Have both a 360 and PS3... which system do you buy for?


CAG Veteran
So im doing a poll for a friendly debate with a friend (I couldn't find the forum option to make a Poll, sorry).

For those of you that own both a Xbox 360 and PS3, what console do you by your multi-console games for? Thanks
Typically PS3, unless it is a multilayer-centered game. (MW2, Borderlands).

But most of the time PS3, thanks to my Xbox Red ringing twice.
Hit edit and then go advanced and you'll find the option to add a poll. I can't vote as I only have a 360.

If I had both I'd usually go 360 though as I prefer the controller to the dual shock and have people to play with on Live while I don't know anyone other than my brother with a PS3 (and he doesn't play online). But I'd go with the PS3 version of a game if it ran better etc.--though probably not for FPS as I hate the side by side sticks and lack of triggers for shooters.
360 because I prefer the controller, although sometimes I wish it was on the ps3 because my ps3 is much quieter. PC if it's an FPS because I like to aim with a mouse, or for RTS games.
I have everything ... 360, PS3, Wii, and a gaming PC.

I buy all multi-platform releases on 360 (controller, online, friends, general preference, etc) unless another version is drastically better.

For example I buy the PC version of RTS, etc.

I do enjoy having everything though. Each system (and PC) has carved a pretty good spot in what games it has and the environment it creates.

I don't like to miss out out on quality games because of platform, and that's why I have them all.

I need to be able to take off my shoes to be able to count to the number of times my 360 has RROD'ed on me. The PS3 is quieter and Wifi (I know I can buy the 360 adapter, but I dont feel like shelling out the $$).

I also have 3 HDTVs in my house, and since the PS3 uses non proprietary power cable I have taken the extra HDMI Cables and Power Cables I have lying around and hooked them up at each TV. If someone is watching TV where the PS3, I can just move it to a different tv with ZERO hassle. Can't do that with the darn MS power Brick...
[quote name='CapAmerica']360, better graphics, better online and I prefer the controller.[/QUOTE]

Wow, way to start a flame war with some mis-information. Technical details aside, graphics will depend entirely on the developer, as both systems are capable of producing high quality visuals.

I no longer have a 360, but if I did, it would depend on a few things. If it's multiplayer, then it depends on community and how many people I know that play the game on either console.

If there's no multiplayer and everything else is equal, I'd go with the PS3 because I prefer trophies over achievements and I prefer the Dual Shock 3 over the 360 controller.

If there are things that affect playability on one console over the other, I'll go with the better one. Bayonetta, for Instance. Sega fucked up the PS3 port, so I'd pick it up on the 360. Darksiders is supposed to have worse screen tearing on the 360, so I'd go with the PS3 version for that.

And lastly, there are just some preferences I have. I'd pick up Final Fantasy XIII on PS3 because it would seem weird to play it on the 360.
Most developers originally create their games for the 360 then port to the PS3, so the 360 version is usually better (Ghostbusters, Prototype, Bayonetta, ect.) This is not always the case, so make sure you look it up before you buy. If you will play the game online you should probably buy it for the 360. If you can't decide choose by which controller you prefer, achievements vs trophies, and which console your friends have it for.

To the people commenting in this thread about RROD and E74- Newer 360s rarely break; I've had mine (a Falcon) for a little less than a year with no problems whatsoever.
PS3 unless there's some concrete problem with it that is absent in the 360 version, which doesn't happen very often.
If the two versions are mostly equal, and it has worthwhile multiplayer, then I tend to buy more for 360 due to Xbox Live and achievements. If it's a mostly single player game, however, then I'd say it's about equal.
I buy all my games for the PS3. I like the PS3 controller better, plus I don't want to pay for the xbox online service, as I'm satisfied with the PSN service.

I prefer the controller, and I feel it has a better online/community experience. I don't mind paying for Gold Live as I play online alot.

I've only had a PS3 since the slim launched and I only have 4 games for it, all PS3 exclusives, and one is a demo (GT Prologue). I primarily use it as a Bluray player for Netflix movies.
You'd be crazy not to buy the PS3 version. Unlike what someone said above, the PS3 version is usually the best thanks to larger discs (won't have to cut as much data to fit) and when the PS3 version comes out later it means the 360 fankids bugtested it for us.

Besides, free online is always superior. Every other console does it like PC and that's been around for years. 360 you're just paying to see ads.
360 - I prefer the controller, Live Arcade, the games, and majority of my friends are on Live.

PS3 - Exclusives

Once my current 360 goes up though I may just stick with PS3 for all my gaming needs. Don't feel like dropping money on another 360 console.
I buy all multi-platform games for the 360. I only buy PS3 exclusive games. I prefer the controller & online play on the 360... and MOST games run better on the 360 than the PS3... also HATE how long updates etc... take on the PS3... very annoying.
PS3, mainly i'm addicted to trophies over achievements. However, i think the preference is the result of paid on-line vs. free on-line play and hard drive upgrade cost. It's a lot cheaper if you go with the PS3. Then there's a back door gaming sharing on the PS3, which is a dirty way to get trophies cheap.

As for controller preferences, i don't think it matters much. If you want to play games, as long as the buttons do what they do, then i'm fine with that.

The leveling up stat from the PSN is very cool IMO. It's not that i care it much, but it's like a milestone which makes you look forward to the next level and the one after that etc...

For achievements. there's no bonus for getting 100%, but in the PS3 world, there's this platinum trophy thing. So, basically you get rewarded for getting 100%, i like that :) Technically, you can showoff trophies in PSN Home, but i'm not a big fan of that, i rather spend the time play more games.
Generally speaking, I buy all multi-platform games for the 360, and my PS3 library consists of strictly exclusives.

I say 'generally speaking', because I allow for the possiblity that something will come out that runs noticeably better on the PS3 (FF13), or has an exclusive 'thing' (Batman:AA, Dante's Inferno). Darksiders was something that came up recently, but the announcement of a patch for the 360 version sealed the deal. Not to debate the pros and cons of both systems, I just prefer the 360 overall. Plus, owning a PS3 for even just the exclusives is a worthwhile purchase. That's one hell of a list of games right there.
360 most people I play online with own 360. Plus I like achievements too.

I have a PS3 for Exclusives, PSN and Blu-ray and PS3 has some of the best exclusive games around!
PS3 if I had the choice unless there are significant differences. Ex: I got the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed II but the 360 version of Bayonetta.

1. I like trophies more. There's something different about getting a bronze trophy instead of 5 GamerScore or a gold trophy instead of 100G.
2. I like the PS3 more. I like the exclusives a lot more. If both systems were to break, I know I would replace the PS3 first. It's the smart play.
3. I like the controller a little less than the 360. It's not enough to change my mind on which version to get.
4. As a PC gamer, I don't believe in the 360's particular subscription model for online. I had XBL Gold for 13 months but haven't used it in more than a year.
5. More friends on PS3 than 360.
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360 - prefer the controller, most of my friends are on xbl

i hate how long it takes to dl stuff on my ps3. the system updates and title updates take FOREVER and then you have to wait for them to install on top of that. irks me to no end...
[quote name='Hostile']PS3 if I had the choice unless there are significant differences. Ex: I got the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed II but the 360 version of Bayonetta.

1. I like trophies more. There's something different about getting a bronze trophy instead of 5 GamerScore or a gold trophy instead of 100G.
2. I like the PS3 more. I like the exclusives a lot more. If both systems were to break, I know I would replace the PS3 first. It's the smart play.
3. I like the controller a little less than the 360. It's not enough to change my mind on which version to get.
4. As a PC gamer, I don't believe in the 360's particular subscription model for online. I had XBL Gold for 13 months but haven't used it in more than a year.
5. More friends on PS3 than 360.[/QUOTE]

Almost would be my exact post, minus that I'm more of a former PC gamer and don't have Assassin's Creed II yet (but I have 1 on PS3). Watching PS3 versions of Bayonetta after playing it on 360 made me go, wow, those load times are really bad now that I played it on 360.

Plus, games coming out for PS3 after 360 isn't always a bad thing. Eternal Sonata got extra content, BioShock kinda did, Star Ocean International... etc.

That said, on #3: The DS3 hurts my pinky cause the controller is a bit small, but it's not a deal breaker. But I do like the location of the analog sticks better on DS3.

tl;dr: PS3
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']PS3.

I'm on my 4th 360. If it wasn't for Mass Effect 2 I'd be done with the thing.[/QUOTE]

Had to quote you on that one. I've had 6 360's die on me. I'm on my 7th one. Although the ones that died was all 2006 models that had issues. I never did buy another 360. I just put up with whatever MS sent me back. Sometimes I got a pretty good one, and sometimes it wasn't worth waiting on. I ended up buying a core 360 when Walmart had there 100 dollar gift card deal with it. Honestly If it dies I'm done with 360. Only reason I keep it around is for Gears 2. Also awaiting in hopes for Gears 3. ;) Overall I buy most multi-player games on PS3,but it varies. Far as fighters go I get them all on PS3. Far as fps games go it really doesn't matter to me which system I have them on.
Totally random or depends on which one I can find a cheaper copy of said multiplatform game for. For example, I found a clearance copy of Dead Space on PS3 for $15 when the game was still 30 or 40 most everywhere. It made that decision pretty easy.
I buy everything on ps3, and from the 3 games I've played on both systems I FAR prefer the ps3 version. Really, since netflix being available on the ps3 the only reason I've turned on my 360 was for that south park game.
Usually 360, mainly because of friends and the fact that I like the controller better than the PS3's. Although, I do make the exception if I find a game cheaper on one platform, or if a game plays better on one platform.
[quote name='UjnHunter']I buy all multi-platform games for the 360. I only buy PS3 exclusive games. I prefer the controller & online play on the 360... and MOST games run better on the 360 than the PS3... also HATE how long updates etc... take on the PS3... very annoying.[/QUOTE]

Stole my post!
Both. I have a good mix of MP games spread across both, so I buy a game for whatever system I feel like playing it on or whatever it'ss available on when I buy it.
I usually do exclusives on the 360 and get everything else on the triple. I don't have gold so that kind of limits my options if I want to play online.
I usually go with the 360 for multi-platform games unless the reviews say the PS3 version is better or unless I find the PS3 version at a dramatically lower price.
I usually buy the PS3 version of a game. Giving MS $50 bucks a year to play the same game on PSN for free just doesn't make sense. Plus have you guys ever noticed how compressed audio and video(intros.cutscenes) is on 360? DVD is reaching it's limits nowadays and it's beginning to show.
I bought Arkham for the PS3 because of the Joker. The entire time (although I did love the game) I wished I was playing it on the 360. My hands cramp using the Dualshock. And I get more satisfaction from achievements than trophies.

And I don't want to start something and it may not be as important to others but... I may pay for XBL but it is lightyears ahead of the PSN (and Home)!! And worth every penny!!
360 since I bought it first and amassed a huge library of games already. Plus I pay for Xbox Live so I already have an established friends list, achievements, and like to buy most games for it. Just got a PS3 recently and only want/buy PS3 exclusives for it.
360, unless the PS3 has a significantly better port, or the PS3 version can be had for a good deal cheaper.

I prefer the 360 controller, XBL, and being able to install my games to the HD.
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