HDMI for both PS3 models!


"7:25: Now a question on the price. Kutaragi says the Japanese media and retailers have complained about the cost of the system. He then confirms that the price for the 20 gig model in Japan will, including tax, now be below 50,000 yen. This model will include the HDMI port. He doesn't give the exact price."

LESS THAN $430 INCLUDING TAX IN JAPAN FTW! If that loosely applies in the US (making the lower-end PS3 $450), the 360 will be in trouble.
I want a real confirmation instead of Joystiq's interpretation.
It is kind of hard to trust Joystiq after the big Wii announcement they made.
[quote name='wbc1228']ahhh...
I want a real confirmation instead of Joystiq's interpretation.
It is kind of hard to trust Joystiq after the big Wii announcement they made.[/QUOTE]

Its wasn't wrong though. :D
[quote name='TimPV3']http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/734/734010p1.html

"7:25: Now a question on the price. Kutaragi says the Japanese media and retailers have complained about the cost of the system. He then confirms that the price for the 20 gig model in Japan will, including tax, now be below 50,000 yen. This model will include the HDMI port. He doesn't give the exact price."

LESS THAN $430 INCLUDING TAX IN JAPAN FTW! If that loosely applies in the US (making the lower-end PS3 $450), the 360 will be in trouble.[/QUOTE]
Wow, if Sony is dropping the price on it that would be soo kickass. I'll wait to be too excited until further confirmation, but wow, if Sony did that I don't see how they could NOT be #1 again.
This is the best news from Sony in a long time if true. Atleast the PS3 core can now be upgraded to a PS3 $600. :D
From what we can tell, this is only for Japan. You'll have to wait for overseas confirmation to see if this applies in your territory as well.
You left this part out.

Sony is considering having the retail kiosks used as arcade-style units, so people can pay 100 yen or so to play a game.

[Updates 2, 3: Sony just posted this press release confirming the price drop (Japan only) and HDMI-support. Word in the press room is that HDMI support for the lower-priced console is worldwide. The press release is in Japanese only for now.]

that's good...for japan.

i'm sure they'll want to squeeze the early adopters in america first before dropping price and including hdmi and the cables and other goodies. they know we are all consumer whores with big credit limits and don't mind spending money we don't have.
[quote name='zewone']From what we can tell, this is only for Japan. You'll have to wait for overseas confirmation to see if this applies in your territory as well.
You left this part out.

Sony is considering having the retail kiosks used as arcade-style units, so people can pay 100 yen or so to play a game.

8:22 PST: If you're concerned about the HDMI inclusion in the 20 GIG version of Sony's PS3, SCEA confirmed to 1UP (after hearing Kutaragi at the press conference) that all versions of the PS3 would have HDMI.

That retail kiosk thing will probably apply to Japan only if it ever were to come to fruition.
If Sony is seriously considering dropping the price, then they're doing something damn smart. It's still more expensive than the 360, but it's also got the exclusives and that makes all the difference.

This is easily the most interesting system war thing we've had yet... the playing field is changing more than it ever has in the past.
price drop = tables turned.

hope it happens, I want a cheaper PS3!
[quote name='Apossum']price drop = tables turned.

hope it happens, I want a cheaper PS3![/QUOTE]

Price drop for PS3 almost certainly means price drop for 360 which means Nintendo might have to drop down as well to keep up the price gap between them and the 360. If this is true, it certainly makes things a LOT more interesting.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Price drop for PS3 almost certainly means price drop for 360 which means Nintendo might have to drop down as well to keep up the price gap between them and the 360. If this is true, it certainly makes things a LOT more interesting.[/QUOTE]

that would fuck some shit up in a good way for us proletariats.
[quote name='Apossum']that would fuck some shit up in a good way for us proletariats.[/QUOTE]

I know I'd suddenly go from not getting either to having to try and decide which one (PS3 or Wii, I already own 360) to get.
I had a feeling this would happen.

Both the hdmi and price drop is great news. Hopefully this means the states gets it for 449-549 now.

Hmm.. i guess the 360 will be dropping there price sooner then expected around march 07 .
[quote name='Ivanhoe']I had a feeling this would happen.

Both the hdmi and price drop is great news. Hopefully this means the states gets it for 449-549 now.

Hmm.. i guess the 360 will be dropping there price sooner then expected around march 07 .[/QUOTE]

Think MS will wait that long to drop?

I guess with kotaku reporting the same and expecting a press release by morning. If only Sony could pump out more units then they said they could this holiday they could really put a hurting on the Wii. At the new lower pricepiont $420 is a good deal for a blueRay disc player and a PS3 with all the Sony exclusives. One can only wonder if MS expected this and didn't try to move a American price in fear that Sony would do something like this. I mean coincidence that Nintendo says $250 only a few days ago to much negativity and then Sony goes "HEY we dropped the price!" Somethings up there IMO.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Well, I guess you can go adding things to the hardware if you HAVENT STARTED PRODUCTION YET[/QUOTE]WTF makes you think they haven't been producing them already? It's not like he just decided out of the blue to add HDMI now, they've probably been producing the Core's with HDMI and just now announced it.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Think MS will wait that long to drop?

I guess with kotaku reporting the same and expecting a press release by morning. If only Sony could pump out more units then they said they could this holiday they could really put a hurting on the Wii. At the new lower pricepiont $420 is a good deal for a blueRay disc player and a PS3 with all the Sony exclusives. One can only wonder if MS expected this and didn't try to move a American price in fear that Sony would do something like this. I mean coincidence that Nintendo says $250 only a few days ago to much negativity and then Sony goes "HEY we dropped the price!" Somethings up there IMO.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i think they will wait a little longer. All ps3's will sell out no matter what the price of the 360 is.

And compared to the wii. the 360 is a steal imo.

But come next year when europe gets the ps3 launch and good quantities of ps3's are in the states and japan.. microsoft will have to do something.
Going OT here, amazing what difference $50 makes on CAG.

$50 more (and Wii Sports) than the predicted $200 for Wii loses supporters

$50 less (and HDMI) for PS3 turns people around
They certainly could've started production now, but we know from as early as just a few weeks ago that they werent and were still in the prepping stages.
[quote name='TimPV3']Going OT here, amazing what difference $50 makes on CAG.

$50 more (and Wii Sports) than the predicted $200 for Wii loses supporters

$50 less (and HDMI) for PS3 turns people around[/QUOTE]

Actually, that's $70 less for the PS3.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Actually, that's $70 less for the PS3.[/QUOTE]

More like $170. People were thinking they'd have to buy the $600 model to get HDMI... very few people actually care about the 60GB hard drive. When you find out that you can get a legitimate PS3 at a price comparable to that of the 360 and you realize that it's $170 less than you thought it was a day ago... well, opinions change.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']They certainly could've started production now, but we know from as early as just a few weeks ago that they werent and were still in the prepping stages.[/QUOTE]

That Sony SAYS. Somehow I think they played the waiting game with Nintendo to see what they could do to pull or keep customers. For all we know they COULD have been slapping together parts for months now and then throw out fake "OH NOES" info to throw off Nintendo. If you think Nintendo would be charging $250 for a Wii if Sony had PS3s O plenty your NUTZ.
If this all pans out, this is just the shot in the arm that Sony needed. Look how quick everyone has changed their opinion? Sony needed good PR and it took a bold move to get it. They're throwing down the gauntlet, and as someone noted, especially in lieu of Nintendo's recent bad press for their pricing.

This is the Sony I think we all had been hoping to see all along. A Sony that wants to win and will go down fighting. That's what we expected from Nintendo, and their news last week made them seem scared to deliver the knock-out punch. With this news, Sony seems to be going for Microsoft's throat. That, in particular, doesn't make me happy, but the idea that they're going to fight hard to win does. We could all only be so lucky as to see a race as tight and competitive as the 16-bit wars.

How I'd love to see Crash Bandicoot outside Nintendo HQ again...
[quote name='Chacrana']More like $170. People were thinking they'd have to buy the $600 model to get HDMI... very few people actually care about the 60GB hard drive. When you find out that you can get a legitimate PS3 at a price comparable to that of the 360 and you realize that it's $170 less than you thought it was a day ago... well, opinions change.[/QUOTE]

To add to that another group was waiting for a $400 pricetag before picking up a PS3 w/HDMI. Now that the 20gb model has HDMI all I have to wait for is a $100 drop to get mine. Which will happen way sooner than waiting for the $600 model to drop to $400.
PS3 and 360 FTW. NINTENDO MAKE THE WII $ 200 WITH Wii Sports and join the FTW crowd. the 20gb model is even sexier since it is all black, and i have a spare 200gb that i will put in my ps3 SINCE PS3 SUPPORTS OTHER HDDS
I might actually buy one if this is true for the US. Of course not til next Christmas though, so I can take time saving up plus you couldn't pay me to take a launch or near launch Sony system.

Good news though and makes me worry about my shiny new 360 a little.
[quote name='panasonic']PS3 and 360 FTW. NINTENDO MAKE THE WII $ 200 WITH Wii Sports and join the FTW crowd. the 20gb model is even sexier since it is all black, and i have a spare 200gb that i will put in my ps3 SINCE PS3 SUPPORTS OTHER HDDS[/QUOTE]
Uh, keep in mind the PS3 uses 2.5" laptop HDs. I'm assuming the 200GB drive you own is the typical 3.5" drive for PCs.
[quote name='Chacrana']More like $170. People were thinking they'd have to buy the $600 model to get HDMI... very few people actually care about the 60GB hard drive. When you find out that you can get a legitimate PS3 at a price comparable to that of the 360 and you realize that it's $170 less than you thought it was a day ago... well, opinions change.[/QUOTE]

Good point. I still think I'd lean more toward the high end PS3 model simply because it has the Wi-Fi for connecting to PSP. Up to this afternoon I had completely written off PS3 for quite some time (hell, I had even made a post saying as much) but now that there might be a price-drop, well I've got my eyes and ears open.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']bah with your FTW crowd. Nintendo doesn't go around following examples. They'll get their own crowd, with blackjack, and hookers.[/QUOTE]

Dr Mario Kart FTW.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']bah with your FTW crowd. Nintendo doesn't go around following examples. They'll get their own crowd, with blackjack, and hookers.[/QUOTE]

Despite an otherwise attrocious pressconference, this part was interesting. Maybe Sony doesn't have their head as far up their butt as we may have thought.

It'll be interesting to see if we get this price drop state-side. And if so, if that does do anything to the Wii and/or 360 right off the bat. Was Nintendo planning a price drop on the PS3 and so pumped their price up $50 so they could cut it down? Ah, corporate jockeying. Maybe by the time November hits the Wii will be $25 and the PS3 will be $45. I'd buy both then ;)
I hope no one's forgetting that 80% of the PS3s produced were going to be the 60GB model. Meaning there will be approximately 80,000 of this now-cheaper 20GB model available at launch.

Hopefully if this does hit stateside, it'll push everyone else's price down in one way or another.
[quote name='botticus']I hope no one's forgetting that 80% of the PS3s produced were going to be the 60GB model. Meaning there will be approximately 80,000 of this now-cheaper 20GB model available at launch.

Hopefully if this does hit stateside, it'll push everyone else's price down in one way or another.[/QUOTE]
Was that offically announced or just an analyist's prediction?
[quote name='botticus']I hope no one's forgetting that 80% of the PS3s produced were going to be the 60GB model. Meaning there will be approximately 80,000 of this now-cheaper 20GB model available at launch.

Hopefully if this does hit stateside, it'll push everyone else's price down in one way or another.[/quote]

I hope it does hit stateside, but Sony's rep said that they have no plans for this price drop in any other territory--only Japan.
[quote name='daroga']Was that offically announced or just an analyist's prediction?[/quote]
Unofficially announced.
Gamasutra is citing a report filed by Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian predicting the initial PS3 shipments will be 80% $600 versions and 20% $500 versions. IGN contacted Sony, and while the company hasn't announced the official availability of each pack, it confirmed for us that the 80%/20% ratio was the preferred ratio of retailers it has been talking to.
What I think Sony should do is:

Price the 20 gig model, with an one HDMI output, for $400. Keep the WiFi out. That would be equivalent (except without a headset) as the Xbox 360 Premium set, for the same price.

Price the 60 gig model, with two HDMI outputs (or that's being said, or just leave it to one), and leave everything else the way it is, then charge $500 for it.

It would be cool because the 20 gig model would be about equal to the premium Xbox 360. An Xbox 360 WiFi adapter costs $100 and buying another 20 gig HDD costs $100. By charging just $100 more for the 60 gig model would be truly a steal, that I'd probably just go ahead and get it instead.
bread's done