Help a CAG Need of FF ps2


13 (100%)
Here is the situation...I have what I thought to be a copy of Final Fantasy X GH for PS2 that I got at an EB Games awhile back...when I go to open it up the other day it has the ff x case/manual, but the dude put FF X-2 in the Case..So now I have a FF X GH case with no game and a FF X-2 Disc with no case...

I'm looking for a way to pair these up in some get a FF X GH Disc and a FF X-2 Case/Manual...

if anyone can help ... pm me

cml for trades too...
why not just go back and buy a copy of ffx but explain to the guy what happened and get the x-2 case with the x game
um yeah...that would be a good idea, but eb sux and they said they wouldn't do that....receipt and all...said since I bought it like 4 months ago they wouldnt do a thing...
bread's done