How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A long short story by billg

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[quote name='hoho-jijo']Good luck and god bless. I keep being stupid and trying CC again and again, and everytime I tell myself never again.[/quote]
too bad they have one of the best deals on clearance games :cry:. i do the same.
That coupon clearly says it does not include video game consoles. I'm pretty sure the DS counts as a console. But I bet you'd have complained about that too.

You should have purchased something else for $15, then returned it and exchanged it for the thumb-drive when they came back in-stock. That way you have would have gotten the clearly marked holiday price.

Also, CC will take orders for out of stock items right up front and e-ship them to your house. That way you get the sale price even if they're out of them.

This looks like a story of lousy consumerism more than lousy business
[quote name='Kraglin1']Also, CC will take orders for out of stock items right up front and e-ship them to your house. That way you get the sale price even if they're out of them.[/quote]
Did the OP know that? Because I didn't know it either. And I assume the managers nor the other helpful associates ever offered him this option.
Interesting. I'm surprised so many people are taking the side of Circuit Shitty in this thread...

OP wasn't unreasonable in his requests. If the employees would've been just a little more empathic to the customer's needs and handled the situation in a professional manner things would not have gone as far as they did.
CC stinks. I can't find any game when I go there; S's are in the B heading, and H under O. How come noone cleans that place out before close? The only games I buy there are for $9.99; probably because they can't sell them at full price since noone can find them.
Just shop elsewhere. That's what I learned. It's just so much easier and sends the same message. Write 'em a letter, but I wouldn't fret that much about a few $$$. It's not about principle. It's about 1 customer being stubborn because who'd want to shop somewhere where the employees have more in common with chimps than with humans. (Sorry chimps.)

Plus using what is in effect a 20% coupon on items that are on sale and on videogame consoles is against their policy anyway.

That being said I had a bad experience too. I ordered a tv online at a great price. The only store that had it was 100 miles away. Well I waffled about going to pick it up a bit then I called the store to check if they had it. I didn't get a confident answer. So my waffling won out and I neglected to pick it up. The website says orders not picked up in 14 days are canceled. So I just left it to the system to cancel my order. Big mistake.

Well (to shorten a long story with similar details to the OPs) 3 or 4 weeks later the charge for the TV is on my credit card as of the day I ordered it online. And man I got the run around for trying to reverse that charge. I called 1800TheShty and went to my local store and called the store 100 miles away and called 1800TheShty again and then the store 100 miles away again. And I finally got a guy that said he'll look into it, but it's late Friday and I'll have to wait until Monday. Argh!!!! I spent 45 minutes at my local store too waiting for clerks and managers to help me out. All that got me was 1-800-TheShty.

The next day I called my credit card company and my faith in humanity was restored. The girl said she would reverse the charge immediately and see where that gets us. If CC didn't have proof I picked up the TV then they couldn't do anything about it. Thank you Chase. F CC. I stlll go there because they opened up a store really close to me, but Best Buy just opened up a few days as well across the street. They both suck tho actually and I only shop there out of immediate gratification needs.
[quote name='Brian9824']For the thousandth time why can't people grasp that the price on the website and the price in store are NOT the same. Stores do not price match the prices of special sales and that includes sales like black friday ones.

I'm glad he didn't get the DS. It will teach him to read the damn ad next time before he goes.[/QUOTE]

I call bull. If he had ordered online and chose instore pickup, he would have gotten it for the webprice in the store. Not to mention, when something is web exclusive it says web only. Case in point, I ordered Big Love from today because it was 60% off. When I looked closely at it, in store pickup was not allowed, and it said web only. If CC had intended it to be web only, it should have said web only, and not allowed for in-store pickup.
Very well written and somewhat interesting read. I hope it works out for you, all of us have had similar encounters i'm sure.

My quick CC problem was for Gears Of War CE. I had a 15% off coupon from game pro that was good for the game. It was a official CC coupon. Well they offered a faceplate if anyone can remember. So when I went to use the coupon the guy says you can either use the coupon or get the faceplate.... Say What!?! Its your coupon and your offer. Anyways I even went as far as going to the BBB and CC replied to me through them with another FU. So I never got it. It was only like 6 bucks or something but it was the principle.
Its sad really I like to have more options than BB or fry's but CC is terrible. I have been to a half dozen or so different ones and there all the same. No service, no registers its very hard to find anything on sale. They wont be around for too much longer. Maybe another 5 years.
i also personally hate circuit city. this is a great story, made my day with all of the laughs. but i am wondering, where did this happen, where is store 700?
Best Buy is always great for me, but I've run into nothing but trouble at Circuit City. But I know better and don't bother shopping there, a bit of common sense can go a long way.
Some of what went on, I can see why you were frustrated. The rest of it, being a former Circuit City employee and TRU employee I can say is out of their hands. For example, the inventory issue, sometimes what happens is that things are indicated as being in stock when in fact they're still in the truck of delivery for that day, or in totes waiting to be put on the floor. Some of those may have actually been in the manager's office on their desk for their own purchase or another employee for that matter, the rest may have been stolen. It's bad luck, but I guarantee you that no retailer no matter how large or small never has 100% accurate inventory. It's bad luck, but maybe instead of trying to get the most exact item, you should instead have said, "what do you have that's comparable?" You seem like a reasonable person, but you've got to understand that they probably had 300 other people like you wanting every other Black Friday deal in the ad after the fact, too.

I know you feel like you're right, and you are in the matter that they treated you improperly in terms of customer service. As much as they seemed to try and be flexible (later anyway) you should have tried as well. I'm not trying to defend what they did or what you did, I could care less about Circuit and the only times I've gone back were when I wanted the hook up from an old manager buddy.

Sometimes, you've got to just face the fact that retail can't always be accomodating, they try sometimes, but they can't always do it. Mind you these guys sucked, but instead of leaving the store the first time to try and get stuff done the next day, you should've known better. Especially knowing that Black Friday deals are just that and that a deal on Saturday WON'T be good on Sunday, as a CAG veteran you should know that. Taking this to the BBB won't do anything for your plight nor will anyone beyond the DM.

Good luck getting what you wanted.
we all know by now that dealing with any major chain, CC in particular, can be an exercise in ridiculousness - no matter how seemingly sane a situation may seem.

to choose that particular weekend to rely on the combination of CCs award winning online/telephone/B&M expertise and ingenuity is an ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK scenario if i ever saw one.

having a set list of items one MUST HAVE no matter what the likelihood that life is not perfect and perhaps lowering ones expectations in advance is always a useful tactic are considerations to scribble in ones diary after the tears have dried.

i suggest a stop in the tampon aisle on your next visit before you make any further transactions with CC - i know it will at the very least help with the mess.

release the hounds!
This reminds me something thats been bothering me for a while though. Whats the point of having a way to check online if something is in stock if its not going to be maintained? I'm not talking about up to the minute mind you. Example, I was looking for a used VGA cable for my 360. I used GS in stock indicator, and called/checked about 6 stores in my area that said it had it in stock and none did. Keep in mind this was over the course of 3 days, yet the in stock indicator never changed.
i agree with redeema, you cant expect to always get everything you want when you are dealing with these companies, just compromise, let it go.

unfortunately things like this happen, sometimes its not even the employees fault.
There’s no such thing as customer service anymore. Every employee in a retail store is a shark and the customers are the chum. I once tried to get a part time job in best buy's computer department when I was going to college part time.

The manager all but told me that they don't care what you know about their products, they just want someone who can sell shit. You know how most retail stores talk about their "knowledgeable and helpful staff?" That’s bullshit.

They like people who keep the store's profits as high as possible, screw customer satisfaction, there’s profit at stake!
I HATE CC!!! I remember when I bought my LCD/HDTV, I asked the TV "specialist" AND the Computer "LEAD" what cable I need to connect my laptop to my new LCD screen.

...both of them said it's impossible.


wow how did this get onto the front page? I agree with Iamthecheapestgamer and others - billg you were creating your own aggrevation for the most part. The phone shouldn't have said they were closed, but considering it's black friday and how busy it can get I'd cut them some slack.

Wanting them to lower a price for a special item that's raising money for charity is kind of low.

Trying to get the $140 price on the DS on Sunday which was a 6 hour special according to the paper and which now the computers weren't ringing up is moot.

However Dragon Master's Mario Galaxy situation seems to be worth talking about. They shouldn't be able to do that. I would've probably argued with them if I had waited that long in line and made them give me a rain check.

I do think CC hires some of the laziest people on the planet. No one ever seems to be working the register.
I really don't get why you are so mad. They won't lower the price on the stick because part of the profits go to some charity. Someone stole or memory sticks were mis shipped. You did not get someone on the phone on Black Friday.

All of these are rediculious reasons to go on a huge rant and I can not believe this got on the front page of Cheapassgamer.

Is that really why you are so mad? I find it funny how you say they have bad customer service when they chose not to give you a memory stick at a much lower price than advertised.
Interesting read. It definitely could be printed in a mgazine or something. One Man's journey for truth, justice, and a thumb drive!

I don't think I'd be able to boycott CC though. Especially after my BF purchases. All in all, about $400 was saved on a TV, some 007 box sets, some DVDs, a couple of games, and a 2GB SD card. Granted, like always, it took longer than it should to find most of those things. But it makes me realize how two faced CC is. There are times when they seem to be customer friendly with sales, organization and service, but other times, it doesn't seem like they give a fuck what about anything. And I think this could and should be fixed by putting in a good set of rules and regulations, or by enforcing the ones they have. I'm not going to say that I want CC gone because if they fold, Best Buy's biggest rival is gone. Then BB can fall into the same pit of not caring that CC is in.
[quote name='jza1218']I call bull. If he had ordered online and chose instore pickup, he would have gotten it for the webprice in the store. Not to mention, when something is web exclusive it says web only. Case in point, I ordered Big Love from today because it was 60% off. When I looked closely at it, in store pickup was not allowed, and it said web only. If CC had intended it to be web only, it should have said web only, and not allowed for in-store pickup.[/quote]

Like I said pick-up has nothing to do with actually buying an item. It's just an alternative to shipping. There's no reason that a web special should have to apply to items in store, and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get in-store pick-up if you order a web special product.
Please tell me where store # 700 is because 1) I want to make sure I don't shop there, and 2) I want go to that store one last time, call every employee an expletive which in turn would guarantee that I'm never allowed in the store.

But seriously speaking, you should refer to CC's recent SEC filings. It's the easiest way to gather the contact information of the company's current executives and Board of Directors. Send them this your complete post. Here's two links to help:

You're doing the right thing. To share a short story of my own, about a decade ago I had an issue at an Electronic Boutique (aka EB Games) in surburban Chicago. Somehow that same day, I was able to locate thru the internet and phone their Regional Director in Houston. He was obviously resistanted until I stop being nice and asked him a very blunt but simple question: How the hell did you get your job when you're too incompetent to even realize that I found you on my own and if you don't resolve this issue right now, that I will make sure your boss and that person's boss resolve this at your expense? Granted, he was very insulted by my question and let me know in no uncertain terms. So I simply stated that you may take it personal but this is business, I was right, and he had no other alternative unless he was willing to take a hit to his corporate and professional reputation. Needless to say, I went back to the store the same day and with the director's approval (willing or not), had my issue resolved.

Hey, sometimes you just have to apologize upfront and then recite the Riot Act to get people's attention. Good luck and as long as you keep your cool, you WILL win!
CC just keeps proving they are a joke. The last time I tried to buy something there, they were OOS and I had to PM.
I didn't read through all 20 pages of this thread, but I gotta say to the OP, damn you're a fuckin bitch!

Look man, the black drive for $15 was the one that was on sale. That's why they had so many purple ones and no black ones. Sure you use the whole "I checked online to see if it was in stock" thing to make it look like you're in the right, but come on, give me a break. We all know that online shit never works right.

And we all know that corporate places aren't going to price match similar items if the one you wanted is out of stock, so quit your bitching.
These employees are paid way less than CC used to pay so I understand why they don't care. They don't have any motivation to go above and beyond for anyone anymore.

Also, expecting a flawless shopping experience the weekend after Black Friday is crazy. They probably didn't have those thumb drives because they were stolen because Black Friday is also notorious for being the highest theft day for retail.

This whole story was a waste of my time to read.

I don't shop at CC and won't but stupid rants like this one don't make me not shop there, common sense does.
billg, you are a douche. So a store screwed up on Friday, and you didn't get a product you wanted. You write a %$*!ing term paper on the experience, and then post names and phone numbers, and ask that other people join you in a complaint campaign? Are you kidding? Do something legitmate with your creative writing skills, otherwise you're going to lead a long and miserable life making every inconvenience into a criminal trial.
[quote name='CYRiX']Why don't you just do it the CAG way and leave the first time when you see they don't have that thumb drive? I like how your complaining about poor customer service but on the other hand you can just look for other options or just leave.[/quote]

he shouldn't have to look for other options or have to leave
[quote name='Simon D I']I HATE CC!!! I remember when I bought my LCD/HDTV, I asked the TV "specialist" AND the Computer "LEAD" what cable I need to connect my laptop to my new LCD screen.

...both of them said it's impossible.



well...hate to tell you, but unless your PC has a video out or the lcd/hdtv has a VGA in, then you can't do it :|

The tv might not have supported vga in.
I had a similarly frustrating experience with CC. After I made a big enough stink about it, I ended up with a guy on the phone much like Brittany. Dude offered me a $20 gift certificate (my problem was much smaller than the OP's, wihch makes the $10 offer that much funnier).

I took the $20 as it wasn't worth my time. It was over some penny guides, which had dropped out of their system. They refused to sell for a penny even though that was their last known selling price, and gave me the same runaround - disappearing, having to be tracked down, etc. I really think this might be a CC policy for dealing with customers they don't want to hassle with.
[quote name='bomber991']Sure you use the whole "I checked online to see if it was in stock" thing to make it look like you're in the right, but come on, give me a break. We all know that online shit never works right.[/QUOTE]
That's the real problem, in a nutshell, right there. That something doesn't work right, and you SHOULD EXPECT IT. I can't directly testify to what makes any country or business successful, but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that attitude isn't it.
[quote name='jza1218']This reminds me something thats been bothering me for a while though. Whats the point of having a way to check online if something is in stock if its not going to be maintained? I'm not talking about up to the minute mind you. Example, I was looking for a used VGA cable for my 360. I used GS in stock indicator, and called/checked about 6 stores in my area that said it had it in stock and none did. Keep in mind this was over the course of 3 days, yet the in stock indicator never changed.[/QUOTE]
Yeah it would be nice if they gave some indication of how accurate their online inventory system is. I guess that could be hard since the store would have to check for thefts etc. but some rough estimate would be nice. We don't expect it to be 100% accurate, but 70-80% accurate would seem reasonable.
[quote name='Redeema']Some of what went on, I can see why you were frustrated. The rest of it, being a former Circuit City employee and TRU employee I can say is out of their hands. For example, the inventory issue, sometimes what happens is that things are indicated as being in stock when in fact they're still in the truck of delivery for that day, or in totes waiting to be put on the floor. Some of those may have actually been in the manager's office on their desk for their own purchase or another employee for that matter, the rest may have been stolen. It's bad luck, but I guarantee you that no retailer no matter how large or small never has 100% accurate inventory. It's bad luck, but maybe instead of trying to get the most exact item, you should instead have said, "what do you have that's comparable?" You seem like a reasonable person, but you've got to understand that they probably had 300 other people like you wanting every other Black Friday deal in the ad after the fact, too.

I know you feel like you're right, and you are in the matter that they treated you improperly in terms of customer service. As much as they seemed to try and be flexible (later anyway) you should have tried as well. I'm not trying to defend what they did or what you did, I could care less about Circuit and the only times I've gone back were when I wanted the hook up from an old manager buddy.

Sometimes, you've got to just face the fact that retail can't always be accomodating, they try sometimes, but they can't always do it. Mind you these guys sucked, but instead of leaving the store the first time to try and get stuff done the next day, you should've known better. Especially knowing that Black Friday deals are just that and that a deal on Saturday WON'T be good on Sunday, as a CAG veteran you should know that. Taking this to the BBB won't do anything for your plight nor will anyone beyond the DM.

Good luck getting what you wanted.[/quote]

As a TRU employee I must agree with what you said. I can understand the frustration as being a consumer but a lot of things are out of employees/managers hands. Sale ads have footnotes for a reason, stating while supplies last, no rainchecks or times of sales.

You cant exactly just mark down random things to satisfy a customer. Especially when its something that would state we couldnt.
seriously, if I see this on some news tech site or CC is actually retarded enough to give him the items for free........ I am going to ..........
[quote name='ITDEFX']seriously, if I see this on some news tech site or CC is actually retarded enough to give him the items for free........ I am going to ..........[/quote]

I complained and got a $60 gift card. Of course if took numerous calls because the lines mysteriously keep getting disconnected.
[quote name='Simon D I']I HATE CC!!! I remember when I bought my LCD/HDTV, I asked the TV "specialist" AND the Computer "LEAD" what cable I need to connect my laptop to my new LCD screen.

...both of them said it's impossible.



FYI If your LCD/HDTV has an VGA/PC input then that will do the trick since your laptop will have an VGA out on it. Problem solved.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I complained and got a $60 gift card. Of course if took numerous calls because the lines mysteriously keep getting disconnected.[/QUOTE]

ok, what did you complain about that eventually got you a 60$ gift card?

wait wait.... was it because the toilets were clogged and you had to take a really bad dump and all the managers said there was nothing they could do about it?!??!?

I am not trying to pick on you, but just saying if they (CC) gives a customer a high amount on a gift card over something that was pretty much his fault, then who knows what anyone can do to complain to get a gift card.
I have always found that with patience I always get the deal I want at CC. I bought the $20 gamer card a few months back for guarenteed 10% off items and it always works great(of coarse the employees always do it manually and generally I benefit) On some deals I've had to wait for the manager to call on the phone but they have always given me my deal. That being said, busiest weekends of the year at a store where the employees work for peanuts, I'd give them a break. Heck maybe they will be nicer now they know you?
I worked at Best Buy and KB Toys for 9 years. The whole not getting someone on the phone during the weekend after thanksgiving should be expected. It is near impossible to anwser the phone during those days as you are being hounded by customers.

The pen drive deal kinda sucks, but realistically if it was sold out (or stolen) then you were rather SOL. I would have not given you the matching discount, and hated people that acted like it was their god given right to get the item, even when it was no rainchecks.

The same with the DS bundle, if the website said it was $139.99 that could be a website only deal. It is not uncommon for B&M stores to have web only deals. It may have been online all day saturday and only a doorbuster in store.

I do think you deserve something for all the drama with customer service though. They should not have purposefully disconnected you. However the times you were disconnected at the store, that stuff happens during the Christmas shopping season. I like the idea of ordering it online and then demanding the $24 GC.
you know I am still scratching my head about the title... maybe it's the dry scalp.

"How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A Long Short Story by Billg"

really? so his Saturday and Sunday were completely ruined and did nothing else but plot how you will get CC to give you something major (like all your items for free) by posting to as many web site forums as you possibly can?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Lulz @ this being posted on Consumerist and the OP getting bashed to hell.[/QUOTE]

oh my fucking god.................... LOLZ

well I am glad Consumerist isn't doing a full story because they know Billg is at fault no matter what the CC employee's or CSR's did.

So where is this update from Billg that he said would happen tonight? Notice how some people are calling it an entertaining or amusing read? In other words IT'S A FREAKING JOKE worth a few good laughs.

Please Billg, all you have is a hand full of cag's supporting you and a shit load of noobs who know shit about the retail industry or customer service, so just give it up. Your Charity story isn't going to help you anymore. I have taught some stupid kids before, but even they aren't dumb enough to waste their time trying this.
Your story is none too different than many others I've heard about Circuit City. People just don't care or even want to think "hey, there just trying to get a deal, lets stick with the customer is right unless there is no logic to there request". Even Best Buy was alot easier to deal with what I would call the "thrifty customer red tape" when it came to the HD DVD player for the 360 ad misprint that many of us took advantage of and got all the dvds and season one of Heroes for free. It's the whole admitting their wrong or have done wrong, that many people just can't do socially or in the workplace. Keep us here on CAG posted of what happens next. Best of luck that your thrifty intentions as a customer prevail over the corporate BS.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']Like I said pick-up has nothing to do with actually buying an item. It's just an alternative to shipping. There's no reason that a web special should have to apply to items in store, and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get in-store pick-up if you order a web special product.[/QUOTE]

But it comes out of that stores stock, not the web's stock, which disproves the two seperate entities theory. And again, if it was a web only special, shouldnt it have said "web only special-not available in store"?

In any event, I've written more about this than I care to. I dislike CC after the whole Xbox Live card thing followed by the Speedy thing.
[quote name='arnoldrimmer']

I think everyone should have to work in retail for at least a year. Then they would be able to see what it's like on slow days when there is only one customer in the store and you are counting the tiles on the floor because there is nothing to do and you just don't notice the person right in front of you. They'd see what it's like to try and take a break when you've already been told you have to and are just heading to the back when a customer stops you with a list of questions a mile long that isn't even your department. They would see what its like when you are already helping someone else and some self-righteous jerk thinks their time is more important than the first person you're helping. They would be able to know what it's like on sale day, especially near the end of it, when your brain feels like it is oozing out of your ear and you chat with a friend for a minute or two since you don't see anyone looking for help and you want to try and keep your sanity. They would understand the feeling when a customer comes up to you and gets upset because something is sold out, as if you had something to do with it.


I decided to add another row

That was too long and unecessarily verbose to be entertaining. I'm a little disppointed in Cheapy for making this front page, actually.
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