Hell yeah I'm still playing Advance Wars: DS!


So, I've been sucked right back into Advance Wars: DS, and I'm loving it! After sinking about 80 hours into the war room maps, I started up the campaign and have been having so much fun with it. Very well thought out design and a nice ramp up on the difficulty so far.

Over 90 hours of registered play time, 131 out of 300 medals, all maps unlocked, and all of the stock COs are at least at level 3, some up to 6 or 7, and no signs of slowing down.

Could very well be the best entertainment value for the dollar I've ever gotten out of a game.

Anybody else still locked into this one?
I actually haven't even started it yet. I got a copy over Christmas but wanted to finish AW 1-2 first, but haven't had the time. I'm just glad I found a copy, they're kind of scarce in my area, and never could find them at any of the clearance sales.
This game is extremely awesome, and packed to the brim with features and extra goodies, I love the Combat mode where you can control your own unit, its sick! I've played it on and off for awhile, but I barely have any medals, I am always afraid to play it because I always think I might put an hour into a battle and end up just losing.

But, for $20, you really can't go wrong with this game. The ONLY thing you can add to this game is WiFi, but I would have a seizure due to euphoria if that came to fruition.
This game was one of the reasons I bought a DS. I played through the campaign on normal (with 6 month break inbetween) and hard then tried some of the extra maps/modes. Eventually I had to force myself to stop so I could play through my DS backlog. This thread makes me want to play it again.
I love me some Advance Wars, I have over 100 hrs on all 3 titles. Online play would be amazing as long as it has chess style take a turn then leave it for a friend to download and then take their turn. Some games just take too long. I have played a 3 hr link game on AW2.
130 medals for over 90 hours of gameplay? I got over 180 medals in 30 hours. It not hard to do, unlike the previous advance wars you get 3 save file. Just save and load on different files.

I enjoyed the game , but not quite as high as advance wars 2. Not much of upgrade from previous series. My backlog became so large, I eventually sold it so I can move on to other games.
wow. I've never heard so many good things about this game, I might have to pick this one up! But, I haven't played an advance wars game since the very first one on the GBA. I bought it, played through and got stuck on a mission and stopped for a while, then I got Fire Emblem for the GBA and loved the rpg aspect added to the AW type battle system and haven't picked advance wars back up since. I guess I need to get back into it. Now I just need to find a copy of black hole rising.....
[quote name='fatbeer']130 medals for over 90 hours of gameplay? I got over 180 medals in 30 hours. It not hard to do, unlike the previous advance wars you get 3 save file. Just save and load on different files.

I enjoyed the game , but not quite as high as advance wars 2. Not much of upgrade from previous series. My backlog became so large, I eventually sold it so I can move on to other games.[/QUOTE]

My medal count may seem paltry, but I've focused on the bigger war room maps that can drawn out to 30+ days, and some of those lead you down certain strategic paths where you end up building tons of mid-tanks or tons of subs, but not a lot of missile launchers, artillery, or mech units.

There are some maps that I've played again and again and again with all CO's, switching up strategies to see what works best and seeing how the AI reacts to what I'm doing. Sometimes I'll limit myself with "no neotank" rules to add twists to things and see how well I can do under those conditions. I wish you could change the CO you fight against on some of them.

BTW, I'm up to 136 tonight. :D

Gotta disagree with it not being as good as AW2. The addition of top screen battles, new CO's, new units (love the stealth bombers and the mega tanks!), more maps, etc., (not to mention the stat tracking!!) makes it *way* better than the previous series.

[quote name='yukine']I haven't played it yet.

What are YOU going to do about it, Scobie?[/QUOTE]

Shake my head disapprovingly at you? :) Seriously, AW is one of the few series that I absolutely obsess over. There's something about it that hits that particular gaming spot that very few franchises do. The last game like this that I remember pouring as much effort into was an awesome version of Risk that I used to have on the PC years and years ago.

I can easily see milking AW: DS for 300 hours. It's my World of Warcraft. :D
I put in nearly 200 hours, still don't have all the medals though. Loved the game but at this point it's gonna be at least 5 years before I can play it again.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']I put in nearly 200 hours, still don't have all the medals though. Loved the game but at this point it's gonna be at least 5 years before I can play it again.[/QUOTE]

I took about six months off after a pretty big fall/winter binge, so I know what you mean. I'm sure I'll burn out again in a couple of weeks, but a little time away makes it feel fresh again.
Ya I really want this game, top few of that I want since I just got my DS. I played the first GBA one (up until the final boss which suddenly became difficult for some reason) and only the first couple worlds of the 2nd one. Anyway looking to get back in the series with the DS game
I admit that I suck at this sort of game, but I had it and thought it was very high quality and liked it quite a bit better than the GBA games solely due to the touchscreen controls being so superior (imho).

I think it's great when a guy or gal can get tons and tons of enjoyment out of one game. That's the mark of a truly great game.
I agree it does get quite difficult in the last 10-20% of the game I'd say. I find Fire Emblem a lot easier actually...Advance wars is like fire emblem but you also have to know which units to make, when to capture buildings, etc.
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