Hardest game you've ever played?


Just curious what everyone thinks is the hardest game ever.

Here's a couple that I think.

Devil May Cry 1 - On Dante Must Die difficulty, that game was nuts.

Battletoads - Just that bike level(third I think), I only got past that level once ever.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(NES) - Only got past the first level once when I was younger.

I'll think of others later if the thread picks up any.
Hmmm id say there are 2 that stand out bad....Ninja Gaiden black on the HARDEST setting not many people on the leaderboard could even do it so thats worldwide! Or beating Smash TV without continuing....metal slug 3 wasnt the easiest but Ninja Gaiden is easly the hardest game on the hardest setting
NES era = Beating Mike Tyson is MT's Punchout

16-bit Era = Super Ghouls N' Ghosts

32/64 bit era = Dunno, maybe Zelda OoT (I remember it taking me sometime to finish)

DC = Again I dunno, maybe Soul Calibur, beating and unlocking everything was a bitch

Current Gen = Contra Shattered Soldier (which I never did finish) or maybe Ninja Gaiden with the Ninja Tournament level/difficulty

Next Gen = Way too early to tell, I think GRAW has proven to the the hardest so far though, at least for me.
[quote name='peteloaf']Silver Surfer for NES - GODDAMN that was a hard game.[/quote]

Oh man, I remember that game. That game was impossible to get through. I remember dying after only about 2 minutes into each level. There was an invincibility code, though I didn't learn about it till after threw my controller at the TV.
Two way tie:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES


California Games for the Atari 2600 (between the damn surfboard and skateboard competitions, I broke the joystick trying to avoid the obstacles, and I never got first place)

Nothing is more frustrating than split second timing with poor controls...
I would have to say Ninja Gaiden for Xbox that was one hard SOB.

I would have to second Devil May Cry, you can but anyone you want with the first because they each are hard.
TMNT for NES is by and far one of the toughest games I've ever played. And I've been playing it for decades now, and still can't beat it (I know, I'm a loser).

I mean I guess this is a pretty tough question, a lot of games have some ridiculous difficulty levels. the Jedi Master of Star Wars: Jedi Knight II is nearly impossible. As is Halo 2 on Legendary, it's damn tough, more fustrating than enjoyable.

Also I think Sim City and similar games are incredibly difficult to correctly play (expand and be profitable with happy citizens for example).

So I guess the question I should ask in response to the OP is the hardest game ever, or the hardest game that's enjoyable to play? There are definately some games that are impossible due to poor controls and such too.
I beat all the ones listed so far...Silver surfer..LMAO....memories...Ninja Gaiden is easly the hardest on the pycho hard level...the master ninja tournament will drive you absolutley NUTS...if you can beat every mission in mission mode then you need a shaq-fn medal and kids better kiss the ring...the fight against the 2 boss chicks on the hardest setting (beat it after literally 200+ times in row of playing them and dont even know if i could do it again) will make you break the controller and if that doesnt the last mission Legendary ninja will make you cry or break your system if not both
Ninja Gaiden Black on the highest difficulty. I think I made it like a half hour in that game before i said fuck it and gave up.
I vote for Ninja Gaiden for the XBox. In the NES era I thought TMNT was incredibly difficult. I also found Mighty Bomjack and Solomon's Key to be pretty hard.

The hardest game I have ever played was the original Alone in the Dark. Also a few other games that were hard was the original Defender and Sinistar (Arcade version). Ghost-n-Goblins too!

THere were also games that were not hard to play for the first 2/3rds of the game but then the difficultly ramped up tremendously at the end. Of those games, a few come to mind: Rune (PC), Psi-Ops (Xbox)..etc.
Soul Calibur for the DC? I remember unlocking everything, so it couldn't have been that difficult. And alone in the dark really wasn't.

The Dreamcast had a brawler by the name of Dynamite Cop (2?). Very easy, except... it had missions that were the same as the original game, except you couldn't get hit even once.

What else? Pokemon Trozei. Don't laugh, it seems nobody can complete it - nobody knows how to get all of the critters and/or it requires you to locate very lucky people with a copy of the game who happened to be given one of the ultra-rares as they started their new game, and share game data with them wirelessly. Yup, great use of technlogoy.
Robotron. Good grief that was a hard game.
Deadly Towers for the NES, it was a shitty game but also a BRUTAL one.
Solomon's Key had a few near impossible moments as well. Very difficult.
Battletoads I have to agree with. The game was not impossible, but it was one of those that required absolutely perfect reflexes and the patience of steel.

I think alot of people have forgotten just how HARD some of our old classics were.
Master Ninja difficulty on Ninja Gaiden Black.

also, the first 5 minutes or so of Ninja Gaiden regular before you realize the enemies are smart.

Dante Must Die in DMC 1 and 3 are about as hard as that, if not harder.

but there are plenty of 2-D games that wipe the floor with DMC and NG....fuckING SPEEDER BIKE LEVEL!!!! I shake my fist in anger at thee.
definately devil may cry, definately Ninja Gaiden Black MNM, Ghost 'n Goblins was IMPOSSIBLE after the castle level, I CAN'T BELIEVE NO MENTION OF GOD of War on GOD MODE!?! It took me 3 months straight of playing to beat that game on God mode. Amplitude on Insane (the last tier of songs, plus the bonus song).

TMNT on the NES was so hard i remember after i got to the second city it was SO hard. Man i'm drawing a blank now.
Nobody mentioned Ghosts and Goblins yet?

The only game so hard that once you beat it, it tells you to go back through the game and beat it with the shitty shield :hot:
BC's Quest for Tires - Colecovision

A game I used to play all the time as a kid, had this one spot I could NEVER get past...The jump at the end of the long hill. Anyone else remember this game?
Gunbird 2 (arcade), only because I continue to play despite it handing my ass to me every time. Most "hard" games I otherwise avoid.
Friday the 13th (NES)
Total Recall (NES)
Trauma Center (NDS)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
Guardian Legend (NES)
Battletoads (NES)
[quote name='Roufuss']Nobody mentioned Ghosts and Goblins yet?

The only game so hard that once you beat it, it tells you to go back through the game and beat it with the shitty shield :hot:[/QUOTE]


God that game was so annoying yet fun.
I agree with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES being the hardest, but that game's difficulty is ridiculously skewed by the impossible jump in the sewer level.
Persona 2

- I don't count game like TMNT. Games like this were made for you to die. There's no strategy involved, just luck.
Ninja Gaiden was another I remember after reading this. That game was tough on normal difficulty, let alone the hardest one. Pissed off throw stuff
hard that is.

Boy and his Blob comes to mind, but I have not tried playing it since I was younger. Perhaps if I went back and played it again I could get it done now. I had a really tough time with that as a kid.

Contra without the 30 lives code was pretty rough, but with the code it was not too bad. But with only the original lives, it was REALLY hard, so I'd agree on that.

For a really recent game, I would say Call of Duty 2(360 of PC) on Veteran. Only being able to be shot once or twice and your dead, with all the action that is going on is pretty tough.

And in response to this>
I mean I guess this is a pretty tough question, a lot of games have some ridiculous difficulty levels. the Jedi Master of Star Wars: Jedi Knight II is nearly impossible. As is Halo 2 on Legendary, it's damn tough, more fustrating than enjoyable.

Also I think Sim City and similar games are incredibly difficult to correctly play (expand and be profitable with happy citizens for example).

So I guess the question I should ask in response to the OP is the hardest game ever, or the hardest game that's enjoyable to play? There are definately some games that are impossible due to poor controls and such too.
I would say it is your opinion on the matter, but I was just thinking a game that is hard to complete a task(beat the game on a difficulty, unlock everything).

For example, a game like the Pokemon series can be fairly easy to beat the game, but to be able to attain every Pokemon in the game can be mind numbing. For my question, it is kinda of an interpretation of what ever you may have thought was hard, just name the task and the game.
Most NES-era games were designed to simply be impossible. TMNT is a good example. Cheapness vs. actual skill-requiring dificulty is a fine line. The original Castlevania is a good example of game that was doable but still pretty hard. I still have nightmares about beating Dracula.

This past gen I'd say the two hardest that I beat were Ninja Gaiden and the original Splinter Cell on Xbox (for those of you that only played the PS2 or GC versions, the diffculty was scaled back on those by the time they came out). The hardest game I've played this gen (and not beaten) is probablly Ikaruga. Good heavens.
Ninja Gaiden I&II -NES
Battletoads -NES

Double Dragon - NES

TMNT -NES The one before the arcade games, it was made by Ultra. It was quite effin difficult, I can't believe I actually beat that SOB
The Punch Out games on NES were pretty easy up till Tyson or Mr. Dream, but those guys were killer.

However, my sister who has played maybe 3 games in her life has actually beat Tyson. She somehow got the rhythm of his punches and was able to kick his ass without even being touched(they started out with knowout punches but after a while switched to jabs and stuff). Don't know how she could do it, but she could beat him.
[quote name='Raiikoh']BC's Quest for Tires - Colecovision

A game I used to play all the time as a kid, had this one spot I could NEVER get past...The jump at the end of the long hill. Anyone else remember this game?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I had the Atari (800) version.
Definitely Battletoads for the NES. I hate that game...and love it at the same time. Also, Earthworm Jim for the Genesis had those ridiculous water levels.
Beating final boss 2 of 3 in God of War on God of War difficulty was insanely hard (the one where you have to fight multiple kratos and protect your wife). Took me around 8 hours to beat it the first time.
I really like Battletoads, used to play all the time with my brother. But, we could never get past that damn bike part.

That second level where you're swinging down the tunnel was tough with 2 people because when you turned into the wrecking ball killed the other person with one shot. It would happen once on accident, then that would start a war that lead to us killing each over and over. Kinda happened on the first board as well, pounding the other person in the ground then giving them the mega boot. That game was awesomely fun, but I hate that bike level.
bread's done