[Help Needed] Guitar Hero 3 Bundle (360)


Is there any Canadian online store that has any 360 GH3 bundles (Game+Guitar) that aren't sold out and insanely back-ordered?

Been trying to find it since before christmas and every time they get any instock at stores near me, they run out in less than 30mins. FutureShop's online site doesn't offer it; neither does BestBuy, Amazon or any other popular sites it seems.

I'd order it at RedOctane's website, but from what I hear it'd cost $200+ and take weeks to get here, so I'm trying to find a Canadian retailer.

Redoctane's online store isn't so bad. a friend of mine ordered GHII for the 360 when it came out, and it arrived within a week. plus it's (at the moment) listed In Stock and the bundle is $99.99 US:

i don't know the shipping cost off-hand, and i don't really want to accidentally order one while seeing how much it would be, heh

haha, the checkout says:
Please Note: It is now too late for any orders placed at this time to arrive by Dec. 24th. Order processing generally takes 1-2 business days.
I was at the Rexdale & Islington Walmart just now, I think I saw about 3 or 4 GH3 bundles for 360 in the glass display... sorry doesnt help the OP but for anyone else...
I saw them at two Best Buy's and a Future Shop on my hunt for Rock Band a few days ago. Plenty of 360, Wii, and PS2 copies, and I thought they'd be easier to find now anyway.
Damn. Which version should I buy?

GH II: I like the songs here waaaay better than in GH III, but the shitty Xplorer guitar is what it is, shitty.

GHIII: Damn nice controller, but I don't really like the songs.

Anyone know if retailers are selling stand-alone GHIII guitars?
[quote name='Kekumba']Buy the GHIII bundle, and find GHII buy itself for cheap. :)[/quote]

Agreed. That's what I plan on doing once I finish GH3.

All the stores around me in Halifax and Dartmouth Nova Scotia are fully out of stock and sell all their stock within the day they get new ones in, it's insanity...

Plenty of Rock Band at every store though, I often see 5-6+ bundles for both 360 and PS3 at every store minus Walmart.
Hah, that's hilarious. It's the complete opposite here in Ottawa. I could find GHIII everywhere, but no Rock Band.

And about GHII by itself, how much does it usually go for anyway? I might pick it up once I'm done with all my Christmas games.
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