Hollywood Video Used Blu-Rays Online @ 6.99 + 25% code per item


1 (100%)
[quote name='Ugamer_X']So many titles.

I have to limit myself, there's no way I can afford to drop this much.

Edit: Also, is anyone able to get to other pages when sorting? I have to go category by category just to see some of the titles that won't display on page 1.[/QUOTE]
No I had to change the search thing to go from alphabetical, highest to lowest, etc to be able to see all the titles also. Going to page 2 just reset me and showed everything lol.
Awesome deal!! Reminds me of the days when HV had all the hddvd's on sale!

Picked up:

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Speed Racer
Iron Man SE

Thanks for the great deal and awesome coupon OP!
Holy smokes that website's interface stinks but I still ordered 6 movies for $35.07 after NY tax!! I wanted the Batman movies, IronMan and the new James Bond movies and scored them here. Still haven't gotten my first shipment but it's on its way. Thank goodness the website search function stinks if not I might have dropped a boatload of cash. Thanks OP for starting up my Blu Ray collection!
[quote name='Bioshocked360']It adds DVDs when going to the next page. The site's layout is terrible.[/QUOTE]

I just went through the different ratings for each blu ray showing 100 each time. Got to see everything they had... spent way too much.
Well, I'll be interested to see how my 30 movie order arrives. This is a crazy deal. I'd be pretty happy if I get the 5 disc Blade Runner set. And picking up some of the Pixar movies for only ~$5 is amazing. The last 3 months have been all about my BD collection exploding from 5 to ~75. Between the Target coupon, gohastings BD sale a month or so ago and this there have been some really amazing sales.
I guess this is just a rambling way of saying thanks OP, and thanks CAG.
Ah man between the first showing of this deal and this new batch, I've ordered 20 Blus. :( I noticed that one of mine did show up as $0.00 so here is hoping they do not catch that. =/

I hope they include everything stated in the description. e.g. my bloody valentine 3d with 3d glasses. marley & me which is 3 discs, blu + dvd+ digital copy.
[quote name='MrBrando']I just went through the different ratings for each blu ray showing 100 each time. Got to see everything they had... spent way too much.[/QUOTE]
That's what I ended up doing.

Got The Dark Knight, Ratatoullie, and Benjamin Button.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']I placed two different orders, and I got confirmation for one of them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah same here, except I made 3 orders and only got a confirmation for 2 and the one I didn't get a confirmation for was the first one I placed.
[quote name='SLeeK719']Yeah same here, except I made 3 orders and only got a confirmation for 2 and the one I didn't get a confirmation for was the first one I placed.[/QUOTE]
I got my confirmation for my second order, still nothing for my first order.
don't count on it . ordered dvds a month ago. Everything should come with the regular disc (bluray or dvd) original cover art and a black rental dvd case.
I had around 10 in my cart. Around 3 went OOS. Not as bad as I thought. Here's my final order:

Wrestler [2 Discs] [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray] $6.99
Ratatouille [Blu-ray] $6.99
Juno [Blu-ray] $6.99
No Country for Old Men [Blu-ray] $6.99
Knowing [Blu-ray] $6.99
My Bloody Valentine 3D [2 Discs] [3D Glasses] [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray] $6.99
Last House on the Left [Unrated/Rated Versions] [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray] $6.99
Grand Total:$39.76
Picked up:

Bucket List
X-Men Origins
Race To Witch Mountain
Night At The Museum
The Wrestler

Coupon: -13.98
Tax: 3.36
Total: 45.30
I and others have received movie where we were charged $0.00 so all is not lost just because it seems as though it is out of system. As for what is included with the movies I got 8 movies all in blu cases though none has any inserts. None of them were suppesd to include 3d glasses or any extra discs, so I can't speak to whether or not those things are included. As I stated above, if I can get the 5 disc Blade Runner set I woulld be very happy, though I am expecting just the movie disc.
After 30 minutes of waiting for pages to load, I ended up with Horton Hears a Who, new Rambo, and Ratatouille. Ratatouille rang up as 0.00, plus a shipping amount was never finalized. Who knows WHAT I will end up with.
Placed an order for Coraline, Wall-E, and Monsters vs Aliens. MvA turned to $0 during the checkout, but didn't disappear. For under $12 shipped, I'll be happy for at least the first 2. If they all ship and arrive in good shape, I will be gleeful.
My orders from the 16th FINALLY shipped, so I decided to place another order with all the movies that were added today. Glad I got in before the site got completely raped. Considering how fast these sell out, you have to wonder why HV is content to price them at $6.99...AND a 25% off coupon...AND free shipping. Not that I'm complaining or anything...but obviously they could do better.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Whoever posted this on SD needs to legit die in a fire.[/QUOTE]
Yep its too bad that someone here does this now with alot of deals or comes to cag from there and steals our deals. Once shit hits SD and the like it gets killed fast.
My God! That site did get raped! I'm glad I got the titles I wanted, but probably should of jumped for RE: Degeneration as well. Oh well, happy with what I got. I need to stop spending money anyway, the new dlc for borderlands is this week!!
[quote name='blissskr']Yep its too bad that someone here does this now with alot of deals or comes to cag from there and steals our deals. Once shit hits SD and the like it gets killed fast.[/QUOTE]

It made front page of SD so they sent it out on twitter and facebook. Might as well kiss this deal goodbye.
Just got this email about the $0.00 items that showed up on my order from last night.

We experienced a problem earlier today that caused some of our products to be incorrectly priced. Unfortuantely you order was effected and we regret to inform you that we had to cancel part of your order due to this price mistake. The following titles were canceled:

Role Models [Blu-ray] Pineapple Express (Unrated + BD Live) [Blu-ray]

If you ordered any additional items, the rest of your order will ship out shortly. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused.

Guess they got it straightened out this time around. Oh well.
That web site is horrible, not to mention the millions of people that are still trying to load it.

I was just happy to get a confirmation for Coraline, but even though I put an order in for Step Brothers, I didn't get a confirmation e-mail, and it's not listed on the Orders page of My Account.

I didnt see this last night. Now its probably too late. Damn you, Slick Deals!

fuck my life. I really want to start building up a BluRay collection :(
Not only on SD anymore. Also got sent through DealNews emails. Glad I got in on it last week, and got a couple more of the new round.
Is HollywoodVideo.com being run off of a 28.8k baud modem? Because its sure acts like it. Thanks Slick Deals for once again ruining a sale like this. You can go fuck off now.
I think it is a real disservice to their customer that they canceled the items that showed up $0, rather than giving the buyer the option to pay the normal price for them. I would gladly pay ~$11 for The Simpsons Movie and Dark Knight, but no. Instead, because HWV screwed up, I don't get my movies. And I don't think it meant they were out of stock because I did receive all of the $0 movies from the order I placed last week, so my order could have been fulfilled. To make it worse the email has no information about who I should contact if I am not interested in receiving my now modified order, or if I have a complaint, which I clearly do.
I think that all of this just shows why HWV is struggling so. They have been unable to adapt to a 21st century business model, and now that they are trying to they have totally fucked it up.
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