Have $60 GC. What should I get?


As stated, I have a $60 GC and wondering what I should get. I have most of the big name games that are out.

I'm kinda looking at:

Far Cry 2 (Looks like fun, free roaming)
NBA 09 (Basketball season just started)
NFS: Undercover (I like the NFS series)
Valkyria Chronicles (RPG, fun strategy, not a fan of the art)
Prince of Persia (never played a POP game)
Civilization Revolution (love Civ 4)

I am also open to other choices and will respond promptly if I already have it. Thanks CAG you are always the best.

P.S. Other option is save it for a PSP game, as I did ask for a PSP for Christmas.


Of that list I personally would recommend Valkyria Chronicles (I think there's a demo for this) or Civ Rev.

Steer clear of POP. You'll be able to pick it up for a song shortly after the holidays are over so there's no point wasting a full 60 on it.
[quote name='whoknows']Depends where you have the gift card to, but I'd say Valkyria Chronicles.

Absolute must play.[/quote]

Its a Visa card, so anywhere, but I'd probably like it to be a local store, I work as best buy for a sidenote, and thanks for your input, I hear its a great game, but the demo didn't really sell me, but kept me intrigued.
Well, if you have any cash to spend you could always get NFS Undercover from Best Buy (on sale this week for $34.99) and then grab Prince of Persia from Gamestop ($39.99)
Farcry 2 and Prince of Persia are both $40 at Gamestop right now and Need for Speed is on sale at Best Buy. If you're a fan of the Civilization series you'll probably enjoy Civ Revolution, though I hoped it would've dropped a bit in price by now. I would probably pick up Valkyria Chronicles as it seems that has undersold and might be a bit rare in the future.
[quote name='Thongsy']Farcry 2 and Prince of Persia are both $40 at Gamestop right now and Need for Speed is on sale at Best Buy. If you're a fan of the Civilization series you'll probably enjoy Civ Revolution, though I hoped it would've dropped a bit in price by now. I would probably pick up Valkyria Chronicles as it seems that has undersold and might be a bit rare in the future.[/quote]

Very True, just haven't played an RPG in so long... and I'm a graphics whore, maybe the art style will warm up to me... idk yet.
Valkyria Chronicles - you probably might get the longest replay value from the choices considering you have only have $60.
If you go with a PS3 game, I'll also echo Valkyria Chronicles since this one seems the least likely to drop in price soon. PoP will be $30 within a month and Civ Rev can be found for $15 at Target clearance.

You could get a real good bang for your buck by picking up some PSP games at Target clearance. They've had Final Fantasy Tactics for $10, Patapon for $13, etc.
Far Cry 2 (Looks like fun, free roaming)

I just popped a fresh copy of this in last night and it's been pretty fun so far. I can tell it's not a perfect game but there seems to be a lot to do. I don't think fans of Far Cry before this like the new play style, but for newcomers it works.

NBA 09 (Basketball season just started)

I'm not sure I can recommend sports games at full price... ever. But I think I saw this on sale for pretty cheap already in the deals forum. (Was it the Target clearance thread?)

NFS: Undercover (I like the NFS series)

The reviews have been pretty bad for this newest installment of the series. Critics can get it wrong, but I haven't heard any buzz about it at all either.

Valkyria Chronicles (RPG, fun strategy, not a fan of the art)

I'm waiting for this through goozex and looks fun as hell from the demo. Though it may not be for everyone and between the sales being low and the trend of Sega games dropping in price, I think this one can wait.

Prince of Persia (never played a POP game)

Eagerly waiting on this one as well. Marks have been high and if it's a return to form to the Sands of Time gameplay, it is a definite candidate.

Civilization Revolution (love Civ 4)

Fell in love with the demo and walked to best buy after the demo ended and bought it immediately. A few weeks later I got bored of having to endlessly create military units to get anything done at all and it got stale quick. It didn't last a month on my shelf. The price should be dropping soon.

IMO, if you're not gonna hold out for some price drops, I would go with Far Cry 2 or PoP. You should also consider buying a PSN card + one of these games for $40 since most, if not all, are on sale somewhere by now.
[quote name='QiG']
Civilization Revolution (love Civ 4)

Fell in love with the demo and walked to best buy after the demo ended and bought it immediately. A few weeks later I got bored of having to endlessly create military units to get anything done at all and it got stale quick. It didn't last a month on my shelf. The price should be dropping soon.

My experience exactly. Played it for a month and may never touch it again. Very shallow AI.
[quote name='aaandrewww']My experience exactly. Played it for a month and may never touch it again. Very shallow AI.[/quote]

ah, so i should just stick with civ 4. Thank you.
I'm kinda in the same boat and don't want to post another topic, but if someone has played these games, I'd appreciate input. I'm looking at getting Oblivion:GOTY+ Ninja Gaiden:Sigma, or Valkyria Chronicles. Any opinions? These are the 3 games which I am eager to play most. Thanks guys.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma you should be able to find pretty cheap, i wasn't a fan of the game.

Oblivion if you like long RPGs go for it, I think you can get it for less then $30 these days and its easy to get on Goozex 850 pts i think
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