Hot Fuzz or 300?


I realize they're pretty different, but which did you enjoy most?

Personally, can't decide which DVD to get (haven't seen either).

Like Shaun of the Dead and cop movies as well as sword & sandal epics (though Sin City's gore turned me off), so a difficult choice sight unseen.
Tough choice. Hot Fuzz was good, it wasn't as funny as people kept telling me it was. I'd go with 300. The gore isn't really over-the-top like it was in Sin City.
I picked up Hot Fuzz last night on DVD. It was enjoyable. Either something is odd with my cdvd player or the subtitle files are a bit off. In certain scenes they seemed delayed then just shot by really fast.

I'm personally holding off on getting 300 until I upgrade to HD though.

Hot Fuzz was better then I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be as bad as Shaun of the Dead. But this one was funny. I would rent that one and just buy 300.
I liked Hot Fuzz more: I thought it was hysterical, but its sense of humor is distinctly British. 300 looks fantastic and has some great action scenes, but the rest of it is just mind-numbingly stupid - and I have a pretty low bar for "stupid." It's sorta like the lobotomized cousin of Gladiator.
If I had to pick only one I'd go Hot Fuzz. Its a great watch with the right people/person. 300 was awesome too, but its more eye candy than substance. Especially if you like 300 oily men who wax their chest. :lol:
I bought both. Of the two, 300's got a better special features, but I think I enjoyed Hot Fuzz more. Go with that. If you didn't like Sin City's gore, you won't like 300.
Hmm ... votes are 4 to 3 in favor of Hot Fuzz. Thanks for everyone's input thus far. Still a close call, but I appreciate the detailed feedback.

I'm such a lemming. Initial votes for 300 were persuasive but recent posts have me leaning back toward H.F. (Probably can't go wrong either way?)
If I could I would get both. If I had to get one had full retail and wait for the other to be cheaper, I would get 300 first.
[quote name='BattleChicken']I can't even find Hot Fuzz.. friggin sold out everywhere *grumble* (in widescreen)[/QUOTE]

I was considering getting HF and Shaun of the Dead at BB for $20, but SotD is sold out everywhere; HF still available here.

Looks like special eds of 300 also disappearing! By the time I make a decision likely won't be anything left.

And now the pendulum's swung back in 300's favor!
I thought 300 was pretty bad. Terrible script/acting and cliches abound but moreso I thought it looked like "wow, everything is CGI" ala the new starwars. For me, it's too distracting. Everything was on a tiny set and the scope felt very claustrophobic and, I felt, cheap. For the record, I love pulp stories and violent fantasty in general (eg. Excalibur, Conan, Braveheart). Those all seemed tangible and more real. 300 played out like a bad comic book.

I didn't like Sin City either.
I had this choice yesterday, and I went with Hot Fuzz, but I am a huge Pegg/Frost Fan.

The 2 for $20 at BB for hot fuzz and shaun of the dead is a great deal.
Dang, it's a draw! Either they're both great as some suggest or it's a love/hate thing. (Too bad I don't have the cash for both.)
If you knew that you like 300, I would say get that because of the special edition with the helmet. But since you don't know whether you like either I have to go with my favorite, Hot Fuzz. Shawn of the Dead was spoiled for me by a roommate who watched it almost everyday until I just got sick of it and he moved out. Hot Fuzz was really good in theatres. I'm not really a fan of comedies but Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg know how to write comedy scripts.

Also I might be a little bit biased since I've been told I'm in one of the theatre crowds in the special features.

Another point: I'm not buying either since 300 wasn't very good and Hot Fuzz is too damn expensive (I'm cheap when it comes to dvds).
Thanks, phreak. Too bad about Shaun of the Dead; the BB buy 2 for $20 deal is pretty good otherwise, for us frugal souls.
I ordered the hd version of Hot Fuzz from #17.94 after google checkout discount.

I've got the HD DVD Version of 300 coming from netflix, I want to watch it first, before I decide to purchase it.
I'm a big fan of Pegg/Frost. I loved SotD and Spaced, but I didn't care for Hot Fuzz. Just (re)watched them at work -- with a group of Pegg/Frost enthusiasts -- and that was the unanimous opinion with one dissention.

As for the dissenter, she watched Hot Fuzz in the theatre. So it may have lost something in the transition to the small screen. If that's true, then I doubly cannot recommend Hot Fuzz.

I thought 300 was incredible. The choice would be easy for me. :)
300 was just too "gay porn" for me. I like the book but the conversion to film didnt work like it did in Sin City. While Hot Fuzz wasnt as good to me as Shaun of the Dead, I had to get it. Whats up with both the big releases this week fucking up the availibilty?
honestly, I thought Hot Fuzz was pretty stupid and Shaun of the Dead was no better...

so personally I would much rather get 300
i would say that it also depends on what you're watching the film on. if it's a smaller television, i think the comedy of hot fuzz plays out better than 300. if you have a larger projection/flat panel, the action/spectacle of 300 adds to the experience. now, i wouldn't base the decision SOLELY on this, but i do believe this does make a difference. since i assume you will get one now and wait to get the other later if/when it goes on sale, i would say get hot fuzz now, get 300 later.

as for comparing the quality of the films, yes, it's difficult because they are from different genres, but i would probably choose hot fuzz. it was funny, it is a movie you can leave on in the background, watch anytime. for me, i think 300 is a film you have to be in a certain mood to see.

still, i got both. when it came down it, i couldn't make the choice to get only one ;) but if price is a factor, i'd go with 300 now. it's $13.99 at several stores, whereas the lowest i've seen hot fuzz is around $16.99 unless u get that best buy 2/$20 deal. in a few months, both will probably be available for $9.99 or as part of their own 2/$20 deal, but to save money now, 300 would be cheaper.
Thanks for all the new posts. HF holds a narrow 11 to 9 edge for those keeping score at home.

shyguy, appreciate that analysis. I think I have a 32 in. LCD flat screen. I think either would look nice, though am curious to see 300's imagery.

That said, I agree that HF might be better in so far as it works on multiple levels, i.e. as a cop movie and a comedy (from what I hear).

coltcannon, you're right. It's rare DVDs sell out upon release; but two at the same time (3 if you count the Shaun of the Dead/HF deal), that's insane.

Thankfully, looks like local stores are restocking if online updates are any indication.
Hot Fuzz.

Personally I found that 300 wasn't bad, but it's way over hyped. I watched it once, then fell asleep the second time I tried.

Hot Fuzz is just great laughs over and over. It's pretty much a tribute to studio action movies, but with the Shaun of the Dead humor.
[quote name='probablysober']I picked up Hot Fuzz last night on DVD. It was enjoyable. Either something is odd with my cdvd player or the subtitle files are a bit off. In certain scenes they seemed delayed then just shot by really fast.

I'm personally holding off on getting 300 until I upgrade to HD though.[/QUOTE]
I noticed that too and I had rented it. They would be talking and no subs then all of a sudden the subs were playing catch-up.
Well best buy has it this week if you buy Hot Fuzz you get Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz for 20$. Tough call, I say get both. 300 only 13.99 at circuit City.
Buy Hot Fuzz if you wanna laugh, buy 300 if u wanna see violence.

Hot Fuzz's main draw is the comedy...if you like british comedies...then go for it.

300's main draw is the action and special effects...if you like lots of action or just like showing off your HD setup...then go for it instead.
i say in a few months there will probably another release of 300 so get hot fuzz now and maybe just borrow 300 from someone..
[quote name='veedubkid']I noticed that too and I had rented it. They would be talking and no subs then all of a sudden the subs were playing catch-up.[/QUOTE]

That's disturbing. We usually have subtitles so we don't miss any dialog, especially as British accents can be formidable. How often is that a problem with HF (or SotD for that matter)?

Well, HF maintains an advantage, 13 to 11, though many of you suggest both. Granted, they're not overly expensive but I am on a budget, so just one for me.

Yeah, h.cornerstone, BB deal is best, provided one can find both at the store.

Speaking of, I was premature: Looks like as soon as stores (esp. BB) can restock with HF, SotD or 300, they sell out again.
If budget reasons are keeping you from getting both I'd get 300 now and Hot Fuzz later. 300 has a decent sale price everywhere this week while Hot Fuzz is on the expensive side now and something I predict will be at the $10 point in the not too distant future.
[quote name='SteelWill']If budget reasons are keeping you from getting both I'd get 300 now and Hot Fuzz later. 300 has a decent sale price everywhere this week while Hot Fuzz is on the expensive side now and something I predict will be at the $10 point in the not too distant future.[/QUOTE]
It's already been said. You can get Hot Fuzz and Shaun of The Dead for $20. That is pretty damn cheap to me for a DVD that just came out.
I would say 300, but I'm very partial to kicking people in the chest. If you were turned off by the gore of Sin City, then you'll want to go with Hot Fuzz. Not that 300 has alot of gore but its very graphic.
[quote name='gigantor1313']I would say 300, but I'm very partial to kicking people in the chest. If you were turned off by the gore of Sin City, then you'll want to go with Hot Fuzz. Not that 300 has alot of gore but its very graphic.[/QUOTE]

The thing with the gore is I don't mind it if it seems integral to the story. So I'm bothered less with multiple decapitations and impalements when it's a war movie, for instance, than something else, even a grisly crime drama.

Thanks folks, for the other comments too. (Votes now in favor of 300 14 to 13.) I agree 300 will likely hold its value longer as comedies tend to sell less well, though HF seems to be flying off the shelves just as fast.

Problem is, if I get 300 I'm tempted to get the 2 disc version as it's a very visual film and I'd like to see how they gave it its distinctive look (though I could get the $15 BB single disc for $10 with my RZ coupon).
300 was shit.

Horrible, cliched dialog. Ham-fisted morals. Way too much boring slow-mo fighting.

An utter disappointment after Sin City and IMO just about everything good about this movie is in the trailer.
I'd say Hot Fuzz. Movies like HF get better with every watch. It's especially good if you are a fan of action moves such as Point Break and Bad Boys 2, since there are a lot of in-jokes related to those movies.

Go with 300 if you absolutely love sweaty men in tiny red briefs wearing capes.
bread's done