Has anybody here had problems with their launch Wii?


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I bought a Wii the week that it came out and recently have been having a lot of problems with it. Suddenly it started freezing a lot during games and eventually just stopped playing Wii games altogether. Oddly enough.. it only seems to run Gamecube games perfectly.

I tried doing some searching on other sites and have heard this is somewhat common for those first sets of Wii consoles. I'm just curious if anybody here on CAG has had this happen to them too.
my bro had a problem with his wii a while back. (i believe his is a launch wii, if nots its very shortly after launch) i forget exactly what was going on, but i think it was having problems reading some games, and it was really loud. he sent it back to nintendo (it was still covered at the time) and they replaced the disc drive. no problems since
video card over heating from being in standby mode. make sure the red light is on, not the yellow for wii connect. 75 fixes it and covers shipping.
Nope, and I use it not often, but still fairly regularly.

This probably doesn't help your case, but just backing up what Snake said. Making sure the red light comes on (non-standby mode) when turning the Wii off is a good policy in general. Just hold down the power button until the light turns red. I also have it lying down horizontally now; figured it would mean less wear and tear on the disk drive in the long run.
I had a GPU issue associated with Wii Connect being on that caused green artifacting just a couple of months after getting my Wii. Nintendo promptly fixed it, though, and I didn't have a problem thereafter.
My son has played our launch Wii every weekend day for multiple hours at a time totaling at least 10 hours. (He loves Smash Bros. still and Mario Kart, SMG, Metroid, and many other games; plus it's the only current gen system we have.) Never had a problem with it.
i had the dual layer issue with smash bros brawl sent it in and had it fixed for free, only other issue ive had is a power issue lately basically if i leave it plugged in the light turns a solid yellow and must be unplugged for 5 minutes before it will let me play its an easy fix all i need is a new power cord but considering the power company is working on main lines near my house and that is what caused both of my power cords to start acting upim just dealing with waiting 5 minutes anytime i want to play it or unplugging it if i remember until they are done then i will buy a new cord
My personal launch Wii is also still running fine. However every system that is disc based will eventually die. Disc drives are just not built to last so long, although i don't know the average life span of a disc drive is though.
[quote name='jaso']I had a GPU issue associated with Wii Connect being on that caused green artifacting just a couple of months after getting my Wii. Nintendo promptly fixed it, though, and I didn't have a problem thereafter.[/QUOTE]

Ditto. My experience exactly.
Yeah I also had the Wii graphical glitches from standby mode after less then a year of having my launch Wii. I got a new one, no longer use Wii Connect 24 and have had no problems since.
Wow.. thanks for all the responses!

I had no idea the whole issue with standby mode existed until now. I'll make sure I always turn it all the way off or unplug it when I get a new one.

I called up Nintendo and they said they will took a look at it for free and they will charge "depending on what the problem ends up being."
"I had no idea the whole issue with standby mode existed until now. I'll make sure I always turn it all the way off or unplug it when I get a new one." What is the issue? Why should it be turned off?
I've had mine since a few months after launch. no problem. Don't use it more than one or two nights a week and always unplug it when done.
[quote name='dobedobedo']I had no idea the whole issue with standby mode existed until now. I'll make sure I always turn it all the way off or unplug it when I get a new one.[/QUOTE]
You don't need to do that. If you turn off the WiiConnect24 (or something) in the internet settings, it'll turn off (red light) when you hit the power button instead of just standby (yellow light).
I have a launch unit and it works fine but I turned off wiiconnect right when I first got it because I noticed it ran hot while it was on.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Yeah I also had the Wii graphical glitches from standby mode after less then a year of having my launch Wii. I got a new one, no longer use Wii Connect 24 and have had no problems since.[/QUOTE]

I'm having this issue now. Just dont want to spend the $80 or whatver to get it fixed. (plus still can use it fine, just have that one annoying line moving on the screen)
I too suffer from the Wii Connect issue. System is glitchy as hell if I have it on, but runs like a dream if I have it off. Needless to say, news and weather aren't that important to me on a console...
I was having issues with my Wii. It wouldn't read any Wii games period. When it tried it made loud grinding and crunching noises. Played GameCube games and downloaded Virtual Console games just fine. No warranty so I opened it up. Apparently a kid stuck the SD Card in the CD slot. Drive still wouldn't read Wii games. Ordered a new replacement drive from Hong Kong off of eBay for $36. Installed the new drive and it works like a champ. Lots of tiny screws and one ribbon cable. Plenty of videos online to help with the procedure. Good Luck.
Mine has pixel artifacts and what not - I'm guessing from the overheating issue. I still rarely use my Wii, and figured I'll wait for the US to get that red bundle for $199 or less, or just wait till the Wii drops again to $150 or $100 down the road rather then repairing the Wii. Granted I know I'll lose my one arcade title (Castlevania Rebirth) and Mario Kart save which is the only game i played more then 10 hours on so *shrugs*
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