Help me guys... Tough decision

Sgt Barone

Well there comes a time in a man's life where he considers buying a wii. While a wii on the cheap may be a no brainer for those with a steady job, i am currently not working. i'm only in highschool though so don't worry lol, im not like unemployed, just don't have a job till April.

Ok well i have 402 dollars that i have to make last till april. i don't do much driving so gas won't be too bad for me. already payed my insurence, and i don't have a car payment.

That considered, i do have a girlfriend, and you know that is a fucking drain on the wallet, no matter how cheap she is.

anyway down to business.

Wii on for 119 refurbished, + used mario galaxy for 40, so 160 total plus shipping.


also if you have any better options let me know.
(the parents won't let me do ebay. one identity theft is enough to screw that over).
My opinion is find a friend who has a Wii and Super Mario Galaxy and just borrow them. I Have a Wii and i only use it once every 6 months. Don't waste your Money. (hey you are from Cleveland, So am I)
ya all my friends are $$$s though and they all love their wiis, so borrowing it is kinda out of the question.

still ur not the first person to tell me its a waste.

CLE ftw~
Video games should be bought with disposable income, which you don't have. Do not buy it. Save your money.
[quote name='Scorch']Video games should be bought with disposable income, which you don't have. Do not buy it. Save your money.[/QUOTE]

Technically, isn't all of his income disposable?
Think about it this way- do you see yourself playing Mario Galaxy until April? Because you aren't going to be buying any more games for it until then, since this'll take half your money. Also, once you're done with Mario Galaxy- then what? Do you even want any other Wii games? Do you have another system now with any sort of backlog? I made it a point to be sure I had a small collection of Wii titles I wanted before I got mine... and even then, I find I mostly use it as an alternate web-surfing device, since I tend to graviate towards my other systems first.

The value of something isn't just determined by the deal, but by your budget and by your habits. Hit Gamestop during a B2G1 (isn't there one on now?) or something and load up for the system you already own You'll have your games, and it'll cost less. Unless you live and breathe Mario, this is too big a hit to your current funds to take.
I say no. The #1 financial rule is you should always have a 6 month savings because you never know what is going to happen. I just had to fix my truck and it cost me $550. $405 is not alot of money. While you have no foreseeable expenses, you just never know, so I'd wait until you had a job. I also don't buy refurbed consoles unless they are really old school (SNES, etc.) and I have no other choices. Amazon had the buy a Wii for $200, get a $75 gaming credit. I think that's a better deal. I know they don't have it now, but if you can wait until you have an income stream, you will be able to get a deal on a NEW Wii in the future.
i say do it and get the girlfriend hooked, if shes got a job or money she will wind up buying games for it too, or she may buy you more games
ahh the girlfriend is already hooked. she just got galaxy 2 but she already has g1 and zelda. she's gonna b my blockbuster
[quote name='Sgt Barone']ahh the girlfriend is already hooked. she just got galaxy 2 but she already has g1 and zelda. she's gonna b my blockbuster[/QUOTE]

Then borrow her Wii... But don't buy one.
You can save an incredible amount of money by not dating. I'm totally enjoying it and will continue to do so until I finish this backlog (in a few years).
[quote name='Scorch']Video games should be bought with disposable income, which you don't have. Do not buy it. Save your money.[/QUOTE]

This. When you're not making money, you don't buy luxury items like video games.
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Dude your still in high school do whatever makes you happy, worry about saving six months worth of living expenses and all that shit when you finish high school at the very least. Overall I think people are giving you good life advice to consider for the future though.
Can you get money in other ways? Parents, working for uncle, or the like? If you can, buy yourself a Wii, if you can't dont.

Also in highschool buying girls expensive gifts isnt very important if you've already fucked her.
That $400 will go away quicker than you think. If you spend that $160 on the Wii, that gives you $240 to last through 4 months. That's $60 a month that you can spend, which isn't a lot at all even for a high school student. Sure, your job is going to bail you out in April, but do you really want to start that "barely scraping by" mentality ?

I know it sounds like a lecture, but when I got out of high school I made some really bad financial decisions, and they stemmed from my very similar spending habits in high school. I wish now my school had done a better job at teaching economics, its a shame it isn't implemented more. Maybe as a country we wouldn't be as deep in the shit as we are now.

Anyway, if you even have to go to a message board to get advice on if you should buy something, you probably know deep down you are spending outside of your means, and I really can't give you the justification you are looking for with a sound mind.
DUDE. You only have $400!

Then again, you might be young. If you are in grade school, go for it, but since you said you're driving, $400 is nothing, since you have to take your lady out, eat, etc.

Don't buy a wii. Just pirate PC games.
Do yourself a favor and punch yourself in the balls instead... because that's about how I sum up how I feel about having spent money on a wii. Save your money and grab a DS and some games if you need a Nintendo/Mario fix.

Cleveland Crew RepreZentiN' Yo!
Anyone miss the old days where the "tough decisions" were whether or not to buy a video game console?
[quote name='DV8']Anyone miss the old days where the "tough decisions" were whether or not to buy a video game console?[/QUOTE]

yes its called before marriage and kids, and if you have a cool wife its still like that sometimes.

but like i said if you really want it and see yourself really enjoying it then its not a waste, where i grew up we had dollar movies, plus staying in and playing games is fun too. also there are cheaper dating routes like rock climbing, public events

also keep in mind its your decision to make, no matter what if you feel its what you want do it, as long as its not hurting anyone else who cares what others think
bread's done