Have a Pro, planning to get an Arcade - Questions about the transfer


Here's the breakdown:

  • I have an Xbox 360 Pro (20GB) and almost everyone of my gaming sessions ends with a DRE. As you can guess, I don't like this.
  • I have a lot XBL content (4GB of RB songs, Halo maps, Fallout DLC, ~10 XBLA games, etc).
  • I have slow internet that would make downloading 10GB of content a pain in the ass.
Basically, I plan on buying a 360 Arcade with HDMI (Pro doesn't have it) while using my 20GB hard drive (I may upgrade in the future, but I don't DL [or want to]) any videos nor a lot of demos). Now, I know I have to do the license transfer thing, which I'm fine with, but I'm really concerned about actually having to download 10GB worth of stuff again. Since it's actually already on my hard drive, would I have to redownload the content, or would it be like upgrading to the full version of XBLA game demo and take a matter of seconds? If so, I can do that at my house, but if I actually have to redownlod the content, I'd bring it over to my friend's house where I could download at a good speed.

Sorry if stuff along this line has already been asked, but I tried googling and didn't find anything exactly like my situation (or at least was never answered). Thanks for any help!
if you're using the same hard drive, you just have to transfer the licenses, it just takes a matter of seconds for each thing you have downloaded.
scsg75 speaks the truth. I had to buy a new Jasper Arcade after my Falcon Arcade RRoD-ed not too long ago. Took less than 10 minutes altogether clicking what I did and didn't want to transfer and I had a lot of stuff to wade through, heh.
As mentioned you don't actually download the game(s), just the license which only takes a few seconds for each thing in your history. It can still take time wading through years of downloads though and queueing them all up so to speed it up you can do it all online now.
Oh wow that is such a huge relief. Thanks a lot for the heads up!

EDIT: So I got the thing and I do the transfer on Xbox.com and everything is honkey dorey. Queue up 30 items (of my 51), first 6 things download in like 5 seconds each (yay), except for The Pitt (which is kind of a pain, started downloading all 500MB) and Castle Crashers theme pack (which is 1MB so I couldn't care less). Still re-licensing!
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