Holy Grails of Console Game Collecting


Swiped from Digg submitter "joehobbes" via www.racketboy.com, an article about the most sought after console games.




For decades, video game enthusiasts and collectors have sought to find titles that represent their passion and fervor for the hobby: games that everyone wants, that no one can find, and that stand tall as the centerpiece of their game room. Enter the "Holy Grails". These are the titles that are untouched in rarity and equally as untouched by the majority of the world.

In the gaming community, these titles have achieved an aura and esteem that just can't be described (even though some of them don't play so well). For gamers seeking a complete collection of every game on a particular system, these are typically the last ones they'll need. You'll also often find that these "grails" were released under unusual circumstances, or have a powerful uniqueness that sets them apart from other titles on their system.

This list is only of games that were actually produced and in some form released, and doesn't include prototypes, systems, accessories, etc. It also favors more popular platforms such as the NES over obscure ones like the Adventure Vision, being that Holy Grails are games both extremely rare and widely sought after. (Obscure systems often have many rare titles, and there's no sense in those stealing much of the list when rarities on popular platforms are much more wanted).

The production numbers and a rough estimated price (in US Dollars) of each title have been given wherever possible. Remember that the condition and completeness of a game can also raise or decrease its value as well. There are tens of thousands of games and game variations, so a truly accurate list is impossible - but this is a rather fair and general list of 20 most noteworthy "Holy Grails".
Hmmm kind of pathetic but I'm glad some of the one of a kind stuff I know of and list isn't on that list, most notably D2 M2. I'll get a copy of that as well as an M2 to play it on. I know the units are out there and I want to play a sequel in the vein of the original.
I have to admit I was shocked finding out "Cotton" actually had a U.S. release though.
This is joke right?

Yes some of the games on that list is rare but I have seeen them elsewhere here and there complete.

Then lets not forget the guy who got all that stuff including 5 Starfox competitions. After that I said To hell with it.

At the end of the list I have some of the RPG games incomplete with the carts and would be able to sell but I have saved games.
Whoo! I have one of those! (Panzer Dragoon Saga, picked up for $20 back when TRU was blowing out all Saturn titles.)
Weird list that is not correct, how in the world is psychic killer, panzer dragoon saga, son master system (only difference is a sticker), congo bongo or bubble bath babes on there? their price system is also crazy. many actually RARE games should be on there that are not.
LOL - this should silence all those people who thing their collection is l337 because they have Valkyrie Profile and Suikoden II. ;)
whoa only 12 made for #2? that's seriously a limited edition game holy cow. and yeah VP and Suikoden II are just expensive, not rare. i bet sealed copies will go for crazy bank in the future though.
I know a guy that has one of those Nintendo Championships: Tournament Cartridge but not the gold one, just the normal one. I wonder if he sold it?
bread's done