Heroes Volume 3: Villains

[quote name='Lurk']i think he was just wanting to toy with her, cause i mean he didnt kill her either[/QUOTE]

Probably. Still was kind of lame though.
[quote name='graf1k']*Major Spoilers of Episode 3.01*

I really can't decide whether or not I liked the first episode. On the one side, most of the stuff with Peter, Nathan, Claire and sort of Niki too was pretty good although it's a little weird because I honestly don't remember from S2 what happened to Niki so I'm not sure how much this working for the Senator thing is supposed to make sense or not make sense so far. That said, the shit with Hiro and Ando is pretty blah so far and the whole thing about Mohinder making this substance that gives powers to anybody is just retarded. I liked that there were people on Heroes like Ando and Mohinder that didn't have powers and now they have a way to give anybody and everybody that shows up on the show a power. Not only that, but it was kind of hilariously stupid that Mohinder's shot also seems to function as a great alternative to Viagra. Either that or one of his powers is the ability to fuck hot Puerto Ricans and then get instant super-AIDs. But the biggest head-smacker was easily the whole "Oh snap, is Sylar a Petrelli?" move. I mean, Heroes is starting to seem like some super hero soap opera.

idk about the Syler thing
could be a good old fashion “Angela Petrelli manipulation moment”
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[quote name='cod4rulez4']Doesn't Sylar shoot Red Lightning?
Or after years of being in dark behind Hiro, Ando finally decides to take the Promicin shot after it is perfected by Mohinder...
Seriously...the 4400?? They copied the 4400??
Not to mention nods to Quantum Leap in the season premiere[/quote]

When I saw those shots, I got the same DeJavu feeling...and I'm worried. That's where 4400 went downhill.
I was laughing hysterically when Claire was peeking out through the kryptonite louvres of the door.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, Sylar not being able to get through the door may have been the lamest thing in the series yet. He can throw clair against the wall with his power, but can't pull a flimsy door of its hinges?[/QUOTE]
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So Mohinder is going to defeat Sylar by turning into...

[quote name='Moxio']Plz plz plz don't turn Mohinder and Sylar "Petrelli" into lame characters.[/quote]

It's too late for Mohinder.

[quote name='tokitoki50']Mohinder has always been pretty lame[/quote]

Pretty much.
also one thing we have to remember is that this is an altered present effected by future peters actions, so more than likely everything that comes to pass will probably be changed by the end of the season
[quote name='ananag112']So Mohinder is going to defeat Sylar by turning into...


:lol: I thought this first.
Does anybody know why
Peter shot Nathan instead of using Parkman's mind power to convince him that he didn't want to reveal his powers to the world?
I need to say, I was excited for last night then I watched it. It seems closer to S1 than 2 which is good, but by the end of the second one I wasn't sure I really had much interest in watching the rest of the season... maybe I'll watch it during the summer, but it seemed like it isn't going anywhere new, just minor variations on the same story. The blatant rip off of 4400 was kind of annoying too seeing how bad that got.

They need to start planning these shows ahead of time for 3 or 4 seasons and then actually end them before they turn into crap because they want something that can go indefinitely (I'm looking at you Battlestar Galactica, 4400, Lost, and even 24 to a degree).

/rant over
[quote name='Chase']So, I guess Mohinder will be the first
of the series? :whistle2:k?[/QUOTE]

Until he puts a shotgun to his head like the original Brundlefly
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, Sylar not being able to get through the door may have been the lamest thing in the series yet. He can throw clair against the wall with his power, but can't pull a flimsy door of its hinges?[/quote]
Does he still have the power to liquify metal? He could've done that to the door handles.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Does he still have the power to liquify metal? He could've done that to the door handles.[/QUOTE]

well he "lost" his powers, they never make it clear if he got them all back or just some or what. but my guess is he was just toying with her to make her scared.
[quote name='Moxio']I still think it's babyshit he gets powers just by looking at the outer layers of someone's brain. :|[/QUOTE]

But he fixes clocks! He therefore knows how the brain ticks. [/sarcasm]
[quote name='Moxio']I still think it's babyshit he gets powers just by looking at the outer layers of someone's brain. :|[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but stopping time, teleportation, stealing powers by being in proximity, flight, ice, black and murderous tears are more plausible to you?
saw the eps 1 and 2 this afternoon and I can't wait till next monday

Here's my take on the 2 episodes. Nikki had a sister, could Tracey be the other sister that supposedly died, since I'm pretty sure Nikki did not survive that exploding building in season 2. It also seemed like she didn't know she could freeze people, but we will see.

Maybe Mohinder got the powers of a cockroach. Ironic I think since he did talk about how they have survived million of years without evolving in the first episode of season one and that he wanted to evolve and have powers, that he sort of turn into one (climb walls, emit a ton of pheromones (which could explain the sex scene), when he went to the bathroom to wash his face, when he turned on the light, I belive it seemed like it agitated him. I can't explain the super strength though. I could even be wrong with the the whole turning into a cockroach thing also.

It also seems like Nathan is going crazy (being able to see Linderman). He could be the one that inheirts their dad's mental problem that was said in season one. Also, with going through a lot (going with the plan of blowing up NY, blaming himself for Peter's death ( I think that's what the scarred face he kept seeing from time to time in season 2 menat), and getting shot and coming back to life).

I guess present peter can't use his powers if he is in someone else, but I wonder if he can use the person's power or what happens to the other person's mind
[quote name='Liquid 2']Yeah, but stopping time, teleportation, stealing powers by being in proximity, flight, ice, black and murderous tears are more plausible to you?[/QUOTE]

seriously i was nervous after Nathan woke up (not trying to start a religious debate) but the 4400 went seriously wrong when that guy came back and became the "messiah" of the 4400, he even grew the Jesus beard, and then it just got lamer. But i am getting pretty excited for this season.
[quote name='coolsteel']Until he puts a shotgun to his head like the original Brundlefly[/quote]

Thank god someone else noticed this blatant ripoff... both his scenes were straight from Cronenberg's story boards...
re: sylar brains...

i always assumed that he has a power and that dr suresh sr was wrong about him. i mean obviously looking at a brain and getting a power is ridiculous. he had to of had a power, i dont know how to describe it, seeing and understanding things normal people cant. but i think its absurd to assume he was a clock repair man that learned the secret to powers through a brain examination. plus the revelation that hes a petreilli pretty much confirms he has some sort of power like the rest of the family.
He definitely has a power, its just not clear how it works exactly. Past episodes have shown that he knew how to take things apart and instantly knew how they worked. So I think we should assume his power is once he learns how it works in the victim's brain, he can apply it to himself or something to that nature.
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Mutant Mohinder was cool but other than that this show just seems shakey. I guess the whole LOST/Heroes/BSG nerd serial drama fad is over. Heroes needs more action and I was hopping the whole Villains thing would lead to more conflict. It seems though they want to make it another origin story about all the bad people and how they come into conflict with the good guys. I fear though I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
[quote name='Frogurt.man']
Mutant Mohinder was cool but other than that this show just seems shakey. I guess the whole LOST/Heroes/BSG nerd serial drama fad is over. Heroes needs more action and I was hopping the whole Villains thing would lead to more conflict. It seems though they want to make it another origin story about all the bad people and how they come into conflict with the good guys. I fear though I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.

while i dont think season 3 if off to a blockbuster start, i disagree. action is coming, we only saw two episodes, give it a couple weeks at least. also it isnt an "origin" story, in that the villians were already locked up, now theyre on the loose. it really hasnt addressed the origin of them at all, with the exception of sylar.
Quite frankly, not being action centered is what makes me like shows like Heroes and Lost. A little action if fine, but I like a nice drama. I've never been big on popcorn action movies, shows etc.
Heroes S3 is off to a solid start, though I actually think the first two episodes contained too much a bit too fast. I mean, the whole scene with Clair happened really instantly.
[quote name='Moxio']Heroes S3 is off to a solid start, though I actually think the first two episodes contained too much a bit too fast. I mean, the whole scene with Clair happened really instantly.[/QUOTE]

instantly? they dragged it out 5 minutes with her hiding in a 1/2 inch frail kitchen cupboard....
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']instantly? they dragged it out 5 minutes with her hiding in a 1/2 inch frail kitchen cupboard....[/QUOTE]

I mean, I didn't like how Sylar just popped up at Claire's door and totally bitch slapped her. I would have preferred a bit of a semi-lengthy chase for such a significant power, considering that he is now, essentially, immortal.
[quote name='Moxio']I mean, I didn't like how Sylar just popped up at Claire's door and totally bitch slapped her. I would have preferred a bit of a semi-lengthy chase for such a significant power, considering that he is now, essentially, immortal.[/QUOTE]

well i think the point of him just showing up was because of future peters "butterfly effect", plus hes been trying to get her for 2 seasons, i mean cmon...
The first episode was pretty bad and full of holes.

I love how Hiro doesn't want to travel back in time, but he has no problem going forward to find what's going to happen so he can prevent it in the present. Laaaaaaaaaaaaame.
[quote name='Chase']
kill Elle. Kristen Bell needs more, not less, TV time. :bomb:

I honestly hope that she some how gets to play a big part in the season. Since she did let them out, I think she will. I also think that with what happened with her power, as Sylar was trying to disassemble her, will play a huge part in the season. Or not, but maybe some Heroes just have a defense mechanism when someone is trying to take their brain and adrenal glands out.
[quote name='craven_fiend']I honestly hope that she some how gets to play a big part in the season. Since she did let them out, I think she will. I also think that with what happened with her power, as Sylar was trying to disassemble her, will play a huge part in the season. Or not, but maybe some Heroes just have a defense mechanism when someone is trying to take their brain and adrenal glands out.[/QUOTE]

I'm willing to bet Elle will be important in this season. After seeing what happened when Sylar tried to kill her, she might be the 'light' that Hiro's father was talking about.
[quote name='PR Mega X']I'm willing to bet Elle will be important in this season. After seeing what happened when Sylar tried to kill her, she might be the 'light' that Hiro's father was talking about.[/quote]

I figured the "light" is either her or Claire (since she's unable to die). I would have said Peter, but he's probably going to play a small part, unless of course future Peter is around until he gets modern Peter back, since he is the only one that knows for sure that he is in Jesse's body. Speaking of Jesse, good to see Weevil (I think his real name is Francis Capra or something) on another show, but once again as a bad guy.
I couldn't help but smile when I saw Kristen Bell and Francis Capra on the screen together. Veronica Mars was/is my favorite show. :)
well let me give my take on the show. (I will admit I started watching faithfully in season 2) but this season looks very promising

-Sylar is peter's fraternal twin brother. they look similar in size and build and they act similar in nature to each other.(if they were swapped in each other life's they would turn out like the other) plus they have that whole summers brothers quality to them.

-until the whole linderman being in peter's mind aspect, I thought he cured niki and did something with her mind to make her think she was tracey but who knows what will come with all the time jumping and other powers made available to people(the haitian comes to mind here)

-claire is entirely way too boring.

-if peter changed the future, then why is he still there or why hasn't his physical appearance changed? time paradox. (sorry I love that word)

-who is the speedster working for? sorry can't recall her name at the moment

-that has to be peter killing hiro in his time travel to the future.

some small notes but i have to limit what i say because i realize a lot of what i think about this show is based upon what i think would happen from marvel and dc comics.
[quote name='Dezuria']I couldn't help but smile when I saw Kristen Bell and Francis Capra on the screen together. Veronica Mars was/is my favorite show. :)[/quote]

Now all we need is her dad (on another show, hopefully it sticks around, haven't heard much) and Logan (real name escapes me, but could happen since his show was cancelled)
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']well let me give my take on the show. (I will admit I started watching faithfully in season 2) but this season looks very promising [/quote]

-Sylar is peter's fraternal twin brother. they look similar in size and build and they act similar in nature to each other.(if they were swapped in each other life's they would turn out like the other) plus they have that whole summers brothers quality to them.

Agreed there, I think Angela wasn't screwing around with him but time will tell.
-until the whole linderman being in peter's mind aspect, I thought he cured niki and did something with her mind to make her think she was tracey but who knows what will come with all the time jumping and other powers made available to people(the haitian comes to mind here)

Nathan you mean and Niki was cured by the company. I think Parkman's dad is the one having Linderman show up in Nathan's head. As for Nikki, Tracy, Jessica or whoever the fuck that is I fully expect this to be resolved by having her son come up to her and slap her, or use his power to just fix her brain like a machine

-claire is entirely way too boring.

This has to be a set up for something more, whether it means knocking her power down a peg or up a notch revealing she can suck the life out of people or something.
-if peter changed the future, then why is he still there or why hasn't his physical appearance changed? time paradox. (sorry I love that word)

Who is to say in this new terrible future he created he still doesn't get that scar? This is the second time he has been shown in a future with it even though the previous future was changed as well.

-who is the speedster working for? sorry can't recall her name at the moment

I'm guessing someone we haven't seen yet, unless Adam got out of the casket already

-that has to be peter killing hiro in his time travel to the future.

Unless future Peter also learned fluent Japanese I doubt it was him, not to mention if it was he didn't have to kill him since he has telekinesis and mind control powers.
the Mexican chick looked blazing hot last night... I would go to town on that 24/7 if I could...

if only I were famous.... sigh
[quote name='coolsteel']
Unless future Peter also learned fluent Japanese I doubt it was him, [/QUOTE]

Well, he could have met somone else like that Waitress Hiro met who's power was learning stuff super fast.

That's the problem with his power, the writers can have him do pretty much anything as he could have absorbed any power in the 4 years.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well, he could have met somone else like that Waitress Hiro met who's power was learning stuff super fast.

That's the problem with his power, the writers can have him do pretty much anything as he could have absorbed any power in the 4 years.[/QUOTE]

Oh i'm well aware but that would be too obvious and even as bad as season two was it still had some surprises
[quote name='DestroVega']the Mexican chick looked blazing hot last night... I would go to town on that 24/7 if I could...

if only I were famous.... sigh[/QUOTE]

I thought that of her when she was in X3.
My guess is that Claire is on her way to becoming an ultimate badass. Now that she can't feel pain somebody (I bet horn rimmed glasses) is going to train her to not be such a panze. Really she could be a wolverine-esque character without the claws.
bread's done