Hour Of Victory Demo out Now

I can't believe that they actually paid to develop this game. There's wayyyyyyyyy to much competition out there in this genre. I got sick of it after I tried going up against the Tanks and got blasted easily. Bad, bad game.
[quote name='mvp828'] Looks like it should be on PS1. Deleted immediately after playing for 5 mins.[/QUOTE]
dont be a fuckin retard.
Well... there wasn't really anything wrong with this game but shit your about 10 yrs. behind. This isn't next gen caliber either.
Like most, I was quite disappointed with the demo. For a game "powered by Unreal Technology" it sure looked crummy. But graphics aside, the gameplay wasn't anything special to me, at least so far. I found it funny that when I played as the sniper, I spent most of the time just running up to bad guys and shooting them, versus hiding on a roof and, oh I don't know, sniping people? :cool:

I hope the retail version's gameplay is a lot more interesting than the demo. I can deal with lame graphics if the gameplay is fun.
Finally got the demo of this today. It got deleted shortly after playing it.

How the fuck does a project like this get the green light? Do they not do any market research before some crap like this gets developed? This game plays like a Call of Duty alpha version, and even that is being nice.
I guess I am in the minority because I didn't think it was bad at all. I did have to adjust the sensitivity up, but after that I thought it played and looked just fine. I have had this game preordered for a while & still plan on picking it up.
Ugh, what a terrible game, bad controls, bad AI, bad graphics, bad game. In the 5 minutes I played, all I did was walk up to the enemies and melee them, it was the WORST AI I have seen a long time...

Thanks Midway! But at least it was only a demo. I can't imagine how many sales they are going to lose because of this.
The only thing I could think while playing it was damn I need to play Call of Duty 3 some more. Hour of Victory was definitely a poor man's COD
[quote name='coolsteel']The only thing I could think while playing it was damn I need to play Call of Duty 3 some more[/quote]

That's exactly what I did, and I ended up getting in some sweet 12 on 12 Capture the Flag in Mayenne, it was sick :D
Yea there is no way this game can retail for 59.99. maybe 29.99 starting just maybe.

But they arent getting my money the demo was horrible.
I guess this is a good example of why it's not always a good idea to put out a demo of the game before it's released lol
Anyone else get motion sickness playing this game? I can handle pretty much every other FPS except for this one. After about 10 minutes, I get all teary-eyed.
bread's done