Have you ever given "spare" change to a homeless person?

[quote name='yellowaznboy']Why or why not?[/quote]

Yea I have. There was this one guy who used to hang at the car wash and clean people's tires. I would give him a dollar or so everytime I washed my car.
Yes...and im one of the annoying people that questions them first :)

and the people who play musical instroments (well) on the subway, i dont care if thier homeless, they're getting a buck for playing some good Hendrix
I usually encounter these people outside of the local convenience stores, so if I've got the extra money, I offer to buy them a donut. Most decline, making me glad I didn;t just give them money for booze.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']I usually encounter these people outside of the local convenience stores, so if I've got the extra money, I offer to buy them a donut. Most decline, making me glad I didn;t just give them money for booze.[/quote]

Yea, that's a good idea, if you offered them money, they'd grab it and run, but when you offer them a doughnut, you'll know if they are really in need of food or just using it to buy drugs/booze.
I was thinking about it today as I was going into the Post Office, but I ended up crossing the street before I passed by him...
Yea, a few years back I was coming out of TRU and was about to get in my car when this homeless guy came over and started talking to me. He told me this sob story about him being homeless and from out of town. He just wanted to get something to eat. There was a Mcdonalds next door... I was in a good mood so I gave the guy $5 to get something. I expected him to go the opposite direction but he really did go over to Mcdonalds and eat.
Best sign ever by a hobo, I need money for Booze, Hookers and Cigs. I gave him 5 bucks because he was honest...
Absolutely not. There are numerous programs designed to aid homeless individuals - welfare, food stamps, shelters - many of which are funded through our hard earned tax dollars. In a sense, I already give, whether I want to or not, every day I go to work. 99 times out of a hundred, the money you give to panhandlers goes to fund things they can't purchase with food stamps, namely drugs and alcohol. By giving them money, you aid in their addiction.
[quote name='anonymouswhoami']Absolutely not. There are numerous programs designed to aid homeless individuals - welfare, food stamps, shelters - many of which are funded through our hard earned tax dollars. In a sense, I already give, whether I want to or not, every day I go to work. 99 times out of a hundred, the money you give to panhandlers goes to fund things they can't purchase with food stamps, namely drugs and alcohol. By giving them money, you aid in their addiction.[/quote]wOrd
I use to, but after being some incidents I dont anymore, I remember one time a lady needed money for the bus so I gave her enough money for the bus, but she didnt go take the bus, she went up to more people and got more money and probably never even ended taking the bus. Only way I would give up some money now if the guy seemed like a good character and maybe said something funny or something Id like.
One time, I walked out of a supermarket in Chicago. This homeless person came up to me and asked "Can you spare change for food?" I had a bag of groceries and there were some bananas on the top.

I gave him a banana. He looked at the banana and he said "I can't drink this!!" and he threw the banana in my face.

Thats a true story. It was fucked up......
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Never personally encountered a homeless person, but if I did, I would probably give them at least a dollar or something.[/quote]

I'm assuming you dont live in the big city. Homeless peopler are like the plague.
Never given one money, but when I was in college there were quite a few homeless people that hung out around the student union and would ask for spare change for food. After being asked so many times I got into the habit of carrying snack/granola bars with me and whenever I was asked I just handed them a bar.
I didn't used to, but I watched an episode of Sports Night recently that changed my mind. I used to always feel that it was a waste of my money because they were just going to spend it on booze, but Sports Night pointed out that most homeless people aren't one hot meal away from being a productive member of society. Might as well give them the few bucks so they can get drunk because honestly it is probably all they have to look forward to.
I have before, but I generally don't. There are lots of people who pretend to be homeless in order to get those donations from people, because they can make a lot of money.

I have yet to see a homeless person with a sign that says something like "Please help me get some clothes and a job so I won't be homeless anymore" or something of that nature, and that leads me to believe that the people asking for money are scamming people or using it for other things like drugs.
[quote name='Xevious'][quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Never personally encountered a homeless person, but if I did, I would probably give them at least a dollar or something.[/quote]

I'm assuming you dont live in the big city. Homeless peopler are like the plague.[/quote]

Nope. Stupid little (kinda) suburb town. I have seen homeless people while driving by Brockton, however.
My mom always gives to homeless guys around the neighborhood I live in cuz it's usually the same 3 or 4 guys. I sometimes feel guilty whenever I pass em buy but I'm too cheap to give em loot personally cuz for some reason whenever I purchease something I know I'll need that spare change so I don't have to break a buck.
[quote name='Xevious']One time, I walked out of a supermarket in Chicago. This homeless person came up to me and asked "Can you spare change for food?" I had a bag of groceries and there were some bananas on the top.

I gave him a banana. He looked at the banana and he said "I can't drink this!!" and he threw the banana in my face.

Thats a true story. It was shaq-fued up......[/quote]

LMAO, true and funny
Mostly only around the hoildays is when I would usually give a buck or two but also sometimes when I'm in a good mood. I rarely carry cash though.

I only really would give them anything if they're near a food place. Around Berkeley, there are so many homeless people just hanging out either looking for weed money or food money cause they just smoked weed. Pretty funny but sometimes they can be assholes. This one time a couple years ago when I was leaving Blockbuster late at night. Theres never any homeless at this certain area (rich neighborhood) but for some reason there was. After brushing him off, he followed me to my car then started knocking on my window. I just ignored him and got the fuck outta there. Still freaky ass shit though.
The only homeless person that ever asked me for a handout had been passed out drunk on my front porch.

I didn't give him any money because I knew he would buy more alcohol, therefore giving him money would be hurting him.

There is a place downtown, The Daily Bread, where homeless people can eat for free. And there are also two recovery centers, for people to live temporarily and get meals while they look for jobs.

All volunteer operated and privately funded. The federal, state, and local governments give no money at all to the homeless.
What about being the person recieving the money?

One day, when I was around 13 or 14, a friend and I were walking to his house from school. This was August, and TX gets insanely hot in August. That particular summer broke our heat wave record. It was something like 90 days without rain and temperatures over 100. It was insane. Anyways, we're sweating like pigs, our clothes are heavy with sweat. We stop in front of this convenience store to take a break and see what we have in the way of money to buy some drinks before we have a damn stroke. As we are sitting there, some guy walks up and hands us each a buck. At first, we were confused, but we just went with it. :lol:

I admit we did look pretty unkempt (sp?) and should've known it was coming. We told the guy thanks and he waved as he went into the convenience store. We were about to get up, seeing as how he solved our money problem, but then someone walked out of the store. She was putting some money in her pocket, looked at us, and just handed us her change. It was like $0.50 or so. Little do those people know that, not only were my friend and I far from homeless, but that they also probably saved me and my friend from heat exhaustion since we were able to get something to drink. :)
[quote name='swetooth9']when i was in vietnam...there were some guys that i gave some money to...[/quote]

That kind of thing is illegal back here in the States... :shock:

What I want to know is, has anyone ever given homeless change to a spare person?
[quote name='Rodego']I have before, but I generally don't. There are lots of people who pretend to be homeless in order to get those donations from people, because they can make a lot of money.

I have yet to see a homeless person with a sign that says something like "Please help me get some clothes and a job so I won't be homeless anymore" or something of that nature, and that leads me to believe that the people asking for money are scamming people or using it for other things like drugs.[/quote]

I remember a local news broadcast in L.A. a few years ago where they had an investigator follow several of these "supposedly" homeless individuals. One guy, after a long day of panhandling near a freeway offramp, walked a few blocks to his NEW SUV, changed clothes and drove home.
I live in Philadelphia, and as I'm sure other Philadelpians here can vouch for, the Homeless have it rough. There are a lot of shelters here to my knowledge, but in all of them there's a llist of things like people robbing each other, rapes, and other horrible things. Yeah, they exist, but they aren't the safest.

I personally give food every time I can. One time, I was on South Street (famous merchant street here) and there was a guy outside of McDonald's saying he needed money for food. he went on and on about how he was starving, but I felt he was full of shiat. Whatever, I thought. I got more money for my Dreamcast UFC trade-in then I thought I'd get, so I figure why not be charitable with the money I didn't think I'd have. Well I take him into McDonald's - all the while he's insisting that he doesn't want to hold me up and that he'll just take the money - and we get there to the cashier. I ask him what he wants and he goes "uhh.... I guess I'll just have some fries." HAH! From a guy who's starving. This guy was bold. He asked if he could have my change and I told him to shaq-fu off.

Another time I was at KFC and this guy walked up to my car asking if he could have money for something to eat. We went inside, I asked him what he wanted and he asked for a value meal. "Nothing to expensive" he tells me, so I respond with "Get anything you want." He does, and I mean... right in front of me, he DEVOURS it. This guy was legitimately starving. We sat and talked for a good 15 minutes, and he told me about his life,. I asked him why - him seeming like a fairly intelligent person - he was out there, and he told me that he moved to Philly with a woman, she kicked him out and pretty much left him with the clothes on his back and nothing else. She left town and left him, and he was stranded; no friends, no family. I asked him why he didn't have a job and he said that no one really wanted anyone without an address and a working shower, and that he had very unfriendly experiences at the shelter.

You have to remember, homeless people are as varied as gamers. Sure, some people are drunks and druggies, but some are genuinely good people who've come across tough times. And regardless of where your tax dollars are spent, it isn't always going exactly where it's needed.

There's my two cents.
i'll give some change to homeless people if they aren't just coming up to me and saying "y'all gots some change?". i mean, i just want to look at this guy and say "good sir, there are many, many of your sort in this general area, why should i choose you as the man who deserves my hard earned 50 cent piece?" i've never actually said that, though, instead i usually just ignore them.

the homeless in detroit don't seem to put forth much effort, although i can see where they're coming from on that one. but i would be more inclined to give someone some change if they were singing a song or dancing a jig or something.

once i was waiting in line for a show, and a homeless guy was going down the line asking for money. one person told him to "get a job", to which the homeless guy replied "oh i got a real job. i got a real job that pays more than y'all ever make. i got me a nice house and a fancy car, i just come down here and ask for you change to laugh at y'all suckas. i just taking advantage of you." after angrily yelling this at anyone that would listen, he proceeded to ask the next person in line for money.
In a country where millions of illegal immigrants, who don't speak a word of English, can earn enough to provide food, shelter and clothing for themselves and their families, I find it absolutely pathetic when an able-bodied American can't. Many homeless would rather give up their pride and ask for a handout than do any menial labor to earn it. The next time you see a panhandler with a sign that says "Will work for food", go up to him and offer him a job cutting your grass or washing your car. I guarantee you that he'll say no. There are homeless individuals who are victims of circumstance - those with physical or mental ailments that preclude them from working. These, however, are the minority.
i would if i ever saw one and made more money. i just started working at GS and make like 5.75 an hour with kind of few hours right now. i am getting more hours soon since people are leaving for college soon,so maybe once i drive to downtown richmond one day i will. but i will only do it if they can answer a ? for me. it will be a random ? so no one can steal from me (you cheapasses) j/k.
See I refuse... I've been to a lot of big cities, Detroit (obviously...born there), Washington, Chicago, LA, Miami, Dallas, Amsterdam and so forth... and of all of the places I've been, the most people that came up to me and begged for money were in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Very strange to me at least.
Its weird seeing the, "Ive never seen a homeless person comment" to me its like seeing those people on tv that have never met a nonwhite person.

Anyways I live in a pretty clean town, and its imo is a wonderful place to live. However there are a decent amount of homeless people, where if I was to walk around downtown or near the clubs i would run into several no prob. I give them change every now or then, depending on how ragly they look. Sometimes I will buy a burger from the dollar menu and toss it to someone. But I always remind myself of my school debt. So yea they may be pennyless but im in the negatives :lol:

Once my friend was leaving a resturant and he gave this homeless guy his leftover food when he asked for change. And as he was leaving tje guy threw the box against the wall.

When I was in paris and Italy, the gypsies are all over the place, begging and acting sick, and trying to scam. I wish i could just go around and be a vigilante sometimes smack them in the face for spending their whole lives scamming.

This can relate in gamer way. When I play games, I don't like to use guides, I play games on the hardest lvl that I can.. always 8 for capcom fighters. Then I have another friend who always uses cheats, and he always sucks.

I know that some homeless people have had a hard time, but a lot of people are there from there own fault. I guess it could be worse though, id sooner have them beg for change then attempt to rob it.
No. Where I live, there aren't many visible homeless people. I did have a drunk ask me for money and I told him no though.

I have to agree with anonymouswhoami. There are numerous assistance programs for people who REALLY need help and not just a buck for a drink.

Anyone who really wants to get back on their feet can do so if they want to. It's all about being accountable for choices you make and being responsible. People need to plan for the future and not just live in the present. And I am not saying this just because it sounds right. I speak from personal experience.
I gave a homey 20.00 bucks one night. I know he drunk off his ass that night! I was feelin nice he was lookin rough. I reached into my wallet to pull out a buck pulled a 20 instead his eyes lit up like christmas bulbs. To lazy to reach into my pants and pull out my wallet and put it back. And I was kinda afriad he would jack me for the rest! So I said he could keep it!
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I gave a homey 20.00 bucks one night. I know he drank his ass of that night! I was feelin nice he was lookin rough. I reached into my wallet to pull out a buck pulled a 20 instead his eyes lit up like christmas bulbs. To lazy to reach into my pants and pull out my wallet and put it back. And I was kinda afriad he would jack me for the rest! So I said he could keep it![/quote]

Yes, I gave change to the homeless people that hung around the parking structures when I went to school at Wayne State (It's in the cultural center of Detroit, between Third and Woodward)

More often than not, however, I'd give them half of the food I just bought for lunch, the snack I had just bought to eat during my next lecture, or the juice or pop I had bought.

There were even a couple times where if the person was hanging around the Student Center building or the Cass Cafe, I'd actually invite them to come have lunch with me.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']No. Where I live, there aren't many visible homeless people. I did have a drunk ask me for money and I told him no though.

I have to agree with anonymouswhoami. There are numerous assistance programs for people who REALLY need help and not just a buck for a drink.

Anyone who really wants to get back on their feet can do so if they want to. It's all about being accountable for choices you make and being responsible. People need to plan for the future and not just live in the present. And I am not saying this just because it sounds right. I speak from personal experience.[/quote]

That's actually a pretty hard-hearted look at the situation.
There are times where people just fall down on thier luck. Many of them will "pull themselves up by thier bootstraps" as the saying goes, but that doesn't mean that some of these people don't have the down and out period of a couple days or weeks where they're living out of thier car...

Of course, there are some people who make thier living off of panhandling, so more often than not, I'd give them food or drink rather than money. I've never yet have any of them reject it.
As they say, "Beggars can't be choosers."
Like one time when I lived in Phoenix and had ventured downtown once for some unknown reason. I just got out of my at the time brand new Mustang, I was afraid if I said no, he'd shank me or steal my car or something. Unusually big homeless guy that looked pretty mean, so I gave him .50. Usually I just say "sorry, don't have any"
bread's done