Help I need a video card!

narcotic buzz

CAG Veteran
Hey I have a Dell Dimension 3000 and Dell decided to punch me in the nads by only having a PCI slot and not a PCI-E slot. So now my options are extremely slim to upgrading. Now Im pretty sure the best video card I can get is a Radeon X1550. I found a couple of these on Ebay but they both were sold and for a higher price than I wanted to pay anyways.

So if anyone sees or has a Radeon X1550 let me know (make sure its PCI).
I managed to get a Radeon X1300 PCI NIB off ebay for about $40. One of the top of the line in PCI. Hunt around on hardware forums and you're bound to find something.
Or just save up some cash. The prices of new technology are always dropping.

One of the best hardware forums that I have come across is

Hope that this helps.
better of just building a new computer

im realy not that into pc gamming but im fixing to get a nvidia 8 somthing for 50 bucks

and i know i can run crysis well with a 300 buck computer video card included
bread's done