Having a hard time running Crysis.


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So I just built my pc after spending quite a few years using macs and so it's been an experience switching and I come with almost zero know how on using a pc. So these are my specs:
AMD Phenom II X2 550 3.1 GHZ
4 GB Ram
ATI Radeon HD 4870.
It's been really annoying lowering resolution, raising it, turning all settings to low, and STILL having the game run like crap. It's especially frustrating when I play games like Oblivion or COD 4 on maxed settings and they look very good. I know this shouldn't really warrant its own topic but I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Are you using the latest drivers for your GPU. I would also suggest turning off your antivirus and killing all unnecessary processes in your PC.

Crysis I believe is just coded poorly, unless you really have an high-end rig.

Hope this helps.
What resolution are you trying to run the game at? Maybe you could turn off the anti-aliasing if you had it on, or play on medium details. A quad core CPU will probably help in this case, but a dual-core should more than sufficient to let you play with some hiccups here and there.
Crysis runs really well for me. Run the game in DX9, and just pick high settings, and make sure to turn off anti-alias(FSAA). DX10 with Very High doesn't look a lot different but runs quite a bit slower.

I'm running the game at 1920x1200 resolution.
AMD Phenom II X4 940
Nvidia Geforce GTX 275 (896 mb)
4GB ram.

I think our systems are pretty similar. Besides making sure to run DirectX 9 mode without FSAA on, try an alt-tab-del and check the task manager to make sure you don't have way too much crap running. For reference, mine shows 30 processes running (Windows 7 64-bit)

Oh, in the case that you aren't sure how to use DX9 mode(assuming you're on Vista or 7) use the Game Explorer, and launch the game by right clicking on it and choosing to play in DX9 mode. Strange, because Far Cry 2 actually runs better in DX10..
Thanks for the tips. I updated my drivers for the card and ran it in dx9 but I could still only get around 30fps with medium settings and max res. Pretty dissapointing but after playing the demo, this game is just not something I would want to own. Wasn't very fun and if the one reason to buy the game, the graphics, doesn't work for me then I see no reason to. Thanks again.
These open world games kill my system (disregarding oblivion) and far cry 2 is another game I struggle to find the sweet spot with.
I can run it at 4xAA, 1280x1024 and all settings on 2nd highest for all at a fairly stable 35-40 except for huge explosions and stuff. I have a 4870 as well and a lesser CPU. Perhaps the demo is outdated, maybe the patches have optimized it a bit.

Regardless, I'm surprised you didn't likle the gameplay. It was probably the best single player experience I've ever had, second only to Half-Life 2: Episode 2.
Alright this is just getting dumb. 1280x1024, AA x2, and all settings on LOW and I still get only 24 fps when I turn. WTF
Games explorer says that crysis has a recommended system setting of 5.0 and mine is 5.7. Damn this is frustrating.
Hmm..That processor should be able to handle it. But have you looked into OC'ing? Is it a black edition?

Have you checked your BIOS to make sure your memory and CPU are all running at the correct speeds?

edit: OK I chedk your build from the PC build thread and you do have a black edition CPU. That means OC'ing is extremely easy.
Just bump up the multiplier using AMD overdrive one notch at a time.

Also, not sure if you can do this but you may want to return your graphics card and get this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150394

it's only $10 more but has a much faster memory clock (3600mhz compared to the sapphires 900mhz) and twice the memory(1gb compared to sapphires 512mb).
Ok so is there a program that will show what my cpu can max out at? (just so I know it can actually reach 3.1 ghz and isn't messing up) Also being new to pc, what's the name of the oc'd program and how safe is it? My computer runs kind of hot already and don't want to overheat anything. Thanks.
you could run a prime95 stress test and see how that works out with your current clock.
also in your bios go to your memory/dram settings and make sure everything is recognized at the correct speed
Ok so I went into BIOS setup utility and under system information my processor is listed correctly in type and as 3100 mhz. I'll run a prime 95 test in a second.
[quote name='sotc1988']Ok so is there a program that will show what my cpu can max out at? (just so I know it can actually reach 3.1 ghz and isn't messing up) Also being new to pc, what's the name of the oc'd program and how safe is it? My computer runs kind of hot already and don't want to overheat anything. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Scoooooooby-Doooooby-do found a clue! How hot while running Crysis? (CPU and GPU) Run a program like PC Wizard 2008 in the background and jump out of Crysis during an intense moment and check your temps.

And 30 FPS isn't too bad, most people are pretty happy with around 30 on mid settings.
Thought I downloaded the right drivers last night but someone on another forum suggested game.amd.com and after downloading the latest drivers the game is running awesome on 1680x1050, DX10, on high settings. Far Cry 2 is kicking ass now too.
[quote name='sotc1988']Thought I downloaded the right drivers last night but someone on another forum suggested game.amd.com and after downloading the latest drivers the game is running awesome on 1680x1050, DX10, on high settings. Far Cry 2 is kicking ass now too.[/QUOTE]

Glad you got it sorted out. :D
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