High School prom, did you go?

The Mana Knight

41 (100%)
So the question of this thread has to do with if you went to high school prom or not, and whether you went with a date or single.

As for me, I considered going to prom single (I wouldn't be able to get a date, but I rather not go there since I already discussed it), but looked into the costs and felt it was just a bit much, both years. I know some felt it was some kind of sin or something to not go to prom. I can't say I really regret it now.

I was actually thinking about a lot of H.S. stuff the other day, and I'm a bit curious how many really did go to prom (some say it's something everyone does, I dunno).
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Hell yeah I went to high school prom. It is basically like the culmination of all high school. If you are American and in high school you got to go to prom. Graduation is optional, but prom is mandatory. The only people who missed it at my school were people who thought they were too cool for school, the depressy black wearing vampires, and the occasional ugly chick. Although the prom was horrible the after parties were really fun. Plus girls your age + booze + that awesome garter tradition make for a fun time that leads you to have a big smile on your face at the end of the night if you play your cards right.
Seriously though don't think about questions like these or you will regret not going. Plus they make bad threads.
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junior prom, i was gonna go with my friend, fran, whom i had a huge crush on, but i didnt know she'd be a bitch and cancel on me the day i bought the tickets...as a joke i heard since she thought it was pathetic i had a crush on her (wtf?)
senior : had planned on going with my gf at the time, but we broke up a few weeks before the prom ;-p
- i did go to one with a rfiend of mine, and damn it was awful
I went. You have to go to go. The problem is, I know of seriously, 2 people in my whole life I met who got laid on prom night. And I know a lot of people. And I was definatly not one of the 2.
[quote name='greydemise']junior prom, i was gonna go with my friend, fran, whom i had a huge crush on, but i didnt know she'd be a bitch and cancel on me the day i bought the tickets...as a joke i heard since she thought it was pathetic i had a crush on her (wtf?)
senior : had planned on going with my gf at the time, but we broke up a few weeks before the prom ;-p
- i did go to one with a rfiend of mine, and damn it was awful[/quote]
Man that is weak. I would've been pissed. That is the kinda woman that will probably be on welfare in a few years out of highschool.

[quote name='cdietschrun']I went. You have to go to go. The problem is, I know of seriously, 2 people in my whole life I met who got laid on prom night. And I know a lot of people. And I was definatly not one of the 2.[/quote]
Only 2? That is weird considering the established couples would've probably shagged that night. Not calling you a liar but that is kinda hard to believe. How big was your school as that may answer why so few.
I went with a group, so technically I had a date since everyone was paired up, but I got to dance with anybody I wanted. For these purposes I just answered single.
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I did not go to my prom back in 2001, and I haven't thought about it again until reading this thread. Whoever said that prom is a culmination of the 4 years was right...except if you went to a high school that was pretty much a Mini-Jail for the local gangs and vandals (which also made up ALL of the school's sports teams...) that culmination of experiences would probably be ....me getting murdered or raped (even though I'm a dude.)

Other than that, Mana Knight, if you weren't/aren't dating anyone at the time of prom, it's especially less important, and I'm sure you won't ever think about it again.
Nope, didn't go, didn't care.

Aside from that, I certainly got plenty of other social interactions in college, like being Homecoming King with Crimson as my Queen in my Junior year.

I went with a date (gf at the time), it was crappy expensive and 90 degrees in my stupid high school gym (they set up bleachers outside so parents can watch people go in, which they claim can only be done at the school preventing good locations with air conditioning). Most people left after an hour.

Honestly, we probably all had more fun after we left and went to the beach, and I remember almost nothing about the event itself (yes I was sober, it was just not very important)
You didn't put any options for people who didn't go to their own school prom but went to other schools' proms (which is what I did since my school's proms were all weak-sauce bullshit).
No, didn't go. My girlfriend at the time had to be out of town and I didn't want to go without her. Considering that over 10 years latter we are now married, I think I made the right choice. I never liked the majority of people in my High School anyway. I talk to maybe 5 people I went to HS with. 2 of them are my sisters in Law. :)
[quote name='cindersphere']
Only 2? That is weird considering the established couples would've probably shagged that night. Not calling you a liar but that is kinda hard to believe. How big was your school as that may answer why so few.[/quote]

I know, it isn't just a number I threw out there. It's pretty wild. It just wasn't in the cards for anyone I knew. I had about 800 in my graduating class. I'm not saying I knew all 800 of their fates, but I am also talking while in college, if the subject comes up anyone ( seriously! ) I ask will usually say no they did not seal the deal on prom night. Crazy from my perspective.
Even though I'm not there yet, no. I know I wouldn't be into it, so why go and bring everybody else down? Also why waste money on a tux?
[quote name='The Mana Knight']As for me, I considered going to prom single (I wouldn't be able to get a date, but I rather not go there since I already discussed it), but looked into the costs and felt it was just a bit much, both years.[/quote]

What costs? If you're going by yourself all you have is your clothes and the tickets are usually cheap.
[quote name='CannibalCrowley']What costs? If you're going by yourself all you have is your clothes and the tickets are usually cheap.[/QUOTE]Cost of clothes is already not cheap. Paying for a limo too to go with others (if I choose) also cost more.
[quote name='Dingleberry']Yeah, I didn't go. Instead, I did something really sweet and went to a LAN party to play in a CS tournament.[/quote]
Went to my Sr prom with date (ex gf) & went got invited to a a H.S. prom my freshman year at college (as someone's date). It was nice.

Didn't get laid either time, but lots of making out & heavy petting was involved....good enough for me.
I didn't go to my own; a few years later, I took my girlfriend at the time to her junior prom. I'll admit,, it was a decent time, but I also got along well with her friends. After party was the real fun though ;)
I skipped my prom, and never regretted it.

I went to the typical high school, the ones that everyone goes to prom. But, I didn't have a girlfriend, and I wasn't the best with women back then anyway, so I wasn't going to get any action (and I wasn't really looking to get action from some random chick at the time).

I could have gone with a buddy or 2, but I didn't see the point. The cost, etc, I just went to work that night. I never regretted it.

Circumstances forced my wife to miss her's, and she laments the fact from time to time, but I don't regret my decision at all.
Yep. Junior year, went with my cousin cause I called the cops on my boyfriend's mom for abuse (so obviously she wouldn't let him go :lol:). I was voted part of the prom court, so I guess you'd call that a "prom princess". :D I'd say the junior prom was THE best of all the dances I went to in high school. I had a total blast with my cousin because he was a great dancer, even though he'd never been to a dance before! AND there was a girl seated at our table that had TWO guys for her date. That's right, she took two guys. Then later I found out she was/became a lesbian. :rofl: I was also voted into the court at the sophomore dance. I went to the senior prom as well, but it was lame because they wanted the price to be $20.05 a person and so they had it at a crappy location with crummy food. :wall:
I wasn't even interested. My folks were out of town that weekend so I had a bunch of friends over and we played poker and drank beer.
I didn't have anyone to go with, so I didn't go. Sadly, the Monday after prom, one of the girls on the volleyball team told me she would have gone with me if I'd asked. You'd think she could have dropped some kind of hint the week before...
I went to 4 proms when I was in H.S. Two junior year and two senior year. Prom was OK but the parties down the shore afterwards was where we had the most fun. One of the few times in high school where you could spend multiple nights out on your own with a girl.

EDIT: I almost forgot - I went with the homecoming queen!
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In 2002, I went to my senior prom, with my galpal at the time, in a stretch limo with our friends, left early, went back to our hotel, and the rest is history... Wee!
I totally rocked my prom. It was awesome. Location was pretty neat, and apparently we had a pretty good prom considering, there was another going on not to far away and the other school kept sneaking into ours. Tux rental wasn't all that expensive for me. I paid $70 for a nice tux rental(Seriously rent that tux in Feb for a May Prom) that went well my GF-at-the-time's dress. I danced with just about everyone's else dates. Got dragged onto the dance floor several times(more then 3 times) to dance with girls. I'm sure the punch was spiked or something since I'm not usually that outgoing. Two people even tried to have sex on the dancefloor. Hilarious seeing two people getting kicked out trying to hold their pants/underwear in one hand and fend off the chaperones with other, doubly lucky that they were from that other school, so we didn't get into trouble for it.

I did not get lucky that night, but I wasn't in much mood too, my feet and legs seriously hurt after that night.
[quote name='Pookymeister']
She was prom queen at her's and I was wearing a Batman cumberbund.[/quote]
Somehow i picture that as something Kevin Smith would have done.:lol:
Prom is the greatest night of your life...you better fuckin' go...I don't care if you ask that fat bitch who looks like the chick from Hairspray...get your ass to the prom...

Once you go to the prom...roughly 67% of the people will be drunk...and everyone will have a hotel key....I had to ask my buddy's mom to get me a hotel room for me and my girlfriend....

Is it expensive? Hell yeah it is...but want to cut back on your money? Buy your shit....don't rent a tux....buy shit from like Macy's...check the clearance rack...or if your on a really tight budget go for Nordstrom's Rack...quality shit at Wal-Mart prices...

Oh....and don't buy the tickets....that's bitch shit right there....get your date/girlfriend/used tampon to buy em'.....or just show up at the door....they didn't check us for tickets....maybe that's just our school...roll the dice...live a little...
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I ended up at 5 proms. At our school prom was Saturday night and senior cut day was the Monday after. So typically we went to prom and afterprom Saturday night. Sleep ALL day Sunday, and then we go camping Sunday night and to Cedar Point on Monday (I lived about 45 minutes away from Sandusky).

#1 Got asked by a senior when I was a junior. Was just starting to come out of my shell at that time and had a good time. Prom was alright, after-prom was fun and most importantly we stayed at a cottage 20 minutes from Cedar Point and partied that Sunday night. Went to CP the next day.

#2 My own senior prom and the best one by far. I had just started hanging out with the girl I ended up dating the weekend before I had to buy tickets for the prom. So as a safety I asked a good friend I had throughout high school so I wouldn't be pressured to stay with the new girl until it was over. The dance and afterprom was fun, I met up with my then g/f at that point and my date brought her boyfriend to afterprom and we all had a good time. Camping the next night in Vermillion was insane seeing so many people who never drank/smoke before let loose and everyone had a good time. The cops walked around all night but didn't start confiscating beer/beer bongs until about 3 or 4 am. And for shits and giggles, here's a picture I found of me busting a move:

#3 Two weeks after my prom, my girlfriend's school was having hers so I went with her to that one. Was alright I guess. I don't remember it being really good or really bad. The next day I had my commencement and went to see Blink 182 in concert that night.

#4 Completely unexpectedly at the end of my freshman year in college, a girl I partied with in high school and asked me to hers (obviously one year younger). But we always had fun so I couldn't say no. Before afterprom we decided to get high in the local elementary school parking lot with her friends in a minivan. I was sitting shotgun and had just passed the bong to the back when I saw a cruiser coming through the parking lot. I quickly lit a cigarette and blow a ton of smoke at the drivers window just as she opened it to talk to him. All he asked was if we were drinking (we weren't) and told us to get to after-prom if we were going. When we got to afterprom at our school one of the chaperones looked at us and said, "Either you guys are really tired or really high" which capped the whole incident perfectly.

Camping at Vermillion was insane the next night. People were being total assholes the whole time. There was a group of people who decided it would be fun to walk around and push each other into tents to knock them down. So I put mine in the car proactively to avoid it getting busted. There were about 3 fights, someone burned themselves thinking they could walk through a fire quickly. And best of all, someone got into their car and threw it in reverse and ended up slamming into the car that was about 3 feet from where we were sitting in a circle. Amazingly no one was hurt although our friends were close to getting run over by the hit car since they were in a tent directly behind it getting it on and it got pushed back about 5 feet.

#5 When I was 20 I was dating an 18 year old and had to go to hers. I dreaded it because I was feeling way too old for it but I had fun dancing. Her group of friends had specifically set out to not have sex after prom and had I known that before hand, I would have ditched sleeping over since I was tired as fuck for work the next day.

All in all, fun experiences even though I'm not a good dancer and didn't like most regular high school dances.
I went with my GF for my year, then again the following year for hers. We don't regret it. Many pictures and memories.
Didn't go, never wanted to, happy I didn't. The tickets were like $60 then at least $100 for a tux, fuck that. Didn't buy a class ring, didn't buy a yearbook, would love to forget those years ever happened.
If you still have the chance go once, just to experience it. My Junior one was okay, but Senior Prom I got so wasted after wards the next day I puked my guts out for several hours...
I didn't go and don't regret it. I hated most people at my high school anyway. I guess I hate most people out of high school too. I let my brother have all the prom fun. Sorry QiG, he beat ya out and went to 6 proms. 1 each as a freshman and sophomore and 2 each as a junior and senoir.
nope. The only girl I wanted to go with was already going with someone else. So I spent the night at my buddy's party getting all sorts of wasted :cool:
bread's done