Has Microsoft reported....


45 (100%)
Has micorsoft reported....how many 360s theyve sold thus far?

im really curious to see how much of a head start they have on nintendo & sony. doesn anyone have a link as well??? me and a friend cant find any concrete evidence
[quote name='Sporadic']Total: 5 million consoles sold, as of June 30, 2006.


I wonder how many unique customers there are out there though, considering how many people had to buy multiple Xbox Three-Shittys since they break so easily. Still though, 5 million looks like good news for M$. I think it's gonna be a tight war, I guess we'll know sooner or later though in November when PS3 and Wii are launched.
[quote name='THPS']I wonder how many unique customers there are out there though, considering how many people had to buy multiple Xbox Three-Shittys since they break so easily. Still though, 5 million looks like good news for M$. I think it's gonna be a tight war, I guess we'll know sooner or later though in November when PS3 and Wii are launched.[/QUOTE]

Xbox Three-Shittys ?

Your custom user title is absolutely correct .

You aren't creative .:lol:
[quote name='THPS']I wonder how many unique customers there are out there though, considering how many people had to buy multiple Xbox Three-Shittys since they break so easily. Still though, 5 million looks like good news for M$. I think it's gonna be a tight war, I guess we'll know sooner or later though in November when PS3 and Wii are launched.[/QUOTE]

Well, even if that includes multiple purchases its probably balanced out by the fact that there's been 2 big system selling games (Madden and Dead Rising, maybe Saint's Row to a certian extent too) that have come out since June 30.

They're shooting for 10 million by the end of the year, and given the buzz surrounding Gears of War (among other big 360 titles this fall) they just might do it.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well, even if that includes multiple purchases its probably balanced out by the fact that there's been 2 big system selling games (Madden and Dead Rising, maybe Saint's Row to a certian extent too) that have come out since June 30.

They're shooting for 10 million by the end of the year, and given the buzz surrounding Gears of War (among other big 360 titles this fall) they just might do it.[/QUOTE]

Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Given that and the Wii and PS3 launch, that week could possibly be the biggest single week for the video game industry in history. Its gonna be fun to watch.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Given that and the Wii and PS3 launch, that week could possibly be the biggest single week for the video game industry in history. Its gonna be fun to watch.[/QUOTE]

didn't even think of that. gonna be nutso, but I'll be working on FFXII and Okami while it's all going down....
[quote name='Apossum']didn't even think of that. gonna be nutso, but I'll be working on FFXII and Okami while it's all going down....[/QUOTE]

Same here!
How is it possible that they have only sold 5 million in almost a year and Nintendo planning on shipping out 4 million by end this year thats crazy.
[quote name='Bazz']How is it possible that they have only sold 5 million in almost a year and Nintendo planning on shipping out 4 million by end this year thats crazy.[/QUOTE]

Which is exactly why no one should be worried about finding a Wii at launch. It'll take more than just one day for them to move those 4 million consoles. The initial shipment of 4 million should easily last into 2007.
[quote name='Apossum']Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:[/quote]
Don't forget Star Trek Legacy. You shoot things in that... big things. ;)
[quote name='THPS']I wonder how many unique customers there are out there though, considering how many people had to buy multiple Xbox Three-Shittys since they break so easily. Still though, 5 million looks like good news for M$. [/QUOTE]

Just....wow. Do you honestly believe the failure rate was any higher than any other new consumer electronics item? Do you really think more than 2% of 360 owners bought more than one system (ebay resales notwithstanding)? Do you really think -- I mean, actually think...ever?
[quote name='Apossum']Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:[/QUOTE]

What. No. WHY. I need money. But GoW AND COD 3??! SAME DAY? WHY MICROSOFT. I so desperately need to save money, but yet you continue to throw game after game at me.
[quote name='Apossum']Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Wow. Really? That sound like some poor planning on MS's part. It would make sense to space them out by at least a few weeks. I want FEAR and GoW, but I think both might end up on the Christmas list since I will be blowing money on the Wii around that time instead.
[quote name='Bazz']How is it possible that they have only sold 5 million in almost a year and Nintendo planning on shipping out 4 million by end this year thats crazy.[/QUOTE]
Make note of the difference there.

[quote name='ViolentLee']Just....wow. Do you honestly believe the failure rate was any higher than any other new consumer electronics item?[/QUOTE]
It's pretty obvious that it was, especially compared to "any other consumer electronics item," which is a ridiculously broad spectrum. Hey, remember when all those people returned crapped-out Gamecubes soon after launch? Me neither. Even the O.G. XBox was a paragon of stability and reliability compared to the 360.

I question the sanity and perception of people who think it was just business as usual. I guess if you trust Microsoft's numbers, that's your perrogative.

Gears of War, CoD3, and F.E.A.R. on the same day? Sucks for F.E.A.R.

Too bad, it's a really good game...can't help but think it'll be overlooked with those other two heavy-hitters coming out the same day.
[quote name='Bazz']How is it possible that they have only sold 5 million in almost a year and Nintendo planning on shipping out 4 million by end this year thats crazy.[/QUOTE]
Make note of the difference there.

[quote name='ViolentLee']Just....wow. Do you honestly believe the failure rate was any higher than any other new consumer electronics item?[/QUOTE]
It's pretty obvious that it was, especially compared to "any other consumer electronics item," which is a ridiculously broad spectrum. Hey, remember when all those people returned crapped-out Gamecubes soon after launch? Me neither. Even the O.G. XBox was a paragon of stability and reliability compared to the 360.

I question the perception of people who think it was just business as usual. I guess if you trust Microsoft's numbers, that's your perrogative.

Gears of War, CoD3, and F.E.A.R. on the same day? Sucks for F.E.A.R.

Too bad, it's a really good game...can't help but think it'll be overlooked with those other two heavy-hitters coming out the same day.
wow. i hadnt realized the time frame for GoW release and wii launch.
im thinking im not getting a wii at launch, cause im gonna have no time with GoW. i was looking to get that CoD3 and fear, but the other two will fall back to a later date.
[quote name='Apossum']Gears of War, FEAR and Call of Duty 3 all come out on the same day. Shooter fans are powerless against that...they'll hit their mark that day. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Is this accurate? If so, it's awesome. 3 (potentially) great games in a such a small time frame.
[quote name='zewone']Is this accurate? If so, it's awesome. 3 (potentially) great games in a such a small time frame.[/QUOTE]

according to Gamestop.com, yeah. I imagine CoD or FEAr will get pushed around though.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You are out of your mind.[/QUOTE]

You honestly think that they are going to sell 4 million consoles in less then two months?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Make note of the difference there.

It's pretty obvious that it was, especially compared to "any other consumer electronics item," which is a ridiculously broad spectrum. Hey, remember when all those people returned crapped-out Gamecubes soon after launch? Me neither. Even the O.G. XBox was a paragon of stability and reliability compared to the 360.

I question the perception of people who think it was just business as usual. I guess if you trust Microsoft's numbers, that's your perrogative.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. We just think 360 had more failures because A) it's fresher in our minds, B) is selling a lot, so will have a larger bulk number of failures as a result (think NYC murder rate compared to Camden, NJ), and C) we weren't on message boards when PS2 and Xbox released. Also, initial reports were likely marred by a botched batch that Microsoft sent to media/publishers. Mine was personally unable to connect to Xbox Live, but Microsoft sent a new one out before I even had tested it. Some may consider that in the failure rate; I don't. It's not like those receiving that shipment paid for their units, so they don't count as consumer products.

Being in the industry, I do remember a ton of people complaining about disc read errors with PS2, and my personal Xbox failed like a mother -- remember the hard drive problems? PSones had more than their share of broken units, obviously.

Poking around online, I see iPods have a failure rate of 13.7%. The average acceptable failure rate for consumer electronics (which is a broad spectrum, I know, but electronics all have lots of shit within them -- and it all can break) is around 6-10%. I can easily imagine TVs, stereos, and computers falling under that percentage. I don't think 360 is doing worse than that.

We're all going to skew our perspective based on our own experiences. If my 360 purrs like a kitten (it does), I'll think the system is more reliable than the guy whose launch-day unit shit the bed. It's all about percentages. And back to the OP, I really don't think more than a miniscule amount of people bought two Xbox 360s because of a failure.
[quote name='Sporadic']You honestly think that they are going to sell 4 million consoles in less then two months?[/quote]

If they can sell like the DSLite has during the lulls of summer during a Worldwide Christmas rush. Yes, I do.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If they can sell like the DSLite has during the lulls of summer during a Worldwide Christmas rush. Yes, I do.[/QUOTE]
They're not going to sell 4 million units between November 19 and December 31. Thats only 6 weeks.

Besides, the comment was that they will "ship" 4 million worldwide "by Dec 31", not that they will have 4 million sold or in stores by then.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If they can sell like the DSLite has during the lulls of summer during a Worldwide Christmas rush. Yes, I do.[/QUOTE]

There's a big difference between Nintendo's handheld hype and Nintendo's console hype.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If they can sell like the DSLite has during the lulls of summer during a Worldwide Christmas rush. Yes, I do.[/QUOTE]

The big difference there is that the DS already had a pretty healthy library at that point.

There is no way 4 million consoles will be sold in 6 weeks, no way at all.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Given that and the Wii and PS3 launch, that week could possibly be the biggest single week for the video game industry in history. Its gonna be fun to watch.[/QUOTE]

Then two weeks later ebay will be filled with both consoles used. People didn't factor in if the could pay rent when purchasing during gaming's "power week"
I agree, not Nintendo. Maybe a new powerful next gen Gameboy [meaning, something as powerful or more powerful than PSP, a straight video game console handheld with some media and networking tools] with a line up of heavy hitters can sell 4 million in a month, but not a "different" console like Wii. As I've said before, people would have been lining up for XAVIX and Nuon if that were true.

Honestly, with the PS3 launch, plus a steady release of big PS2 RPG's and first tier 360 games, and with Nintendo's handheld dominance, as well as the PSP's growing numbers [and a new bundle] there is no way the Wii will result in being as profitable as Nintendo fans expect it to be.

Let's face it, there's hardcore Sony and Microsoft fanboys happily carrying around their DS Lites, but that doesn't mean they'll make room for a Wii and start waving their arms just to move up, down, up, down.
[quote name='THPS']I wonder how many unique customers there are out there though, considering how many people had to buy multiple Xbox Three-Shittys since they break so easily. Still though, 5 million looks like good news for M$. I think it's gonna be a tight war, I guess we'll know sooner or later though in November when PS3 and Wii are launched.[/quote]
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