Hooray, I finally beat Trauma Center


71 (100%)
I feel like a Video Gaming God.

Seriously, they should send me a medal in the mail or something.

This game got put on the shelf for MONTHS once I got to Chapter 6. It scared the crap out of me, I thought I simply didn't have the skill to go any further. But they're right, if you can beat Level 6-1, you can beat the rest of the chapter.
I had been stuck on the last operation when I gave it a rest. I bought TC:SO for Wii and got through that up to the X-chapters. I went back and beat the DS version a few days later. I really enjoyed it which is why I got SO in the first place.
You are scaring me ! I am on chapter 3 right now, just traded a bunch of old crappy games for it at EB and was sooo happy... but I don't want to be sad when I can't do it :(
[quote name='shanyn']You are scaring me ! I am on chapter 3 right now, just traded a bunch of old crappy games for it at EB and was sooo happy... but I don't want to be sad when I can't do it :([/quote]

I don't think it's even been out for 2 years and it seems like it already has a reputation as one of the hardest games ever made.
there is almost nothing that can top the satisfaction of beating that SoB of a last boss, i wanted to throw my remote at the tv SO MANY TIMES
That's funny, I finally beat the Wii version tonight as well! The last Savato virus was easy, but man, that mission before it was fucking hard as shit.
Is the Wii version as hard as the DS version? I mean the DS version was just brutal as all get out. Best feeling ever when you beat the game though. I've never felt that much satisfaction from any game i've ever played.
The Wii version is a lot easier then the DS version and a lot more forgiving with the accuracy. I'm going to have to be that guy and say while Trauma Center is a challenging game, it was never really throw my DS against the wall hard (and this is from someone who cured all five patients in the 10 minute mission with half a minute to spare).
I beat this around last summer, it was pretty tough but i wouldnt call it the hardest game ever.

The medal in the mail though, proves why achievements are so awesome. It sure felt good beating trauma center but beating CoD2 on veteran and having 1k achievements to show for it, makes the feeling last a lot longer :p
i can NOT beat that mission where you have like 5 patients in 10 mins with all the sin things, thats just fucking impossible, i got to the third, and things were going great, but then time ran out :(
[quote name='greydemise']i can NOT beat that mission where you have like 5 patients in 10 mins with all the sin things, thats just fucking impossible, i got to the third, and things were going great, but then time ran out :([/QUOTE]

Holy crap, I was stuck on that same mission too! I haven't even touched that game since then, like the god damn devil..
I didn't think the game was that hard aside from the Triti strain of guilt. I just never really "got it" even after reading how to do it on GameFaqs. I never did finish all 5 in 10 minutes for that one operation, but it lets you pass if you have 3 completed and are working on the 4th when the time has expired. I beat the last boss on either my first or second try. I think it was first because it took me two tries to beat the strain the first time. I haven't done the X-missions yet.
Congrats, OP. Feels great to finally know you're done, eh?

And don't worry about those X Missions. I don't know how anybody could conceivably do them.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']Congrats, OP. Feels great to finally know you're done, eh?

And don't worry about those X Missions. I don't know how anybody could conceivably do them.[/quote]i'm stuck on the 4th X mission, where there are 3 strains with different colours, not enough time o_O
[quote name='soccerstud652']What medal in the mail?[/QUOTE]

The OP said he should get a medal in the mail for beating the game. So i was just saying how achievements help give that feeling of reward for completing games.
Ya, I think this game is by far the hardest I have played in a while. COD2 veteran is also very hard, but for some reason it doesn't update my achievements after I beat the levels.

Self satisfaction is enough...knowing you beat it. Achievements are purley for bragging...
Alright, I am stuck on the worm case, where you have to laser them to freeze them and then cut them up. It is making me so angry that I don't even want to play it anymore.
Any tips?
[quote name='shanyn']Alright, I am stuck on the worm case, where you have to laser them to freeze them and then cut them up. It is making me so angry that I don't even want to play it anymore.
Any tips?[/quote]laser all of them at once, swap to knife and slash them quick, then spam the gel everywhere, rinse and repeat
is chapter six when you're on the boat finding all the babies with the various strains? i quit the second time i had to fight the spider-web-spinning strain.
[quote name='maigoyume']laser all of them at once, swap to knife and slash them quick, then spam the gel everywhere, rinse and repeat[/quote]
Actually, I don't recommend lasering and then cutting them all at once, because the smaller the worm is the faster it moves. What I do is, concentrate one one worm until it's completely gone, then concentrate one the other one. If you can manage it, you can still laser the other worms simply to stun them; that does help.

Also, when all the worms escape to the next screen and you're left to clean up the gashes that they made before you can follow them to the next screen, don't worry about how much time you're taking. The worms are essentially "paused" while they're offscreen. So take the time to raise vitals.
bread's done