Has anyone here let go of their collections in favor of a game by game lifestyle?


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I'm not a hardcore collector by any means but I have some games that I consider my favorites that I've kept. The more I realize I have less time to play games the more I wonder why I'm keeping some of these games. Case in point...should I play Zelda II GBA on my DS or Phantom Hourglass? I've already played through Zelda II quite a few times so why would I go back to it? I used to think well if I ever want to play it again I have it...but by then there will be another Zelda portable game. I guess what I'm getting at is it seems like a vicious cycle. I guess I'm somewhat a sucker for nostalgia but I'm starting to wonder if it's worth holding on to that stuff at all. It's funny though because I have a game like Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow that I've beaten but I can't seem to part with it. I feel like there are just some games that need to stay within reach and I would hate to have to try and hunt something down later at a crazy cost.

So has anyone here dropped the baggage and moved on to a one by one method of gaming?
im kinda in that boat now with some of my PS2 games.. just looking at them thinking im never going to play these again or why did I buy that but the thing really that keeps me from trading them in is there is nothing I really want on PS2 anymore and the trade in values.... I could easily post them up here but there is not to much I want in return unless someone was going to trade to me a Sealed Slim Silver PSP lol
I feel the same way. I have tons of games that I've never really had the time to invest in that I picked up on the cheap. I always hope that one day I would be able to play them all. Probably will never happen, but I'm too stubborn to get rid of 'em!!
I did, I had a great collection for awhile when I had the last gen consoles, I had alot of classics too. I sold just about all of it before I moved away from my parents house.
Yes, I usually only own about 5-6 games per system at any given time. The rest get traded in. It sucks to lose the money on them but on the other hand it lets me play most of the new games and not have to spend hundreds of dollars a month.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, I usually only own about 5-6 games per system at any given time. The rest get traded in. It sucks to lose the money on them but on the other hand it lets me play most of the new games and not have to spend hundreds of dollars a month.[/quote]Exactly.

Only the real gems that I will replay stay on my shelf. Otherwise, they're off to eBay/Amazon/CAG/GS.
I just trimmed the fat on my entire collection, mostly PS2 games though. Personally I kept all the games for systems that you can't get anymore easily at retail, so like NES, SNES, Dreamcast etc. Cut the PS2 library in half and got rid of some Gamecube games I never played or didn't like. I'd say just get rid of everything you won't play anymore or will easily be able to get (ebay) if you get the urge to play again.

Now I'm a lot more cautious with my choices. My time is more valuable than a super deal on a game.
Yes, I sold nearly all of my games. I kept things that I will play once in a while (ddr, guitar hero) but sold the rest. Honestly, I'll never play ractchet and clank again even though I liked it very much. I even decided to get the blockbuster gamepass as a means to cut back on the "extra" games that pile up. If I don't like a game, I just return it to bb instead of putting it on the shelf to finish later (which never happens).
I used to believe that I would have time to play all of my games in the future and so it was important to amass this wonderful collection because even if I haven't played a game now, I would one day have time. But as I got older, I found that play time simply shrank more each year.

This applies to my movie collecting as well. I've saved a lot of money in the past two years by pretty much going cold turkey on my movie "collecting." I realized that I already had plenty of movies that I never watch and that I bought films more out of my desire to have it as part of my collection instead of how many times I'd actually watch it. For example, was it really necessary for me to buy seasons of so many different shows that I'd only ever watch once? How many times can I possibly watch 24 or Lost on dvd when I have so many other things to do? The last "collection" dvd I got was Traffic: Criterion Collection about six months ago because it was on sale and I've yet to watch it.

Now that I've got a PS3 and an HDTV and I'm getting into the Blu-Ray game, I've become more aware of my spending and viewing habits and am trying to really only purchase films that I KNOW I will be watching more than once. Even now with all of these deals popping up for Blu-Ray, I've been very conservative about which films I purchase almost to the point that I've killed the "iffy" and spur-of-the-moment buys because I know I'll likely never watch them again.

Seriously, that's what Netflix and Gamefly are there for right? If I ever get the urge to watch a film I like but will likely only see once every few years, I'm better off netflixing it. And with gaming, I now know that I will probably never have time to play another Final Fantasy game again, let alone play one of my old ones twice. Of course there are those occasional rare exceptions that aren't easily rentable (like my Criterion Traffic), but they are a shrinking minority.
[quote name='joeyatog']I feel the same way. I have tons of games that I've never really had the time to invest in that I picked up on the cheap. I always hope that one day I would be able to play them all. Probably will never happen, but I'm too stubborn to get rid of 'em!![/quote]

I am in the same boat I almost sold some a few weeks back but i decided against it and decided I want all my games. I want all my precious games forever...there my precious.
I've thought about it a lot, but part of me just can't let some games go. I've trimmed a HUGE amount of fat off my collection in the last few months (in which I've bought both a 360 and Wii) and I've realized that I didn't need to keep thos games as I thought I did. There are still some games in my collection that are "in question" but I have no idea if/when I'll let them go.
I have pretty much stopped buying games unless they are excellent (Mario Galaxy, RE 4) and even then I toss them on ebay right when Im done. RE4 I played on the Cube and then again on the Wii. I haven't done that for any game since I was a little kid. There really is no point for me saving anything as I won't be playing it again.

I just rent nowadays. I always end up only staying interested in games for 4 or 5 days, so I might as well spend about half the price of 1 new game to play 4 of them or so. Bare minimum I will be playing 3 new games a month, so it really saves me money and I end up playing what I want.
I've done much better lately (less than 20 games per system, most played, compared to upwards of 200 games across three systems a year ago), but I'm still a packrat. I managed to convince myself to dump Super Paper Mario and Mario Strikers Charged over the last few weeks since I knew I'd never go back to them.

If I had money woes, I'd probably be less inclined to keep stuff. The only system I've purposely built up a backlog for is the PS2 - it will be my only source for console RPGs for many years at this point.

But this is coming from someone who still owns 25 years worth of GI Joes (and just bought two more today!)
[quote name='jkam']
So has anyone here dropped the baggage and moved on to a one by one method of gaming?[/QUOTE]

Funny you made this thread, as I just switched from big collector supper gamer, to a more condensed style.
[quote name='basketkase543']
This applies to my movie collecting as well. I've saved a lot of money in the past two years by pretty much going cold turkey on my movie "collecting." I realized that I already had plenty of movies that I never watch and that I bought films more out of my desire to have it as part of my collection instead of how many times I'd actually watch it. [/QUOTE]

I think this really hits the nail on the head. I've pretty much stopped buying DVD's for this reason as well. I find if I have a movie on DVD I almost never watch it...I'm actually more likely to watch the movie when its on TV. Scary.

In the games area a part of me thinks wow I have Zelda II in portable form...something I can appreciate as having played the original at launch on the NES. Now the question is do I really need it or will I play it? I also have the Zelda Collector's Edition....soooo if I REALLY wanted to play it I have it BUT its not portable. I guess you can see how the whole collection thing can kind of trap you in a way...This is what makes me question if it's worth it in the end. I'm sure I could just move on to new stuff and be happy too.

It's nice to know people are in the same boat. I think I need to focus in on what I would really want to go back to and play and what I just have to have in the collection.
You could always play Zelda II on your PSP... along with every other NES and SNES game... no need to keep those old carts around.

I only hang on to games that I really love and that I know I'll want to fire up again (like RE4) or games that don't ever get old to me (Guitar Hero). I stopped buying DVDs ages ago - I NEVER watch movies anymore - there's just no time. I bought Transformers on HD-DVD when it came out and still haven't watched it yet... and I've never seen it at all. I really don't understand people who keep TV seasons - it's very convenient to watch the show straight through but after that who goes back and rewatches them?
I'm still with the old generation but when I pick up the Xbox 360 next year, I will be more selective with what I will buy.
[quote name='javeryh']You could always play Zelda II on your PSP... along with every other NES and SNES game... no need to keep those old carts around.

I only hang on to games that I really love and that I know I'll want to fire up again (like RE4) or games that don't ever get old to me (Guitar Hero). I stopped buying DVDs ages ago - I NEVER watch movies anymore - there's just no time. I bought Transformers on HD-DVD when it came out and still haven't watched it yet... and I've never seen it at all. I really don't understand people who keep TV seasons - it's very convenient to watch the show straight through but after that who goes back and rewatches them?[/QUOTE]

I hear you and that is an option....but I'm almost at the point where I am considering getting rid of my PSP (even with the custom firmware). I just really dislike the form factor for a portable system. The slim is probably better in that aspect overall but I really don't want to spend anything upgrading that system. It's not worth it to me. There have been some better games for the PSP lately but I'm still not that interested in the platform.
I used to have a ton of games and kept buying more just because they were cheap. I now realize that collecting tons of crap is waste of time and money. I'm trying just to stick with stuff that's great and games I'll replay forever (i.e. Guitar Hero). Its made me a much happier person so far. :D
[quote name='javeryh'] I really don't understand people who keep TV seasons - it's very convenient to watch the show straight through but after that who goes back and rewatches them?[/QUOTE]

There's really only three reasons I'd buy and then watch a TV show DVD.

1) I wasn't able to see the TV show in its entirety while it was on the air, so I want to see the episodes I missed. This is usually more prevalent with the story arc-based shows instead of episodic ones. I'd also count shows that I never got the chance to watch. Best Buy sold Carnivale for $20 for each season, and that's something I'd like to watch fully.

2) I want some background noise, and there's nothing on TV worth watching. For some reason, cleaning a room or doing dishes or something is a lot easier to do when there's a show I enjoy playing ambiently. I might pause for my favorite scenes/jokes, and it seems to have a positive effect otherwise. Simpsons is really great for this, actually. I know a lot of episodes well enough that I don't have to focus on them, but I still laugh my ass off when Homer declares he has political powers, and is suddenly surrounded by Abraham Lincoln and Ghandi in a psychological battle to the death. (Granted, music does the same thing, but I tend to prefer a TV show in the background.)

3) I legitimately love the show and want to be able to watch episodes whenever I want. It's easier to digest than a movie and is more accessible to people around me, so it's easier to pop them in. This works best with episodic shows. Simpsons, King of the Hill, Flight of the Conchords, etc. Also, since there's very little I watch on TV, it helps at various points, such as dinnertime and the like.

There's probably other reasons for other people, but this is about all I can think of.

As for topic at hand, I still like my collection, but I have tried to cut back on collecting. But I'm a packrat so I like having a wide variety of games at my disposal, since I cling to the idea that some day I'll be able to play most of them. Trading in is worthless 99% of the time anyway.
i used to have a lot of games, for many systems. but decided that i would sell them because i didnt play them. sure there was some financial motivation, but mostly i realized that the games were just sitting on a shelf or in a box. so i dumped all my old school systems and games (nes, genesis, snes and 64) with the intention of rebuying some for the VC and XBLA (which i since have) and i dumped a lot of modern games that were just collecting dust or that i had beaten already and didnt think i would play again. so i sold a ton of PSX rpgs and various other last gen games. i havent regretted it one bit, and now that my collection has been cut down by probably 80%, there are still a lot of games that are just collecting dust on my shelf, soooo CML.
Strell - I agree with reason #1 but that's about it for me... I've bought seasons on DVD before mainly because I didn't get a chance to watch the show when it initially aired. I almost always sell them on eBay when I'm finished though. I will admit to still owning several seasons of The Simpsons and Futurama because I love that shit but even still, I never actually watch them...

I'm actually mailing out Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy to someone today who bought it from me off eBay for $34. I think I paid $40 when it came out so $6 for an extended rental works for me! I initially bought the set because my wife and I missed the first two seasons and we wanted to catch up in time for Season 3... we watched them once and never again - we never even sat through any of the bonus crap...
i would if i thought theyd be worth anything. most of what i have is last gen ps2, gc, some nes stuff ect. i probably will keep the gc stuff no matter what since many fo the games i collected have tons of replay value but the ps2 stuff alot fo it i could keep or leave and since i still havemt played through most fo them if the price was right i could see selling it off and either going next gen game by game or just doing something else.
I've tried my best to always get rid of stuff I'm not going to play or I've already beaten. I've done a decent job, but right now I have about 40 games across GBA, DS, Wii, GC, and 360 and that's too many. I'm gonna try to play a lot over the winter break, but I still don't really know how many games I can finish in that time.
[quote name='javeryh']Strell - I agree with reason #1 but that's about it for me... I've bought seasons on DVD before mainly because I didn't get a chance to watch the show when it initially aired. I almost always sell them on eBay when I'm finished though. I will admit to still owning several seasons of The Simpsons and Futurama because I love that shit but even still, I never actually watch them...

I'm actually mailing out Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy to someone today who bought it from me off eBay for $34. I think I paid $40 when it came out so $6 for an extended rental works for me! I initially bought the set because my wife and I missed the first two seasons and we wanted to catch up in time for Season 3... we watched them once and never again - we never even sat through any of the bonus crap...[/quote]

I only buy a TV show if I love it to death. Right now I own all of Seinfeld except seaon 9, Arrested Development, The Office, some Simpsons and Family Guy. In general I only buy comedy shows on DVD. To me, you can watch them over and over again and not get bored of it. Plus, I love watching all the commentaries and extra stuff. They are usually just as funny as the show by its self. During college, I would watch all of my shows on DVD while working on big projects, it actually help me get stuff done faster, which is kinda weird.

As for games, I don't own that many games in the first place. I try to only buy games that I really want to play. I also play a lot of my friends games and buy stuff when its on sale.

I actually rarely buy DVD's in any form. I rent what I want to see, and that usually is enough for me. Now, if I see a movie I wanted for $5 or less, then I'll buy it, and watch it eventually. The problem is, once I buy it, I usually lose my motivation to watch it. An example is the Matrix. I saw the first in theater, then the next 2 came out, I didn't see them. I bought all 3 on DVD when I saw a 3 for 10 at Gamestop, but 2 years later I haven't watched them (rectifying it now, I actually watched the Matrix last weekend, going to watch Reloaded this weekend). For tv shows, I really only buy the ones that I missed, or something I really liked that's not rerun very often. So, I bought some X-Files DVD's, and I'd buy Star Trek TNG on DVD if I found a good deal since I enjoy watching the shows, and it's rarely on at a time I can watch.

Games, I'm different on. I have about 300 games, and I actually love having the huge collection. Even though many of the games I wouldn't replay again, there is a strikingly large numbers of games that I would replay given the right mood. Plus, most of my games wouldn't give me much in trade/etc. Why trade something for $3 if I might replay it again. Plus, being a pack rat, I actually get a warm/fuzzy feeling when I take a look at my collection (and many of the games I got for cheap and got some enjoyment out of it). Though, I do have a room to devote to gaming. If I didn't, I'd probably have to pair the collection down.
You'll never get the time to play them. Or when you do, you'll be so old you won't have the reflexes any more.

It's a vicious cycle, buy buy buy, then see I'll never play most and trim the collection down.

Been thru it several times now. This time I've held off on buying latest gen system to try and play what I have for PS2.
I only keep games that are my favs after weighing the amount of money I could sell them for, and the amount of money I could buy them for later on if I eventually wanted them again.

Other than that, I am definitely living a "game by game" lifestyle.
I love these threads which seem to pop up every few months. Coming from a family with an OCD hoarding Mom and a collector of things Father, I'm lucky that I am able to let go of things from my collection. Throughout my teens and 20's (I will turn 30 soon) I amassed collections of many things, starting with sci fi magazines, and Star Trek action figures and leading into collecting DVD's, OOP PC adventure games, Playstation 1 and 2 games, and concluding with Gamecube and X-box games.

I assumed that I would have time to play these games, so I kept buying and buying, especially when I would check here every morning for the early EBgames rare Ps1 games that came in stock. I continued to buy, and ultimately ran out of space, so I tried my best to get organized. Now about 2 years later, I have been (slowly) weeding out my collection because I realized that I don't want to own games that I rarely play, or are tedious to play. Similar to owning only DVD's that I enjoy, I have been on a hunt to get rid of games that are too annoying to play (jumping puzzles, annoying save points, bad controls).

Perhaps the best things that I have learned through this experience (and can hopefully pass on to other collectors) :

1. Your collection won't love you back, nor should you love your collection.. it's just things. I say enjoy your collection.. if you don't use it and love it, get rid of it.

2. Rent games! Instead of paying money for something that you may or may not love, rent it to try it out first. In the long run, you will save money because you will save yourself from buying bad games. Plus, if you like a game, chances are that it will cost less than the time when you first wanted to buy it. (My best example was the game Okami. I was planning on blind purchasing it, but then I played it. The game was fun at first until I grew increasingly frustrated by the inaccurate brush stroking during battle and the annoying timed moments where you needed a precise brush stroke. I stopped after a while, and decided that I didn't want to finish the game because I wasn't having fun).

3. Realize that your games will undoubtedly depreciate in value, yet don't let this block you from getting rid of them. If it isn't worth a lot for trade in, just give it away. Why keep something that you don't truly love?

4. If you plan to sell or trade something in... Do it, or lose it. Don't procrastinate. If you decide to sell something, give yourself a time frame where you agree to give something away by a certain date (1-2 months) if you can't sell it or trade it in. Don't focus on how much "money" you are losing, focus on having more free space and time.

5. There will always be some "rare" games, but history seems to support that games will be re-released again in some form. Especially with virtual consoles, many older games are making a return. The question to ask yourself is whether you truly want to play the game again, and if not, why not sell it? Chances are, you will get a nice price, and if not, it's Ok.. you will survive.

My post is mostly for those OCD (diagnosed or not) collectors who continue to collect, yet never find the time to play or enjoy their collections, except for being able to look at it, and wipe away the dust. Keep in mind, that there will be so many more games released in the upcoming years. Do you really want to continue living this way with games that go unplayed? Chances are that your collection will grow... will you continue to feel good about having 100, 500, 1000 games that you haven't even finished?
I agree with mikeyscheap.

I used to collect games thinking they'll have replay value years down the line or if I ever wanted to play something i'll have it. But truth is it's more of a waste of time, space and money. There are great games out there and great deals for them during the initial release, but unless you really have a reason to buy and keep i'd go with renting.

I used to rent from gamefly all the time but due to lack of good games out and the slow shipping (pre East coast warehouse) I canceled it. If you love the game you have the option to buy for less than what you would pay used at a gs or eb. I found many games that I play and it was garbage and glad I didn't buy it but happy to have played it.

Games come out all the time. First it's Gears of War, then Rainbow Six, time passes and you pick up Bioshock, Halo3, The Orange Box, COD4 and Mass Effect. Heck I don't even have time to play them all, they come out too fast, and if I don't get them when they first release then it's $60 a pop, and I have ADD and OCD and need to have it NOW so you get the idea. $$$ wave it good bye.

I can go on and on. I think renting is your best bet. I try to stop myself when I see new games, tell myself I have to sell this before I get that. It's hard but delayed gratification helps me.
I love to collect games, but lately I have stopped. Mostly because I did it too much. I would buy any deal I could find. I however have noticed, I started to enjoy collecting more than playing. I would buy games daily, but never play some of them or even take them out of the box I just opened.

I think when I do that, I lose a little love of gaming. I believe I enjoy, getting a new game every couple weeks and just have that one to play (so I don't wonder to others and leave it unfinished, then I can sell it (get another new one for the collection or keep the one I opened - I rather collect sealed games... I really don't like having games I didn't open. I think I just enjoy opening it up and knowing I am it's owner).

Maybe I am just weird.
i'm definitely the opposite of a collector. once i finish a game it's usually traded or sold very quickly. the only games i intend to keep for a long time are Ico, FF Chronicles and Victorious Boxers.

i have a few others that i'm keeping for the moment but they're probably all going to be sold eventually.. might as well just sell now but the prices i'd get for some stuff makes me want to just keep them even though i know i won't ever play them again, e.g. DQVIII, FF8, FFX, etc..
I like playing new games and i've never owned more than 3 games at once...i like to spread out my gaming for each console in between school and work. I can see the benefit of having a collection...sometimes i'll get nostalgic for games like GTA or KOTOR or MGS, or any other old game and i'd either have to gamefly or buy it again cheap...it must be awesome having the convenience of just going to a shelf and picking out what you want to play...i'm 18 and just about ready to move out with my girl so i definitely can't afford it lol
I've recently begun doing this. I had over 50 games for the DS, buying some cheap clearance games simply to add to the numbers. Recently (well, I suppose it began about 6 months ago) I took advantage of GS trade-in promos and eBay and have trimmed my DS collection down to 24, consisting of favorites and games I've yet to play. I've also gotten rid of Wii games I'm done with and will continue to do so as I play through my Wii games. My PS2 games are worthless now, so there's no point in getting rid of the,.

Between trading in a lot of DS and a few Wii games (all during promos, and I got about eBay value at the time) and eBaying some DS, GBA, Wii, SNES and N64 games, I got enough credit/cash to upgrade my DS to a DS Lite, get a PSP and a decent game collection of about 15, and maybe $200 in cash.

I don't miss the games a bit, and I'm glad I began to do this.
I'm looking to thin my collection, but I want to do it all at once. I don't want to post it piece by piece on ebay, either, so I don't know how I'm going to pull it off.
bread's done