
I put a few hours into the MP this morning, so far I'm enjoying it and having fun. Haven't played much battle commander but I was hoping a little more however it is a nice addition. The vehicles/drones/etc are a lot of fun to mess around with. My only gripes are it isn't the prettiest and the sounds aren't amazing, still enjoying it.

I haven't tried the SP, and probably won't for at least a week or two. I lost some respect for Joystiq today with the whole "You find some dudes, you shoot the dudes, you move on. Repeat for ... five or so hours." comment since that describes pretty much all FPS. It seems they were just looking for anything to complain about.
I like it, but for what its worth, I also liked Frontlines. Its a nice mix of COD and Bad Company 2.
Hit detection is superb
Vehicles aren't super OP or atleast aren't overused
Maps are decently varied
Little to no lag even in 32 person games
Battle Commander is cool

Graphics are... admittedly difficult to look at, but the same could be said for MAG and frankly, thats still one of my favorite FPS games (Now seriously, give us a WW2 shooter in MAG's style and size).
Sniping seems a bit too easy and will likely rule a few maps, this obviously could be a pro for some, but for me its a con.
Sometimes takes awhile to find a game (had to wait as long as 90 seconds, not long, but annoying given how little time other games take to put you in a game), but there is a scrolling thing across the bottom of the screen saying they are bringing more servers online so this may be fixed
Controls seem a tad floaty, not as much as KZ3 but still there, again, this could be a pro for some, small con for me

Overall, its pretty decent. If you're looking for something alittle different from COD/Bad Company 2, and liked Frontlines, I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy this. I would drop it as low as a 7, but I wouldn't say its higher than an 8.5 or anything outrageous.
the story and opening video/cinematic are great.. all of the blood animations look horrible in this game, though, especially at the first part. Hit detection is outstanding, graphics are meh.. but so far (single player only), the game's okay. I love the weapon variety. I hate (HATE) when a game has a wide open area with invisible walls. LET ME EXPLORE! Especially in this universe! Cripes.

I rented it.. will definitely finish the SP campaign and play a bit of the multiplayer. Admittedly, I thought it'd be a lot worse.

Oh, the collectible newspaper articles are nice. It kind of sucks, though, that if you accidentally hit A to go to the next page of the article, you can't go back, and once you are done with the article, there's no sort of archive where you can go back and browse the aritcles.
What a bunch of crap, the following achievement only pops for the party leader despite it not saying specifically so as with the "Squad Commander" and "Medal of Honor" achievements:

Full Boat - Enter an Xbox LIVE Ranked match in a Party with 16 players
MP isn't clicking with me. I only played a 4 matches, but something feels off. I couldn't shake the I'd rather be playing CoD, BC2, Halo feeling.
I will say about the snipers, you can use it as much as you want, I'll still pick my Anti sniper class and use my drone to find you. Granted, I'm glad I traded in a few DS games for this and I couldn't be happier. Took me little time last night at 12:30 to get into a game.
[quote name='Scorch']also, is this the first game with a scannable qr code in it?! that's awesome.[/QUOTE]

I know Alan Wake had them. Or maybe those were Microsoft's variant..
If they don't fix the server issues and don't add migrating host feature this game will be dead before long. How can you have a modern MP and not have host migration.
[quote name='Brak']This game stinks. A rental at best.[/QUOTE]

Not even, since you can only hit level 5 in multi.

Im dumping it asap. I gave it another shot tonight and ended up playing BC2 instead.

If I can get 40.00 for it I'll be happy since Amazon gave me a 15.00 credit.
[quote name='timesplitt']i shouldn't have opened my copy

ebgames wont take it back now[/QUOTE]

You should now that from the start. I mean, really?
Jeez....this game is not that bad.....the sp was quite enjoyable, although as many have pointed out, it is quite short. I only played about an hour in the mp online, and it was ok....better than what i expected though...the battle point system seems interesting. The biggest complaint, again as others have pointed out, was online play was quite laggy, which probably means this game sold better then THQ predicted. Hopefully the servers will be worked out by tomorrow so i can try playing online more. Bottom line, if you're on the fence, I say rent it, as you can definitely finish the single player in the same day, and try a bit of the multiplayer out to see if it's something for you. Just know that without the online code, you cant rank any higher then level 5. One last thing, this game literally holds your hand through the entire game...they always give you ques of what/where your suppose to be heading, which did get a little annoying. I only played through on normal, I'll give the toughest setting a try later as well. The ending was a little abrupt as well....but maybe they left it the way they did for a sequel.
[quote name='Vader582']As far as the SP goes, having "PRESS A TO SKIP" over every cutscene isn't distracting at all.:roll:[/QUOTE]
The game screams "Amateur!"
Game is good but I wouldn't say great. I'd say a 7 or 8 out of 10 is about right.

The multiplayer is fun but with only two gametypes I'm afraid it will get old quick.
Does anyone know if that will change?
[quote name='Vader582']As far as the SP goes, having "PRESS A TO SKIP" over every cutscene isn't distracting at all.:roll:[/QUOTE]

im only on the second chapter and as soon as i saw that im like wtf? not even small font in the bottom left corner its right up in there! all in your face! so far the game is alright. im not really blown away or anything. i was really hoping for this to be like freedom fighters and so far its not. i will finish it though.
To those that are considering a rental, to unlock the full multiplayer you must have the one-use code. There is an option to purchase online.

To me the MP has the pacing of BFBC2, without the class based characters. Big maps with lots of snipers. I like that it kept the COD control scheme. I also liked that the HUD map is located in the lower left corner. That is an option I would like in future CODs. One small thing that I thought was pretty cool was the background noise. I actually heard birds chirping on one map.

Had some problems getting a match last night due to their servers being overwhelmed, which was pretty disappointing This seems to be the knew norm for popular games on release day/week.

All in all (1 hour of MP only) it seems to be a decent stopgap between the next release of COD or BF.

Disclaimer: picked it up for $30 at Best Buy after reward zone certificates.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Just to be clear, I am not fighting for or against homefront. I havent played it enough to really know.

I am just saying that I dont think I agree with the new standard of reviewing games based on how like or unlike COD the game is. I think it devalues all up and coming FPS and the industry as a whole...and to be honest is kinda lazy. Just because there are I find it odd that most article havent even mentioned Frontlines when I would think that many people would like to know if its a upgrade or a downgrade based on their previous experience with a game made by the same company.

I think that FPS along with a select few of other genres are not reviews as much as they are simply compared to the AAA title of the same category.

EDIT: To further explain, there are many people who simply do not like COD (not the people who hate it just for the sake of hating it) but people who dont like that style of shooter. The first to the trigger, constant on the move type gameplay. So to shoehorn it into their face makes no sense. It doesnt help them at all to know how closely compared to COD a game is.

I dont have a problem with the reviewers, just how they present content.[/QUOTE]

It's not that hard to understand, really. COD is at the top right now. Halo was a few years back. You're going to get comparisons to the best game in genre, and you should. I want to know if I can just keep playing COD or if there's actually something that can contend with it. I already know Homefront won't even come close. Nothing will until 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard. Even BF3 won't come close to touching COD numbers-wise. It'll get the attention of the niche of gamers that enjoy vehicle based gameplay and destructible environments, but that's it.
Well yes but 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard for a lot of games. The problems with the FPS genre is ppl are sheep that are satisfied with the same thing. COD 4, W@W, MW2, and BO have essentially been the exact same games with some added polish etc... Whatever shit COD game Activision releases this fall with sell bucket loads, not because its a good game, but simply because its Call of Duty. Were Call of Duty 4 and even MW 2 fun games? Absolutely but there's nothing there to continually want to play the same 4 games year after year. BF 3 will wipe the floor with its quality vs w/e Acti throws out there but it won't trump the COD sheep unf. Its not the best games that win, its the ones that have good marketing and usually try nothing new because people are content with what works. Hell even when it doesn't work people play it. MW2 was/is a broken piece of shit online because IW decided they were too good for a beta. There are glitches, hackers etc.. and yet it is still one of the top 10 if not top 5 games played on XBL. That should tell you all you need to know about the FPS genre and popular games.

Nothing will ever touch COD numbers until the COD people finally go "we are sick of this". Apparently that won't happen anytime soon either. Gears and Halo will compete for 2/3 with BF 3 coming in at number 4 this fall. I'm sure the new COD, BO, MW2, and COD 4 will still be in the top ten of games played.
This game reminds me a lot of the recent MOH game. A lot of people hated it but I actually enjoyed the MOH campaign more than the typical COD campaign and it's one of the few sp games I played more than once. Their 2nd playthrough Tier 1 mode actually made the game worthwhile structured as an arcade style setup. Also a lot of people really hated the MOH MP but I really enjoyed it and it dragged me away from MW2 mp for quite a while.

[quote name='Vader582']As far as the SP goes, having "PRESS A TO SKIP" over every cutscene isn't distracting at all.:roll:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Brak']The game screams "Amateur!"[/QUOTE]

I swear, people complain when you can't skip cut-scenes and when you can from the get-go people complain there is a prompt to let you know you can skip. I personally appreciate the option and especially the fact that there is a prompt as with some games I'm afraid to press even touch my controller and accidentally skip a cut-scene. As a person with a family, another thing I REALLY appreciate that very few games do is pause the damn cut-scenes when you hit the dashboard button.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in playing the MP send me a msg and hit me up as I'm going to try and play some this afternoon.
[quote name='Trakan']It's not that hard to understand, really. COD is at the top right now. Halo was a few years back. You're going to get comparisons to the best game in genre, and you should. I want to know if I can just keep playing COD or if there's actually something that can contend with it. I already know Homefront won't even come close. Nothing will until 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard. Even BF3 won't come close to touching COD numbers-wise. It'll get the attention of the niche of gamers that enjoy vehicle based gameplay and destructible environments, but that's it.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I love ya man but you are just too far in love with COD to give merit to your opinions. Thats not a bad thing but its exactly what I am talking about.

Its not hard to understand that there are people who do not want the COD style of gameplay and to say they are both FPS therefor trying to compara them is lazy. Other than being FPS clearly they are tailored to different groups of people.

Also, calling COD best in the genre is almost laughable, best selling yes but best overall? Come on. You yourself have went on many a rant about the broken aspect of COD so how it goes from being broken in one sentence to best in the genre the next is baffling. There are many problems with COD and lets assume not everyone has an infinite about of patience to put up with them and decided to stop playing. Or again....maybe they just dont like that style of first to the trigger always moving thing. So what should they do? Never play another FPS again?

You positions is kinda flawed because you are not accounting for anyone who doesnt play COD or doesnt like COD. As it seems its, you should play COD until something better comes along and clearly nothing is better so just play COD forever.

Its like trying to convince a person to stop playing TF2 when COD is available. They are both FPS so clearly your personal taste should be thrown out the window in which COD clearly wins.

[quote name='slickkill77']Well yes but 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard for a lot of games. The problems with the FPS genre is ppl are sheep that are satisfied with the same thing. COD 4, W@W, MW2, and BO have essentially been the exact same games with some added polish etc... Whatever shit COD game Activision releases this fall with sell bucket loads, not because its a good game, but simply because its Call of Duty. Were Call of Duty 4 and even MW 2 fun games? Absolutely but there's nothing there to continually want to play the same 4 games year after year. BF 3 will wipe the floor with its quality vs w/e Acti throws out there but it won't trump the COD sheep unf. Its not the best games that win, its the ones that have good marketing and usually try nothing new because people are content with what works.[/QUOTE]

Again, what you are saying slickkill is about personal taste and that is exactly what I was trying to explain. Clearly you dont like/care/want the COD experience so how does a constant comparison to a game you care nothing about help you in anyway?

I agree with what you say, the FPS genre is horrid because everything gets put into 3 bins, COD, COD clones and not enough like COD. Which kills creativeness and originality. Then we all bitch about how the FPS genre sucks. No one even gives FPS a chance to do anything...even if they do things right it goes washed over because it need to be compared to COD in someway.

Also, a quick note most of the reviews did not directly compare the two games....but they did knock it for things that are contained in both games. I think that is where this topic popped up.
$42 and $15 credit at Amazon, damn crazy! Ordered one to return to WM on release day receipt lol.

Played for 3 hours and really liked it release night. Played again last night and didn't find the enjoyment I found release night.. I played CoD again before bed easily worth the Amazon price though.
[quote name='$hady']$42 and $15 credit at Amazon, damn crazy! Ordered one to return to WM on release day receipt lol.

Played for 3 hours and really liked it release night. Played again last night and didn't find the enjoyment I found release night.. I played CoD again before bed easily worth the Amazon price though.[/QUOTE]

Where do you see a $15 credit on Amazon with the $42 price?
[quote name='slickkill77']Well yes but 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard for a lot of games. The problems with the FPS genre is ppl are sheep that are satisfied with the same thing. COD 4, W@W, MW2, and BO have essentially been the exact same games with some added polish etc... Whatever shit COD game Activision releases this fall with sell bucket loads, not because its a good game, but simply because its Call of Duty. Were Call of Duty 4 and even MW 2 fun games? Absolutely but there's nothing there to continually want to play the same 4 games year after year. BF 3 will wipe the floor with its quality vs w/e Acti throws out there but it won't trump the COD sheep unf. Its not the best games that win, its the ones that have good marketing and usually try nothing new because people are content with what works. Hell even when it doesn't work people play it. MW2 was/is a broken piece of shit online because IW decided they were too good for a beta. There are glitches, hackers etc.. and yet it is still one of the top 10 if not top 5 games played on XBL. That should tell you all you need to know about the FPS genre and popular games.

Nothing will ever touch COD numbers until the COD people finally go "we are sick of this". Apparently that won't happen anytime soon either. Gears and Halo will compete for 2/3 with BF 3 coming in at number 4 this fall. I'm sure the new COD, BO, MW2, and COD 4 will still be in the top ten of games played.[/QUOTE]

I don't get the "every COD is the same" mentality. If that were true, then every turn-based RPG would be the same, every Gears game would be the same, etc. There are new maps, new guns, new killstreaks, and a bunch of gameplay tweaks such as host migration and map selection. In your argument, how is the transition from BC1 to BC2 any different than the COD series other than maybe the size of the maps? MW2 had a bunch of glitches, yes. Looking back, I think it's a few gameplay patches away from a perfect shooter. Black Ops is complete garbage.

Call people "COD sheep" all you want, but there's a reason why they're number one even when they pump out a new game every year. Mass appeal. Anyone and everyone can be good at the game. The controls aren't hard to master. Killstreaks aren't hard to obtain. You don't really need skill to be good at the game. Of course some people will always be better than others, but you get what I'm saying. Games like Halo and Battlefield don't offer that. Until they do, combined with the other things I've mentioned previously, COD will remain on top. (I'm sure whatever Respawn Entertainment has in the works will throw a wrench into the mix though, and I am looking forward to that.)

[quote name='Soodmeg']Dude, I love ya man but you are just too far in love with COD to give merit to your opinions. Thats not a bad thing but its exactly what I am talking about.

Its not hard to understand that there are people who do not want the COD style of gameplay and to say they are both FPS therefor trying to compara them is lazy. Other than being FPS clearly they are tailored to different groups of people.

Also, calling COD best in the genre is almost laughable, best selling yes but best overall? Come on. You yourself have went on many a rant about the broken aspect of COD so how it goes from being broken in one sentence to best in the genre the next is baffling. There are many problems with COD and lets assume not everyone has an infinite about of patience to put up with them and decided to stop playing. Or again....maybe they just dont like that style of first to the trigger always moving thing. So what should they do? Never play another FPS again?

You positions is kinda flawed because you are not accounting for anyone who doesnt play COD or doesnt like COD. As it seems its, you should play COD until something better comes along and clearly nothing is better so just play COD forever.

Its like trying to convince a person to stop playing TF2 when COD is available. They are both FPS so clearly your personal taste should be thrown out the window in which COD clearly wins.

Again, what you are saying slickkill is about personal taste and that is exactly what I was trying to explain. Clearly you dont like/care/want the COD experience so how does a constant comparison to a game you care nothing about help you in anyway?

I agree with what you say, the FPS genre is horrid because everything gets put into 3 bins, COD, COD clones and not enough like COD. Which kills creativeness and originality. Then we all bitch about how the FPS genre sucks. No one even gives FPS a chance to do anything...even if they do things right it goes washed over because it need to be compared to COD in someway.

Also, a quick note most of the reviews did not directly compare the two games....but they did knock it for things that are contained in both games. I think that is where this topic popped up.[/QUOTE]

Soodmeg, it's really not that hard to understand. We went through the same thing with Kane and Lynch and Gears of War. Gears of War is the reigning champion when it comes to third person shooters. I thought the netcode in the second game made it a pile of shit and completely unplayable, but I still acknowledge it as the best because it is. The same applies for COD.

COD is the best in the genre. Whether you agree or not, whether you like it or not. There's a reason why Halo isn't on top anymore. There's a reason why nobody plays BC2 anymore. There's a reason why every multiplayer COD game ever made is consistently in the Top 10 games played on XBL. I'm clearly not the only one who thinks this way.

Black Ops is AIDS in video game form, I'll give you that. That being said, AIDS with the COD engine still has something going for it. The only reason Black Ops is doing well is because of the things I mentioned earlier.

Don't get mad at reviewers for saying a game "isn't enough like COD." Get mad at game developers for trying to copy that formula. I mean, I think they have to in order to take down COD, but it doesn't mean that's what I want.

As for your earlier comment about why Homefront didn't get the "COD pass" because it's mp game with a short shitty single player - well, I think that speaks for itself. If the gameplay was there, it would have gotten a pass. I myself don't get the hate for COD campaigns. Personally don't think a six hour campaign is all that short. They're not the best the FPS genre has to offer, but when you compare it to the campaigns of BC1/2 and Medal of Honor, I can honestly say it isn't the worst campaign experience an FPS game has to offer.

EDIT: There's a reason why THQ's stock dropped because of this title. There's a reason why it's $42 with a $15 credit on Amazon right now. I'll let you figure that one out.
[quote name='slickkill77']Well yes but 60 FPS and super fluid controls are the standard for a lot of games. The problems with the FPS genre is ppl are sheep that are satisfied with the same thing. COD 4, W@W, MW2, and BO have essentially been the exact same games with some added polish etc... Whatever shit COD game Activision releases this fall with sell bucket loads, not because its a good game, but simply because its Call of Duty. Were Call of Duty 4 and even MW 2 fun games? Absolutely but there's nothing there to continually want to play the same 4 games year after year. BF 3 will wipe the floor with its quality vs w/e Acti throws out there but it won't trump the COD sheep unf. Its not the best games that win, its the ones that have good marketing and usually try nothing new because people are content with what works. Hell even when it doesn't work people play it. MW2 was/is a broken piece of shit online because IW decided they were too good for a beta. There are glitches, hackers etc.. and yet it is still one of the top 10 if not top 5 games played on XBL. That should tell you all you need to know about the FPS genre and popular games.

Nothing will ever touch COD numbers until the COD people finally go "we are sick of this". Apparently that won't happen anytime soon either. Gears and Halo will compete for 2/3 with BF 3 coming in at number 4 this fall. I'm sure the new COD, BO, MW2, and COD 4 will still be in the top ten of games played.[/QUOTE]

We don't agree on much, but I actually agree with you 110% on this statement! :bouncy:
[quote name='woodcan']I swear, people complain when you can't skip cut-scenes and when you can from the get-go people complain there is a prompt to let you know you can skip. I personally appreciate the option and especially the fact that there is a prompt as with some games I'm afraid to press even touch my controller and accidentally skip a cut-scene. As a person with a family, another thing I REALLY appreciate that very few games do is pause the damn cut-scenes when you hit the dashboard button.[/QUOTE]
I complain because I'm actually interested in the story. I'm not one of those gamers who skips every cutscene. I watch them, all of them. The opening sequence was brutal in some parts, esp for those with small children. But then to see every cut scene ruined with "PRESS A TO SKIP" just seems second rate and selling their effort short. I think most impatient people will randomly press buttons to try and skip a cutscene they don't want to view, so no need to remind us.
The game is ok itself but this one major thing pulls me out of story every single time.
Can anyone comment on how the servers are doing as of today?

My copy supposedly will arrive tomorrow, but I'm curious if THQ really got ontop of the server issues.
[quote name='Vader582']I complain because I'm actually interested in the story. I'm not one of those gamers who skips every cutscene. I watch them, all of them. The opening sequence was brutal in some parts, esp for those with small children. But then to see every cut scene ruined with "PRESS A TO SKIP" just seems second rate and selling their effort short. I think most impatient people will randomly press buttons to try and skip a cutscene they don't want to view, so no need to remind us.
The game is ok itself but this one major thing pulls me out of story every single time.[/QUOTE]

I never understand how games can have problems like that. For years, other games have either not displayed the text telling you how to skip or display it for a second or two when the cut scene starts and then fade it out. How hard is that? A more elegant solution is right there and already in use. That seems like the easiest thing in the world to get right. When a game something like that wrong it has me questioning the development process. Not a single person on the team, from a tester to artist or lead designer could say, "hmmm, what if we did it this way instead?"
RE: cutscenes, to get MS certification, a game must implement Netflix Streaming like controls for any non-interactive portions. Problem solved. You're welcome.
[quote name='Rhett']Can anyone comment on how the servers are doing as of today?

My copy supposedly will arrive tomorrow, but I'm curious if THQ really got ontop of the server issues.[/QUOTE]

Played for a little over 3 hours online today, zero problems.
Trak, I swear you are the machine that is the game industry. Your opinions are not wrong more so...the reason why video games as a whole are really shitty and unoriginal with no hope of becoming an art form. Soul suckingly tedious if you will. By the way do you work for EA Tiburon?

Those are jokes by the way......

So I am going to go through your comments as a person on the other side of the fence.

COD the best? Again that taking some mighty big liberties but for a person who believes that most units sold/most money made = best then yes. IE popular = best. So if I go you your house I had better see Brittany Spears cds, Nsync, Backstreet boys, GaGa because they are popular and sold millions of units therefor best music out. J/k but again what happens to people who do not define best in those terms?

I applaud you for saying something that most people are scared to admit. That no matter how bad it is because its COD BlackOps is best simply because its COD. This allows me to stop trying to process the logic behind many statements made by not just you but the industry as a whole and just shrug my shoulders in the same way you do when people ask how can a game with many flaws still score very high and be considered best. I wish reviewers would say this as it would make me take them more serious.

You then go on to say that COD is tailored for the masses, no skill, very easy to succeed etc etc. I guess this is where Suits would differ from Art type folk. Not everyone defines "best" as something so easy everyone can do it with very little effort.

No one is mad at the reviewers...(or at least I am not) I said they do a disservice by comparing the two games win they are not equal and tailored towards different groups of people. But again because you would be considered a suit (I dont mean that in a bad way just a quick way to label your position without many words) you will never see it as that. Because as I see your opinion of best = most units sold regardless of actual content of said game. Seemingly there are no groups of people with different taste.

Quickly you say something is completely baffling and sums up my entire point. You said get mad a a developer for trying to copy the COD formula but then say in the same sentencing that they have to in order to take COD down. Waaaaaaaa? You are both bashing them for copying and for not being enough like in the same sentence.

As for the campaigns....most FPS campaigns are shitty, including homefronts...the hate doent come from a shitty SP it comes from the fact that COD can score a 9 while containing a SP just as shitty as any other game. The answer as you already stated is simply because....its COD.

As for stock dropping, what did you expect? When you have a bunch of people who will tank anything that isnt their precious COD what is a game publisher suppose to do? These biased mindset drive down products in a unfair way because they are not taking games on their own merit but how it compares to COD even while it contains the same flaws. That means anything that they do happen to create that is great it glossed over and abandoned. For example dedicated servers.....this is something that us as platform gamers should be pushing for and the one time it does happen it doesnt even get mentioned. So why would any other game publishers bother if we dont even give a guy a thumps up for doing it.

The same will happen to Brink when it comes out next month.

TLDR: I think Trak and many people like him are in the positions that best = popular where as there are people who define it other ways. He represents most high profile publishers looking to score the most money regardless of how good the actual content is.

The unfortunate thing is now the atmosphere about gaming has seemingly quadruple standards as they pan games for not being enough, to much like and ultimately even making a attempt at creating games that are not already AAA titles.

So if you are not Halo, COD, GoW, Fable, Madden you might as well stick to iphone games as there is no place for you and you wont even get credit for things you do right. Sorry, Alan Wake, Mirrors Edge, Homefront, BF, Fatal Frame, Killer7, Metro 2033.

I guess I care more about the industry as a whole growing into more original games than making sure a game that will get 200 million copies on name alone stays on top.
I hope this is the first of a turning point against these cheap cash in COD clones.

worst gaming trend since the San Andreas "gangsta game" back in 2004-ish era.

I do admit I have Black Ops in my played history although that has more to do with connecting and talking with friends who have moved away that I don't see much than the actual game.
Haha, Soodmeg, it's okay that you don't like COD. I understand that. What you need to understand is that people do like it. People do think it's the best of what is currently out there has to offer. Black Ops isn't best "because it's COD." It's best because it has what no other game does (60 FPS, mass appeal, etc.) All the stuff I already mentioned. The reason COD gets the scores it does is because of the gameplay. That's always what I was referring to when I mentioned COD. The gameplay and engine.

I loved Alan Wake and thought a few other games on that list that I played were alright. I don't see what most of them have to do with the current discussion as they're either up to 6 years old or single player games.

Please though, do tell what multiplayer games were good that weren't Gears, Halo, COD, BF, etc.

P.S. I'd love for a new game to come out and be completely original and better than COD in my eyes. I'd love it.
[quote name='woodcan']I swear, people complain when you can't skip cut-scenes and when you can from the get-go people complain there is a prompt to let you know you can skip. I personally appreciate the option and especially the fact that there is a prompt as with some games I'm afraid to press even touch my controller and accidentally skip a cut-scene. As a person with a family, another thing I REALLY appreciate that very few games do is pause the damn cut-scenes when you hit the dashboard button.[/QUOTE]
Actually, we were "complaining" that the gigantic "Press A to Skip" over the near-center of a cut scene being a complete distraction.

I thought that was very simple to comprehend, but I guess not.
[quote name='Trakan']Haha, Soodmeg, it's okay that you don't like COD. I understand that. What you need to understand is that people do like it. People do think it's the best of what is currently out there has to offer. Black Ops isn't best "because it's COD." It's best because it has what no other game does (60 FPS, mass appeal, etc.) All the stuff I already mentioned. The reason COD gets the scores it does is because of the gameplay. That's always what I was referring to when I mentioned COD. The gameplay and engine.

I loved Alan Wake and thought a few other games on that list that I played were alright. I don't see what most of them have to do with the current discussion as they're either up to 6 years old or single player games.

Please though, do tell what multiplayer games were good that weren't Gears, Halo, COD, BF, etc.

P.S. I'd love for a new game to come out and be completely original and better than COD in my eyes. I'd love it.[/QUOTE]

I dont dislike COD. I never said that. In fact, I think I complain about COD less than you do. Bah, this is like the hardest point to get across. I guess I just lack the words to get you to see my point (not agree just see what I am saying)

Lets try this, its like no only comparing but expecting a team like ECU to win as many championships as Duke. Clearly ECU doesnt get the talent Duke gets so how can you compare them side by side and then destroy them for not winning a championship every year?The exceptions of a 10 mil budget game has to be different than that of a COD 200 million dollar game. Does it not?

Bah...thats all I got...I cant figure how to get my point across in a more clear manner so I guess I will drop it.

By the way I am having a decent amount of fun with the MP...its a little slower than I want but still pretty good.

EDIT: Are you just generally asking my opinion of MP games that I had fun with? Because wouldnt that be based on personal taste which cant be proven to be right or wrong? Or are you asking just to get a sense of what games I like? Quick note, Gears is a horrid franchise to me...I seriously hate almost everything about it. Its one of the very few titles I wouldnt even give the benefit of the doubt to say its a good game but not my personal taste. Those games are lame. I have never played any recent Halo game online so I cant comment.

Anyway, as for MP only (are we counting Gears as a FPS? You asked a very broad and general question I am unsure how to answer it.)
BF was fun
COD is decent
Homefront is decent
BF 1942

Those are off the top of my head.....I dont know if that helps or not.
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Wow, you guys are really getting heated over here!

This will likely be the only game I pre-ordered/pay full price for in a couple of years, and I'm proud of it.

The game isn't perfect, but multiplayer is a lot of fun! I really hope it keeps a strong community.

Kaos did a damn fine job with this one, and I like to support them with my cash.
Agreed, Scorch. They really dropped the ball on the SP they had such a good premise but failed to connect it in any meaningful way. There were some set pieces that I liked a lot but it doesnt excuse the lack of plot and pacing.

I will tell you this if I continue to not be able to get into a game this will quickly sway my decent FPS into shitty mcshitty.
No point in owning a game I cant play.
Saying Call of Duty "does what other games don't do" is hilarious considering the entire franchise spawned as a blatant Medal of Honor ripoff. Mass appeal is absolutely not defined by quality, and vice versa.

As for Homefront, though, there are already three copies on my local Craigslist. Ouch.
[quote name='Survivalism']
As for Homefront, though, there are already three copies on my local Craigslist. Ouch.[/QUOTE]

What is going to suk is that with most of the used and rental copies the new players will have to fork over an extra $10 in order to play the mp past level 5. That will def hurt the mp community and slow down it's chance for growth.
i hate COd and i got this game hoping it wont but another military online shooter.

i'm really acing for the next golden eye ,resistance or half life type of shooter(really long, rambo and in depth single player), not this stuff with a 4 hour dull campaign sneaking around killing terrorist hehe.

i dont expect it to be that good but as long as it has a good single player mode telling that koren dictator story then i think it'll be pretty good. at 40$ cant be to bad lol
[quote name='Survivalism']Saying Call of Duty "does what other games don't do" is hilarious considering the entire franchise spawned as a blatant Medal of Honor ripoff. Mass appeal is absolutely not defined by quality, and vice versa.

As for Homefront, though, there are already three copies on my local Craigslist. Ouch.[/QUOTE]
I've never played a good Medal of Honor game.

Conversely, I've played a few good Call of Duty games.

And your point is lolllll, considering the most recent Medal of Honor was essentially Diet Call of Duty.
bread's done