Help me find a Wii for a good cause


83 (99%)
:cry: :cry:

To make a long story short my mom owns a small private pre-school/kindergarten. One of her parents there has a 10 year old son with muscular dystrophy who isn't expected to reach his 18th birthday. They are trying to find him a Wii to give to him as a Christmas present. So i'm doing everything I can to find one for her. If anyone happens to see one or has one available they could snag for cost + shipping and a few dollars it would be appreciated.

We are contacting Nintendo's Corporate/PR office later today to talk with them as well to see if there is anything they can do to help.
bestbuy on sunday will have them best thing to do is check your sunday ads whoever has them will advertise them for that morning....what city do u live it maybe i can help
Miami, i called TRU and supposedly they are getting 54 in stock on sunday. So i will be going there and waiting. Just not sure what time to get there
well usually its alright about an 1 or 2 hr before they open which isn't bad i camped out the night before for the launch day
You can try finding one using

Also I had good luck if you check amazon right at 10am pacific time on Wednesdays they had been releasing them then. I managed to get both my sisters one 2 weeks apart. So unless they change their scheduel I would check those 2.
Let us know if you continue to have difficulty finding I often see one or two around in retailers. I really haven't had difficulty finding one the past few weeks for friends and neighbors.
Yeah i saw a large stack at costco by me a few weeks ago. I havent really had a chance to check in much detail since i JUST found out about this and i'm in school all day. I'll be doing some checking tomorow since i have the day off.

Funny thing is i'm working this hard to get him one and i won't let myself buy one until i've found my new job. Despite the fact that I have some wii games on my shelf gathering dust from sales/trades.
TRU will have them Sunday for sure. I have 30 at the store I am at already, so I am sure they already have theirs sitting there. Ask to speak to the store director and see if he can hold one for you. As much of a jerk as mine is, even he would hold one for you.
Why not talk to a local GS/EB manager?

Last year, I needed one for a church raffle. Went to the store I frequented the most, manager had one for me within a week and bought raffles tickets!

Can't hurt to ask!
Yeah i think i'll go to bestbuy, gamestop, and TRU. All 3 are within 5 minutes of each other and i pass bestbuy and gamestop to get to TRU.

One of my gamestop employee's is in my anime club today thats meeting. I'll check with him too.
[quote name='Brian9824']Hmmm good idea. I'll see if we can snag paperwork on his condition and go on friday. Worst they can do is say no.[/quote]

If you can bring that info to a store and they turn you away they are colder than Scrooge himself, and I'd mention that as I left.
His mom is dropping off the paperwork to my mom tomorow so i'll go friday afternoon or saturday morning and see what happens.

We also left a message with nintendo so i'm curious what their response would be.

Any suggestions for good games? he's 10 years old and his motor control isn't best so suffice to say games that require precise movements are out. I've heard Mario Galaxy is pretty good pick.
well there's a handful of games that don't require insane percession but obviously with an issue like that its kind of funny in a sense to be getting a game system that's built around replicating movement

i understand the sense that the wii is by far the most kid-oriented system, and you will definitely find games he can play, but i'm sure he'll still get frustrated at times, it's just the way the system is designed and the way more and more games are starting to be made to make use of the hardware

i liked super paper mario, its a combination of old 2d mario, puzzle solving, and a lot of text reading (though the writing is superb), motion control is basically non-existant, save for pointing at the screen a few times to show doors or the like, and basically control wise is played like a NES Mario game for the most part, he shouldn't have to many issues with it (plus the game isn't difficult)

the fact that most solo-player wii games aren't that hard means he shouldn't have to many issues with probably the majority of them, but depending on how bad it is you may want to stay away from the obviously more motion oriented games or twitch games (like wario ware which is not only twitch but very motion oriented when it comes to the wiimote)
I just bought a wii but im selling it for 350 dollars + shipping minimum there going insane on ebay i might put it up there tomorrow if i don't get any better offers from people i know.
Hey Brian, I'll buy one Sunday just in case.
I bet I can get FedEx to ship it to you for free.
May need a copy of the letter....
Would just need cost of unit...

and take that letter tomorrow, last day of the month, to Wally's, talk to the store may score a couple $25 gift cards to buy games with...timing is important!
[quote name='chris owns u']I just bought a wii but im selling it for 350 dollars + shipping minimum there going insane on ebay i might put it up there tomorrow if i don't get any better offers from people i know.[/quote]

Your post to this conversation is relevant HOW? He's not looking for one for the heck of it but for a good deed, and you post on making a profit off a wii?

I've seen them lots at local stores, I'll check and if I see one would be willing to do it at cost plus shipping.
Actually I think i'm getting one. I asked around in my anime club today and one of our member recieved one for as a gift for his daughter but he already bought her one. He was going to take it to store this weekend and return it w/ gift reciept so instead i'll just buy it off him.

Thanks for all the help everyone, if for some reason there is a problem and i don't get it i'll let you know.
[quote name='chris owns u']I just bought a wii but im selling it for 350 dollars + shipping minimum there going insane on ebay i might put it up there tomorrow if i don't get any better offers from people i know.[/quote]

I wasnt going to say anything but i'm sorry. I am amazed you would post something like that here. You should really be ashamed of yourself.

To everyone else who was posting helping thanks alot. I really appreciate it.
bread's done