Horizontal Lines on screen


62 (100%)
My PS3 is displaying scrolling horizontal lines. I just got this 40Gig and I never saw these lines before until tonight when I started up Assassin's Creed. When it went to loading, the lines were apparent. Before that, I played about 2 hours of AC and no lines were there. I didn't change anything to the setup. I took a break then came back to find I have horizontal lines scrolling up in my T.V.

At first I thought it was my T.V. but after using my 360, it's obvious it's my PS3. So what's the problem? Anyone have any ideas?

I don't think the lines were there before because I would have noticed something like this and it happens on any screen with the PS3, not just with games. It'll be very annoying to see these black shadowy lines go across the screeen while I'm playing games.

I'm using a CRT with component cables. I tried searching for a remedy online and some say that it's "Normal" (WTF?) and others have mentioned a resolution by grounding certain things, which is just mumbo-jumbo to me since I can't understand what they're talking about.

EDIT: Well, I found out the problem. It's my cable line. So does this mean it's my T.V? When I take it out, the lines on my screen disappears. There is no doubt that it's the cable line, but how do I plug it in and have the lines go away? And what does the cable line have to do with the component video connection?
Isnt that interlacing? Or something like that.

I know my computer monitor has them, doesn't bother me much. CRT's have them, to keep the pixels from bending or something like that.
I don't think so. This is harming the video experience rather than having to do with creating video. I'm not too sure what interlace really means though. What I have are slightly black bars that move from the bottom to the top of the screen. It's very noticeable.

The wierd thing is that when I pull out the cable wire that's connected to the TV, the bars go away.

Am I wording this right or no one here has this problem? It seems widespread because there's an entire FAQ about how to fix it. It seems to be a problem with the power cable. I'll see if buying an adapter will fix this.
I believe I had same thing on my old CRT TV. Can you use HDMI?

About the whole cable line thing, Hot is Hot, and regardless of what input your TV is displaying it's still getting the extra power kick from it. Are you using a signal booster somewhere?
I had a similar problem with my Sony DVD player and my Samsung TV... for much the same reason (interference), the DVD would cause a buzz to come from the TV speakers as well as my shelf system when I turned on the DVD. Switching to another brand DVD player solved it (not to mention going HDMI with the PS3).

You might also try a more insulated cable wire... usually the ones that are provided are generally thin on insulation and mostly bare wires...
bread's done