Halo Wars 29.99

I LOVE Starcraft, but have heard this would be a weak substitute. Also, it's been $30.99 on Amazon for the longest, now they dropped it a dollar to trick people. Lol. Anyways, I told myself I was going to wait for this game to drop to $20, so I'll pass on this. Thanks though OP
If you're looking for starcraft, this is not it. But it is the best RTS on any console without a doubt. It's a bit more simple than most rts's, but I think that's why it worked. It is impossible to transfer the complexity and ease in rts's on pc to consoles without losing some of the fun factor.

Epic Campaign that has unique missions different from the usual "build base, go attack" and lengthy for a rts. Multiplayer is a blast and it was worth every penny in buying it.
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The game is very rock-paper-scissors based, where it goes Vehicles>Infantry>Air>Vehicles. As such, multiplayer seemed very shallow.

With that said, the game is well worth ~$27, if only for the single player/online co-op campaign and single player skirmish matches alone.
Hmm, not too familiar with this...kosher to advertise one's own deal in this part of the forum or should I relocate it? If anyone's interested I've got a sealed copy, 22$ shipped.
I would say it's worth the price. Feels a bit shallow as someone mentioned, but it's the most fun I've ever had with a console RTS.
Bought this when Amazon had the limited edition in the lightning deals. Still haven't gotten around to playing it, but I will eventually.
[quote name='Apathetic-Irony']The game is very rock-paper-scissors based, where it goes Vehicles>Infantry>Air>Vehicles. As such, multiplayer seemed very shallow.

With that said, the game is well worth ~$27, if only for the single player/online co-op campaign and single player skirmish matches alone.[/QUOTE]

If you want a Rock-Paper-Scissors game then Endwar is it. The game only has around 7 units... (2 being infantry and 1 being a command vehicle).

I got Halo Wars the day it came out (limited edition for $10 less... yay.... still $60 though). There is an achievement for playing for 24 hours and i got that through only playing in the campaign (my and my brother co-oped it twice). So you can play this game a good amount.

Now i like to get about $1 to game hour ($60 should be played around 60 hours... doesn't happen a lot) and this one didn't do it for me. I'm not much for the skirmish only online (which is why i love Blizzard) so the online was kind of lame to me.

If you want an RTS (sorry RTT) that is inovative then check out Endwar (fully voiced... and it works amazingly well, but the entire game is shallow). Halo Wars is a good all around RTS. Controls work fine (for a console) and the game has enough depth that it doesn't feel completely rock-paper-scissor.
[quote name='pasko']Thanks, it's tempting me. HW is HW and I've been looking for it
This deal is very tempting, I am thinking of jumping in on this one.
[quote name='ccohen322']free (super) saver shipping[/QUOTE]
Ah I was think free shipping but I didn't know what the extra S was. Thank you very much.
I was a big RTS fan back in the day with Warcraft I and II and the original C&C and Red Alert, but I haven't played one since. This game definitely interests me, but the price looks like it will only go down. I can see it hitting $20 on black friday. I'll probably pick it up after I've done some damage to my backlog.
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