Have any of you ever taken Valium?

Javy + perscription pain killers = hilarity.

Please get Mrs. Javy on the camcorder. We must have this for posterity.
So you managed to get a prescription and you have no idea what it does?
I have never taken Valium so I can't help out here.
Well, I know what it does in theory - it's supposed to calm me down but I don't really know what that means...
Only taken it once. I have a deep-rooted hatred/fear of dentists after my pediatric dentist filled some cavities without novacaine. When I had to get my wisdom teeth out a few years back they gave me a prescription for two valium to take before the surgery.

I didn't really feel all that different, except that I wasn't freaked out about going - which now seems very strange, so I guess it does work. In fact, I think I was much more upbeat than I really should have been in that situation.
[quote name='megashock5']Only taken it once. I have a deep-rooted hatred/fear of dentists after my pediatric dentist filled some cavities without novacaine. When I had to get my wisdom teeth out a few years back they gave me a prescription for two valium to take before the surgery.

I didn't really feel all that different, except that I wasn't freaked out about going - which now seems very strange, so I guess it does work. In fact, I think I was much more upbeat than I really should have been in that situation.[/quote]

Perfect. I am taking them to go to the dentist as well. I turn into a gigantic pussy the second I walk through the door. I can't sleep the days leading up to it and sitting in the chair is the worst place in the world as far as I'm concerned. I'm supposed to take 2 the night before I go and 2 when I get up in the morning. They are also going to gas me when I'm there if I'm still not calm enough.
A few years back a girl at a bar gave me some Valium and I took two (they were, apparently, a very high dosage)... Funny how two little pills can look/seem so benign. Obviously I had been drinking too - which is a big no-no - not terribly heavily, but a good amount. But hey, everyone was doing it (excuses, excuses). Later that night we played a show at this club and it was a total trainwreck. I fell on a table at one point and knocked this girls drink all over her. Leaning on people in the audience. Babbling, doped up eyes. Pretty pathetic. After the show I remember our drummer telling me that was the worst performance he'd ever seen out of me. I was completely not together and all I wanted to do was lie down.

I shuffled off straight to the van. This became one of my scariest drug experiences of all time. I became intensely tired. But not like, "I'm ready to crash out..", more like, "I'm ready to die." It's one of the only times in my life that I lucidly did feel like "this is it... I made a mistake.. I'm going to die." I remember people were trying really hard to get me up and I just kept falling deeper under. I very clearly recall thinking that I was slowly shuffling off the mortal coil. I have never experienced that combination of being terrified and relaxed (or was it a giving up sensation?).

Well, I guess el moral would be, don't EVER mix them with alcohol. Yes, that should be obvious.. but the main reason I mention this is that I had taken Vicodin and alcohol (even horse tranquilizers and alcohol, once) before and it was nothing like this experience.. not neary as sketchy. I have heard from people that even without alchohol that valium really incapacitates you. I would start with the minimum dosage and respect the warnings on the bottle. And, make sure you put something good on TV, because you might not be able to change the channel.
[quote name='javeryh']Well, I know what it does in theory - it's supposed to calm me down but I don't really know what that means...[/QUOTE]

Depending on the dose you will feel very calm. Any fear that you had will now be gone. You feel really mellow. My friend was on it and he said it felt to him like he was a little high on weed(don't know what dose that was). I took it a few times for hyperactivity and it made me feel extremely positive. Like those days where everything seems to be going right and you feel that nothing can go wrong. That was the feeling I got.
Never mix benzodiazapines (Valium, Ativan, Klonopin etc.) with alcohol. It can cause respiratory failure. You were lucky coltyhuxx.
[quote name='dopa345']Never mix benzodiazapines (Valium, Ativan, Klonopin etc.) with alcohol. It can cause respiratory failure. You were lucky coltyhuxx.[/quote]

I've actually been really careful to pass that story around (hence the long-winded post;) )... I really think there was a good chance I could have died from that experience.

Not to imply that Javeryh would do something as dumb as this ;) - I mean, he IS married!
[quote name='javeryh']Perfect. I am taking them to go to the dentist as well. I turn into a gigantic pussy the second I walk through the door. I can't sleep the days leading up to it and sitting in the chair is the worst place in the world as far as I'm concerned. I'm supposed to take 2 the night before I go and 2 when I get up in the morning. They are also going to gas me when I'm there if I'm still not calm enough.[/quote]
Is this that new sedation dentistry I've been hearing about? Or is this a special request type of thing.

I wouldn't mind being knocked out for any dental work that may be needed. They're always so stingy with the gas.
[quote name='evilmax17']Is this that new sedation dentistry I've been hearing about? Or is this a special request type of thing.

I wouldn't mind being knocked out for any dental work that may be needed. They're always so stingy with the gas.[/quote]

I've always been a nervous wreck when I go there and my dentist is super nice. She suggested the Valium for next time and then half-jokingly I said "I'd rather just be knocked out" and she said they could do that too if I wanted. I think I'm going to go for it. Last time I had a cavity filled she gave me three times the recommended dosage of novicaine and when she started drilling I jumped out of my chair in pain - she had to give me a fourth shot to completely numb me. God I even hate talking about it.
Valium is pretty mild if you take the recommended dosage. (depends on the miligrams as well) Take like 6 or 7 and drink a few beers, and whoa momma, Its like you drank a case of beer, without the unpleasant sideeffects of a hangover.

They are fun, relatively safe pharmies. Enjoy those!

Oh and I see people don't recommend drinking on those, but a few beers is a big difference than a 12 pack. I have taken many, many Valium in the past, ( I even took like 20 one time) and drank heavily with no ill effects (save for loss of memory of the previous night). Now those were the idiot days of discovery, but I would still take a couple and pound a few beers today.
[quote name='javeryh']I've always been a nervous wreck when I go there and my dentist is super nice. She suggested the Valium for next time and then half-jokingly I said "I'd rather just be knocked out" and she said they could do that too if I wanted. I think I'm going to go for it. Last time I had a cavity filled she gave me three times the recommended dosage of novicaine and when she started drilling I jumped out of my chair in pain - she had to give me a fourth shot to completely numb me. God I even hate talking about it.[/QUOTE]

Dude, are you sure we're not the same person?

Now my son is old enough to go to the same dentist my wife and I go to. She always makes me go last so he doesn't get scared watching me.
lets just say it doesn't work for everyone i got them for dentist related reasons once as well i took 2 beforei went in dentist asked if it was helping... not at all, so he had me take 2 more, that didnt help either and i believe the next time i had to go in he told me to try six .... and i'm only 5 ft tall and not overweight. It woudl also be worth mentioning i can drink my husband under a table perhaps.
i've taken them for fun before. It works and it feels great :D
your nerves just mellow out and you are able to totally relax without a care in the world.

you may want to get a ride to the dentist.
You're taking them for the anxiety of the visit, not the pain of the dental work. Although, it will help with that, too. It isn't that it doesn't hurt, it's that you don't care. "Oh, fiddle dee dee, that will require a tetanus shot" type of reaction.

A girlfriend had a prescription to them once, and I was taking them every night for a week or so. I decided to take a break and late that night I had the worst stomach pains of my life. I thought it might be my appendix bursting. It took us a while to figure out, but I'd already gotten a little addicted and was needing my jones. "You mean this pain will go away if I just take another pill?" Pop! I weaned myself off them after that.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled lasted Friday and they gave me a pure shot of liquid valuim in my IV. It hit me super fast and I was just kind of like...woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo K! It just calms you down and makes you really really light headed.
[quote name='javeryh']I've always been a nervous wreck when I go there and my dentist is super nice. She suggested the Valium for next time and then half-jokingly I said "I'd rather just be knocked out" and she said they could do that too if I wanted. I think I'm going to go for it. Last time I had a cavity filled she gave me three times the recommended dosage of novicaine and when she started drilling I jumped out of my chair in pain - she had to give me a fourth shot to completely numb me. God I even hate talking about it.[/quote]

Have you ever heard of cavities being fixed without drilling? Apparently there's "air abrasion" which is basically a blast of ionized air that gets away the decay so theres no needles or pain. My sister had that done.
For deeper cavities there is laser treatment. The dentist i go to is all hip with new tech. He's even got a camera(mounted on your chair so you can see too) he puts in your mouth so he can see things closeup without sticking his head in there.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Have you ever heard of cavities being fixed without drilling? Apparently there's "air abrasion" which is basically a blast of ionized air that gets away the decay so theres no needles or pain. My sister had that done.
For deeper cavities there is laser treatment. The dentist i go to is all hip with new tech. He's even got a camera(mounted on your chair so you can see too) he puts in your mouth so he can see things closeup without sticking his head in there.[/quote]

I've never heard of cavities being filled like that but today for the first time ever my dentist used a mini-hose to clean my teeth. It was just this thing that looked lke a pen that shot water out at an incredible speed to remove the plaque. It even hurt just like one of those metal picks when she hit my gums.
[quote name='javeryh']I've never heard of cavities being filled like that but today for the first time ever my dentist used a mini-hose to clean my teeth. It was just this thing that looked lke a pen that shot water out at an incredible speed to remove the plaque. It even hurt just like one of those metal picks when she hit my gums.[/QUOTE]
Is that good or bad? I'm frightened of the dentist now simply because I haven't visited one in 2 years (since I started working -> no dental insurance :p) and I can only imagine the pain I would endure now.
Im afraid i might have a cavity now. Its either that or just a sensitive tooth. It only hurts when it gets cold, so im using Sensodyne to see if that alleviates it.
[quote name='rabbitt']Nicotine, Valium, Vicoden, Marijuana, Ecstasy, and Alcohol...[/QUOTE]

damn it i was just about to post that.
[quote name='botticus']Is that good or bad? I'm frightened of the dentist now simply because I haven't visited one in 2 years (since I started working -> no dental insurance :p) and I can only imagine the pain I would endure now.[/quote]

It's all bad... The water thing makes the process go a lot faster so that's good - plus there is not scraping and pulling when she tries to get a particularly stubborn piece of plaque off of my tooth, however, the thing sounds exactly like the drill so it is torture.
Me and my 2 friends took 3 valium and snorted 1 a piece. We ended up driving 30 mins to see DOOM. All I remember of the movie is where it goes to the First Person Mode and I remember the end credits. All 3 of us passed out and dont remember a thing. After the movie i was still messed up and started fighting my friend in the cinema's lobby. What a night it was, im never gonna take valium again but it was cool for that night cause DOOM I was told is horrible. I never tryed to see DOOM again haha.
[quote name='Kayden']Javy + perscription pain killers = hilarity.

Please get Mrs. Javy on the camcorder. We must have this for posterity.[/QUOTE]

I had 4 cavities filled at once and was given niether pain medicine of local anesthetics. Didn't really bother me at all either. The wierdest part was when they were done I could bite my teeth together and the fillings would kind of stick for a second lol.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I've taken them before, I didn't really like it. Made me feel too spacey, I much prefer Xanax.[/QUOTE]

You don't like anything man at all.
The gimmick is old man. No one likes it.

I don't like air! *suffocates*

Ignore time :D
UPDATE: That shit doesn't work at all. It made me a little tired but that was about it - no relaxation. The nitrous gas didn't do much either or at least it took a while. I thought they were going to knock me out but they didn't. God I hate the dentist - at least I don't go back until January...
[quote name='javeryh']UPDATE: That shit doesn't work at all. It made me a little tired but that was about it - no relaxation. The nitrous gas didn't do much either or at least it took a while. I thought they were going to knock me out but they didn't. God I hate the dentist - at least I don't go back until January...[/quote]

When you woke up, was your fly still zipped?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']When you woke up, was your fly still zipped?[/quote]

Yeah but the nurse was adjusting her skirt and pulling up her panties.
It varies for different people. The little yellow pill, Mother's Little Helper, is IIRC, the 5mg variety. 2mg and 10 mg in blue and pink are the other common ones, again IIRC. (The yellow color is the natural hue.) The stuff just doesn't do much to me. I have to wolf them down like M&Ms to even oversleep. Don't ask me how I came to know this.

Considering the typical dose for a daily prescription, the LD50 (dose at which 50% of test subjects die) is pretty up there, taking more than 1300mg to reliably kill a lab rat. Unless you have an unusual physiology you're very unlikely to have any problems with diazepam. It's more common to be like me and fail to have much response.

[quote name='javeryh']Yeah but the nurse was adjusting her skirt and pulling up her panties.[/quote]

Sorry, you just looked so cute...

[quote name='javeryh']UPDATE: That shit doesn't work at all. It made me a little tired but that was about it - no relaxation. The nitrous gas didn't do much either or at least it took a while. I thought they were going to knock me out but they didn't. God I hate the dentist - at least I don't go back until January...[/QUOTE]

Next time, demand sodium pentathol. A lot of sedatives just pass right through me but that juice will pull your plug and put you out like a light.

I had four extra teeth out before I got braces, damn, almost 30 years ago, and they had me doing the counting backwards thing after starting the IV drip. I was just starting to complain that I didn't feel anything when, bam, no consciousness whatsoever for a couple of hours. Pure dreamless non-existence. Could have been a minute or could have been a year.
the generic is Diazepam, which im sure if you are into the MGS series, it should ring a bell.

Its a pain killer + muscle relaxer. I've taken it about 3 times. I try to make sure i do it on a full stomach
bread's done