Hell's Kitchen Season 6 - Fin

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It's sad to see you go, Jim. Looks like I don't have much of a reason to finish this season. You're definitely an honest guy, and I respect that. For once, there was a normal contestant who refused to play the drama game. It was quite refreshing. And if you ask me, I would say that a large majority of HK viewers felt the same way.

Best of luck to you, Jim.
[quote name='seen']
And yes Ramsay didn't like Jim as he didn't make for good TV while on the line compared to Van. I can believe how obsessed he sounded over those damn soba noodles which helped setup failure. JimmieMac I don't understand why you let the plate go looking so small. Also wouldn't it have made more sense for you to make 1 dish and Van make 1 dish then pick the better one? Finally how did you keep failing at the risotto?[/QUOTE]

To answer my own question about the risotto, I was watching Jim's final episode again and I think Jim may have argued or said something to his defense which the producers probably edited as he was extremely flushed.

Andy is still on the show because if you notice he makes for great clips and soundbytes in his issues with making garlic bread to cooking too many scallops in a pan.
Just watched all the episodes of this season tonight
It's crazy that Jim got kicked, I was totally thinking Andy was gonna get it
I really think Kevin is going to win this season though
Jim got booted for being too laid back.

Two real world days Seven TV days later, Robert gets kicked because Ramsay doesn't want a "performer."

Oh, nice product placement for a shitty wine (Rosemount). The probability that J-P actually drinks that are the exact same odds that he fucks women.

Andy being put up on the block for no good reason whatsoever reinforces what this show is about.

I caught ten minutes of Top Chef Masters the other week and forgot how enjoyable a show that is genuinely about cooking and competition could be.
If Andy had gotten the boot this week , after getting a save to boot Jim , I would have been pissed. Not so much for Andy getting the boot , but for the fact that it would've made Jim's elimination seem completely pointless. Thus far , I'm definitely rooting for Dave or Van to win. Andy was impressive this service (compared to how he was doing) but can he keep it up? Kevin I was liking in the beginning but I've really started to dislike in the last few shows.

For the women , Tennille seems to be pulling off a decent turnaround , and Suzuane seems intent on burying herself with her team.
[quote name='StarKnightX']If Andy had gotten the boot this week , after getting a save to boot Jim , I would have been pissed. Not so much for Andy getting the boot , but for the fact that it would've made Jim's elimination seem completely pointless. Thus far , I'm definitely rooting for Dave or Van to win. Andy was impressive this service (compared to how he was doing) but can he keep it up? Kevin I was liking in the beginning but I've really started to dislike in the last few shows.

For the women , Tennille seems to be pulling off a decent turnaround , and Suzuane seems intent on burying herself with her team.[/QUOTE]
I'd say that Andy's pulling a decent turn-around as well - from what Jim's said and from tonight's episode, Andy seems like a decent guy when he doesn't fuck up royally.

Seeing Robert turn on Andy before and then during the elimination ceremony was ugly. I'm glad that he's gone.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Two real world days Seven TV days later, Robert gets kicked because Ramsay doesn't want a "performer."[/QUOTE]

I'm disappointed reading this from you, Myke. Oversimplification is not something you tolerate from other people.

Also, people who swore the show off last week are doing themselves no service - it was pretty good tonight.

I do agree that Top Chef is better overall. The Masters spinoff was excellent, and my boy Bayless totally took it down. And tomorrow is the next episode in the new season. A good thing.
Forgive me. I'll resume my weekly "A treatise upon which rests the consideration of the results of the cook-ing contest betwixt the cohorts of loud and swarthy persons from the television-set-box program known as 'Hell's Kitchen'" next week.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I'd say that Andy's pulling a decent turn-around as well - from what Jim's said and from tonight's episode, Andy seems like a decent guy when he doesn't fuck up royally.

Seeing Robert turn on Andy before and then during the elimination ceremony was ugly. I'm glad that he's gone.[/QUOTE]

I had a feeling Ramsey was going to drop Andy tonight based on him pulling him up. I think he ended up feeling sorry for him after Robert belittled him up there and that's why he sent Robert home tonight.
[quote name='mykevermin']"A treatise upon which rests the consideration of the results of the cook-ing contest betwixt the cohorts of loud and swarthy persons from the television-set-box program known as 'Hell's Kitchen'"[/QUOTE]

Sounds plagiarized.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Oh, nice product placement for a shitty wine (Rosemount). The probability that J-P actually drinks that are the exact same odds that he fucks women.
haha awesome.

I'm so glad they finally canned that fat fuck. the montage they played at the end was touching? Especially after his little tantrum at Andy, who did fine this service. It was weird he seems to think he's going to get put on for a third season. I guess it's nice to guarantee a medical emergency every season.

I love how Ramsay nominated Van and Robert and then tells Dave to nominate two people...'Wow this is such a tough decision.... but I nominate Robert and Van'.
Ramsay said he wasn't looking for a performer, but is looking for a head chef. This just contradicts why he booted Jim off.
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Nominations mean nothing in Hells Kitchen. Nothing.

Ramsay knows in his mind who he'll choose, and he either agrees with the people nominated or not, simple as that
Jim got booted over Andy because Andy is more entertaining for TV. This is one part entertainment one part skills. Anyone remember Matt the crazy sociopath from HK4? He never would have made it that far if he wasn't totally insane.
I just got caught up on seeing the shows. Sorry to see you get the boot, Jim. And in a shady kinda way. Andy deserved to get the cut.
What, Jim's gone so y'all crap out on the show?

Fairweather motherfuckers.

Another episode of "doesn't matter who you're going to nominate to leave the show, Ramsay picks randomly."

Given her work to this point, Suzanne shouldn't have left. I've said before that I can't stand her personality from what I've seen, but she can cook, and can cook well.

Given the overt animosity b/w her and the rest of the female chefs, it's hard to tell who, if anyone, is deliberately fucking things up for the other.

I'm confident she won't win, however. Her problem is that she demands respect but doesn't command it. Ramsay is a commandeering bastard, but he's earned his stripes, and he's a legend in the business. If anyone deserves it, it's a chef of his wealth and success. Suzanne, OTOH, came in cocky, came in ordering people around, came in dictating things and telling people what to do - never accepting any criticism of her own work as legitimate. If you're expediting or whatever else it's called, it's appropriate to order, demand, critique, and communicate (in reverse order).

I've worked for people like her before. They rarely last at restaurants very long because their ass-kissing is over-the-top obvious, as is the harm they provide to a team atmosphere (which all kitchens are). They get run out of town because they can't handle the fact that people don't respect them and don't listen to them. She might be a helluva chef, but she's nowhere near fit to operate as a head chef. Her attitude and narcissism and condescension come with time, and she's put in not nearly enough compared to her peers to behave as she does.

Poor Fox showed Adam slicing his thumb with the comment "THEY MAY NEVER COOK AGAIN!" and in the very next clip, of the following dinner service, he was clearly in the screen. :lol:
I knew they edited the shit out of this show, but I didn't realize that they spliced in clips from past shows. At one point tonight, Ramsay's yelling at Amanda about the fish she's cooking and Tek's cooking in the background. :)
[quote name='karatechop16']I knew they edited the shit out of this show, but I didn't realize that they spliced in clips from past shows. At one point tonight, Ramsay's yelling at Amanda about the fish she's cooking and Tek's cooking in the background. :)[/QUOTE]

Thank god someone else saw that!

I thought I was nuts when I saw Tek in the background cause there werent any other short black haired asians on the show lol.
[quote name='karatechop16']I knew they edited the shit out of this show, but I didn't realize that they spliced in clips from past shows. At one point tonight, Ramsay's yelling at Amanda about the fish she's cooking and Tek's cooking in the background. :)[/QUOTE]

Holy. fucking. Shit.
[quote name='karatechop16']I knew they edited the shit out of this show, but I didn't realize that they spliced in clips from past shows. At one point tonight, Ramsay's yelling at Amanda about the fish she's cooking and Tek's cooking in the background. :)[/QUOTE]

Haha! I saw that too and I thought for a second "Wait a minute, am I watching a repeat episode?"
Yeah, when I saw the Tek clip my jaw nearly hit the floor. Then again, that sort of shit was all the rage with the first two seasons of the US version of Kitchen Nightmares so...well, just keeping up the editing standards!
i didnt notice tek, but thats pretty funny.

i think suzanne could go far in the show, final six and beyond, but well see. kevin seems like the favorite but im liking dave, hes doing better than most of the people there with a broken wrist so thats gotta be scoring some points with ramsay.
I think Ramsay kicked Amanda off because she "copped a feel". Maybe his wife is involved in the whole kicking process? :p

And I do like Andy now, hes just getting used to the pressure in hells kitchen
Wow Tek's back huh? Good for her. Wow this show is terrible. But I'm sticking it out. I sure wish Suzanne got kicked though. I guess the show is running out of villains, but I'd much rather be looking at Amanda cook.
[quote name='karatechop16']I knew they edited the shit out of this show, but I didn't realize that they spliced in clips from past shows. At one point tonight, Ramsay's yelling at Amanda about the fish she's cooking and Tek's cooking in the background. :)[/QUOTE]

There's an establishing shot of the blue kitchen towards the end that appears to have Jim in it as well.

34:47 on Hulu if you want to have a look.

EDIT: And now that I'm looking at it again the subsequent shot of the red side is re-used too. I suppose it's just a matter of necessity; not like they can reshoot.
Oh fuuuuuuuuuck. Now there's no way I'm ever watching this shit again. I can take the ridiculous editing of the episodes, but splicing in footage from shit that didn't even happen that day or week? fuck you Fox.
[quote name='JimmieMac']And that sure is me at 34:47

34:51 also has Tek in the back workin' desserts.[/QUOTE]
Well look on the bright side. They failed at kicking you guys off the show, maybe you can still win it.
More face time on national TV never hurt and the boards are blowing up with the editing mistake which keeps us in the front of people's minds. More win.
Speaking of editing, though definitely not as huge of an error as the ones mentioned above, they make it a point to show that the guys and the girls are split up.. but when the girls retreated to their place, a guy in blue (looked like Van) was seen smoking with them, then the camera angle changed and he was never seen again.

I can't believe that they did that. Seriously, they hyped that it was 5v4, then suddenly there's 5 guys in the blue kitchen and 6 in the red.. what the hell?
[quote name='JimmieMac']More face time on national TV never hurt and the boards are blowing up with the editing mistake which keeps us in the front of people's minds. More win.[/QUOTE]

On that note, have you become pretty famous in your region? Do you walk down the street and get a lot of people who recognize you?
[quote name='JimmieMac']And that sure is me at 34:47

34:51 also has Tek in the back workin' desserts.[/QUOTE]

WTF is it a bad edit? Or do they still have you guys working in the kitchen after elimination? Better yet I bet you cant say, damn NDA!
This is just a guess but I'd think they'd keep on all the contestants to continue cooking even after elimination. I mean the diners still gotta eat even if Ramsey "shuts down" the kitchens and all the contestants stay on premises throughout the entirety of the taping so why let all those chefs go to waste. The eliminated probably cook in unseen parts and sometimes slip in to the shots. Jim didn't exactly confirm that they are past episode clips just that they were editing mistakes.

Also, given everything that has been shown to us the viewers so far, it seems that Dave has the most drive, determination and talent. He has consistently proven himself to be able to wrangle in a messy situation and he seems to rarely screw up his station. I'd say Van is up there too but I think he's got the Suzanne problem of when things go wrong he's just not a team player plus he clearly has anger management issues. With Jim gone now I'm definitely rooting for Dave and I absolutely want Suzanne to be next. As of now it certainly seems that Andy can't really compare with the other guys and Sabrina falls a bit short of the other girls so while neither of them may be the next to go I highly doubt either is going to win, they both appear to lack true confidence even though they themselves may believe they have it.

I think he's getting a bum rap on that show. Something tells me when the cameras/pressure aren't on and he's in his own restaurant he's probably the most competent person remaining. Of course that doesn't help him on Hell's Kitchen.
It is really interesting watching previous episodes, Ramsay has Van as a special favorite (telling him how to make the risotto better) and plastic wrap the episode before which is huge IMO.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Make sure you watch tonight to see Andy cut the fuck outta his hand.[/QUOTE]

alright I guess I'll watch if there's going to be violence.
a) I think Dave is capable of murder

b) With the girls driving so hard to get ride of Suzanne you can rest assured she'll be the "winner" of the night's service.

c) Tennille - please modulate occasionally and lower the volume of your voice
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bread's done