Helghast edition not coming with game in amazon order


2 (100%)
Alright, so this is mostly me venting right now, but its also curiousity about those who ordered the helghast edition of kz3. So I recently just purchased the kz3 helghast edition on amazon, but haven't been able to pick it up since today. I was so happy to see the large package at my doorstep. I opened it up and searched through everything, which did include the helmet, artbook, and figure; but when I tried to find the game, it wasn't included. I opened the helmet, and nothing was in it. I called amazon and they're going to refund it, but they said they can't send me a copy of the game, and that I'd have to take my chances on buying another helghast edition. In the long run it doesn't really matter, just wanted to give a heads up to those interested in buying it.
The tape on the box had been opened on 1 side, the other side was sealed though. Most likely it was a return though. You'd think amazon would check to see if it included the game though.
Either it was an inside job or someone committed return fraud. I always assumed that returned items were sent over to Warehouse Deals and sold as used, but I guess I'm wrong. Anyway, sorry to hear that. At least they're letting you return it.
It was probably return fraud. Sucks that it happened to you, but it's pretty common. It was partially amazon's fault for not checking the box thoroughly. It's good that they're giving you a refund though.
Definitely sounds like return fraud. Good on amazon CS with the quick refund, bad on them for trying to resell returned products as new
bread's done