedia is pretty good. Gives a lot of info. I have played all three and there was some stuff in there I never knew because you have to read the books to get the full picture.
If I was going to tweak the melees in this game I would:

-Take out the new melee timing window system.
-Tone down the assault rifle melee lunge, it is massive.
-Slow down the Mauler shot to melee combo and tone down it's melee lunge.

Other than those, i get kind of annoyed that the Battle Rifle melee is so weak compared to Halo 2 but it makes sense in the balance of the game.
[quote name='ZForce915']Melee being the 3rd most used "weapon" in a game with tons of cool guns has really turned me off. Maybe it is COD4 superior multiplayer...either way I just can't get back into this game.[/QUOTE]
This. Except for me, it was the 1st most used.

I guess I was used to Halo for so long, I forgot that melees in a FPS should be a last resort kill, rather than how I get most of my kills!

It's ridiculous, and I'm glad I made the move to COD4.
I already owned Halo 3, but went ahead and picked up the Legendary Edition deal on Amazon for $59.99 a while back just to get the helmet and DVD extras, figuring I'd just sell the game that came with it.

However, I want to leave the game sealed, but I had some questions about the packaging since the regular game case isn't in there.

There are two sealed DVD cases, one says Halo 3 essentials and the other looks like the regular game case only without any color. I'm assuming the actual game disc is in the latter, but can someone verify that for me? Also, is it just the game disc in there, or game disc and instruction booklet, or are any of the extras in there also?

Thanks in advance guys.
I play and enjoy both, but I am currently 360-less. It's going to be interesteing to see which game I play first when I get my 360 back!
[quote name='PenguinMaster']You shouldn't play Halo for it's story and you shouldn't play Halo 2 or 3 at all.[/quote]

Not true. But this isn't the place for debating the classic Halo vs. Halo 2 discussion. As for OP, just check out Wikipedia - it's covered very welll there.
I'm still getting COD3 at Xmas. But COD3 doesn't have warthogs for me to ride around and getting insane killing sprees on which is a shame.

I think the worst parts of Halo 3 were just posted

- Mauler/Melee combo does stupid damage and needs to be toned down
- The Melee system is still broke
- I would take a starting SMG over Assault Rifle anyday

Overall still going to easily put in over 800 games soon, so I think I'm enjoying this more then I did with Halo 2 except for the maps. They need more maps even after the next three come out. Theres not enough maps.
IDK why people poop on Halo's story so much. I found the entire Halo universe to be very interesting and very deep. Granted, you have to read the books to get the big picture, but trust me, for videogame books, they're actually decent reads.

But yes otherwise, check out the 1up feature or download that vidoc from marketplace.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']IDK why people poop on Halo's story so much. I found the entire Halo universe to be very interesting and very deep. Granted, you have to read the books to get the big picture, but trust me, for videogame books, they're actually decent reads.

But yes otherwise, check out the 1up feature or download that vidoc from marketplace.[/quote]

I love those books...the Fall of Reach was amazing imo, even if its not the best book ever, the background story for the Spartans is sweet.

I am also one of the people that can switch between CoD4 and Halo 3 on Live and still appreciate both alot.
Forget the melee system. Today ive been having the hardest time killing people. Its like i can unload a whole gun into someone and they dont die. Yet they sprinkle me with like 4 bullets and melee me and im dead. Or how about i shoot someone with a shotgun point blank and they dont die, but shoot me back with a shotgun and i die. Ive even had players live through 2 gernades and a handful of bullets in order to kill me. I know i am not that great, but fuck, there is something wrong with this picture. More times then not it seems like i take very little damage to die, and i have to do double the amount of damage to actually kill someone.
I've noticed the Melee in Halo is very messed up theres something very very wrong when all people want to do is just flat out charge you. No ones dancing around for a better shot their dancing and jumping around to get in melee range :/. I've also noticed nights where its ridiculously hard to get kills I'm sure its partly lag on my end but the lag some nights seems like its ridiculous to the point to where I've been meleed from 2 or 3 steps away which is just insane.
[quote name='PhoenixT']I've noticed the Melee in Halo is very messed up theres something very very wrong when all people want to do is just flat out charge you. No ones dancing around for a better shot their dancing and jumping around to get in melee range :/. I've also noticed nights where its ridiculously hard to get kills I'm sure its partly lag on my end but the lag some nights seems like its ridiculous to the point to where I've been meleed from 2 or 3 steps away which is just insane.[/QUOTE]
Thats the problem I see with the melee system, it's that everybody uses it now they don't actually try to get a better shot or take cover at all they just charge, I would bet that majority of people have melee in there top three kills, which I don't think you could really say about Halo 2. Also I think the maps factor into that Halo 3 has a lot of small maps which cause a lot more close encounters in halo 2 the maps were bigger so you would see more BR and Sniper.
Yep t he BR is an amazing weapon but you neee range to make good use of it. Unfortunatly most the weapons are so close I stick with the assault rifle or look for something like a mauler,plasma sword,gravity hammer,shotgun etc to do the job. Also whats the deal with people vetoing almost any map save the narrows and the pit these days? Snowbound I kinda see even though I kinda like it but whats wrong with guardian I mean its not really anymore close fighting than half the other maps when it boils down to it really.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Forget the melee system. Today ive been having the hardest time killing people. Its like i can unload a whole gun into someone and they dont die. Yet they sprinkle me with like 4 bullets and melee me and im dead. Or how about i shoot someone with a shotgun point blank and they dont die, but shoot me back with a shotgun and i die. Ive even had players live through 2 gernades and a handful of bullets in order to kill me. I know i am not that great, but fuck, there is something wrong with this picture. More times then not it seems like i take very little damage to die, and i have to do double the amount of damage to actually kill someone.[/QUOTE]

Well, hopefully you're aiming for the head.
Melee is 4th on my list in ranked, and 5th in social.

IMO, people think the melee is used alot, but besides the normal weapons like BR, AR, and Snipe. What other weapon is on most of the maps that you can rack up kills with and has multiple spawns. The melee is so high on most peoples kill list because you start with an AR in this game, and its just stupid not to go for a melee in close range combat.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']someones lagging[/quote]

So you think it can because my internet isnt that fast? I did an internet speed test and got this.

Im not trying to make excuses or anything, but it just seems odd that i die a lot and sometimes i start shooting the other guy first, or so i think.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So you think it can because my internet isnt that fast? I did an internet speed test and got this.

Im not trying to make excuses or anything, but it just seems odd that i die a lot and sometimes i start shooting the other guy first, or so i think.[/quote]
Thats pretty slow.

I keep inviting everyone on my friends list and on the CAG Halo 3 list but everyone is a fucking bum and doesn't want to play. Anyone up for some games tonight?
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']I keep inviting everyone on my friends list and on the CAG Halo 3 list but everyone is a fucking bum and doesn't want to play. Anyone up for some games tonight?[/QUOTE]

LOL sorry man Last night be a friend were drinking and playing Split screen. Sorry man I might be on later. If so hit me up.
bread's done