How are you celebrating Christmas break?


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A companion to the Thanksgiving thread- What sort of things are CAGs doing over christmas break? Some of us have gotten out of school/work ahead of others, and others still work right up to Christmas Eve. Despite this, how are you planning on spending time this Christmas?

Myself, I got pulled early from school (we officially let out at 15:10 yesterday) to go up to Breckenridge, Colorado, to stay at the Lodge. It's your general log-cabin type of skiing lodge, but it's a great place- I need not elabourate on the selection of food. (coughostritchcough);) We're staying until friday, after which we're going how to chill over the holiday. I plan on working full-time after christmas in order to bring my bank account back into the black. Damn, this was an expensive season... :bomb:
Opening and closing Costco on christmas eve and then after that racing over to my parents place a half hour away to have fondue at my aunts house then spend christmas together.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Nothing. Atheist. Don't celebrate holidays. Don't care about New Years.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure a good percentage of people who celebrate Christmas are Atheists.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I'm sure a good percentage of people who celebrate Christmas are Atheists.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure a good percentage of atheists celebrate Christmas.. but not the other way around there.

That said, the people that are atheists simply to be non-conformist and feel the need to point out how they're special because they dont believe in God.. they probably find it necessary to not celebrate Christmas.

That said.. I barely remember what Christmas break even is.. I get Christmas 3 day weekend.
not a xmass break, but I do have next week off, and plan on printing wedding invitations, and playing backlog of games, watching the backlog of movies from DDD sale.
Been trying to get some of this damned research data pulled together so that I can graduate in May. Other than that, I'm continuing my cheapass acquisitions, resting, making a short trip home to see the parents for Christmas Eve/Day, and trying to finish several games (Star Ocean, RE:0, etc.)
selling my games for college money, trying to secure a 360, reading, reading, reading, and getting ready to move again.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Hanging with family and having a blast.[/QUOTE]

Having a blast?! Who are you, and what have you done with Saucy?!
[quote name='Tiphireth']Having a blast?! Who are you, and what have you done with Saucy?![/QUOTE]

It's still me. Christmas and New Year's are some of the few times when I generally have a great time.

If you miss the other Saucy, I'll modify my original sentence:

Hanging with my family (who hates me), and having a blast (from a shotgun pointed at my face). Better? :lol: ;)
[quote name='Saucy Jack']It's still me. Christmas and New Year's are some of the few times when I generally have a great time.[/QUOTE]

That's good to hear. :)
[quote name='rabbitt']Staying in my pajamas and playing video games. And lots of Hot Coco.[/QUOTE]

Same here, minus the hot coco. Here in Florida, we drink ice cold Pepsi. :cool:
What break? I work at a grocery store this is the busiest time of the year :(. I do get a week off the begining of January maybe I can actually play some of theese TRU games
Reading and watching DVDs. I bought way too many DVDs from random sales off this site, so now I must watch them. Same with books- I've bought too many. Time to read.
Opening presents :rofl: Also I will be spending time with family and playing videogames. On the 26th I will be taking my wife out for her birthday.
Began vacation for 2 weeks after work let out tuesday, spending these few days buying christmas gifts, and hanging out with friends, playing games, preparing to have the wifes family over for a Christmas part (forgoing traditional fare for a seafood bonanza)will head over to Houston with my wife for a week come this weekend where I will celebrate another birthday, hit after Christma sales with my mother (as per tradition), will head back home before new years and relax a few days, play some of these TRU games I got before heading back to work Jan 4...
The only way a CAG should celebrate, digging through bins of crappy games at TRU in the hopes of finding that last forgotten copy of Tekken 5 :) Seriously I have been gaming, the many excellent game sales have left me with a giant back log of games, which I only made worse by picking up DOA, Pikmin 2, RE4, and Metroid Prime (non players choice !!!!!)
Im going to spend my break working 40+ hours a week, and drinking as much beer inbetween as i can, since i drank almost none during last semester!
Playing my backlog of games and watching my backlog of DVDs and watching the new episodes of Arrested Development, Battlestar Galactica, Scrubs, and The Office.
This weekend I'll be headed home to "celebrate Christmas". After that, I'll try to catch up on my backlog of games over the course of the 2 weeks I'll have left on winter break. My girlfriend does a lot of pet/babysitting and she is especially busy around this time of the year, so I'll also be dealing with a lot of biting dogs and snotty, coughing kids.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Unfortunately I'll be working both Friday and Monday. Christmas on a weekend is sucking.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I don't know where you work, but if they have you working the the Monday after christmas they better be paying you holiday pay. The same goes for working the Monday after New Year's Day. There's a Federal law that states if a holiday that would normally be a day off falls on a Saturday, then you get the prior Friday off. If it falls on a Sunday, you get the following Monday off. If you're an hourly worker you need to get overtime holiday pay, and if you're salary they better be offering comp-time.
[quote name='Rozz']I love how atheists try to point things out like this to make them seem "cool" or "HaRdXkoRez gUYz!!!".

As for Christmas break, I think I'm just gonna do alot of sitting on my ass.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't trying to point anything out or make myself detached from your whole religious holiday group thing, I was just answering the topic question. How am I going to spend it? Well ok, I won't be celebrating the birth of some so called "prophet" that you morons believe in. Instead, I'll be smoking lots and lots of herb and banging your wife. That's what I'll be doing, if you have a problem with that, please go ahead and make me aware of said problem. Thank you.
I'm home for almost 3 weeks. My boss calls me once a day to tell me how he wishes he could skin me alive for leaving during the busiest time of the year. We don't celebrate Christmas since neither of my parents give me presents; I'm the only giver in the family (oh well). I sit on my ass watching Asian dramas all day because my mom won't let me play my XBOX. When I can't take it anymore, I come out to this internet cafe to hang out on CAG cuz I'm just cool like that.
bread's done