Hey, anyone know a site like this but for computers?


I'm looking to get a laptop soon but I'm poor. I love cheapassgamer because it pretty much has like... every gaming deal out there in one place. Is there anything similar for computers?

There has to be, right?
I go to dealsea.com a lot, they tend to have a lot of lowend laptop/desktop sale information
What is your budget? I check every day and can send a pm if I come across anything. Also what would your main use of the laptop be?

pretty good price after rebate on these specs. Otherwise weekly ads have had dual core lappys with 1 gig mem. for350-450 lately. Though if buying one from an ad I recommend being at store when they open as these ussually sell out quick.

now if you want a sweet one at a great price check some of these deals out

My brother is telling me go Sony. And considering 95% of the use of this will be the music programs he hooks me up with (he is a record producer, and don't ask why he uses PC not MAC he just does, he gets all this free Windows stuff) maybe I should listen to him.

He also said there will be a lot of good deals over the Christmas holiday? I'm in no rush.
bread's done