Help with shipping a package and address confusion


CAG Newbie
I sold something today and I was getting ready to ship the item but the address listed threw me off. the street address they supplied is a decimal...

Ex: instead of 123 Street Name its 123.5 Street Name

I've never seen this before so I wasn't sure if it was a mistake. I usually search google for all addresses before I ship to make sure the address exists and wasn't mistyped... google sees 123 street name but not 123.5 street name

I've emailed asking about it but haven't gotten a response yet. Has anyone else ever seen a street number done like this before? should I go ahead and just mail it to the exact address they gave me?

Also i should mention when i did search for 123 street name on google it came up with a couple of different businesses at that location

Oh yea and i also tried looking up 1235 street name and it didn't exist.
I've seen addresses like this before, but they are usually listed as 123 1/2 (not the decimal point method). It probably wouldn't hurt to wait for confirmation from the buyer.
bread's done