Halo 3: ODST - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='menikmati']Send me a FR if you want to play FF, I need achievements for Crater, Last Exit, and Chasm Ten.[/QUOTE]

i need crater, last exit and one other map.
i still need endure too.
[quote name='paz9x']i need crater, last exit and one other map.
i still need endure too.[/QUOTE]

What time you available tonight? I'll need to dig up my copy of ODST.
Sounds like 2 for Endure... I'm willing to help with other 200k achievements if anyone else will play with us. I'm on right now, btw, shoot me a message over live.
[quote name='menikmati']What time you available tonight? I'll need to dig up my copy of ODST.[/QUOTE]

not tonight im beat. im down for tomorrow though.
[quote name='kylerg']If an Endure team can come together I am down.[/QUOTE]

well thats 3 in this thread right?
when can you guys play? we need a 2 hour window.
[quote name='paz9x']well thats 3 in this thread right?
when can you guys play? we need a 2 hour window.[/QUOTE]
Today (Friday) or tomorrow work best for me; I'm not doing anything Sunday but there's football on all day and being in New Orleans it'd be pretty hard to get anything else done other than watch the Saints/Vikings game.
[quote name='Pirate331']Today (Friday) or tomorrow work best for me; I'm not doing anything Sunday but there's football on all day and being in New Orleans it'd be pretty hard to get anything else done other than watch the Saints/Vikings game.[/QUOTE]

i might be able to do later tonight or tomorrow.
need 2 more.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']majornelson.com


I need to get my ODST disc back from my friend before then. I bought it at launch mainly for the Halo 3 multiplayer maps. I played ODST for about an hour, decided it sucked, and lent that disc to my friend, while I kept the second disc to play online with. But it sounds like I will need the first disc to access the beta.
Pretty much I am tired of being the only one I know interested in finishing the firefight achievements as well as the ones you get for recon armor (the 4player co-op on legendary shit). If any of you guys are interested in doing the achievements for one or more of these achievements and you aren't a brainless fucktard, please respond here or send my gamertag a message on Live.
I'd love to as well, I only have one of the 200,000 pt achievements. The problem is the girlfriend is an olympics fiend, so getting the tv is going to be tough for the next couple weeks. I'll look you up when I'm on.
I'd be in.
I'm not too good, but I've finished the single player campaign on hard solo and have done 1 of the 200,000 achievements. Not on legendary though.

I'd be game for legendary 4 player co-op or firefight. Just don't expect me to be amazing though.
Bump. See my post a few posts up. We need more for firefight/vidmaster achievements so if you are interested please either pm me here or message me on XBL. My gamertag is Thorgouge. I'm looking to do most of this today/this week so I'm not interested in you telling me you'd be down in a month.
I sent an fr to thogouge.
I sorta gave up since theres no matchmaking and it seems like nobody wants to do the achievements.
I can do 200k pretty much whenever since they dotn take long but endure i have to do later in the evening.
message me if anyone is trying to get a group together.
[quote name='soccerstud652']I'm in ppowers...haven't we done this before?

Daisy is awesome.[/QUOTE]

I think so.

i know i need crater and security and one other map for 200k.
endure oni interior.
Ive got a lot of work on some outside projects so I cant just jump on for the next few days but i cant schedule something. and then im open any night after 9pst.
I can jump on whenever, but preferably after 10pm EST. (well tonight might be closer to 11 though)
I've never even tried Endure but I'm game.

I could play tomorrow afternoon though at as well.
Yay to having a long weekend :)
Just played a few games of halo 2 and man that game was so awesome. Here is to hoping that reach some how turns out to be as good, if not better. Though perfection is never possible, especially for online multiplayer games. *sigh*
I'd also be willing to help for any of the firefight achievements or the Deja Vu/Endure Vidmaster ones. I haven't put a lot of time into practicing the firefight maps though.
If anyone needs an extra for firefight, send me a message if you see me on xbl... probably be 50/50 if I can join you
[quote name='paz9x']how about tonight or tomorrow night at 8pst?[/QUOTE]

Being on est myself, I can only play at that time Friday or Saturday night.
I still need to do most of the firefights as well as campaign on legendary. If anyone wants to play tonight, send me a request and a PM so I'll know who you are.
[quote name='lordopus99']Being on est myself, I can only play at that time Friday or Saturday night.[/QUOTE]

I can do 200k runs at earlier times, but being able to set aside the near 2 hour window for endure is rough with my kids being up.

they really f'd up with no matchmaking for firefight.
I just sold this game. I loved Halo 2 multiplayer so much that i just played it into the ground. Halo 3 multiplayer was great as well but i just got bored of it quickly. I'm so bored of the game that i just sold ODST because i don;t really care about playing the Reach beta. Oh well
[quote name='paz9x']I can do 200k runs at earlier times, but being able to set aside the near 2 hour window for endure is rough with my kids being up.

they really f'd up with no matchmaking for firefight.[/QUOTE]
Very true about the fail on taking out matchmaking.
Anyone up for some ODST tonight?
Plans got cancelled. I can play at about 7-8ish EST.
Just send me a msg on Live.

I wouldn't mind doing the co-op campaign. Maybe a level of that and then one of the 200k achievements?
I need the firefight and vidmaster achievements. I have alot of free time for awhile so I'm down to play anytime. Just send me a friend request.
bread's done