Has the $250 price changed your mind?

[quote name='Sarang01']Well I know they use the excuse of chip but originally the Gamecube Component Cable only cost $35-40 compared to the $60 they want for the Wii. I'm sorry but forgive me if I'm a BIT bitter that I have to pay even more than what a game for the Wii is going to cost to enjoy it to the maximum graphical extent and you also have a great point about the memory. Getting a 1 gig. card is going to be like $40 right? Then with the cable I'm $50 away from a premium 360 that includes it as well as a hard drive so I don't ever have to worry about saves though given the size of the SD and if they crack hard on developers this could also be the case with Wii.
Is it just me or are other people feeling like buying something 360 priced almost after all is said and done and the accessories are more expensive. Jeez way NOT to fuck up, feel me Corvin?[/quote]
Why don't you at least wait for them to announce a price of the component cable before bitching about it? If it's $50 or $60, then please, carry on, but the only mention I've seen is a Mad Catz cable listing on GameStop. Which is obviously reliable because Mario Galaxy is listed at $59.99.
[quote name='botticus']Why don't you at least wait for them to announce a price of the component cable before bitching about it? If it's $50 or $60, then please, carry on, but the only mention I've seen is a Mad Catz cable listing on GameStop. Which is obviously reliable because Mario Galaxy is listed at $59.99.[/quote]

Was it announced that the Wii doesn't come with a Component cable?
[quote name='shipwreck']Was it announced that the Wii doesn't come with a Component cable?[/quote]
Nope. It's bundled with an "audio/visual cable," but it doesn't say composite any more than it says component. With any luck, it's a composite+component(+s-video?) cable cause I don't know if my TV has component in.
[quote name='botticus']Nope. It's bundled with an "audio/visual cable," but it doesn't say composite any more than it says component. With any luck, it's a composite+component(+s-video?) cable cause I don't know if my TV has component in.[/quote]

Okay, well that basically reads as "Composite Cable" (maybe S-Video as well). If it had component too, they would be advertising it. :(
[quote name='dmaul1114']I voted "no, but I dont' like the price."

The main problem is the controller issue. Wiisports is useless without a second controlller. So you're forced to spend $40-60 (depending on whether or not the nunchuck is needed) to really enjoy.

That's not much of a bonus for a pack in. I'd rather just have the $215 the Japanese are getting, and not get Wiisports.[/QUOTE]

i can almost guarantee that you wont be playing wii sports 2 months after you buy the wii, it adds little to no value to the deal but i have to admit that its very cool of nintendo to pack in a game.
[quote name='shipwreck']Okay, well that basically reads as "Composite Cable" (maybe S-Video as well). If it had component too, they would be advertising it. :([/quote]
I dunno, they don't really have any need to advertise component or not component. I don't see why it couldn't be a 360-esque cable. Surprised no one asked any of the reps that question.
I'm holding off, but it's not about the money for me. It's more about the fact that I have a ever other console and a huge backlog of games for each one. I've reached a point where "enough is enough" when it comes to buying a new console for a while.
[quote name='chimpian']there are always bugs in the first set of new hardware
so once the first price drop hits its mine (plus chances are better it wont f up on me):whistle2:D[/quote]

IMO, the Wii shouldn't be so buggy since it isn't such a leap in tech. This is basically tried and true stuff. Normally I'd agree with Chimpian about new systems, but not this time. I'm pissed about the price (yeah 1 cent less than $250) but I'll still buy it at launch.
[quote name='botticus']I dunno, they don't really have any need to advertise component or not component. I don't see why it couldn't be a 360-esque cable. Surprised no one asked any of the reps that question.[/quote]

There's no reason it couldn't be like the 360 cable, I'd just be surprised that they worded it the way they did if it is. Hopefully, component is there, but I'm doubting it.
[quote name='onetrackmind']i can almost guarantee that you wont be playing wii sports 2 months after you buy the wii, it adds little to no value to the deal but i have to admit that its very cool of nintendo to pack in a game.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for helping confirm this is just a weak attempt by Nintendo trying to charge $250, with a WEAK pack-in game.
[quote name='onetrackmind']i can almost guarantee that you wont be playing wii sports 2 months after you buy the wii, it adds little to no value to the deal but i have to admit that its very cool of nintendo to pack in a game.[/QUOTE]

It would be cool if it was truly just a freebie pack in. But since it is $215 in Japan without Wiisports, it looks like this pack in is costing us $35.

I dont' even really want the game, so I don't think it's cool. As I said, I'd much prefer to pay $215 and just get the system and a contoller.

$265 for that and Zelda, is much more appealing than $300 with that, zelda, and a game that I don't really want and especially don't want since it's mainly a multiplayer game and the controllers are so damn expensive.
oh yea im definatley gettin one at launch. im a sony fanboy and i was all geared up for the PS3 but now im just kinda loosin interest right now. i still want 1 but just not at launch, a lack of good launch titles and the high price (gotta pay my rent) have pretty much turned me off until GTA or sumtin comes out. so its a Wii for me at launch! prolly pick up zelda or sumtin to go wit it. compared to $600, $250 does not turn me off at all.
I was really hoping Nintendo would've surprised us with a $200 price tag, wishful thinking I guess. The addition of Wii Sports is nice, but an extra Wiimote would've been better!
I couldn't care less. $50 = one new game (or $10 cheaper than a 3rd party 360 game.) not exactly a bank breaker :\
This is Nintendo, do you honestly think they'd give you something for free like a component cable? They are hugely more profitable than Sony or Microsoft's game division. They didn't get that way by giving out free stuff. If the component was included I could bite on $250 no questions asked, but right now I'm wary.

I never liked Wii sports and the launch titles are crap minus Zelda. I'm also bitter they broke their word. Zelda GC in December!?! I wasn't planning on getting the GC version, but this is a serious blow to their reputation for me. They said they would launch the same day, but they lied. No one can spin it any other way for any reason. :bomb:

We'll see how this all shakes out. Looks like I'll be picking up Lego Star Wars II for 360 to tide me over and Gears of War. I was honestly kind of hoping to be too distracted with MP3 to buy Gears of War, but that's how the cookie is crumbling.....
I'm kind of sad about the price, but that's only because of the insane amount of hype leading up to it. At first, it was $250 and everyone was lik e"Ok, that's not too bad", but suddenbly rumors surfaced of 199 and then even 175, and that just lifted people up to be shot down. I looked at $200 as a deal, so $250 isn't that big of a deal for me. I might miss out on , what, 5 buckets of chicken at KFC? I think I can cope.
Regarding the Virtual Console game prices: IGN pointed out that there is a tiered pricing system for these -- $5, $8, and $10 -- which almost certainly corresponds with NES, SNES/Genesis, and N64 titles respectively. I think those prices are reasonable given the convenience. I'll give them bonus points if they come up with some sort of storage cartridge for the DS onto which you can download VC titles.[/QUOTE]

That would be awesome if I could play some Chrono Trigger or Earthbound on my DS. Solid idea indeed.
I put "waiting for a price drop", but that means just until I recover from buying the PS3. The Wii will for sure be my second console unless someone just gives me a 360.
They're really gouging people on the accessories. Not suprising considering how sucessful the ipod has been in that field.
I still want one but what colors will be available? Didn't like what they did with the DS Lite offering white and then release the black and pink one a few months after.
[quote name='lordwow']I am willing to pay $250 for a Wii, but the accesories prices are what kills me.[/quote]

Yeah, $60 for a Wiimote and Nunchuku seems a bit extreme. That thing better work flawlessly for that price!

The system price is ok. Could have a bit lower, say $199.99, but with PS3 at $499/$599 and 360 at $299/$399, I don't blame Nintendo for coming in at $250. It's still the cheapest by far and comes with a game.
[quote name='stevez0r']I still want one but what colors will be available? Didn't like what they did with the DS Lite offering white and then release the black and pink one a few months after.[/quote]

Only white initially. :cry:
The $249 tag doesn't really surprise me, especially considering the pricing on other consoles, but I really expected Nintendo to include two full controllers (especially considering all the "togetherness" talk they were tossing around).

I'll still get one, but ouch on the additional controllers.
Waiting for a price drop now.

I was on the fence with the Wii, but I definitely would've bought one for around $150 (I know this was wishful thinking). A $200 price range would be pushing it, but I thought this was the most likely price and I probably would have bought one. $250 for a console bundled with a game I don't want, (plus the fact that it's being bundled with the console means it's going to have a terrible trade in value and have a terrible resell price on ebay which means it's pretty worthless to a customer like me) and Nintendo just killed the urge for me to go out and buy a Wii anytime soon.

I have about $300 in TRU credit and $200 in blockbuster credit that I was hoping to spend on Wii60 this holiday, but I think I'll just spend some of that TRU credit on the annual B2G1 for some 360 games and call it a year. I was hoping for a second console this year, but I think I'll wait now until I see a few price drops from Sony or Nintendo.
[quote name='whoknows']I put "waiting for a price drop", but that means just until I recover from buying the PS3. The Wii will for sure be my second console unless someone just gives me a 360.[/QUOTE]

Just curious but which of the 3 exclusive titles on PS3 do you want so badly that your willing to pay $600 vs a 360?
If it just had two remotes I would be fine, but this is so fucknig crazy.

For families my ass.

No DVD player for who knows why, then this dumb weather thing and some picture thing. The picture thing is fine because it's easy, but this whole thing is just lame. They should have came out months ago with this info, now the hype was so high and it has been a huge disappointment.

The 360 controlers are $50, can anyone explain why?
[quote name='David85']If it just had two remotes I would be fine, but this is so fucknig crazy.

The 360 controlers are $50, can anyone explain why?[/QUOTE]

Two reasons:

1- Wireless is more expensive to make.
2- Microsoft (and any company for that matter) have fully admitted that they lose so much money on the system sales that they do try to make a profit on accesories.
[quote name='epobirs']I bellieve the price gap is immediately greater than it first appears and will grow.

Keep in mind, the Xbox 360 Core System is nearly useless without a $40 memory unit. That brings us up to a $90 price gap above the Wii since the Nintendo comes with a good amount of onboard flash memory. (In addition to using far less expensive per megabyte SD cards. Nintendo is giving one traditional profit center there.)

Further, if Nintendo is sticcking to their tradition of not selling for below break even, after the development and launch costs are recouped, they have a big margin for a price cut. I expect they'll be aggressive on that front to leverage the much lesser cost of their hardware.

The die hards will absorb millions of Wiis before the price and pay off the initial costs rapidly. Those who wait for a year should see a bigger price gap appear between the Wii and the big guns. The Xbox 360 may see some price reduction in that time but MS won't be able to move as a fast as Nintendo in that regard since they are already substantially in the hole on each unit. THey have to weigh reducing their loss against a lower retail price while Nintendo doesn't have that concern.[/QUOTE]
Was't it reported that msft was breaking even on each unit either last or this upcoming january. I know it was talked about a lot by geoff keilley (sp?) when he was on G4 before the 360 launch.

I will be getting a WII at launch, but imo, the fucked up big time. It has been talked about a lot on ign/1up podcasts how the wii is a supped up gamecube with an accessory (the controller). A smart buyer, shouldn't have had any problems getting a premium 360 for $340. That is a difference of $90. IMO, in order to dominate/put a big dent in, they needed cheaper price points. They have talked a lot about targeting the non gamer. Will a non gamer, or someone that hasn't played games in years want to drop over $350 on a system, another controller and a game? IMO, they won' t be flocking to the system as has been talked about on message boards for awhile. Maybe if they do make a major price drop after recouping costs, they might make end roads with the non gamer. As the system will sell to all the nintendo fans no mater what they priced it at.
[quote name='ryanbph']
I will be getting a WII at launch, but imo, the fucked up big time. [/QUOTE]

Not to single you out, but am I the only one that finds so many of these types of comments kind of funny?

So many of you are angry about the price, but admit you'll still pay it. Makes me wonder if they could have gotten away with $300 just as easily, because it's nintendo.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Not to single you out, but am I the only one that finds so many of these types of comments kind of funny?

So many of you are angry about the price, but admit you'll still pay it. Makes me wonder if they could have gotten away with $300 just as easily, because it's nintendo.[/quote]

WTF? No, there are many of us that will not pay $250 for this. I for one can guarantee that I will not spend $250 on a Wii. If Nintendo thought they could get away with selling it for $300 they would.

They have accounted for the backlash and the amount of people that won't buy it at $250 and some accountant over at Nintendo has figured out that they can make more money with less people buying it at $250 than more buying it at $200. That's pretty much all there is to it.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Two reasons:

1- Wireless is more expensive to make.
2- Microsoft (and any company for that matter) have fully admitted that they lose so much money on the system sales that they do try to make a profit on accesories.[/QUOTE]

So the 360 controler is higher just so they make money? Ok.

I have a hard time thinking that the two controlers cost that much to make for the Wii.

And we are angry about the dumbass chose to fuck over the Americas. We all would rather have a $215 system that didn't come with the Wii Shit Sports. Japan doesn't but they fuck us over.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Just curious but which of the 3 exclusive titles on PS3 do you want so badly that your willing to pay $600 vs a 360?[/QUOTE]
Well, the fact that I have a gaming PC and I dont give a fuck about Halo kills the 360 for me.

Lets see, DMC4 alone warrants the PS3 purchase for me, I've been playing DMC3 regularly since it came out. Besides that though, MGS4, Untitled Naughty Dog Game, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, the two Final Fantasy XIII's, Killzone 2...thats all that comes to mind right now.
[quote name='David85']So the 360 controler is higher just so they make money? Ok.

I have a hard time thinking that the two controlers cost that much to make for the Wii.

And we are angry about the dumbass chose to fuck over the Americas. We all would rather have a $215 system that didn't come with the Wii Shit Sports. Japan doesn't but they fuck us over.[/quote]
I dunno, I don't buy many electronics pieces that use accelerometers, wireless, and whatever the hell it's called to interact with the sensor bar. Sure as hell probably costs more than the 360 controller to make.
Nah, but anything over 250 would have made me wait.

[quote name='David85']
I have a hard time thinking that the two controlers cost that much to make for the Wii.

Wireless and the motion sensing functions in both parts can justify that price when you compare to the prices of other controllers. I wish it wasn't that much either, I'm going to hold off on a second controller for a while.
[quote name='David85']So the 360 controler is higher just so they make money? Ok.

I have a hard time thinking that the two controlers cost that much to make for the Wii.

And we are angry about the dumbass chose to fuck over the Americas. We all would rather have a $215 system that didn't come with the Wii Shit Sports. Japan doesn't but they fuck us over.[/QUOTE]
You're legitmately upset by having to pay $35 more for a system that includes a free game (which you haven't even played yet and therefore cannot know the quality)? I understand wanting the most for your money and being a true CAG, but wow, $35 really isn't a big enough deal to get this upset over.

If the system were $50 or more more expensive, I could understand. Most of the time, it's the Japanese that get screwed over a bit on the price, not us. Can we give them the win, just once? Or are we really that selfish?
[quote name='David85']We all would rather have a $215 system that didn't come with the Wii Shit Sports.[/quote]

If both bundles were available at launch, I'd undoubtedly buy the WiiSports bundle.

I think it'll be fun.
[quote name='daroga']You're legitmately upset by having to pay $35 more for a system that includes a free game (which you haven't even played yet and therefore cannot know the quality)? I understand wanting the most for your money and being a true CAG, but wow, $35 really isn't a big enough deal to get this upset over.


Its still $35 for a game that many don't want, and that isn't really going to be useful without spending at least $40 to get a second controller (assuming it doesn't require the nunchuck).
[quote name='dmaul1114']Its still $35 for a game that many don't want, and that isn't really going to be useful without spending at least $40 to get a second controller (assuming it doesn't require the nunchuck).[/QUOTE]
Because no one has ever played a sports game single player before...?

I agree that a 2nd controller would be better, but certainly not required for most of those games (boxing use 2 wiimotes or the nunchuck?)
[quote name='whoknows']Well, the fact that I have a gaming PC and I dont give a fuck about Halo kills the 360 for me.[/quote]
Interesting. But I'd highly advise you to wait until after November 12th, and see if you still think so.

[quote name='whoknows']Lets see, DMC4 alone warrants the PS3 purchase for me, I've been playing DMC3 regularly since it came out. Besides that though, MGS4, Untitled Naughty Dog Game, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, the two Final Fantasy XIII's, Killzone 2...thats all that comes to mind right now.[/QUOTE]

So what will you think when DMC4 is on the 360 at the same time as well? (it will be, just not announced)

The only games you have listed that for sure are not coming to 360 is killzone 2, and the naughty dog game. (sony owns them)
[quote name='Purple Flames']What she said[/quote]

GC and mario kart bundle for you.... cause isnt the wii just a supped up GC? 250 seems steep to me if it doesnt come with 2 controllers.
Yeah $35 for some waste of a tech demo is pissing me off. Include another Wiimote first.

And you are going to rush right away and buy the Wii which you never played? Your agruement is childish and lame.

I'm mad because...

1. No DVD player, not a huge thing but still.
2. Wii Sports that I don't want.
3. The VC games are OUTRAGOUSLY priced.
4. Controlers cost a lot and we only get one even through it's called the Wii and not Wi!
5. The "Under $250" thing and then bragging how their console will bring families together. Yeah right.
6. They have always said they were a gaming company and now they have picture / video things and some dumb Weather Channel thing.
I'm definetly still getting one.

So the price has been confirmed then? And it's coming with a game? I haven't heard anything about this. Information would be apprecited.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Not to single you out, but am I the only one that finds so many of these types of comments kind of funny?

So many of you are angry about the price, but admit you'll still pay it. Makes me wonder if they could have gotten away with $300 just as easily, because it's nintendo.[/QUOTE]
I have the disposable income to spend, so the price isn't an issue for me...the area that I thinked they fucked up is the fact that over $300 for a system an extra controller and 1 game is a lot for this alleged non gaming crowd that they are allegedly targeting.
[quote name='d00k']I'm definetly still getting one.

So the price has been confirmed then? And it's coming with a game?[/QUOTE]

Wow people here must really live on another planet. Put down the pot and READ something.
[quote name='ryanbph']I have the disposable income to spend, so the price isn't an issue for me...the area that I thinked they fucked up is the fact that over $300 for a system an extra controller and 1 game is a lot for this alleged non gaming crowd that they are allegedly targeting.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, and agreed.
The $250 price tag hasn't changed my mind, but the one color deal may have. I want a black console, not a white one. I live with a smoker and in a few years it will probably be a nice shade of yellow, ew.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Interesting. But I'd highly advise you to wait until after November 12th, and see if you still think so.[/QUOTE]
Yes, GoW does look interesting, but thats not enough for me to buy a 360.

[quote name='thrustbucket']So what will you think when DMC4 is on the 360 at the same time as well? (it will be, just not announced)

The only games you have listed that for sure are not coming to 360 is killzone 2, and the naughty dog game. (sony owns them)[/QUOTE]
IF it does go to the 360 that still won't change my mind, I will still want the PS3 since it will still have the exclusives I care more about. Also, all of the games I named besides MGS4 and the two Final Fantasy games are being developed/published by Sony, so they will stay PS3 exclusive.
[quote name='David85']Wow people here must really live on another planet. Put down the pot and READ something.[/quote]

You forgot this part:

[quote name='d00k']I haven't heard anything about this. Information would be apprecited.[/quote]

And dude, I just got here 10 minutes ago, this is the first I'm hearing of this.
bread's done