How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A long short story by billg

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[quote name='eastx']Antlp, do you need to resurrect our hatred for Billg again?[/QUOTE]

hey man, the thread only went SIX MONTHS without a posting but's never officially dead until about FOUR MONTHS of no posting

He never updated us on what happened AFTER CC called him back (after he bitched and bitched) and offered to let him have the promo even after the promo was way over. Someone said that they think billg tried to use a coupon and was shot down AGAIN so rather than bitch again, he gave up.
[quote name='antlp89']That is freaking ridiculous. Billg, you, my friend, have more patience than anyone that I have ever met. I think I would have killed someone (or at least followed them home, only to exhibit massive pain on their face with a metal baseball bat) if I had to go through half of what you went through. I can't believe you stayed calm the entire time, are you by chance related to Mohandas Gandhi? But seriously, I applaud your determination and fucking willpower man.[/quote]

You're applauding this idiot? Seriously? You gotta be kidding, since more people than not thought this guy was a jerkoff for doing what he did. I mean, he bitched because he couldn't get the promos after the promo period was to have ENDED and he also bitched because they supposedly didn't have some cheapass item in stock and demanded they substitute for another one whose proceeds were going to a charity.

But, some will do ANYTHING for a deal I suppose.
[quote name='Scorch']Why the hell did you bump this?[/QUOTE]

Because its worth the read and highly entertaining....and because I can...
Well he (billg) hasn't posted an update to the original situation nor has he posted about another attempt to scam CC. This thread just needs to be locked already.
OP sounds like a dick with entitlement issues to me. I don't understand why he felt he deserved the price adjustment. I would have asked too, but if the store had said no, then I would have shrugged and consoled myself with the fact that I had at least tried. There is no justifiable reason why it _should_ have been price adjusted. There are plenty of times where the certain items in certain colors are on sale and others are not. Think about the recent Pink/Blue DS deal at certain walmarts for only 69.99. The OP would have been the sort of arrogant sob who went in and demanded that he get the black one at the same place. Seriously, wtf? No one owes you a price adjustment.

As for the fact the black ones weren't in stock to begin with, that's regretable but you're shopping on the busiest shopping day of the year. Did you ever consider that others might have just purchased the items and the computers/website hadn't updated the stock information yet or perhaps that people even had the items without having checked out yet. These were deals on the weekend of black friday. They're going to go pretty farking fast.

Frankly, reading the OP's screed has only convinced me of two things. One, I'm glad I'm not in retail. Two, the OP has way too much frakking time on his hands.

God damnit. I didn't realize it was a bump. I don't usually come into this particular forum. I was just looking for pricegrabber thread updates.
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This reminds me very much of Comp USA! While I never had any issues with Circuit City, Comp USA would treat customers like this on a daily basis. I think they feel they can do that because most people won't take the time like you did to speak up. I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal, but I'm glad you finally got a resolution to everything!
[quote name='gordojones88']I'm gonna go to Circuit City this Black Friday.[/QUOTE]

I also enjoy spending more money than I need to.
Great read! I rememeber going to all the store closing sales a few years ago, never bought a thing, CC was way over priced...
[quote name='farfus']Great read! I rememeber going to all the store closing sales a few years ago, never bought a thing, CC was way over priced...[/QUOTE]

When they started closing stores, anyone that paid attn close enough realized the company running the closeout would mark stuff back up to almost full MSRP and then take a discount leaving stuff priced higher than what it was prior to the closing.

There was one store in Houston that I hit and I wanted to get Crackdown for a friend of mine and even at 75 percent off, the game still rang up at 20.00 when I knew damn good and well it was less than that a few weeks before.
Back in 90 when i was first establishing credit i bought a few things at CC then became pretty much a best buy shopper for a long time. Do 95% of my shopping at amazon now...
I don't agree with the OP but this is funny and well written.

My main point of contention is there there is no guarantee that the website accurately reflects whether items are in-stock at the store. Especially with the likelihood of cheap items being sold out on Black Friday and its following weekend. Since the whole argument is based on that assumption, the whole thing falls apart.

Regardless, if the rest of the story is true and not overly exaggerated, it does show how inept CC was. Don't feel sorry that they are gone now.
[quote name='Will']When they started closing stores, anyone that paid attn close enough realized the company running the closeout would mark stuff back up to almost full MSRP and then take a discount leaving stuff priced higher than what it was prior to the closing.

There was one store in Houston that I hit and I wanted to get Crackdown for a friend of mine and even at 75 percent off, the game still rang up at 20.00 when I knew damn good and well it was less than that a few weeks before.[/QUOTE]
That's how liquidators make their money. They prey on the suckers who see the percentage off signs and think they're getting a deal. Whereas we CAG's know those sales are a sham and the only time to go to them is the last week or two and especially the final day of business, since those last couple of hours of business are when stuff hits 90% off and you can usually buy up 10/$10 on DVD's and such.

Of course by then there's nothing left but movies no one has ever heard of or even wanted to see with actors who are D-list and lower 'stars'.
Hah, interesting read. That reason right there is why CC went out of business. They didn't care about the customer, their CS was abysmal. I had a bad incident with a computer, them selling me two defective ones and when I wanted to get my money back, because it had been two weeks (I bought two computers, one died 10 days later, the other 3 days later), they made me pay 10% of the return cost.

Needless to say, my mom had come in with me at that time because she had purchased it on her credit card (it was for school), and when they wouldn't budge she put on such a show the entire store was staring :lol:
Oh man, I completely forgot about this thread. What a read...:lol: This should be sticky'd though.

As much as everyone hated them, I miss my CC. It was the only B&M place I could ever find anything and their associates knew me well and let me get away with pretty much anything. Plus, their $5 clearance sale was what brought me to CAG.
I work at Home Depot and while our CS isn't that I bad, I symphatise with CC about inventory. Here, our in stock listing stops being accurate the day after inventory is taken. Sometimes it is theft (and returning said items since we don't need a receipt), sometimes a shipment arrives and is never added to the system, and sometimes a product is added automatically even if we don't physically recieve the product. There are also times where the freight employees will put the item somewhere other than where it goes and nobody can find it. I have had times where the computer says that we have 50 of an item but can't find it anywhere and other times where the computer has negative stock and we had tons of the product. And that's not counting the products that are not tracked in the computer at all.
[quote name='eastx']How sad that Billg hasn't been back to CAG in over a year. It's almost as if he didn't feel welcome![/QUOTE]

This thread just brought back horrible memories of working at CC during BF in 06 and 07

Never worked retail again after that place. Couldn't pay me enough to go back to it either!
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