HD-DVD add-on now available - General Discussion (HARDWARE only)

You're BS never ceases to amaze

Your spelling never ceases to amaze.

Christ on a bicycle, someone is supportive of one product over another, and suddenly he's a fanboy. Overreact much? There's nothing he has said that is ridiculously out of the realm of possibility.

Being within 5-10 bucks is a "similar price." Being on sites like this has made you oversensitive to slight price differences. Hey, most of the time I feel the same way, but that's not exactly a reasonable point of view. But, ok, if you want to nickle and dime the fucking topic to death, then OMG YES, those extra few bucks are a HUGE DEALBREAKER. Man, 20 HD-DVDs later and you're in the poor house! Where did I possibly go wrong?? :(

If you're not looking for a deal on them, you'll pay more. The same goes for regular DVDs.

[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Or I can buy a regular major market new release DVD for $3 or $4 less in almost any retail store. I don't have to buy 3 or use a weird coupon code either.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that wild, out-of-this-world coupon code was really insane. I hope they keep it simple for us in the future.

There are ways to get reasonably ($20-$25) priced HD-DVD movies. Yes, some of those ways will only be known to the dedicated/early-adopters/hardcores. The same people who research their product before buying. The same people who will know about and find those deals.

The average buyer has little to know idea of that either.
The average buyer doesn't have an HD-DVD player yet, so it is irrelevant.

No retail store sells them for under $20 and most online retailers don't either.
Won't be long. Wouldn't be surprised to see some for the holiday shopping season. Amazon has plenty of both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs marked at $20, and they're the most popular online retailer. It's not exactly tricky to find a deal on discs.
[quote name='Ruined']For $160-$200 (with free movie and remote) does it matter? Put it this way, buy it and its your vote to support the better (and cheaper) format. All the while no longer wasting money on standard definition versions of DVDs when you can get HD DVD ones for similar prices.

HD DVD is beating up Blu-Ray pretty badly anyway. It will take a miracle for Blu-Ray not to lose, nevermind win or draw.[/quote]I'm a pretty avid DVD collector. If I choose a format over the other, I want to be able to buy movies with 100% confidence that the system I'm using really is the most prominent. In other words, I don't want HD-DVD to be a "phase" that only lasts a couple years. I'm not at all concerned with the $160 price of the system, rather I'm concerned with the amount of money I will be investing buying movies at $20 a pop. Currently, I never buy DVD's higher than $10 unless it comes with a promotional offer that I can't pass up. I consider myself a pretty economic consumer and even if I made some good deals buying HD-DVD's, there's no chance they're going to go as low as $10 for quite some time. The price difference adds up in the long run. I don't want to be stuck with a shelf full of obsolete software (ex. dreamcast games).

And I've seen the statistics comparing HD-DVD to Blu-Ray and I see how HD-DVD has its edge. Hell, I even see how HD-DVD could technically be better than Blu-Ray performance-wise. But the industry doesn't always back the technically better product. They back whatever is most popular and sells the most. And with PS3 not even out yet, I don't see how you can think the format war has even come close to being decided. That's pretty much my stance and I'm sure a few people can relate.
Tonight I saw a couple of the add-ons in the local Best Buy's little video game holding area in the front. But last time I asked about it (I didn't today), they said they weren't selling them until the...19th, I think? Anyone else get told something similar? I wonder why Best Buy's instituted a street date on them that doesn't exist. I saw 2-3 units at Target but didn't bite because I'd rather get the Reward Zone points at BB.
[quote name='varock']
And I've seen the statistics comparing HD-DVD to Blu-Ray and I see how HD-DVD has its edge. Hell, I even see how HD-DVD could technically be better than Blu-Ray performance-wise. But the industry doesn't always back the technically better product. They back whatever is most popular and sells the most. And with PS3 not even out yet, I don't see how you can think the format war has even come close to being decided. That's pretty much my stance and I'm sure a few people can relate.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better myself. It's fun to be an early adopter, and with a 50% potential for success and about a $500 (player + a movie a month) investment before things become clearer in a year, a lot of people are willing to take that risk. But forecasting the death of Blu-Ray before the PS3 hits the market makes no sense.
I checked out fast and the furious 1 last night and was amazed how good it looked for an older movie.. probably looked as good or better than tokyo drift.

Sucks that i got my 1080i hd tv this year. Dont want to upgrade yet as 1080p are still way expensive.

If i have read correctly most new tv's dont even accept 1080p via component and/or vga. does that make the fall update useless?
[quote name='guyver2077']

If i have read correctly most new tv's dont even accept 1080p via component and/or vga. does that make the fall update useless?[/QUOTE]

Microsoft said they took the thing to best buy a couple months ago and were able to connect it via VGA to almost every 1080p tv they had. So their logic is that's all you need.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yes it's displaying at 1080p. How does it look?[/QUOTE]
Good, but it's always looked good, at least since I got the VGA cable.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Your spelling never ceases to amaze.[/quote]

Not one grammar mistake, oh I feel totally dishonored you've insulted my terrible spelling/grammar that I hashed out on an internet message board. Plus it's helping make your point more valid right? Should I dig through your posts for any spelling/grammar errors too? I can't though because I feel so bad now, I think I'll have to commit ritual suicide. Who wants to be my second?

[quote name='KaneRobot']
Christ on a bicycle, someone is supportive of one product over another, and suddenly he's a fanboy. Overreact much? There's nothing he has said that is ridiculously out of the realm of possibility.

Being within 5-10 bucks is a "similar price." Being on sites like this has made you oversensitive to slight price differences. Hey, most of the time I feel the same way, but that's not exactly a reasonable point of view. But, ok, if you want to nickle and dime the fucking topic to death, then OMG YES, those extra few bucks are a HUGE DEALBREAKER. Man, 20 HD-DVDs later and you're in the poor house! Where did I possibly go wrong?? :([/quote]

I'm not jaded to saving money, just looking at the numbers. Let's put that $5-10 stat to good use. The average DVD is priced around $15-20, I think we can agree on that. So if the average next-gen DVD is priced at $5-10 more that's a price increase of 25-50%. Yep, that pricing plan sounds real similar to me, I'm way off base. It may only be a few bucks, but ask anyone with an extensive movie collection and a $4 difference in the movies you buy will add up few quickly. As for chist riding his bicycle, Ruined is the very definition of a fanboy. He posts only in those threads were he supports the product, hasn't posted a word about (or probably used) the competing product, he constantly stalks around threads or creates them making negative comments while avoiding any kind of negatvity about the one he supports. Supporting one product while bashing another (and distributing misleading info at times) to me is the definition of a fanboy. And don't try to trun that definition on me, it's not that I dislike HD-DVD or like Blu-ray, I'm pretty neutral on the whole thing and think both have advantages at this point, I'm simply arguing out that his point about pricing is faulty.

[quote name='KaneRobot']
If you're not looking for a deal on them, you'll pay more. The same goes for regular DVDs.[/quote]

True but for nearly every HD-DVD you get a deal you can get the same or even better deals on standard DVDs, sometimes even with less effort.

[quote name='KaneRobot']
Yeah, that wild, out-of-this-world coupon code was really insane. I hope they keep it simple for us in the future.

There are ways to get reasonably ($20-$25) priced HD-DVD movies. Yes, some of those ways will only be known to the dedicated/early-adopters/hardcores. The same people who research their product before buying. The same people who will know about and find those deals.[/quote]

And for the record by "weird coupon code" I was refering to the one year sustainability on the thing, makes it sound like I'm signing up for a service or something, plus you still have to buy 3 at a time. Since when was $20-25 reasonably priced for a movie anyways? VHS tapes cost that much when I was like 5 I think, laser discs maybe, perhaps the very early days of DVDs. Times change though, anything over $20 has ecome a premium. As product research, some early adopters may do that, but in my experiences I've seen very few customers research anything, early adopter or no. Alot of early adopters are people wanting the lastest tech, but don't really follow the tech scene, they just have the money to act like it.

[quote name='KaneRobot']
The average buyer doesn't have an HD-DVD player yet, so it is irrelevant.

Won't be long. Wouldn't be surprised to see some for the holiday shopping season. Amazon has plenty of both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs marked at $20, and they're the most popular online retailer. It's not exactly tricky to find a deal on discs.[/QUOTE]

If I implied it's tricky to find a deal then maybe I'm wrong. But how much are the same version of the regular DVDs going for? My guess is less, and it's even less tricky to find deals on them. This brings me down to my final point for this little argument (I'm not going into it anymore, we've gone too far off topic already), if the companies are content that this "similar pricing" will work sometime to come, then the average customer will continute to buy current gen DVDs vs. next-gen. It doesn't have the all-out, clear cut advantages that DVD had over VHS. The average guy walking into a store doesn't know the difference and at current pricing doesn't really care either. They don't know what storage means, encoding, even resolution. Those are foreign words to most people. If you can't sell the product to an average guy then it won't excel, so if the pricing trend lasts for a long time and DVDs are still around at prices being the same or cheaper, both Hd-DVD and Blu-ray may become the next last disc and just get skipped over altogether. In all honesty I doubt that'll happen (game systems help it out alot in getting to the average guy too, but saying HD is clear winner writes that off altogether) but it is a possiblity few talk about. These have to get cheaper eventually or DVd has to go away. Ruined wanted to no why it matters, or why price matters, and, at least IMO, that's why.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Microsoft said they took the thing to best buy a couple months ago and were able to connect it via VGA to almost every 1080p tv they had. So their logic is that's all you need.[/QUOTE]

I heard that on Major Nelson's podcast, but I never understood that logic. For starters it's not like BB sells every 1080p set out there. Some sets (admittedly few) don't even have VGA inputs. Also they apparently skipped some of Sony and Sharp TVs (odd too seeing as how Sony's 1080p tvs are the biggest sellers), because it doesn't work on alot of them or the set doesn't even support 1080p via VGA. I always wondered if they just said they did that, or just tested their buddy Samsung's sets only, or somehting because I don't how they could've come to that conclusion if they really tested all them (unless of course testing was different from the final product, then I can understand it better I guess). I guess there's a better chance of it working if you buy it from Best Buy.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Where are the screenies?[/quote]

Of what?

Putting up shots of what's on our TV's aren't going to really show off anything, would they?
[quote name='Psykoboy2']Of what?

Putting up shots of what's on our TV's aren't going to really show off anything, would they?[/quote]

If you have a half decent camera and can keep it still the difference between HD DVD and regular DVD is extremely noticable.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Ruined is the very definition of a fanboy. He posts only in those threads were he supports the product, hasn't posted a word about (or probably used) the competing product, he constantly stalks around threads or creates them making negative comments while avoiding any kind of negatvity about the one he supports. Supporting one product while bashing another (and distributing misleading info at times) to me is the definition of a fanboy. And don't try to trun that definition on me, it's not that I dislike HD-DVD or like Blu-ray, I'm pretty neutral on the whole thing and think both have advantages at this point, I'm simply arguing out that his point about pricing is faulty.

Feel free to challenge me on any technical facts.

Today BANDAI VISUAL announced the agreement with Memory-tech and Microsoft that they will use VC-1's to release animation in HD DVD worldwide.
Quote from Bandai Visual VP 前田明雄
“We are very happy to be a pioneer in the HD optical market and will team work with Microsoft and Memory-Tech to find the best compression technique for transfer. We hope the animation fans worldwide will enjoy the high quality content from us."


A few examples of titles in their catalog:
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C.
Cowboy Bebop
Banner of the Stars
The Big O
Eureka Seven
Scrapped Princess
Witch Hunter Robin
Wolf's Rain
Gundam Series
[quote name='Psykoboy2']How does that deal work with Amazon?[/QUOTE]

Check the DVD deals thread....all explained there.

I finally compared Training Day side by side with the DVD and HD-DVD version. I see a difference, but not leaps and bounds like some are saying. Basically I paused and swapped back and forth. I see a nice difference, so I'm not complaining.

I have a 55" Mits RPTV that is 1080i. My DVD player is a Pioneer.....

Maybe I just am used to my broadcast HDTV like LOST, NFL, HOUSE....etc.
[quote name='doubledown']Check the DVD deals thread....all explained there.

I finally compared Training Day side by side with the DVD and HD-DVD version. I see a difference, but not leaps and bounds like some are saying. Basically I paused and swapped back and forth. I see a nice difference, so I'm not complaining.[/QUOTE]

When you pause a 1080i signal, generally you will get the equivalent of a 540p frame out of the player. So you are likely comparing 540p to 480p, not 1080i to 480p by pausing.
[quote name='Ruined']When you pause a 1080i signal, generally you will get the equivalent of a 540p frame out of the player. So you are likely comparing 540p to 480p, not 1080i to 480p by pausing.[/QUOTE]

Thanks.....I guess that might be it. It does look pretty good when it plays....so, I like it. MI-3 just shipped for me too!
[quote name='Ruined']Feel free to challenge me on any technical facts.[/QUOTE]

I never said you were incorrect on technical facts, but saying crap like prices are similar to standard DVDs and the format war is already over in less than one year is what makes you a "fanboy". I'm not saying HD-DVD won't win out, but it's nothing but asinine to try to delare a clear winner before the most affordable Blu-ray tech hits the market, perhaps by the end of next summer you could call it clearly. Plus can you blame me, it's hard to look at a guy who has done nothing but peddle one format as having an objective opinion. But again, we are getting grossly off-topc now so I'm going to shut the hell up.

In other news, I'm going to be pissed if Bandai only puts out Banner of the Stars on HD and not Crest of the Stars, as it did start the series.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I never said you were incorrect on technical facts, but saying crap like prices are similar to standard DVDs and the format war is already over in less than one year is what makes you a "fanboy". I'm not saying HD-DVD won't win out, but it's nothing but asinine to try to delare a clear winner before the most affordable Blu-ray tech hits the market, perhaps by the end of next summer you could call it clearly. Plus can you blame me, it's hard to look at a guy who has done nothing but peddle one format as having an objective opinion. But again, we are getting grossly off-topc now so I'm going to shut the hell up.[/quote]

I'll put it this way. Paying $3 more for an HD DVD is $15 less than I'd have to spend to rebuy the standard DVD over again in HD DVD if I waited to adopt. And anyway, in my book $15 is similar to $18. Heck even at Target HD DVD are 19.99/ea.

In other news, I'm going to be pissed if Bandai only puts out Banner of the Stars on HD and not Crest of the Stars, as it did start the series.

My above list was just some examples of what could be announced based on the press release, not actual titles announced.
[quote name='doubledown']Thanks.....I guess that might be it. It does look pretty good when it plays....so, I like it. MI-3 just shipped for me too![/QUOTE]

I bet the beginning of that movie will look great in HD. It was one of the few times special effects really wowed me
Got mine!! The guy at CC stared at that $40 off coupon and kinda looked around like he was needing help... Took him like 5 full minutes to ring me up. I could sense that he was really unsure, but in the end he didn't challenge me. So $167 or so out the door and I'm very happy. Can't wait to get home tonight and check it out.
[quote name='Ruined']BANDAI VISUAL's Anime goes HD DVD!

Today BANDAI VISUAL announced the agreement with Memory-tech and Microsoft that they will use VC-1's to release animation in HD DVD worldwide.
Quote from Bandai Visual VP 前田明雄
“We are very happy to be a pioneer in the HD optical market and will team work with Microsoft and Memory-Tech to find the best compression technique for transfer. We hope the animation fans worldwide will enjoy the high quality content from us."


A few examples of titles in their catalog:
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C.
Cowboy Bebop
Banner of the Stars
The Big O
Eureka Seven
Scrapped Princess
Witch Hunter Robin
Wolf's Rain
Gundam Series[/QUOTE]

This is AWESOME!!! Now I hope it makes it to the US. Isn't it surprising that a Japanese company, an anime one no less, would announce support for something other than Blu-Ray.

Finally was abel to pick one of these up at my local Circuit City using the coupon with out any problems.

I will be checking this out during my vacation next week and post some impressions. Now I have to get a few more movies.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm starting to think that porn will be the deciding factor between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray...[/QUOTE]

that would make sense, porn decided the war between VHS and Beta.
Quick question: If I were to use the coupon, and there happened to be a problem...say the employee mentions the "no photocopies" bit and rejects it. is there a reasonable argument I can make to change his/her mind?
[quote name='varock']Quick question: If I were to use the coupon, and there happened to be a problem...say the employee mentions the "no photocopies" bit and rejects it. is there a reasonable argument I can make to change his/her mind?[/quote]
Just say that you're suscribed to CircuitCity.com e-mailing list and you printed out the coupon that they emailed you. The photocopies thing is there so you don't print 2 ;)
Well I got mine set up and ready to go. I'm running on a 3 year old Samsung 30" CRT with 1080i native resolution. The only movie I have to demo is King Kong. I threw in Lord of the Rings in my current DVD player and had it running at the same time, so I could just cycle through my inputs to compare picture quality. I figure LOTR is one of the best looking DVD's I own, so it was fair game.

Visually, King Kong looks spectacular. The clarity and depth of the picture is stunning. Switching back to my regular DVD play running LOTR in 480p, that picture looked incredibly washed out and dull by comparison. I even hit my tv channel to check out an over the air HD channel by comparison. There wasn't a huge difference here, but I would argue that the HD DVD trumps that picture as well.

There is an unfortunate lack of features. I like to be able to adjust my zoom and picture position, and the lack of a bookmark feature is pretty dissapointing. I'm hoping some additional fuctionality may come down the road with a dashboard update in the spring.

Overall, it's a very nice package for $160. I added HD-DVD's to my netflix queue, and I can't wait to rewatch a bunch of movies in HD in the coming weeks. Now if only we could get LOTR on HD DVD....
[quote name='psychobrawler']There is an unfortunate lack of features. I like to be able to adjust my zoom and picture position, and the lack of a bookmark feature is pretty dissapointing. I'm hoping some additional fuctionality may come down the road with a dashboard update in the spring.

Bookmark works fine (I believe you hit the B button while a movie is playing to bookmark).

Note that both Bookmark and Zoom are software controlled features; Paramount, for instance, has many titles out that do not support bookmark or zoom. No Universal titles support Zoom, either. Warner titles, however, support both Bookmark and Zoom.
Got mine today with the $40 off coupon and am very impressed. Now I just need to get some more HD-DVDs. King Kong is impressive though.
I went against my better judgement (see earlier post) and pulled the trigger on it. I may regret this later, but I will enjoy my moment of HD-goodness for now. I compared the King Kong HD-DVD included to the standard DVD I have and the difference is staggering. Also, keep in mind I've been playing all my DVD's with an excellent Oppo upconverter...and still, there's no contest. Now it's time to double dip on some DVD's.
[quote name='darkrage']that would make sense, porn decided the war between VHS and Beta.[/quote]

you guys are aware that theres already porn on hd dvd.... watch pirates!!
I already posted this in the HD/Blu-Ray deals thread and on Fidodo's Fry's thread but just in case anyone missed it:

If you're lucky enough to live near a Fry's check this out:

$14.99 each

Terminator 3
Aeon Flux
The Italian Job
We Were Soldiers

Now through 11/21
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I already posted this in the HD/Blu-Ray deals thread and on Fidodo's Fry's thread but just in case anyone missed it:

If you're lucky enough to live near a Fry's check this out:

$14.99 each

Terminator 3
Aeon Flux
The Italian Job
We Were Soldiers

Now through 11/21[/QUOTE]

Awesome, what movies out of that list would you guys rec? I haven't seen any except Troy.
[quote name='suffah']Awesome, what movies out of that list would you guys rec? I haven't seen any except Troy.[/quote]

Out of the list I've only seen Constantine and The Italian Job and loved them, will definately make a stop there to pick those 2 up.
Bah, I bit the bullet and picked one up at lunch today. $171.XX after tax and coupon. Thanks for the $40 off! I can't wait to see how it looks on my TV. If the 720p FOX football broadcasts look amazing scaled to 1080i I'm sure this will look nice too. Plus, I've never seen King Kong - bonus!
Arg! Best Buy still doesn't have it instock. I have a $20 RZ certificate that expires tomorrow, that I want to use along with $25 worth of others and as well as a 12% off coupon I have for the Prefered Customers weekend thing that they are currently running.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Arg! Best Buy still doesn't have it instock. I have a $20 RZ certificate that expires tomorrow, that I want to use along with $25 worth of others and as well as a 12% off coupon I have for the Prefered Customers weekend thing that they are currently running.[/QUOTE]

Use the RZ certs on a movie and pick it up this weekend. I've also just picked up an item with the RZ certs and not opened it and then returned it for credit when I wanted to pick up something a couple weeks down the road...
Sorry if this has been answered before but does King Kong come in a proper case? I guess I will know when I open it up after work but this is the internet dammit and I need answers now!!!
[quote name='javeryh']Sorry if this has been answered before but does King Kong come in a proper case? I guess I will know when I open it up after work but this is the internet dammit and I need answers now!!![/QUOTE]

Yes, it comes in a standard HD-DVD case. It may be different than the retail case but it is the same type of case. I know there is no barcode on the one bundled with the 360's HD-DVD player.

[quote name='suffah']Awesome, what movies out of that list would you guys rec? I haven't seen any except Troy.[/QUOTE]
Terminator 3 is a fantastic "show-off" disc as well as an underrated action movie.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I already posted this in the HD/Blu-Ray deals thread and on Fidodo's Fry's thread but just in case anyone missed it:

If you're lucky enough to live near a Fry's check this out:

$14.99 each

Terminator 3
Aeon Flux
The Italian Job
We Were Soldiers

Now through 11/21[/quote]Not a bad deal. I will probably pick up Troy. I thought about Italian Job but it's under Tier-3 according to AVS...meh.
i still didnt see this at bb when i went a few days ago....

im glad i got it last friday at cc... too bat though i couldnt use coupon...

i have a few movies to see this weekend..

fast and furious
fast and furious tokyo drift
mi 3
aeon flux (heard it sucks but looks great)
Picked it up today without any problems. When the lady scanned the coupon, it wouldn't scan, so she had to type it in. The register made some weird sound that I assume was an error sound. She just looked at the screen and typed in something and I got it for $160. I think she just ended up taking $40 off the price and took my coupon.
bread's done