How big is your backlog?


anyone who's been on CAG for more then a month is bound to have developed a backlog, so why not share it?

:360:Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
:360:Battlefield: Bad Company 2
:360:Red Faction: Guerrilla
:360:Tales of Vesperia
:ds:GTA: Chinatown Wars
:ds:Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
:ds:Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations
:wii:No More Heroes 2
:wii:Super Mario Galaxy 2

I also had Super Mario Galaxy sitting on my shelf for almost 2 years before I finally played and beat it last week. the only reason i finally did that was since i already had SMG2 pre ordered.
There's at least 100+ games in mine, no point in listing them all. I'm sure there are plenty others here in the same boat after seeing a lot of the posted collections.
Recent consoles (Wii and PS3), around 62. DS around 15. Going older than that and you can tack on another 100 games probably. My collection and resulting backlog is quite big. And I'd have more on PSN if it was working right now.
My backlog is probably 400-500 games at this point. Then again, I've been a member here for... waaay too long.

Also, that's what happens when you start buying cheap games for systems you don't own with the expectation that you'll have them "someday."
[quote name='waxHead']My backlog is probably 400-500 games at this point. Then again, I've been a member here for... waaay too long.[/QUOTE]

Same ballpark, though maybe a factor of 2 higher.

Over the past 5 years, I have purchased 16 steel cabinets ($250/cabinet) capable of storage for 4,800 DVDs, but 12 of these are being used for anime/DVDs, and only 4 (1,200 DVD-widths) for video games.

However, some games are smaller in volume than a DVD (DS, GBA, collections), and some things are bigger in volume (boxed PC games). I haven't been able to count the number of games since I just moved and everything is in utter chaos (though, finally under the same roof).

I'd estimate I've played 5-10%, so probably somewhere between 600-900 unplayed games. Stocking up for the DRM revolution, cause I'm *so* not on board with that.
Was at nearly 1000 backlog at one point, but sold hundreds and hundreds of games a while back. Actually made more money on most games since I buy everything so cheap. Current backlog of hard copied games is probably only 150 now, with another 150 or so digitally (mostly steam).
[quote name='Gamelore']Same ballpark, though maybe a factor of 2 higher.

Over the past 5 years, I have purchased 16 steel cabinets ($250/cabinet) capable of storage for 4,800 DVDs, but 12 of these are being used for anime/DVDs, and only 4 (1,200 DVD-widths) for video games.

However, some games are smaller in volume than a DVD (DS, GBA, collections), and some things are bigger in volume (boxed PC games). I haven't been able to count the number of games since I just moved and everything is in utter chaos (though, finally under the same roof).

I'd estimate I've played 5-10%, so probably somewhere between 600-900 unplayed games. Stocking up for the DRM revolution, cause I'm *so* not on board with that.[/QUOTE]

I knew that with my post (on CAG of all places), I wasn't going to be the only one with a backlog that large - that said, I'm glad I'm not alone ;)

But... 16 steel cabinets for your games/dvds at $250/cabinet is a LOT of money. I'm guessing these are pretty nice display/locking cabinets? At that price, I would hope so.

I'm also not a fan of the DRM/digital revolution. Although most ppl probably figure that out pretty quickly based on my avatar msg :cool:
I got around 100 to name a few

Shadow of Colossus
Kane&Lynch: Dead Men
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Call of Juarez: Bound of Blood
Saints Row 2
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Ton of Dreamcast games (Outtrigger, Super Magnetic Neo, Silent Scope, Zombie Revenge, and much more)
Road Trip (PS2)
Oni (PS2)
Lego Batman, Star Wars 2, and Indianna Jones
ive got about 200. when i think about all of the games i have that i havent touched yet, i get kind of embarassed thinking about all that wasted money. then when i think about how many people like me there are... WTF is wrong with us?! all that wasted money.... we'll never get around to catchiing up on our backlog... sad, so sad
lol jeez, i thought i was starting to save up too many games, but i guess i can get a few hundred and still be a small timer.

actually i use the shelf/drawers where i keep my games as a restriction to letting my backlog to get to big. currently i only have space for one more 360 game, at which point ill have to start getting rid of some of the lesser games.
[quote name='waxHead']I knew that with my post (on CAG of all places), I wasn't going to be the only one with a backlog that large - that said, I'm glad I'm not alone ;)

But... 16 steel cabinets for your games/dvds at $250/cabinet is a LOT of money. I'm guessing these are pretty nice display/locking cabinets? At that price, I would hope so.

I'm also not a fan of the DRM/digital revolution. Although most ppl probably figure that out pretty quickly based on my avatar msg :cool:[/QUOTE]

They're locking, stacking media cabinets similar to Safco A/V microform cabinets, but unfortunately only 80% the density (DVDs/volume):

In 2006, I had more disposable income, so did months of research, comparing 39 different products to find the optimal storage solution for boxed DVDs. I eventually learned it had to have shelves that translate outward, rather than rotate or remain static. For dense packing, rotational shelving just wastes more space around the hinges no matter how you look at it, and simply packing layers of discs into static shelves forces you to dig through layers to see what's behind, and it collects dust and is less secure. I was tempted to just go with plain old shelving with a glass door, but I couldn't find any with the DVD density I wanted, due to space constraints. Glass looks cool, but also costs more per DVD stored.

Ironically, I spent so much on media itself, I haven't been able to buy a nice TV or a receiver. I plug/unplug systems as needed using component cables on my crappy, dying non-HDMI TV. I'm thinking of buying a projector soon.
[quote name='waxHead']I knew that with my post (on CAG of all places), I wasn't going to be the only one with a backlog that large - that said, I'm glad I'm not alone ;)

But... 16 steel cabinets for your games/dvds at $250/cabinet is a LOT of money. I'm guessing these are pretty nice display/locking cabinets? At that price, I would hope so.

I'm also not a fan of the DRM/digital revolution. Although most ppl probably figure that out pretty quickly based on my avatar msg :cool:[/QUOTE]

The DRM revolution bit conjures up images in my mind of Roland taking his laptop with the universal D&D game creator into the mountain bunker before the nuke exchange--this is from the book Swan Song for those who don't know. :D

I don't think my backlog could be much worse than 50-100 titles. I go through periodic purging cycles, especially targeting games with awkward play mechanics or sucky stories. It's bad enough when I have games like Final Fantasy 9 and Valkyrie Profile--which I have beaten, but haven't gotten the best endings *shakes fist*--but on top of that there's games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Arcanum which I want to go back to and try out different character / stat configurations.
[quote name='psychobuck']ive got about 200. when i think about all of the games i have that i havent touched yet, i get kind of embarassed thinking about all that wasted money. then when i think about how many people like me there are... WTF is wrong with us?! all that wasted money.... we'll never get around to catchiing up on our backlog... sad, so sad[/QUOTE]

You won't be saying "its sad" if something were to happen to your entertainment budget, and suddenly found yourself with lots of time and very little cash.

Years ago I was hit with a double whammy: illness and unemployment. You can bet that I burned through every unplayed GC and PS2 game I had at the time (plus caught up on alot of reading), and stopped feeling guilty about my backlog.
Wow, I just can't fathom having 100+ unplayed games just sitting in my room collecting dust. Not to mention all of the money wasted...

Anyways, only 4 so far...well 5 if you count an expansion:

Dragon Age - I've only put in 5 hours into it so far. I bought along with Awakening a while ago, and that's still in the wrapper.

3D Dot Game Heroes - Stopped playing it once Red Dead came out

No More Heroes 1 and 2 - Still about halfway through the first. Second one is still in the wrapper.
[quote name='Spacepest']You won't be saying "its sad" if something were to happen to your entertainment budget, and suddenly found yourself with lots of time and very little cash.

Years ago I was hit with a double whammy: illness and unemployment. You can bet that I burned through every unplayed GC and PS2 game I had at the time (plus caught up on alot of reading), and stopped feeling guilty about my backlog.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, exactly. I have no time for them now, but when I actually do have time, I can consume games really fast. Sometimes I dream of being unemployed again :)

I always hated looking at my collection of games and, when company comes over, not being in the mood for any of them. Or they're not 2-player coop. Or they're not casual. Or they're too casual. With a huge collection, I'm bound to be up for something -- or else I'd bring out a board game.

I estimate about 20% of games I buy end up sucking, and I'm all for selling crap like that (City Connection, Fatal Rewind, Alien 3, half of my PS1 and PS2 games). I eventually will sell those, but one of my biggest regrets as a kid was selling almost all my NES games to buy a Genesis. I don't want to repeat that!
This thread makes me wanna cry. My backlog is basically 5 PS3 games because ive traded in alot that ive beaten. But...Some of you guys have 500+ games?!!? DAMN i wish i was as rich as you guys! :(. Got GS credit saved up though, waiting for....a certain sale.
Finish Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Persona 4
Uncharted 2
God of War 3
Demon's Souls
Fallout 3
Brutal Legend
Prince of Persia Prologue (bought from the recent sale)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Monster Hunter Tri
Sakura Wars
Zelda Spirit Tracks


If I count finishing MP2 and PoP Prologue as half a game each, that's 16. Which intimidates me, but apparently is nothing compared to most backlogs. I also have Little King's Story unfinished, but I'm abandoning that. Not a bad game, but I just don't feel like ever playing it again.
Holy Shiiiiit at some of these backlogs, mine is at 12

The Orange Box
Devil May Cry 4
Dead Space
The Saboteur
Prince of Persia
Far Cry 2
Dark Sector
Condemned 2
Too many to even list, but hey I love my hobby and I play what I can with the time I have, got a wife and three kids so time is not easy to come by. I have finally started Shadow of the Colossus and am enjoying it, and I just finished Uncharted 2 which was good but a little long for me.
i've played all my games, but i havn't beeten all of them, i plan to go back and finish them over the summer. i don't know if that counts as a backlog, but i don't really know what a backlog is in the firstplace
I don't bother trying to figure out my gaming backlog... I'd prefer not to know, and I don't want to have to deal with the 'does this count' factor. Example: my SNES was given to me by a friend with all her old games. It included things like The Lion King and Buster Bunny Busts Loose- games I'm not interested in, but have no resale value to make getting rid of them worthwhile. Does that count as backlog?

Here's what I tell myself: first, my work hours change seasonally, so the warmer it gets the more free time I'll have. Couple that with less new games I want coming out, and those games being 'shorter' than older ones, and I'll catch up eventually. Secondly, it's not just my collection- it's my lending library for friends who are stuck in unemployed limbo. I picked up Infinite Undiscovery for 5 bucks at Game Crazy last November. I had it less than a day before it headed off to my fiance and his (currently not working)brother. I didn't see it for 3 months. I'm perfectly happy being able to let the folks I care about enjoy some games they couldn't otherwise.
Probably 100? I've got about 20 on PS3, 10 on PSP, 5 on Wii, 6-10 PS1 and around 50 on PC (Thanks Steam sales, grrr)

Stupid addiction..
[quote name='Denzalo']Probably 100? I've got about 20 on PS3, 10 on PSP, 5 on Wii, 6-10 PS1 and around 50 on PC (Thanks Steam sales, grrr)

Stupid addiction..[/QUOTE]

Mine's probably at 100 with this gen... there's the past gen backlog too
[quote name='psychobuck']ive got about 200. when i think about all of the games i have that i havent touched yet, i get kind of embarassed thinking about all that wasted money. then when i think about how many people like me there are... WTF is wrong with us?! all that wasted money.... we'll never get around to catchiing up on our backlog... sad, so sad[/QUOTE]

indeed we are sad, but this is what makes us happy?!?!?!;) I HAVE CRATES OF UNOPENED games that will someday end up in a landfill.:bomb: If my neighbors only knew who really lived next door.:cool: If i told you you guys I have a couple thousand games that are still sealed, I would’nt be lying.
i have around 60+ games for 360 in my backlog and well over 100 for last gen i know i might never get around to them, but i look at it like this i dont smoke, i dont drink, i just buy games and have an amazing collection my 2 yr old son will be amazed by in a 5 years lol
I'm not sure but probably around 100-200 or so of the games I own.

When I see a good deal I jump on it, so I end up buying allot of games for very cheap so thats why it happens.
2 games. It'll be less once I sell them. Don't get me wrong. Video games are awesome, but I just can't spend the time on them like I used to. I really want to play through Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata, but I think I might just get rid of them since I know they will tie up a lot of my time.
[quote name='DuelLadyS'] Secondly, it's not just my collection- it's my lending library for friends who are stuck in unemployed limbo. I picked up Infinite Undiscovery for 5 bucks at Game Crazy last November. I had it less than a day before it headed off to my fiance and his (currently not working)brother. I didn't see it for 3 months. I'm perfectly happy being able to let the folks I care about enjoy some games they couldn't otherwise.[/QUOTE]

That's awesome!

I also should have added-some of the games in my backlog are items I've picked up that I plan on giving away as gifts to people, or multiplayer titles I plan on busting out when visitors come over. But in that case, if its an unopened game that's intended for a gift, does it count as part of your backlog? Hmmm.
Unfortunately growing.....but still relatively small. I'm about to finish Titan Quest, which I've had for years but couldn't ever sit through without getting bored to tears.

Fallout 3 GOTY
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Zelda: Spirit Tracks
WH40K: Dawn of War 2 Gold
Rock Band 2
God of War 2 (just finished the first one on the collection)
I have unfinished games, but my backlog is zero. After being a CAG for almost 7 years I have learned that unplayed games at any price is money wasted. I now have less than 20 games covering all the next gen platforms and I couldn't be happier.
I always buy systems a year or two after they come out, so I'm always late to play older games, but I buy them for $20 or less...

18 ps3 backlog
40 360 backlog
15 Wii backlog
20+ DS backlog
15+ PSP backlog
40+ PS2 backlog
2 XBOX backlog
10 Gamecube backlog
4 N64 backlog
7 GB Advance backlog
8 Sega DC backlog
15+ Original Nintendo Backlog (my system broke, so when I repaired i also got a super nintendo)
5+ GB and GB color backlog
25+ PC game backlog (though some are shorter/episode type games)
20+ Downloaded games backlog between all my consoles
Durin' Dec 2007, I found so many sales goin' on here that I was buyin' games just because they were cheap and saw myself goin' down the road of havin' a big backlog if I let it get that far. I had bought a PS3 the month before too so I was gettin' PS3 and PS2 games.

By the summer of 2008, I was like fuck this. If I know I'm not gonna play the shit, there's no sense in keepin' them. GS had a big sale (perfect timin'!) so I dumped a lot of games I had recently bought and got the credit. I also got to toss games I was never gonna touch again as well, so I got to cut a lot of fat out of my collection.

Fast forward to now, my backlog is only six PS3 games. I'm extremely picky with what I buy these days. And I'm not buyin' any new games until the ones I have are finished.
My backlog:

Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
Dual Hearts
Infinite Space
Pokemon Soul Silver
Pokemon Emerald
Wild Arms
Wild Arms 2
Tales of Destiny 2 (PS1)
Brave Fencer Musashi
Luminous Arc 2
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Riviera (GBA)
[quote name='Meremare']My backlog:

Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
Dual Hearts
Infinite Space
Pokemon Soul Silver
Pokemon Emerald
Wild Arms
Wild Arms 2
Tales of Destiny 2 (PS1)
Brave Fencer Musashi
Luminous Arc 2
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Riviera (GBA)[/QUOTE]

FF Tactics and Wild Arms are must-plays; I never had a bad moment with either of those. Tactics Ogre I dunno, I know the Playstation version had this terrible training mode which you have to use to level up.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']FF Tactics and Wild Arms are must-plays; I never had a bad moment with either of those. Tactics Ogre I dunno, I know the Playstation version had this terrible training mode which you have to use to level up.[/QUOTE]

i played Knights of Lodis on the GBA, and i think it is sitll my favorite RTS game. definitely wish they would make a new tactics ogre game.
bread's done